package mage.util.trace; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import mage.MageObject; import mage.abilities.Ability; import mage.abilities.StaticAbility; import mage.abilities.effects.ContinuousEffectsList; import mage.abilities.effects.RestrictionEffect; import mage.abilities.keyword.FlyingAbility; import mage.abilities.keyword.ReachAbility; import mage.abilities.keyword.CantBeBlockedSourceAbility; import mage.constants.Zone; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.UUID; import mage.abilities.keyword.IntimidateAbility; import mage.constants.CardType; /** * @author */ public final class TraceUtil { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TraceUtil.class); /** * This method is intended to catch various bugs with combat. * * One of them (possibly the most annoying) is when creature without flying or reach blocks creature with flying. * No test managed to reproduce it, but it happens in the games time to time and was reported by different players. * * The idea: is to catch such cases manually and print out as much information from game state that may help as possible. * @param game * @param combat */ public static void traceCombatIfNeeded(Game game, Combat combat) { // trace non-flying vs flying for (CombatGroup group : combat.getGroups()) { for (UUID attackerId : group.getAttackers()) { Permanent attacker = game.getPermanent(attackerId); if (attacker != null) { if (hasFlying(attacker)) { // traceCombat(game, attacker, null); for (UUID blockerId : group.getBlockers()) { Permanent blocker = game.getPermanent(blockerId); if (blocker != null && !hasFlying(blocker) && !hasReach(blocker)) { log.warn("Found non-flying non-reach creature blocking creature with flying"); traceCombat(game, attacker, blocker); } } } if (hasIntimidate(attacker)) { for (UUID blockerId : group.getBlockers()) { Permanent blocker = game.getPermanent(blockerId); if (blocker != null && !blocker.isArtifact() && !attacker.getColor(game).shares(blocker.getColor(game))) { log.warn("Found creature with intimidate blocked by non artifact not sharing color creature"); traceCombat(game, attacker, blocker); } } } if (cantBeBlocked(attacker)) { if (!group.getBlockers().isEmpty()) { Permanent blocker = game.getPermanent(group.getBlockers().get(0)); if (blocker != null) { log.warn("Found creature that can't be blocked by some other creature"); traceCombat(game, attacker, blocker); } } } } } } } /** * We need this to check Flying existence in not-common way: by instanceof. * @return */ private static boolean hasFlying(Permanent permanent) { for (Ability ability : permanent.getAbilities()) { if (ability instanceof FlyingAbility) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean hasIntimidate(Permanent permanent) { for (Ability ability : permanent.getAbilities()) { if (ability instanceof IntimidateAbility) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean hasReach(Permanent permanent) { for (Ability ability : permanent.getAbilities()) { if (ability instanceof ReachAbility) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean cantBeBlocked(Permanent permanent) { for (Ability ability : permanent.getAbilities()) { if (ability instanceof CantBeBlockedSourceAbility) { return true; } } return false; } private static void traceCombat(Game game, Permanent attacker, Permanent blocker) { String prefix = "> "; log.error(prefix+"Tracing game state..."); if (blocker != null) { log.error(prefix+blocker.getLogName() + " could block " + attacker.getLogName()); } log.error(prefix); log.error(prefix+"Attacker abilities: "); for (Ability ability : attacker.getAbilities()) { log.error(prefix+" " + ability.toString() + ", id=" + ability.getId()); } if (blocker != null) { log.error(prefix+"Blocker abilities: "); for (Ability ability : blocker.getAbilities()) { log.error(prefix+" " + ability.toString() + ", id=" + ability.getId()); } } log.error(prefix); log.error(prefix+"Flying ability id: " + FlyingAbility.getInstance().getId()); log.error(prefix+"Reach ability id: " + ReachAbility.getInstance().getId()); log.error(prefix+"Intimidate ability id: " + IntimidateAbility.getInstance().getId()); log.error(prefix); log.error(prefix+"Restriction effects:"); log.error(prefix+" Applied to ATTACKER:"); HashMap<RestrictionEffect, HashSet<Ability>> attackerResEffects = game.getContinuousEffects().getApplicableRestrictionEffects(attacker, game); for (Map.Entry<RestrictionEffect, HashSet<Ability>> entry : attackerResEffects.entrySet()) { log.error(prefix+" " + entry.getKey()); log.error(prefix+" id=" + entry.getKey().getId()); for (Ability ability: entry.getValue()) { log.error(prefix+" ability=" + ability); } } log.error(prefix+" Applied to BLOCKER:"); if (blocker != null) { HashMap<RestrictionEffect, HashSet<Ability>> blockerResEffects = game.getContinuousEffects().getApplicableRestrictionEffects(blocker, game); for (Map.Entry<RestrictionEffect, HashSet<Ability>> entry : blockerResEffects.entrySet()) { log.error(prefix+" " + entry.getKey()); log.error(prefix+" id=" + entry.getKey().getId()); for (Ability ability: entry.getValue()) { log.error(prefix+" ability=" + ability); } } } ContinuousEffectsList<RestrictionEffect> restrictionEffects = (ContinuousEffectsList<RestrictionEffect>) game.getContinuousEffects().getRestrictionEffects(); log.error(prefix); log.error(prefix+" List of all restriction effects:"); for (RestrictionEffect effect : restrictionEffects) { log.error(prefix+" " + effect); log.error(prefix+" id=" + effect.getId()); } log.error(prefix); log.error(prefix+" Trace Attacker:"); traceForPermanent(game, attacker, prefix, restrictionEffects); if (blocker != null) { log.error(prefix); log.error(prefix+" Trace Blocker:"); traceForPermanent(game, blocker, prefix, restrictionEffects); } log.error(prefix); } private static void traceForPermanent(Game game, Permanent permanent, String uuid, ContinuousEffectsList<RestrictionEffect> restrictionEffects) { for (RestrictionEffect effect: restrictionEffects) { log.error(uuid+" effect=" + effect.toString() + " id=" + effect.getId()); for (Ability ability : restrictionEffects.getAbility(effect.getId())) { if (!(ability instanceof StaticAbility) || ability.isInUseableZone(game, permanent, null)) { log.error(uuid+" ability=" + ability + ", applies_to_attacker=" + effect.applies(permanent, ability, game)); } else { boolean usable = ability.isInUseableZone(game, permanent, null); log.error(uuid+" instanceof StaticAbility: " + (ability instanceof StaticAbility) + ", ability=" + ability); log.error(uuid+" usable zone: " + usable + ", ability=" + ability); if (!usable) { Zone zone = ability.getZone(); log.error(uuid+" zone: " + zone); MageObject object = game.getObject(ability.getSourceId()); log.error(uuid+" object: " + object); if (object != null) { log.error(uuid + " contains ability: " + object.getAbilities().contains(ability)); } Zone test = game.getState().getZone(ability.getSourceId()); log.error(uuid+" test_zone: " + test); } } } } } public static void trace(String msg) {; } }