package mage.utils; import mage.Mana; import; import; import mage.constants.ColoredManaSymbol; import mage.interfaces.rate.RateCallback; import mage.util.RandomUtil; import java.util.*; /** * Builds deck from provided card pool. * * @author nantuko */ public final class DeckBuilder { private static final int DECK_COUNT40[] = {3, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2}; private static final int DECK_COUNT60[] = {4, 9, 9, 5, 5, 3}; private static final int DECK_COST[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10}; private static final int MIN_CARD_SCORE = 25; private static final int MIN_SOURCE = 3; // minmal number of sources for a mana color, will be taken also if ratio would give a lower number private static Deck deck; private static int deckCount[]; private static int deckSize; private static int deckSpells; private static int deckLands; /** * Hide constructor. */ private DeckBuilder() { } public synchronized static Deck buildDeck(List<Card> spellCardPool, List<ColoredManaSymbol> allowedColors, List<String> setsToUse, List<Card> landCardPool, int deckCardSize, RateCallback callback) { deckSize = deckCardSize; deck = new Deck(); final Collection<MageScoredCard> remainingCards = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); for (final Card card : spellCardPool) { if (names.contains(card.getName())) { continue; } remainingCards.add(new MageScoredCard(card, allowedColors, callback)); names.add(card.getName()); } // prints score and manaScore to log // for(MageScoredCard scoreCard :remainingCards) { // Logger.getLogger(DeckBuilder.class).info( // new StringBuilder("Score: ") // .append(scoreCard.getScore()) // .append(" ManaScore: ") // .append(scoreCard.getManaCostScore(scoreCard.getCard(), allowedColors)) // .append(" ") // .append(scoreCard.getCard().getName()) // .append(" ") // .append(scoreCard.getCard().getManaCost().getText()).toString() // ); // } int min = 0; if (deckSize == 40) { deckCount = DECK_COUNT40; deckSpells = 23; deckLands = 17; } else { deckCount = DECK_COUNT60; deckSpells = 35; deckLands = 25; } for (int index = 0; index < deckCount.length; index++) { final int max = DECK_COST[index]; addCardsToDeck(remainingCards, min, max, deckCount[index]); min = max + 1; } addCardsToDeck(remainingCards, 0, 4, deckSpells - deck.getCards().size()); addCardsToDeck(remainingCards, 5, 10, deckSpells - deck.getCards().size()); addLandsToDeck(allowedColors, setsToUse, landCardPool, callback); Deck returnedDeck = deck; deck = null; return returnedDeck; } /** * Checks that chosen card can produce mana of specific color. * * @param card * @param allowedColors * @return */ private static boolean cardCardProduceChosenColors(Card card, List<ColoredManaSymbol> allowedColors) { int score = 0; for (Mana mana : card.getMana()) { for (ColoredManaSymbol color : allowedColors) { score = score + mana.getColor(color); } } if (score > 1) { return true; } return false; } /** * Chosed best scored card and adds it to the deck. * * @param remainingCards * @param minCost * @param maxCost * @param count */ private static void addCardsToDeck(final Collection<MageScoredCard> remainingCards, final int minCost, final int maxCost, final int count) { for (int c = count; c > 0; c--) { MageScoredCard bestCard = null; int bestScore = -1; for (final MageScoredCard draftedCard : remainingCards) { final int score = draftedCard.getScore(); final int cost = draftedCard.getConvertedCost(); if (score > bestScore && cost >= minCost && cost <= maxCost) { bestScore = score; bestCard = draftedCard; } } if (bestCard == null || bestScore < MIN_CARD_SCORE) { break; } deck.getCards().add(bestCard.card); remainingCards.remove(bestCard); } } /** * Adds lands from non basic land (if provided), adds basic lands getting them from provided {@link RateCallback}}. * * @param allowedColors * @param landCardPool * @param callback */ private static void addLandsToDeck(List<ColoredManaSymbol> allowedColors, List<String> setsToUse, List<Card> landCardPool, RateCallback callback) { // Calculate statistics per color. final Map<String, Integer> colorCount = new HashMap<>(); for (final Card card : deck.getCards()) { for (String symbol : card.getManaCost().getSymbols()) { int count = 0; symbol = symbol.replace("{", "").replace("}", ""); if (isColoredMana(symbol)) { for (ColoredManaSymbol allowed : allowedColors) { if (symbol.contains(allowed.toString())) { count++; } } if (count > 0) { Integer typeCount = colorCount.get(symbol); if (typeCount == null) { typeCount = 0; } typeCount += 1; colorCount.put(symbol, typeCount); } } } } // Add suitable non basic lands to deck in order of pack. final Map<String, Integer> colorSource = new HashMap<>(); for (final ColoredManaSymbol color : ColoredManaSymbol.values()) { colorSource.put(color.toString(), 0); } if (landCardPool != null) { for (final Card landCard : landCardPool) { deck.getCards().add(landCard); for (Mana mana : landCard.getMana()) { for (ColoredManaSymbol color : allowedColors) { int amount = mana.getColor(color); if (amount > 0) { Integer count = colorSource.get(color.toString()); count += amount; colorSource.put(color.toString(), count); } } } } } // Add optimal basic lands to deck. while (deck.getCards().size() < deckSize) { ColoredManaSymbol bestColor = null; //Default to a color in the allowed colors if (allowedColors != null && !allowedColors.isEmpty()) { bestColor = allowedColors.get(RandomUtil.nextInt(allowedColors.size())); } int lowestRatio = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (final ColoredManaSymbol color : ColoredManaSymbol.values()) { final Integer count = colorCount.get(color.toString()); if (count != null && count > 0) { final int source = colorSource.get(color.toString()); final int ratio; if (source < MIN_SOURCE) { ratio = source - count; } else { ratio = source * 100 / count; } if (ratio < lowestRatio) { lowestRatio = ratio; bestColor = color; } } } final Card landCard = callback.getBestBasicLand(bestColor, setsToUse); Integer count = colorSource.get(bestColor.toString()); count++; colorSource.put(bestColor.toString(), count); deck.getCards().add(landCard); } } private static class MageScoredCard { private Card card; private final int score; private static final int SINGLE_PENALTY[] = {0, 1, 1, 3, 6, 9}; //private static final int DOUBLE_PENALTY[] = { 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 }; public MageScoredCard(Card card, List<ColoredManaSymbol> allowedColors, RateCallback cardRater) { this.card = card; int type; if (card.isCreature()) { type = 10; } else if (card.getSubtype(null).contains("Equipment")) { type = 8; } else if (card.getSubtype(null).contains("Aura")) { type = 5; } else if (card.isInstant()) { type = 7; } else { type = 6; } this.score = // 5*card.getValue() + // not possible now 3 * cardRater.rateCard(card) + // 3*card.getRemoval() + // not possible now type + getManaCostScore(card, allowedColors); } private int getManaCostScore(Card card, List<ColoredManaSymbol> allowedColors) { int converted = card.getManaCost().convertedManaCost(); final Map<String, Integer> singleCount = new HashMap<>(); int maxSingleCount = 0; int multicolor = 0; Set<String> colors = new HashSet<>(); for (String symbol : card.getManaCost().getSymbols()) { int count = 0; symbol = symbol.replace("{", "").replace("}", ""); if (isColoredMana(symbol)) { for (ColoredManaSymbol allowed : allowedColors) { if (symbol.contains(allowed.toString())) { count++; } } // colored but no selected colors, go back with negative value if (count == 0) { return -30; } if (!colors.contains(symbol)) { multicolor += 1; colors.add(symbol); } Integer typeCount = singleCount.get(symbol); if (typeCount == null) { typeCount = 0; } typeCount += 1; singleCount.put(symbol, typeCount); maxSingleCount = Math.max(maxSingleCount, typeCount); } } int multicolorBonus = multicolor > 1 ? 30 : 0; maxSingleCount = Math.min(maxSingleCount, SINGLE_PENALTY.length - 1); return 2 * converted + 3 * (10 - SINGLE_PENALTY[maxSingleCount]/*-DOUBLE_PENALTY[doubleCount]*/) + multicolorBonus; } public int getScore() { return this.score; } public int getConvertedCost() { return this.card.getManaCost().convertedManaCost(); } public Card getCard() { return this.card; } } protected static boolean isColoredMana(String symbol) { return symbol.equals("W") || symbol.equals("G") || symbol.equals("U") || symbol.equals("B") || symbol.equals("R") || symbol.contains("/"); } }