/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package mage.abilities.effects.common; import mage.abilities.Ability; import mage.abilities.effects.PreventionEffectImpl; import mage.constants.Duration; import mage.constants.Outcome; import mage.filter.FilterObject; import mage.game.Game; import mage.game.events.GameEvent; import mage.target.TargetSource; /** * * @author Quercitron */ public class PreventNextDamageFromChosenSourceToYouEffect extends PreventionEffectImpl { protected final TargetSource targetSource; public PreventNextDamageFromChosenSourceToYouEffect(Duration duration) { this(duration, new FilterObject("source")); } public PreventNextDamageFromChosenSourceToYouEffect(Duration duration, FilterObject filter) { this(duration, filter, false); } public PreventNextDamageFromChosenSourceToYouEffect(Duration duration, FilterObject filter, boolean onlyCombat) { super(duration, Integer.MAX_VALUE, onlyCombat); this.targetSource = new TargetSource(filter); this.staticText = setText(); } public PreventNextDamageFromChosenSourceToYouEffect(final PreventNextDamageFromChosenSourceToYouEffect effect) { super(effect); this.targetSource = effect.targetSource.copy(); } @Override public PreventNextDamageFromChosenSourceToYouEffect copy() { return new PreventNextDamageFromChosenSourceToYouEffect(this); } @Override public void init(Ability source, Game game) { this.targetSource.choose(Outcome.PreventDamage, source.getControllerId(), source.getSourceId(), game); } @Override public boolean replaceEvent(GameEvent event, Ability source, Game game) { preventDamageAction(event, source, game); this.used = true; return false; } @Override public boolean applies(GameEvent event, Ability source, Game game) { if (!this.used && super.applies(event, source, game)) { if (event.getTargetId().equals(source.getControllerId()) && event.getSourceId().equals(targetSource.getFirstTarget())) { return true; } } return false; } private String setText() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("The next time a ").append(targetSource.getFilter().getMessage()); sb.append(" of your choice would deal damage to you"); if (duration == Duration.EndOfTurn) { sb.append(" this turn"); } sb.append(", prevent that damage"); return sb.toString(); } }