/* * Copyright 2010 BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com. */ package mage.view; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import mage.MageObject; import mage.abilities.costs.Cost; import mage.cards.Card; import mage.constants.PhaseStep; import mage.constants.TurnPhase; import mage.constants.Zone; import mage.designations.Designation; import mage.game.ExileZone; import mage.game.Game; import mage.game.GameState; import mage.game.combat.CombatGroup; import mage.game.command.Emblem; import mage.game.permanent.Permanent; import mage.game.permanent.PermanentCard; import mage.game.permanent.PermanentToken; import mage.game.stack.Spell; import mage.game.stack.StackAbility; import mage.game.stack.StackObject; import mage.players.Player; import mage.watchers.common.CastSpellLastTurnWatcher; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * * @author BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com */ public class GameView implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GameView.class); private final int priorityTime; private final List<PlayerView> players = new ArrayList<>(); private CardsView hand; private Set<UUID> canPlayInHand; private Map<String, SimpleCardsView> opponentHands; private Map<String, SimpleCardsView> watchedHands; private final CardsView stack = new CardsView(); private final List<ExileView> exiles = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<RevealedView> revealed = new ArrayList<>(); private List<LookedAtView> lookedAt = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<CombatGroupView> combat = new ArrayList<>(); private final TurnPhase phase; private final PhaseStep step; private final UUID activePlayerId; private String activePlayerName = ""; private String priorityPlayerName; private final int turn; private boolean special = false; private final boolean isPlayer; // false = watching user private final int spellsCastCurrentTurn; private final boolean rollbackTurnsAllowed; public GameView(GameState state, Game game, UUID createdForPlayerId, UUID watcherUserId) { Player createdForPlayer = null; this.isPlayer = createdForPlayerId != null; this.priorityTime = game.getPriorityTime(); for (Player player : state.getPlayers().values()) { players.add(new PlayerView(player, state, game, createdForPlayerId, watcherUserId)); if (player.getId().equals(createdForPlayerId)) { createdForPlayer = player; } } for (StackObject stackObject : state.getStack()) { if (stackObject instanceof StackAbility) { // Stack Ability MageObject object = game.getObject(stackObject.getSourceId()); Card card = game.getCard(stackObject.getSourceId()); if (card == null && (object instanceof PermanentCard)) { card = ((PermanentCard) object).getCard(); } if (card != null) { if (object != null) { if (object instanceof Permanent) { boolean controlled = ((Permanent) object).getControllerId().equals(createdForPlayerId); stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new StackAbilityView(game, (StackAbility) stackObject, ((Permanent) object).getName(), new CardView(((Permanent) object), game, controlled, false, false))); } else { stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new StackAbilityView(game, (StackAbility) stackObject, card.getName(), new CardView(card, game, false, false, false))); } } else { stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new StackAbilityView(game, (StackAbility) stackObject, "", new CardView(card))); } if (card.isTransformable()) { updateLatestCardView(game, card, stackObject.getId()); } checkPaid(stackObject.getId(), (StackAbility) stackObject); } else if (object != null) { if (object instanceof PermanentToken) { PermanentToken token = (PermanentToken) object; stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new StackAbilityView(game, (StackAbility) stackObject, token.getName(), new CardView(token))); checkPaid(stackObject.getId(), (StackAbility) stackObject); } else if (object instanceof Emblem) { CardView cardView = new CardView(new EmblemView((Emblem) object)); // Card sourceCard = (Card) ((Emblem) object).getSourceObject(); ((StackAbility) stackObject).setName(((Emblem) object).getName()); // ((StackAbility) stackObject).setExpansionSetCode(sourceCard.getExpansionSetCode()); stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new StackAbilityView(game, (StackAbility) stackObject, object.getName(), cardView)); checkPaid(stackObject.getId(), ((StackAbility) stackObject)); } else if (object instanceof Designation) { Designation designation = (Designation) game.getObject(object.getId()); if (designation != null) { stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new CardView(designation, (StackAbility) stackObject)); } else { LOGGER.fatal("Designation object not found: " + object.getName() + ' ' + object.toString() + ' ' + object.getClass().toString()); } } else if (object instanceof StackAbility) { StackAbility stackAbility = ((StackAbility) object); stackAbility.newId(); stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new CardView(((StackAbility) stackObject))); checkPaid(stackObject.getId(), ((StackAbility) stackObject)); } else { LOGGER.fatal("Object can't be cast to StackAbility: " + object.getName() + ' ' + object.toString() + ' ' + object.getClass().toString()); } } else { // can happen if a player times out while ability is on the stack LOGGER.debug("Stack Object for stack ability not found: " + stackObject.getStackAbility().getRule()); } } else { // Spell stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new CardView((Spell) stackObject, game, stackObject.getControllerId().equals(createdForPlayerId))); checkPaid(stackObject.getId(), (Spell) stackObject); } //stackOrder.add(stackObject.getId()); } //Collections.reverse(stackOrder); for (ExileZone exileZone : state.getExile().getExileZones()) { exiles.add(new ExileView(exileZone, game)); } for (String name : state.getRevealed().keySet()) { revealed.add(new RevealedView(name, state.getRevealed().get(name), game)); } this.phase = state.getTurn().getPhaseType(); this.step = state.getTurn().getStepType(); this.turn = state.getTurnNum(); this.activePlayerId = state.getActivePlayerId(); if (state.getActivePlayerId() != null) { this.activePlayerName = state.getPlayer(state.getActivePlayerId()).getName(); } else { this.activePlayerName = ""; } Player priorityPlayer = null; if (state.getPriorityPlayerId() != null) { priorityPlayer = state.getPlayer(state.getPriorityPlayerId()); this.priorityPlayerName = priorityPlayer != null ? priorityPlayer.getName() : ""; } else { this.priorityPlayerName = ""; } for (CombatGroup combatGroup : state.getCombat().getGroups()) { combat.add(new CombatGroupView(combatGroup, game)); } if (isPlayer) { // no watcher // has only to be set for active player with priority (e.g. pay mana by delve or Quenchable Fire special action) if (priorityPlayer != null && createdForPlayer != null && createdForPlayerId != null && createdForPlayer.isGameUnderControl() && (createdForPlayerId.equals(priorityPlayer.getId()) // player controls the turn || createdForPlayer.getPlayersUnderYourControl().contains(priorityPlayer.getId()))) { // player controls active players turn this.special = !state.getSpecialActions().getControlledBy(priorityPlayer.getId(), priorityPlayer.isInPayManaMode()).isEmpty(); } } else { this.special = false; } CastSpellLastTurnWatcher watcher = (CastSpellLastTurnWatcher) game.getState().getWatchers().get(CastSpellLastTurnWatcher.class.getSimpleName()); if (watcher != null) { spellsCastCurrentTurn = watcher.getAmountOfSpellsAllPlayersCastOnCurrentTurn(); } else { spellsCastCurrentTurn = 0; } rollbackTurnsAllowed = game.getOptions().rollbackTurnsAllowed; } private void checkPaid(UUID uuid, StackAbility stackAbility) { for (Cost cost : stackAbility.getManaCostsToPay()) { if (!cost.isPaid()) { return; } } CardView cardView = stack.get(uuid); cardView.paid = true; } private void checkPaid(UUID uuid, Spell spell) { for (Cost cost : spell.getSpellAbility().getManaCostsToPay()) { if (!cost.isPaid()) { return; } } CardView cardView = stack.get(uuid); cardView.paid = true; } private void setPaid(UUID uuid) { CardView cardView = stack.get(uuid); cardView.paid = true; } private void updateLatestCardView(Game game, Card card, UUID stackId) { if (!card.isTransformable()) { return; } Permanent permanent = game.getPermanent(card.getId()); if (permanent == null) { permanent = (Permanent) game.getLastKnownInformation(card.getId(), Zone.BATTLEFIELD); } if (permanent != null) { if (permanent.isTransformed()) { StackAbilityView stackAbilityView = (StackAbilityView) stack.get(stackId); stackAbilityView.getSourceCard().setTransformed(true); } } } public List<PlayerView> getPlayers() { return players; } public CardsView getHand() { return hand; } public void setHand(CardsView hand) { this.hand = hand; } public Map<String, SimpleCardsView> getOpponentHands() { return opponentHands; } public void setOpponentHands(Map<String, SimpleCardsView> opponentHands) { this.opponentHands = opponentHands; } public Map<String, SimpleCardsView> getWatchedHands() { return watchedHands; } public void setWatchedHands(Map<String, SimpleCardsView> watchedHands) { this.watchedHands = watchedHands; } public TurnPhase getPhase() { return phase; } public PhaseStep getStep() { return step; } public CardsView getStack() { return stack; } public List<ExileView> getExile() { return exiles; } public List<RevealedView> getRevealed() { return revealed; } public List<LookedAtView> getLookedAt() { return lookedAt; } public void setLookedAt(List<LookedAtView> list) { this.lookedAt = list; } public List<CombatGroupView> getCombat() { return combat; } public int getTurn() { return this.turn; } public String getActivePlayerName() { return activePlayerName; } public String getPriorityPlayerName() { return priorityPlayerName; } public boolean getSpecial() { return special; } public int getPriorityTime() { return priorityTime; } public UUID getActivePlayerId() { return activePlayerId; } public boolean isPlayer() { return isPlayer; } public Set<UUID> getCanPlayInHand() { return canPlayInHand; } public void setCanPlayInHand(Set<UUID> canPlayInHand) { this.canPlayInHand = canPlayInHand; } public int getSpellsCastCurrentTurn() { return spellsCastCurrentTurn; } public boolean isRollbackTurnsAllowed() { return rollbackTurnsAllowed; } }