package; import mage.constants.PhaseStep; import mage.constants.Zone; import; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.mage.test.serverside.base.CardTestPlayerBase; /** * @author noxx */ public class FavorableWindsTest extends CardTestPlayerBase { /** * Tests that "Favorable Winds" boost only flying creatures and only on controller's side */ @Test public void testBoostForFlyingCreatures() { addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Island", 4); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Favorable Winds", 1); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Merfolk Looter", 2); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Sky Spirit", 2); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Merfolk Looter", 2); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Sky Spirit", 2); setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT); execute(); assertLife(playerA, 20); assertLife(playerB, 20); int countSkySpirit = 0; int countMerfolkLooter = 0; for (Permanent permanent : currentGame.getBattlefield().getAllActivePermanents(playerA.getId())) { if (permanent.getName().equals("Sky Spirit")) { countSkySpirit++; // should get +1/+1, original is 2/2 Assert.assertEquals("Power is not the same", 3, permanent.getPower().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("Toughness is not the same", 3, permanent.getToughness().getValue()); } else if (permanent.getName().equals("Merfolk Looter")) { countMerfolkLooter++; // should NOT get +1/+1, original is 1/1 Assert.assertEquals("Power is not the same", 1, permanent.getPower().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("Toughness is not the same", 1, permanent.getToughness().getValue()); } } Assert.assertEquals(2, countSkySpirit); Assert.assertEquals(2, countMerfolkLooter); countSkySpirit = 0; countMerfolkLooter = 0; for (Permanent permanent : currentGame.getBattlefield().getAllActivePermanents(playerB.getId())) { if (permanent.getName().equals("Sky Spirit")) { countSkySpirit++; // should NOT +1/+1, original is 2/2 Assert.assertEquals("Power is not the same", 2, permanent.getPower().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("Toughness is not the same", 2, permanent.getToughness().getValue()); } else if (permanent.getName().equals("Merfolk Looter")) { countMerfolkLooter++; // should NOT get +1/+1, original is 1/1 Assert.assertEquals("Power is not the same", 1, permanent.getPower().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("Toughness is not the same", 1, permanent.getToughness().getValue()); } } Assert.assertEquals(2, countSkySpirit); Assert.assertEquals(2, countMerfolkLooter); } /** * Tests effect from several "Favorable Winds" cards */ @Test public void testMultiBoostForFlyingCreatures() { addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Island", 4); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Favorable Winds", 3); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Merfolk Looter", 2); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Sky Spirit", 2); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Merfolk Looter", 2); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Sky Spirit", 2); setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT); execute(); assertLife(playerA, 20); assertLife(playerB, 20); int countSkySpirit = 0; int countMerfolkLooter = 0; for (Permanent permanent : currentGame.getBattlefield().getAllActivePermanents(playerA.getId())) { if (permanent.getName().equals("Sky Spirit")) { countSkySpirit++; // should get +1/+1, original is 2/2 Assert.assertEquals("Power is not the same", 5, permanent.getPower().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("Toughness is not the same", 5, permanent.getToughness().getValue()); } else if (permanent.getName().equals("Merfolk Looter")) { countMerfolkLooter++; // should NOT get +1/+1, original is 1/1 Assert.assertEquals("Power is not the same", 1, permanent.getPower().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("Toughness is not the same", 1, permanent.getToughness().getValue()); } } Assert.assertEquals(2, countSkySpirit); Assert.assertEquals(2, countMerfolkLooter); countSkySpirit = 0; countMerfolkLooter = 0; for (Permanent permanent : currentGame.getBattlefield().getAllActivePermanents(playerB.getId())) { if (permanent.getName().equals("Sky Spirit")) { countSkySpirit++; // should NOT +1/+1, original is 2/2 Assert.assertEquals("Power is not the same", 2, permanent.getPower().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("Toughness is not the same", 2, permanent.getToughness().getValue()); } else if (permanent.getName().equals("Merfolk Looter")) { countMerfolkLooter++; // should NOT get +1/+1, original is 1/1 Assert.assertEquals("Power is not the same", 1, permanent.getPower().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("Toughness is not the same", 1, permanent.getToughness().getValue()); } } Assert.assertEquals(2, countSkySpirit); Assert.assertEquals(2, countMerfolkLooter); } }