package mage.abilities.keyword; import mage.abilities.Ability; import mage.abilities.common.BeginningOfUpkeepTriggeredAbility; import mage.abilities.common.EntersBattlefieldAbility; import mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect; import mage.abilities.effects.common.counter.AddCountersSourceEffect; import; import mage.constants.Outcome; import mage.constants.TargetController; import mage.counters.CounterType; import; import; /* * 702.31. Fading * * 702.31a Fading is a keyword that represents two abilities. “Fading N” means “This permanent enters the battlefield with N fade counters on it” and “At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a fade counter from this permanent. If you can’t, sacrifice the permanent.” * */ public class FadingAbility extends EntersBattlefieldAbility { private String ruleText; public FadingAbility(int fadeCounter, Card card) { super(new AddCountersSourceEffect(CounterType.FADE.createInstance(fadeCounter)), "with"); Ability ability = new BeginningOfUpkeepTriggeredAbility(new FadingEffect(), TargetController.YOU, false); ability.setRuleVisible(false); addSubAbility(ability); ruleText = "Fading " + fadeCounter + " <i>(This permanent enters the battlefield with " + fadeCounter + " fade counters on it." + " At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a fade counter from this permanent. If you can’t, sacrifice the permanent.</i>"; } public FadingAbility(final FadingAbility ability) { super(ability); this.ruleText = ability.ruleText; } @Override public EntersBattlefieldAbility copy() { return new FadingAbility(this); } @Override public String getRule() { return ruleText; } } class FadingEffect extends OneShotEffect { FadingEffect() { super(Outcome.Sacrifice); staticText = "remove a fade counter from this permanent. If you can’t, sacrifice the permanent"; } FadingEffect(final FadingEffect effect) { super(effect); } @Override public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) { Permanent permanent = game.getPermanent(source.getSourceId()); if (permanent != null) { int amount = permanent.getCounters(game).getCount(CounterType.FADE); if (amount > 0) { permanent.removeCounters(CounterType.FADE.createInstance(), game); } else { permanent.sacrifice(source.getSourceId(), game); } return true; } return false; } @Override public FadingEffect copy() { return new FadingEffect(this); } }