package; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import javax.swing.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import mage.client.MageFrame; import mage.client.constants.Constants; import mage.client.dialog.PreferencesDialog; import mage.client.plugins.impl.Plugins; import mage.client.util.*; import mage.constants.CardType; import mage.constants.SuperType; import mage.util.RandomUtil; import mage.view.CardView; import mage.view.CardsView; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mage.card.arcane.CardRenderer; /** * Created by StravantUser on 2016-09-20. */ public class DragCardGrid extends JPanel implements DragCardSource, DragCardTarget { private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DragCardGrid.class); private Constants.DeckEditorMode mode; @Override public Collection<CardView> dragCardList() { ArrayList<CardView> selectedCards = new ArrayList<>(); for (CardView card : allCards) { if (card.isSelected()) { selectedCards.add(card); } } return selectedCards; } @Override public void dragCardBegin() { } @Override public void dragCardEnd(DragCardTarget target) { if (target == this) { // Already handled by dragged onto handler } else if (target == null) { // Don't remove the cards, no target } else { // Remove dragged cards for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) { CardView card = stack.get(i); if (card.isSelected()) { stack.set(i, null); removeCardView(card); eventSource.removeSpecificCard(card, "remove-specific-card"); } } } } trimGrid(); layoutGrid(); cardScroll.revalidate(); cardScroll.repaint(); } } @Override public void dragCardEnter(MouseEvent e) { insertArrow.setVisible(true); } @Override public void dragCardMove(MouseEvent e) { e = SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent(this, e, cardContent); showDropPosition(e.getX(), e.getY()); } private void showDropPosition(int x, int y) { // Clamp to region if (x < 0) { x = 0; } if (y < 0) { y = 0; } // Determine column int cardWidth = getCardWidth(); int cardHeight = getCardHeight(); int cardTopHeight = CardRenderer.getCardTopHeight(cardWidth); int dx = x % (cardWidth + GRID_PADDING); int col = x / (cardWidth + GRID_PADDING); int gridWidth = cardGrid.isEmpty() ? 0 : cardGrid.get(0).size(); if (dx < GRID_PADDING && col < gridWidth) { // Which row to add to? int curY = COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; int rowIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cardGrid.size(); ++i) { int maxStack = maxStackSize.get(i); int rowHeight = cardTopHeight * (maxStack - 1) + cardHeight; int rowBottom = curY + rowHeight + COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; // Break out if we're in that row if (y < rowBottom) { // Set the row rowIndex = i; break; } else { rowIndex = i + 1; curY = rowBottom; } } // Insert between two columns insertArrow.setIcon(INSERT_COL_ICON); insertArrow.setSize(64, 64); insertArrow.setLocation((cardWidth + GRID_PADDING) * col + GRID_PADDING / 2 - 32, curY); } else { // Clamp to a new col one after the current last one col = Math.min(col, gridWidth); // Determine place in the col int curY = COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; int rowIndex = 0; int offsetIntoStack = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cardGrid.size(); ++i) { int maxStack = maxStackSize.get(i); int rowHeight = cardTopHeight * (maxStack - 1) + cardHeight; int rowBottom = curY + rowHeight + COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; // Break out if we're in that row if (y < rowBottom) { // Set the row rowIndex = i; offsetIntoStack = y - curY; break; } else { rowIndex = i + 1; offsetIntoStack = y - rowBottom; curY = rowBottom; } } // Get the appropirate stack ArrayList<CardView> stack; if (rowIndex < cardGrid.size() && col < cardGrid.get(0).size()) { stack = cardGrid.get(rowIndex).get(col); } else { stack = new ArrayList<>(); } // Figure out position in the stack based on the offsetIntoRow int stackInsertIndex = (offsetIntoStack + cardTopHeight / 2) / cardTopHeight; stackInsertIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min(stackInsertIndex, stack.size())); // Position arrow insertArrow.setIcon(INSERT_ROW_ICON); insertArrow.setSize(64, 32); insertArrow.setLocation((cardWidth + GRID_PADDING) * col + GRID_PADDING + cardWidth / 2 - 32, curY + stackInsertIndex * cardTopHeight - 32); } } @Override public void dragCardExit(MouseEvent e) { insertArrow.setVisible(false); } @Override public void dragCardDrop(MouseEvent e, DragCardSource source, Collection<CardView> cards) { e = SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent(this, e, cardContent); int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); // Clamp to region if (x < 0) { x = 0; } if (y < 0) { y = 0; } // If we're dragging onto ourself, erase the old cards (just null them out, we will // compact the grid removing the null gaps / empty rows & cols later) if (source == this) { for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) { if (cards.contains(stack.get(i))) { stack.set(i, null); } } } } } // Determine column int cardWidth = getCardWidth(); int cardHeight = getCardHeight(); int cardTopHeight = CardRenderer.getCardTopHeight(cardWidth); int dx = x % (cardWidth + GRID_PADDING); int col = x / (cardWidth + GRID_PADDING); int gridWidth = cardGrid.isEmpty() ? 0 : cardGrid.get(0).size(); if (dx < GRID_PADDING && col < gridWidth) { // Which row to add to? int curY = COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; int rowIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cardGrid.size(); ++i) { int maxStack = maxStackSize.get(i); int rowHeight = cardTopHeight * (maxStack - 1) + cardHeight; int rowBottom = curY + rowHeight + COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; // Break out if we're in that row if (y < rowBottom) { // Set the row rowIndex = i; break; } else { rowIndex = i + 1; curY = rowBottom; } } // Add a new row if needed if (rowIndex >= cardGrid.size()) { ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> newRow = new ArrayList<>(); if (!cardGrid.isEmpty()) { for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < cardGrid.get(0).size(); ++colIndex) { newRow.add(new ArrayList<>()); } } cardGrid.add(newRow); maxStackSize.add(0); } // Insert the new column to add to for (int i = 0; i < cardGrid.size(); ++i) { cardGrid.get(i).add(col, new ArrayList<>()); } // Add the cards cardGrid.get(rowIndex).get(col).addAll(cards); } else { // Clamp to a new col one after the current last one col = Math.min(col, gridWidth); // Determine place in the col int curY = COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; int rowIndex = 0; int offsetIntoStack = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cardGrid.size(); ++i) { int maxStack = maxStackSize.get(i); int rowHeight = cardTopHeight * (maxStack - 1) + cardHeight; int rowBottom = curY + rowHeight + COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; // Break out if we're in that row if (y < rowBottom) { // Set the row rowIndex = i; offsetIntoStack = y - curY; break; } else { rowIndex = i + 1; offsetIntoStack = y - rowBottom; curY = rowBottom; } } // Add a new row if needed if (rowIndex >= cardGrid.size()) { ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> newRow = new ArrayList<>(); if (!cardGrid.isEmpty()) { for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < cardGrid.get(0).size(); ++colIndex) { newRow.add(new ArrayList<>()); } } cardGrid.add(newRow); maxStackSize.add(0); } // Add a new col if needed if (col >= cardGrid.get(0).size()) { for (int i = 0; i < cardGrid.size(); ++i) { cardGrid.get(i).add(new ArrayList<>()); } } // Get the appropirate stack ArrayList<CardView> stack = cardGrid.get(rowIndex).get(col); // Figure out position in the stack based on the offsetIntoRow int stackInsertIndex = (offsetIntoStack + cardTopHeight / 2) / cardTopHeight; stackInsertIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min(stackInsertIndex, stack.size())); // Insert the cards stack.addAll(stackInsertIndex, cards); } if (source == this) { // Remove empty rows / cols / spaces in stacks trimGrid(); layoutGrid(); cardScroll.revalidate(); cardScroll.repaint(); } else { // Add new cards to grid for (CardView card : cards) { card.setSelected(true); addCardView(card, false); eventSource.addSpecificCard(card, "add-specific-card"); } layoutGrid(); cardContent.repaint(); } } public void changeGUISize() { layoutGrid(); cardScroll.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(CardRenderer.getCardTopHeight(getCardWidth())); cardContent.repaint(); } public void cleanUp() { // Remove all of the cards from us for (MageCard cardView : cardViews.values()) { cardContent.remove(cardView); } // Clear out our tracking of stuff cardGrid.clear(); maxStackSize.clear(); allCards.clear(); lastBigCard = null; clearCardEventListeners(); } public void addCardEventListener(Listener<mage.client.util.Event> listener) { eventSource.addListener(listener); } public void clearCardEventListeners() { eventSource.clearListeners(); } public void setRole(Role role) { this.role = role; if (role == Role.SIDEBOARD) { creatureCountLabel.setVisible(false); landCountLabel.setVisible(false); cardSizeSliderLabel.setVisible(false); } else { creatureCountLabel.setVisible(true); landCountLabel.setVisible(true); cardSizeSliderLabel.setVisible(true); } updateCounts(); } public void removeSelection() { for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) { CardView card = stack.get(i); if (card.isSelected()) { eventSource.removeSpecificCard(card, "remove-specific-card"); stack.set(i, null); removeCardView(card); } } } } trimGrid(); layoutGrid(); cardContent.repaint(); } public DeckCardLayout getCardLayout() { // 2D Array to put entries into java.util.List<java.util.List<java.util.List<DeckCardInfo>>> info = new ArrayList<>(); for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { java.util.List<java.util.List<DeckCardInfo>> row = new ArrayList<>(); info.add(row); for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { row.add( .map(card -> new DeckCardInfo(card.getName(), card.getCardNumber(), card.getExpansionSetCode())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } } // Store layout and settings then return them return new DeckCardLayout(info, saveSettings().toString()); } public void setDeckEditorMode(Constants.DeckEditorMode mode) { this.mode = mode; } public enum Sort { NONE("No Sort", (o1, o2) -> { // Always equal, sort into the first row return 0; }), CARD_TYPE("Card Type", new CardViewCardTypeComparator()), CMC("Converted Mana Cost", new CardViewCostComparator()), COLOR("Color", new CardViewColorComparator()), COLOR_IDENTITY("Color Identity", new CardViewColorIdentityComparator()), RARITY("Rarity", new CardViewRarityComparator()), EDH_POWER_LEVEL("EDH Power Level", new CardViewEDHPowerLevelComparator()); Sort(String text, Comparator<CardView> comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; this.text = text; } public Comparator<CardView> getComparator() { return comparator; } public String getText() { return text; } private final Comparator<CardView> comparator; private final String text; } private abstract class CardTypeCounter { protected abstract boolean is(CardView card); int get() { return count; } void add(CardView card) { if (is(card)) { ++count; } } void remove(CardView card) { if (is(card)) { --count; } } private int count = 0; } // Counters we use private final CardTypeCounter creatureCounter = new CardTypeCounter() { @Override protected boolean is(CardView card) { return card.isCreature(); } }; private final CardTypeCounter landCounter = new CardTypeCounter() { @Override protected boolean is(CardView card) { return card.isLand(); } }; private final CardTypeCounter artifactCounter = new CardTypeCounter() { @Override protected boolean is(CardView card) { return card.isArtifact(); } }; private final CardTypeCounter enchantmentCounter = new CardTypeCounter() { @Override protected boolean is(CardView card) { return card.isEnchantment(); } }; private final CardTypeCounter instantCounter = new CardTypeCounter() { @Override protected boolean is(CardView card) { return card.isInstant(); } }; private final CardTypeCounter sorceryCounter = new CardTypeCounter() { @Override protected boolean is(CardView card) { return card.isSorcery(); } }; private final CardTypeCounter planeswalkerCounter = new CardTypeCounter() { @Override protected boolean is(CardView card) { return card.isPlanesWalker(); } }; private final CardTypeCounter tribalCounter = new CardTypeCounter() { @Override protected boolean is(CardView card) { return card.isTribal(); } }; private final CardTypeCounter[] allCounters = { creatureCounter, landCounter, artifactCounter, enchantmentCounter, instantCounter, planeswalkerCounter, sorceryCounter, tribalCounter }; // Listener public interface DragCardGridListener { void cardsSelected(); void hideCards(Collection<CardView> card); void duplicateCards(Collection<CardView> cards); void invertCardSelection(Collection<CardView> cards); void showAll(); } // Constants public static final int COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT = 20; public static final int GRID_PADDING = 10; private final static ImageIcon INSERT_ROW_ICON = new ImageIcon(DragCardGrid.class.getClassLoader().getResource("editor_insert_row.png")); private final static ImageIcon INSERT_COL_ICON = new ImageIcon(DragCardGrid.class.getClassLoader().getResource("editor_insert_col.png")); // All of the current card views private final Map<UUID, MageCard> cardViews = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final ArrayList<CardView> allCards = new ArrayList<>(); // Card listeners private final CardEventSource eventSource = new CardEventSource(); // Last big card BigCard lastBigCard = null; // Top bar with dropdowns for sort / filter / etc JButton sortButton; JButton filterButton; JButton visibilityButton; JButton selectByButton; JButton analyseButton; JButton blingButton; // Popup for toolbar final JPopupMenu filterPopup; JPopupMenu selectByTypePopup; final JPopupMenu sortPopup; final JPopupMenu selectByPopup; final JCheckBox separateCreaturesCb; final JTextField searchByTextField; JToggleButton multiplesButton; final JSlider cardSizeSlider; final JLabel cardSizeSliderLabel; final Map<Sort, AbstractButton> sortButtons = new HashMap<>(); final HashMap<CardType, AbstractButton> selectByTypeButtons = new HashMap<>(); final JLabel deckNameAndCountLabel; final JLabel landCountLabel; final JLabel creatureCountLabel; // Main two controls holding the scrollable card grid final JScrollPane cardScroll; JLayeredPane cardContent; // Drag onto insert arrow final JLabel insertArrow; // Card area selection panel final SelectionBox selectionPanel; Set<CardView> selectionDragStartCards; int selectionDragStartX; int selectionDragStartY; // Card size mod float cardSizeMod = 1.0f; // The role (maindeck or sideboard) Role role = Role.MAINDECK; // Dragging private final CardDraggerGlassPane dragger = new CardDraggerGlassPane(this); // The grid of cards // The outermost array contains multiple rows of stacks of cards // The next inner array represents a row of stacks of cards // The innermost array represents a single vertical stack of cards private ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>>> cardGrid; private ArrayList<Integer> maxStackSize = new ArrayList<>(); private final ArrayList<ArrayList<JLabel>> stackCountLabels = new ArrayList<>(); private Sort cardSort = Sort.CMC; private final ArrayList<CardType> selectByTypeSelected = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean separateCreatures = true; public enum Role { MAINDECK("Maindeck"), SIDEBOARD("Sideboard"); Role(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } private final String name; } public static class Settings { public Sort sort; public boolean separateCreatures; public int cardSize; private final static Pattern parser = Pattern.compile("\\(([^,]*),([^,]*),([^)]*)\\)"); public static Settings parse(String str) { Matcher m = parser.matcher(str); if (m.find()) { Settings s = new Settings(); if (m.groupCount() > 0) { s.sort = Sort.valueOf(; } if (m.groupCount() > 1) { s.separateCreatures = Boolean.valueOf(; } if (m.groupCount() > 2) { s.cardSize = Integer.valueOf(; } else { s.cardSize = 50; } return s; } else { return null; } } @Override public String toString() { return '(' + sort.toString() + ',' + Boolean.toString(separateCreatures) + ',' + Integer.toString(cardSize) + ')'; } } public Settings saveSettings() { Settings s = new Settings(); s.sort = cardSort; s.separateCreatures = separateCreatures; s.cardSize = cardSizeSlider.getValue(); return s; } public void loadSettings(Settings s) { if (s != null) { setSort(s.sort); setSeparateCreatures(s.separateCreatures); setCardSize(s.cardSize); resort(); } } public void setSeparateCreatures(boolean state) { separateCreatures = state; separateCreaturesCb.setSelected(state); } public void setSort(Sort s) { cardSort = s; sortButtons.get(s).setSelected(true); } public void setCardSize(int size) { cardSizeSlider.setValue(size); } // Constructor public DragCardGrid() { // Make sure that the card grid is populated with at least one (empty) stack to begin with cardGrid = new ArrayList<>(); // Component init setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); // Editting mode this.mode = Constants.DeckEditorMode.LIMITED_BUILDING; // Toolbar sortButton = new JButton("Sort"); filterButton = new JButton("Filter"); visibilityButton = new JButton("V"); // "Visibility" button selectByButton = new JButton("Select By"); analyseButton = new JButton("M"); // "Mana" button blingButton = new JButton("B"); // "Bling" button // Name and count label deckNameAndCountLabel = new JLabel(); // Count labels landCountLabel = new JLabel("", new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/buttons/type_land.png")), SwingConstants.LEFT); landCountLabel.setToolTipText("Number of lands in deck"); creatureCountLabel = new JLabel("", new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/buttons/type_creatures.png")), SwingConstants.LEFT); creatureCountLabel.setToolTipText("Number of creatures in deck"); JPanel toolbar = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JPanel toolbarInner = new JPanel(); toolbar.setBackground(new Color(250, 250, 250, 150)); toolbar.setOpaque(true); toolbarInner.setOpaque(false); toolbarInner.add(deckNameAndCountLabel); toolbarInner.add(landCountLabel); toolbarInner.add(creatureCountLabel); toolbarInner.add(sortButton); toolbarInner.add(filterButton); toolbarInner.add(selectByButton); toolbarInner.add(visibilityButton); toolbarInner.add(analyseButton); toolbarInner.add(blingButton); toolbar.add(toolbarInner, BorderLayout.WEST); JPanel sliderPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); sliderPanel.setOpaque(false); cardSizeSlider = new JSlider(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, 0, 100, 50); cardSizeSlider.setOpaque(false); cardSizeSlider.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, (int) cardSizeSlider.getPreferredSize().getHeight())); cardSizeSlider.addChangeListener(e -> { if (!cardSizeSlider.getValueIsAdjusting()) { // Fraction in [-1, 1] float sliderFrac = ((float) (cardSizeSlider.getValue() - 50)) / 50; // Convert to frac in [0.5, 2.0] exponentially cardSizeMod = (float) Math.pow(2, sliderFrac); // Update grid layoutGrid(); cardContent.repaint(); } }); cardSizeSliderLabel = new JLabel("Card Size:"); sliderPanel.add(cardSizeSliderLabel); sliderPanel.add(cardSizeSlider); toolbar.add(sliderPanel, BorderLayout.EAST); this.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH); // Content cardContent = new JLayeredPane(); cardContent.setLayout(null); cardContent.setOpaque(false); cardContent.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { private boolean isDragging = false; @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) { isDragging = true; beginSelectionDrag(e.getX(), e.getY(), e.isShiftDown()); updateSelectionDrag(e.getX(), e.getY()); } } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (isDragging) { isDragging = false; updateSelectionDrag(e.getX(), e.getY()); endSelectionDrag(e.getX(), e.getY()); } } }); cardContent.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { updateSelectionDrag(e.getX(), e.getY()); } }); cardScroll = new JScrollPane(cardContent, ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); cardScroll.setOpaque(false); cardScroll.getViewport().setOpaque(false); cardScroll.setViewportBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); cardScroll.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.gray, 1)); cardScroll.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(CardRenderer.getCardTopHeight(getCardWidth())); this.add(cardScroll, BorderLayout.CENTER); // Insert arrow insertArrow = new JLabel(); insertArrow.setSize(20, 20); insertArrow.setVisible(false); cardContent.add(insertArrow, new Integer(1000)); // Selection panel selectionPanel = new SelectionBox(); selectionPanel.setVisible(false); cardContent.add(selectionPanel, new Integer(1001)); // Load separate creatures setting separateCreatures = PreferencesDialog.getCachedValue(PreferencesDialog.KEY_DECK_EDITOR_LAST_SEPARATE_CREATURES, "false").equals("true"); try { cardSort = Sort.valueOf(PreferencesDialog.getCachedValue(PreferencesDialog.KEY_DECK_EDITOR_LAST_SORT, Sort.NONE.toString())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { cardSort = Sort.NONE; } // Sort popup { sortPopup = new JPopupMenu(); sortPopup.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); JPanel sortMode = new JPanel(); sortMode.setLayout(new GridLayout(Sort.values().length, 1, 0, 2)); sortMode.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Sort by...")); GridBagConstraints sortModeC = new GridBagConstraints(); sortModeC.gridx = 0; sortModeC.gridy = 0; sortModeC.gridwidth = 1; sortModeC.gridheight = 1; sortModeC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; sortPopup.add(sortMode, sortModeC); ButtonGroup sortModeGroup = new ButtonGroup(); for (final Sort s : Sort.values()) { JToggleButton button = new JToggleButton(s.getText()); if (s == cardSort) { button.setSelected(true); } sortButtons.put(s, button); sortMode.add(button); sortModeGroup.add(button); button.addActionListener(e -> { cardSort = s; PreferencesDialog.saveValue(PreferencesDialog.KEY_DECK_EDITOR_LAST_SORT, s.toString()); resort(); }); } JPanel sortOptions = new JPanel(); sortOptions.setLayout(new BoxLayout(sortOptions, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); sortOptions.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Sort options")); GridBagConstraints sortOptionsC = new GridBagConstraints(); sortOptionsC.gridx = 0; sortOptionsC.gridy = 1; sortOptionsC.gridwidth = 1; sortOptionsC.gridheight = 1; sortPopup.add(sortOptions, sortOptionsC); separateCreaturesCb = new JCheckBox(); separateCreaturesCb.setText("Creatures in separate row"); separateCreaturesCb.setSelected(separateCreatures); separateCreaturesCb.addItemListener(e -> { setSeparateCreatures(separateCreaturesCb.isSelected()); PreferencesDialog.saveValue(PreferencesDialog.KEY_DECK_EDITOR_LAST_SEPARATE_CREATURES, Boolean.toString(separateCreatures)); resort(); }); sortOptions.add(separateCreaturesCb); sortPopup.pack(); makeButtonPopup(sortButton, sortPopup); } // Visibility popup { final JPopupMenu visPopup = new JPopupMenu(); JMenuItem hideSelected = new JMenuItem("Hide selected"); hideSelected.addActionListener(e -> hideSelection()); visPopup.add(hideSelected); JMenuItem showAll = new JMenuItem("Show all"); showAll.addActionListener(e -> showAll()); visPopup.add(showAll); visibilityButton.setToolTipText("Visibility of cards. Right click to get the same options this provides"); visibilityButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {, 0, e.getComponent().getHeight()); } }); } // selectBy.. popup { selectByPopup = new JPopupMenu(); selectByPopup.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); JPanel selectByTypeMode = new JPanel(); selectByTypeMode.setLayout(new GridLayout(CardType.values().length, 1, 0, 2)); selectByTypeMode.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Select by Type")); GridBagConstraints selectByTypeModeC = new GridBagConstraints(); selectByTypeModeC.gridx = 0; selectByTypeModeC.gridy = 0; selectByTypeModeC.gridwidth = 1; selectByTypeModeC.gridheight = 1; selectByTypeModeC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; selectByPopup.add(selectByTypeMode, selectByTypeModeC); ButtonGroup selectByTypeModeGroup = new ButtonGroup(); for (final CardType cardType : CardType.values()) { if (cardType == cardType.CONSPIRACY) { multiplesButton = new JToggleButton("Multiples"); selectByTypeButtons.put(cardType, multiplesButton); selectByTypeMode.add(multiplesButton); selectByTypeModeGroup.add(multiplesButton); multiplesButton.addActionListener(e -> { multiplesButton.setSelected(!multiplesButton.isSelected()); reselectBy(); }); continue; } JToggleButton button = new JToggleButton(cardType.toString()); selectByTypeButtons.put(cardType, button); selectByTypeMode.add(button); selectByTypeModeGroup.add(button); button.addActionListener(e -> { //selectByTypeSelected.add(cardType); button.setSelected(!button.isSelected()); reselectBy(); }); } JPanel selectBySearchPanel = new JPanel(); selectBySearchPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 60)); selectBySearchPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1)); selectBySearchPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Search:")); GridBagConstraints selectBySearchPanelC = new GridBagConstraints(); selectBySearchPanelC.gridx = 0; selectBySearchPanelC.gridy = 1; selectBySearchPanelC.gridwidth = 1; selectBySearchPanelC.gridheight = 1; selectBySearchPanelC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; selectBySearchPanelC.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL; searchByTextField = new JTextField(); searchByTextField.setToolTipText("Searches for card names, types, rarity, casting cost and rules text. NB: Mana symbols are written like {W},{U},{C} etc"); searchByTextField.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { reselectBy(); } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { } }); selectBySearchPanel.add(searchByTextField); selectByPopup.add(selectBySearchPanel, selectBySearchPanelC); makeButtonPopup(selectByButton, selectByPopup); } // Analyse Mana (aka #blue pips, #islands, #white pips, #plains etc.) analyseButton.setToolTipText("Mana Analyser! Counts coloured/colourless mana costs. Counts land types."); analyseButton.addActionListener(evt -> analyseDeck()); // Bling button - aka Add in a premium 'JR', 'MBP', 'CS' etc card blingButton.setToolTipText("Bling your deck! Select the original and added cards by selecting 'Multiples' in the selection options"); blingButton.addActionListener(evt -> blingDeck()); // Filter popup filterPopup = new JPopupMenu(); filterPopup.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 300)); makeButtonPopup(filterButton, filterPopup); filterButton.setVisible(false); // Right click in card area initCardAreaPopup(); // Update counts updateCounts(); } public void initCardAreaPopup() { final JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); final JMenuItem hideSelected = new JMenuItem("Hide selected"); hideSelected.addActionListener(e -> hideSelection()); menu.add(hideSelected); JMenuItem showAll = new JMenuItem("Show all"); showAll.addActionListener(e -> showAll()); menu.add(showAll); JMenu sortMenu = new JMenu("Sort by..."); final Map<Sort, JMenuItem> sortMenuItems = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (final Sort sort : Sort.values()) { JMenuItem subSort = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(sort.getText()); sortMenuItems.put(sort, subSort); subSort.addActionListener(e -> { cardSort = sort; resort(); }); sortMenu.add(subSort); } sortMenu.add(new JPopupMenu.Separator()); final JCheckBoxMenuItem separateButton = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Separate creatures"); separateButton.addActionListener(e -> { setSeparateCreatures(!separateCreatures); resort(); }); sortMenu.add(separateButton); menu.add(sortMenu); // Hook up to card content cardContent.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e)) { for (Sort s : sortMenuItems.keySet()) { sortMenuItems.get(s).setSelected(cardSort == s); } hideSelected.setEnabled(!dragCardList().isEmpty()); separateButton.setSelected(separateCreatures);, e.getX(), e.getY()); } } }); } /** * Deselect all cards in this DragCardGrid */ public void deselectAll() { for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { for (CardView card : stack) { if (card.isSelected()) { card.setSelected(false); cardViews.get(card.getId()).update(card); } } } } } private void hideSelection() { Collection<CardView> toHide = dragCardList(); for (DragCardGridListener l : listeners) { l.hideCards(toHide); } } private void duplicateSelection() { Collection<CardView> toDuplicate = dragCardList(); for (DragCardGridListener l : listeners) { l.duplicateCards(toDuplicate); } } private void invertSelection() { Collection<CardView> toInvert = allCards; for (DragCardGridListener l : listeners) { l.invertCardSelection(toInvert); for (CardView card : allCards) { MageCard view = cardViews.get(card.getId()); view.update(card); } } repaint(); } private void showAll() { for (DragCardGridListener l : listeners) { l.showAll(); } } /** * Selection drag handling */ private void beginSelectionDrag(int x, int y, boolean shiftHeld) { // Show the selection panel selectionPanel.setVisible(true); selectionPanel.setLocation(x, y); cardScroll.revalidate(); // Store the drag start location selectionDragStartX = x; selectionDragStartY = y; // Store the starting cards to include in the selection selectionDragStartCards = new HashSet<>(); if (shiftHeld) { selectionDragStartCards.addAll(dragCardList()); } // Notify selection notifyCardsSelected(); } private void updateSelectionDrag(int x, int y) { // Coords int cardWidth = getCardWidth(); int cardHeight = getCardHeight(); int cardTopHeight = CardRenderer.getCardTopHeight(cardWidth); int x1 = Math.min(x, selectionDragStartX); int x2 = Math.max(x, selectionDragStartX); int y1 = Math.min(y, selectionDragStartY); int y2 = Math.max(y, selectionDragStartY); // Update selection panel size selectionPanel.setLocation(x1, y1); selectionPanel.setSize(x2 - x1, y2 - y1); // First and last cols int col1 = x1 / (cardWidth + GRID_PADDING); int col2 = x2 / (cardWidth + GRID_PADDING); int offsetIntoCol2 = x2 % (cardWidth + GRID_PADDING); if (offsetIntoCol2 < GRID_PADDING) { --col2; } // avoids a null ref issue but only deals with symptom of problem. not sure how it gets to this state ever. see issue #3197 // if (selectionDragStartCards == null) return; int curY = COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cardGrid.size(); ++rowIndex) { int stackStartIndex; if (y1 < curY) { stackStartIndex = 0; } else { stackStartIndex = (y1 - curY) / cardTopHeight; } int stackEndIndex; if (y2 < curY) { stackEndIndex = -1; } else { stackEndIndex = (y2 - curY) / cardTopHeight; } ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow = cardGrid.get(rowIndex); for (int col = 0; col < gridRow.size(); ++col) { ArrayList<CardView> stack = gridRow.get(col); int stackBottomBegin = curY + cardTopHeight * (stack.size()); int stackBottomEnd = curY + cardTopHeight * (stack.size() - 1) + cardHeight; for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) { CardView card = stack.get(i); MageCard view = cardViews.get(card.getId()); boolean inBoundsX = (col >= col1 && col <= col2); boolean inBoundsY = (i >= stackStartIndex && i <= stackEndIndex); boolean lastCard = (i == stack.size() - 1); boolean inSeletionDrag = inBoundsX && (inBoundsY || (lastCard && (y2 >= stackBottomBegin && y1 <= stackBottomEnd))); if (inSeletionDrag || selectionDragStartCards != null && selectionDragStartCards.contains(card)) { if (!card.isSelected()) { card.setSelected(true); view.update(card); } } else if (card.isSelected()) { card.setSelected(false); view.update(card); } } } curY += cardTopHeight * (maxStackSize.get(rowIndex) - 1) + cardHeight + COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; } } private void endSelectionDrag(@SuppressWarnings("unused") int x, @SuppressWarnings("unused") int y) { // Hide the selection panel selectionPanel.setVisible(false); } // Resort the existing cards based on the current sort public void resort() { // First null out the grid and trim it down for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { stack.clear(); } } trimGrid(); // First sort all cards by name allCards.sort(new CardViewNameComparator()); // Now re-insert all of the cards using the current sort for (CardView card : allCards) { sortIntoGrid(card); } // Deselect everything deselectAll(); // And finally rerender layoutGrid(); repaint(); } public void reselectBy() { // Deselect everything deselectAll(); boolean useText = false; String searchStr = ""; if (searchByTextField.getText().length() >= 3) { useText = true; searchStr = searchByTextField.getText().toLowerCase(); } for (CardType cardType : selectByTypeButtons.keySet()) { AbstractButton button = selectByTypeButtons.get(cardType); if (button != null) { if (button.isSelected()) { // Special case - "Multiples" (CONSPIRACY type) if (cardType == CardType.CONSPIRACY) { HashMap<String, CardView> cardNames = new HashMap<>(); for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { for (CardView card : stack) { if (cardNames.get(card.getName()) == null) { cardNames.put(card.getName(), card); } else { card.setSelected(true); cardViews.get(card.getId()).update(card); CardView origCard = cardNames.get(card.getName()); origCard.setSelected(true); cardViews.get(origCard.getId()).update(origCard); } } } } continue; } for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { for (CardView card : stack) { boolean s = card.isSelected() | card.getCardTypes().contains(cardType); card.setSelected(s); cardViews.get(card.getId()).update(card); } } } } } } if (useText) { for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { for (CardView card : stack) { boolean s = card.isSelected(); // Name if (!s) { s |= card.getName().toLowerCase().contains(searchStr); } // Sub & Super Types if (!s) { for (SuperType str : card.getSuperTypes()) { s |= str.toString().toLowerCase().contains(searchStr); } for (String str : card.getSubTypes()) { s |= str.toLowerCase().contains(searchStr); } } // Rarity if (!s) { s |= card.getRarity().toString().toLowerCase().contains(searchStr); } // Type line if (!s) { String t = ""; for (CardType type : card.getCardTypes()) { t += ' ' + type.toString(); } s |= t.toLowerCase().contains(searchStr); } // Casting cost if (!s) { String mc = ""; for (String m : card.getManaCost()) { mc += m; } s |= mc.toLowerCase().contains(searchStr); } // Rules if (!s) { for (String str : card.getRules()) { s |= str.toLowerCase().contains(searchStr); } } card.setSelected(s); cardViews.get(card.getId()).update(card); } } } } // And finally rerender layoutGrid(); repaint(); } private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*Add(.*)(\\{[WUBRGXC]\\})(.*)to your mana pool"); public void analyseDeck() { HashMap<String, Integer> qtys = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Integer> pips = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Integer> sourcePips = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Integer> manaCounts = new HashMap<>(); pips.put("#w}", 0); pips.put("#u}", 0); pips.put("#b}", 0); pips.put("#r}", 0); pips.put("#g}", 0); pips.put("#c}", 0); qtys.put("plains", 0); qtys.put("island", 0); qtys.put("swamp", 0); qtys.put("mountain", 0); qtys.put("forest", 0); qtys.put("basic", 0); qtys.put("wastes", 0); manaCounts = new HashMap<>(); for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { for (CardView card : stack) { // Type line String t = ""; for (CardType type : card.getCardTypes()) { t += ' ' + type.toString(); } // Sub & Super Types for (SuperType type : card.getSuperTypes()) { t += ' ' + type.toString().toLowerCase(); } for (String str : card.getSubTypes()) { t += ' ' + str.toLowerCase(); } for (String qty : qtys.keySet()) { int value = qtys.get(qty); if (t.toLowerCase().contains(qty)) { qtys.put(qty, ++value); } // Rules for (String str : card.getRules()) { if (str.toLowerCase().contains(qty)) { qtys.put(qty, ++value); } } } // Wastes (special case) if (card.getName().equals("Wastes")) { int value = qtys.get("wastes"); qtys.put("wastes", ++value); } // Mana Cost String mc = ""; for (String m : card.getManaCost()) { mc += m; } mc = mc.replaceAll("\\{([WUBRG]).([WUBRG])\\}", "{$1}{$2}"); mc = mc.replaceAll("\\{", "#"); mc = mc.toLowerCase(); for (String pip : pips.keySet()) { int value = pips.get(pip); while (mc.toLowerCase().contains(pip)) { pips.put(pip, ++value); mc = mc.replaceFirst(pip, ""); } } // Adding mana for (String str : card.getRules()) { Matcher m = pattern.matcher(str); // ".*Add(.*)(\\{[WUBRGXC]\\})(.*)to your mana pool" while (m.find()) { System.out.println("0=" + + ",,,1=" + + ",,,2=" + + ",,,3=" +; str = "Add" + + + "to your mana pool"; int num = 1; if (manaCounts.get( != null) { num = manaCounts.get(; num++; } manaCounts.put(, num); m = pattern.matcher(str); } } } } } String finalInfo = "Found the following quantity of mana costs, mana sources and land types:<br><font size=-1><ul>"; for (String qty : qtys.keySet()) { int value = qtys.get(qty); if (value > 0) { finalInfo += "<li>" + qty + " = " + value; } } for (String source : sourcePips.keySet()) { int value = sourcePips.get(source); if (value > 0) { finalInfo += "<li>" + "Mana source " + source + " = " + value; } } for (String pip : pips.keySet()) { int value = pips.get(pip); if (value > 0) { finalInfo += "<li>" + pip.toUpperCase() + " mana pip/s = " + value; } } for (String mana : manaCounts.keySet()) { int value = manaCounts.get(mana); if (value > 0) { finalInfo += "<li>" + mana.toUpperCase() + " mana sources = " + value; } } finalInfo = finalInfo.replaceAll("#", "\\{"); finalInfo += "</ul>"; MageFrame.getInstance().showMessage(finalInfo); } public void blingDeck() { if (!(this.mode == Constants.DeckEditorMode.FREE_BUILDING)) { return; } if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Are you sure you want to bling your deck? This process will add cards!", "WARNING", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { return; } HashMap<String, Integer> pimpedSets = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<CardView, Integer> pimpedCards = new HashMap<>(); pimpedSets.put("CP", 1); pimpedSets.put("JR", 1); pimpedSets.put("MPS", 1); pimpedSets.put("CLASH", 1); pimpedSets.put("ARENA", 1); pimpedSets.put("UGIN", 1); pimpedSets.put("WMCQ", 1); pimpedSets.put("APAC", 1); pimpedSets.put("EURO", 1); pimpedSets.put("FNMP", 1); pimpedSets.put("MGDC", 1); pimpedSets.put("MPRP", 1); pimpedSets.put("EXP", 1); pimpedSets.put("GPX", 1); pimpedSets.put("GRC", 1); pimpedSets.put("MBP", 1); pimpedSets.put("MLP", 1); pimpedSets.put("PLS", 1); pimpedSets.put("PTC", 1); pimpedSets.put("SUS", 1); String[] sets = pimpedSets.keySet().toArray(new String[pimpedSets.keySet().size()]); Boolean didModify = false; for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { for (CardView card : stack) { if (card.getSuperTypes().contains(SuperType.BASIC)) { continue; } if (!pimpedSets.containsKey(card.getExpansionSetCode())) { final CardCriteria cardCriteria = new CardCriteria(); cardCriteria.setCodes(sets);; java.util.List<CardInfo> cardPool = CardRepository.instance.findCards(cardCriteria); if (!cardPool.isEmpty()) { Card acard = cardPool.get(RandomUtil.nextInt(cardPool.size())).getMockCard(); if (acard.getName().equals(card.getName())) { CardView pimpedCard = new CardView(acard); addCardView(pimpedCard, false); eventSource.addSpecificCard(pimpedCard, "add-specific-card"); pimpedCards.put(pimpedCard, 1); didModify = true; } } } } } if (didModify) { for (CardView c : pimpedCards.keySet()) { sortIntoGrid(c); } layoutGrid(); cardScroll.revalidate(); repaint(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Added " + pimpedCards.size() + " cards. You can select them and the originals by choosing 'Multiples'"); } } } // Update the contents of the card grid public void setCards(CardsView cardsView, DeckCardLayout layout, BigCard bigCard) { if (bigCard != null) { lastBigCard = bigCard; } // Remove all of the cards not in the cardsView boolean didModify = false; // Until contested for (int i = 0; i < cardGrid.size(); ++i) { ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow = cardGrid.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < gridRow.size(); ++j) { ArrayList<CardView> stack = gridRow.get(j); for (int k = 0; k < stack.size(); ++k) { CardView card = stack.get(k); if (!cardsView.containsKey(card.getId())) { // Remove it removeCardView(card); stack.remove(k--); // Mark didModify = true; } } } } // Trim the grid if (didModify) { trimGrid(); } if (layout == null) { // No layout -> add any new card views one at a time as par the current sort for (CardView newCard : cardsView.values()) { if (!cardViews.containsKey(newCard.getId())) { // Is a new card addCardView(newCard, false); // Put it into the appropirate place in the grid given the current sort sortIntoGrid(newCard); // Mark didModify = true; } } } else { // Layout given -> Build card grid using layout, and set sort / separate // Always modify when given a layout didModify = true; // Load in settings loadSettings(Settings.parse(layout.getSettings())); // Traverse the cards once and track them so we can pick ones to insert into the grid Map<String, Map<String, ArrayList<CardView>>> trackedCards = new HashMap<>(); for (CardView newCard : cardsView.values()) { if (!cardViews.containsKey(newCard.getId())) { // Add the new card addCardView(newCard, false); // Add the new card to tracking Map<String, ArrayList<CardView>> forSetCode; if (trackedCards.containsKey(newCard.getExpansionSetCode())) { forSetCode = trackedCards.get(newCard.getExpansionSetCode()); } else { forSetCode = new HashMap<>(); trackedCards.put(newCard.getExpansionSetCode(), forSetCode); } ArrayList<CardView> list; if (forSetCode.containsKey(newCard.getCardNumber())) { list = forSetCode.get(newCard.getCardNumber()); } else { list = new ArrayList<>(); forSetCode.put(newCard.getCardNumber(), list); } list.add(newCard); } } // Now go through the layout and use it to build the cardGrid cardGrid = new ArrayList<>(); maxStackSize = new ArrayList<>(); for (java.util.List<java.util.List<DeckCardInfo>> row : layout.getCards()) { ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow = new ArrayList<>(); int thisMaxStackSize = 0; cardGrid.add(gridRow); for (java.util.List<DeckCardInfo> stack : row) { ArrayList<CardView> gridStack = new ArrayList<>(); gridRow.add(gridStack); for (DeckCardInfo info : stack) { if (trackedCards.containsKey(info.getSetCode()) && trackedCards.get(info.getSetCode()).containsKey(info.getCardNum())) { ArrayList<CardView> candidates = trackedCards.get(info.getSetCode()).get(info.getCardNum()); if (!candidates.isEmpty()) { gridStack.add(candidates.remove(0)); thisMaxStackSize = Math.max(thisMaxStackSize, gridStack.size()); } } } } maxStackSize.add(thisMaxStackSize); } // Check that there aren't any "orphans" not referenced in the layout. There should // never be any under normal operation, but as a failsafe in case the user screwed with // the file in an invalid way, sort them into the grid so that they aren't just left hanging. for (Map<String, ArrayList<CardView>> tracked : trackedCards.values()) { for (ArrayList<CardView> orphans : tracked.values()) { for (CardView orphan : orphans) {"Orphan when setting with layout: "); sortIntoGrid(orphan); } } } } // Modifications? if (didModify) { // Update layout layoutGrid(); // Update draw cardScroll.revalidate(); repaint(); } } private int getCount(CardType cardType) { if (null != cardType) { switch (cardType) { case CREATURE: return creatureCounter.get(); case LAND: return landCounter.get(); case ARTIFACT: return artifactCounter.get(); case ENCHANTMENT: return enchantmentCounter.get(); case INSTANT: return instantCounter.get(); case PLANESWALKER: return planeswalkerCounter.get(); case SORCERY: return sorceryCounter.get(); case TRIBAL: return tribalCounter.get(); default: break; } } return 0; } private void updateCounts() { deckNameAndCountLabel.setText(role.getName() + " - " + allCards.size()); creatureCountLabel.setText(String.valueOf(creatureCounter.get())); landCountLabel.setText(String.valueOf(landCounter.get())); for (CardType cardType : selectByTypeButtons.keySet()) { AbstractButton button = selectByTypeButtons.get(cardType); String text = cardType.toString(); int numCards = getCount(cardType); if (cardType == cardType.CONSPIRACY) { continue; } if (numCards > 0) { button.setForeground(Color.BLACK); text = text + " - " + numCards; } else { button.setForeground(new Color(100, 100, 100)); } button.setText(text); } } private void showCardRightClickMenu(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final CardView card, MouseEvent e) { JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); JMenuItem hide = new JMenuItem("Hide"); hide.addActionListener(e2 -> hideSelection()); menu.add(hide); JMenuItem invertSelection = new JMenuItem("Invert Selection"); invertSelection.addActionListener(e2 -> invertSelection()); menu.add(invertSelection); // Show 'Duplicate Selection' for FREE_BUILDING if (this.mode == Constants.DeckEditorMode.FREE_BUILDING) { JMenuItem duplicateSelection = new JMenuItem("Duplicate Selection"); duplicateSelection.addActionListener(e2 -> duplicateSelection()); menu.add(duplicateSelection); }, e.getX(), e.getY()); } public void addCardView(final CardView card, boolean duplicated) { allCards.add(card); // Update counts for (CardTypeCounter counter : allCounters) { counter.add(card); } updateCounts(); // Create the card view final MageCard cardPanel = Plugins.instance.getMageCard(card, lastBigCard, new Dimension(getCardWidth(), getCardHeight()), null, true, true); cardPanel.update(card); cardPanel.setTextOffset(0); // Remove mouse wheel listeners so that scrolling works // Scrolling works on all areas without cards or by using the scroll bar, that's enough // for (MouseWheelListener l : cardPanel.getMouseWheelListeners()) { // cardPanel.removeMouseWheelListener(l); // } // Add a click listener for selection / drag start cardPanel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e)) { // Select if not selected if (!card.isSelected()) { selectCard(card); } // Show menu showCardRightClickMenu(card, e); } else if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) { if (e.getClickCount() == 1) { cardClicked(card, e); } else if (e.isAltDown()) { eventSource.altDoubleClick(card, "alt-double-click"); } else { eventSource.doubleClick(card, "double-click"); } } } }); // Add a motion listener to process drags cardPanel.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { if (!dragger.isDragging()) { // If the card isn't already selected, make sure it is if (!card.isSelected()) { cardClicked(card, e); } dragger.beginDrag(cardPanel, e); } } }); // And add it cardContent.add(cardPanel); cardViews.put(card.getId(), cardPanel); if (duplicated) { sortIntoGrid(card); eventSource.addSpecificCard(card, "add-specific-card"); // Update layout layoutGrid(); // Update draw cardScroll.revalidate(); repaint(); } } private final ArrayList<DragCardGridListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); public void addDragCardGridListener(DragCardGridListener l) { listeners.add(l); } private void notifyCardsSelected() { for (DragCardGridListener listener : listeners) { listener.cardsSelected(); } } private void selectCard(CardView targetCard) { // Set the selected card to the target card for (CardView card : allCards) { if (card == targetCard) { if (!card.isSelected()) { card.setSelected(true); cardViews.get(card.getId()).update(card); } } else if (card.isSelected()) { card.setSelected(false); cardViews.get(card.getId()).update(card); } } } private void toggleSelected(CardView targetCard) { targetCard.setSelected(!targetCard.isSelected()); cardViews.get(targetCard.getId()).update(targetCard); } private void cardClicked(CardView targetCard, MouseEvent e) { if (e.isShiftDown()) { toggleSelected(targetCard); } else { selectCard(targetCard); } notifyCardsSelected(); } private void removeCardView(CardView card) { allCards.remove(card); // Remove fromcounts for (CardTypeCounter counter : allCounters) { counter.remove(card); } updateCounts(); cardContent.remove(cardViews.get(card.getId())); cardViews.remove(card.getId()); } /** * Add a card to the cardGrid, in the position that the current sort * dictates * * @param newCard Card to add to the cardGrid array. */ private void sortIntoGrid(CardView newCard) { // Ensure row 1 exists if (cardGrid.isEmpty()) { cardGrid.add(0, new ArrayList<>()); maxStackSize.add(0, 0); } // What row to add it to? ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> targetRow; if (separateCreatures && !newCard.isCreature()) { // Ensure row 2 exists if (cardGrid.size() < 2) { cardGrid.add(1, new ArrayList<>()); maxStackSize.add(1, 0); // Populate with stacks matching the first row for (int i = 0; i < cardGrid.get(0).size(); ++i) { cardGrid.get(1).add(new ArrayList<>()); } } targetRow = cardGrid.get(1); } else { targetRow = cardGrid.get(0); } // Find the right column to insert into boolean didInsert = false; for (int currentColumn = 0; currentColumn < cardGrid.get(0).size(); ++currentColumn) { // Find an item from this column CardView cardInColumn = null; for (ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow : cardGrid) { for (CardView card : gridRow.get(currentColumn)) { cardInColumn = card; break; } } // No card in this column? if (cardInColumn == null) { // Error, should not have an empty column LOGGER.error("Empty column! " + currentColumn); } else { int res = cardSort.getComparator().compare(newCard, cardInColumn); if (res <= 0) { // Insert into this col, but if less, then we need to create a new col here first if (res < 0) { for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cardGrid.size(); ++rowIndex) { cardGrid.get(rowIndex).add(currentColumn, new ArrayList<>()); } } targetRow.get(currentColumn).add(newCard); didInsert = true; break; } else { // Nothing to do, go to next iteration } } } // If nothing else, insert in a new column after everything else if (!didInsert) { for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cardGrid.size(); ++rowIndex) { cardGrid.get(rowIndex).add(new ArrayList<>()); } targetRow.get(targetRow.size() - 1).add(newCard); } } /** * Delete any empty columns / rows from the grid, and eleminate any empty * space in stacks */ private void trimGrid() { // Compact stacks and rows for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cardGrid.size(); ++rowIndex) { ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow = cardGrid.get(rowIndex); int rowMaxStackSize = 0; for (ArrayList<CardView> stack : gridRow) { // Clear out nulls in the stack for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) { if (stack.get(i) == null) { stack.remove(i--); } } // Is the stack still non-empty? rowMaxStackSize = Math.max(rowMaxStackSize, stack.size()); } // Is the row empty? If so remove it if (rowMaxStackSize == 0) { cardGrid.remove(rowIndex); maxStackSize.remove(rowIndex); --rowIndex; } else { maxStackSize.set(rowIndex, rowMaxStackSize); } } // Remove empty columns if (!cardGrid.isEmpty()) { for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < cardGrid.get(0).size(); ++colIndex) { boolean hasContent = false; // Until contested for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cardGrid.size(); ++rowIndex) { if (!cardGrid.get(rowIndex).get(colIndex).isEmpty()) { hasContent = true; break; } } if (!hasContent) { for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cardGrid.size(); ++rowIndex) { cardGrid.get(rowIndex).remove(colIndex); } --colIndex; } } } // Clean up extra column header count labels while (stackCountLabels.size() > cardGrid.size()) { ArrayList<JLabel> labels = stackCountLabels.remove(cardGrid.size()); for (JLabel label : labels) { cardContent.remove(label); } } int colCount = cardGrid.isEmpty() ? 0 : cardGrid.get(0).size(); for (ArrayList<JLabel> labels : stackCountLabels) { while (labels.size() > colCount) { cardContent.remove(labels.remove(colCount)); } } } private int getCardWidth() { return (int) (GUISizeHelper.editorCardDimension.width * cardSizeMod); } private int getCardHeight() { return (int) (1.4 * getCardWidth()); } /** * Position all of the card views correctly */ private void layoutGrid() { // Basic dimensions int cardWidth = getCardWidth(); int cardHeight = getCardHeight(); int cardTopHeight = CardRenderer.getCardTopHeight(cardWidth); // Layout one at a time int layerIndex = 0; int currentY = COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; int maxWidth = 0; for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cardGrid.size(); ++rowIndex) { int rowMaxStackSize = 0; ArrayList<ArrayList<CardView>> gridRow = cardGrid.get(rowIndex); for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < gridRow.size(); ++colIndex) { ArrayList<CardView> stack = gridRow.get(colIndex); // Stack count label if (stackCountLabels.size() <= rowIndex) { stackCountLabels.add(new ArrayList<>()); } if (stackCountLabels.get(rowIndex).size() <= colIndex) { JLabel countLabel = new JLabel("", SwingConstants.CENTER); countLabel.setForeground(Color.WHITE); cardContent.add(countLabel, new Integer(0)); stackCountLabels.get(rowIndex).add(countLabel); } JLabel countLabel = stackCountLabels.get(rowIndex).get(colIndex); if (stack.isEmpty()) { countLabel.setVisible(false); } else { countLabel.setText(String.valueOf(stack.size())); countLabel.setLocation(GRID_PADDING + (cardWidth + GRID_PADDING) * colIndex, currentY - COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT); countLabel.setSize(cardWidth, COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT); countLabel.setVisible(true); } // Max stack size rowMaxStackSize = Math.max(rowMaxStackSize, stack.size()); // Layout cards in stack for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) { CardView card = stack.get(i); MageCard view = cardViews.get(card.getId()); int x = GRID_PADDING + (cardWidth + GRID_PADDING) * colIndex; int y = currentY + i * cardTopHeight; view.setCardBounds(x, y, cardWidth, cardHeight); cardContent.setLayer(view, layerIndex++); } } // Update the max stack size for this row and the max width maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, GRID_PADDING + (GRID_PADDING + cardWidth) * gridRow.size()); maxStackSize.set(rowIndex, rowMaxStackSize); currentY += (cardTopHeight * (rowMaxStackSize - 1) + cardHeight) + COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT; } // Resize card container cardContent.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(maxWidth, currentY - COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT + GRID_PADDING)); //cardContent.setSize(maxWidth, currentY - COUNT_LABEL_HEIGHT + GRID_PADDING); } private static void makeButtonPopup(final AbstractButton button, final JPopupMenu popup) { button.addActionListener(e ->, 0, button.getHeight())); } } /** * Note: This class can't just be a JPanel, because a JPanel doesn't draw when * it has Opaque = false, but this class needs to go into a JLayeredPane while * being translucent, so it NEEDS Opaque = false in order to behave correctly. * Thus this simple class is needed to implement a translucent box in a * JLayeredPane. */ class SelectionBox extends JComponent { public SelectionBox() { setOpaque(false); } @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); g = g.create(); g.setColor(new Color(100, 100, 200, 128)); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 255)); g.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth() - 1, getHeight() - 1); g.dispose(); } }