package mage.abilities.effects.common.continuous; import java.util.Set; import mage.abilities.Ability; import mage.abilities.effects.ContinuousEffect; import mage.abilities.effects.Effect; import mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect; import; import; import mage.choices.Choice; import mage.choices.ChoiceImpl; import mage.constants.Duration; import mage.constants.Outcome; import; import mage.players.Player; import; public class BecomesChosenCreatureTypeTargetEffect extends OneShotEffect { private final boolean nonWall; public BecomesChosenCreatureTypeTargetEffect() { this(false); } public BecomesChosenCreatureTypeTargetEffect(boolean nonWall) { super(Outcome.BoostCreature); this.nonWall = nonWall; if(nonWall) { staticText = "choose a creature type other than wall, target creature's type becomes that type until end of turn"; } else { staticText = "target creature becomes the creature type of your choice until end of turn"; } } public BecomesChosenCreatureTypeTargetEffect(final BecomesChosenCreatureTypeTargetEffect effect) { super(effect); this.nonWall = effect.nonWall; } @Override public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) { Player player = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId()); Card card = game.getCard(source.getSourceId()); String chosenType = ""; if (player != null && card != null) { Choice typeChoice = new ChoiceImpl(true); String msg = "Choose a creature type"; if(nonWall) { msg += " other than Wall"; } typeChoice.setMessage(msg); Set<String> types = CardRepository.instance.getCreatureTypes(); if(nonWall) { types.remove("Wall"); } typeChoice.setChoices(types); while (!player.choose(Outcome.BoostCreature, typeChoice, game)) { if (!player.canRespond()) { return false; } } game.informPlayers(card.getName() + ": " + player.getLogName() + " has chosen " + typeChoice.getChoice()); chosenType = typeChoice.getChoice(); if (chosenType != null && !chosenType.isEmpty()) { // ADD TYPE TO TARGET ContinuousEffect effect = new BecomesCreatureTypeTargetEffect(Duration.EndOfTurn, chosenType); effect.setTargetPointer(new FixedTarget(getTargetPointer().getFirst(game, source))); game.addEffect(effect, source); return true; } } return false; } @Override public Effect copy() { return new BecomesChosenCreatureTypeTargetEffect(this); } }