/* * Copyright 2010 BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com. */ package mage.server; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import javax.management.timer.Timer; import mage.MageException; import mage.cards.decks.DeckCardLists; import mage.cards.repository.CardInfo; import mage.cards.repository.CardRepository; import mage.cards.repository.ExpansionInfo; import mage.cards.repository.ExpansionRepository; import mage.constants.ManaType; import mage.constants.PlayerAction; import mage.constants.TableState; import mage.game.GameException; import mage.game.Table; import mage.game.match.MatchOptions; import mage.game.tournament.TournamentOptions; import mage.interfaces.Action; import mage.interfaces.ActionWithResult; import mage.interfaces.MageServer; import mage.interfaces.ServerState; import mage.interfaces.callback.ClientCallback; import mage.interfaces.callback.ClientCallbackMethod; import mage.players.PlayerType; import mage.players.net.UserData; import mage.remote.MageVersionException; import mage.server.draft.CubeFactory; import mage.server.draft.DraftManager; import mage.server.game.*; import mage.server.services.impl.FeedbackServiceImpl; import mage.server.tournament.TournamentFactory; import mage.server.tournament.TournamentManager; import mage.server.util.ConfigSettings; import mage.server.util.ServerMessagesUtil; import mage.server.util.SystemUtil; import mage.server.util.ThreadExecutor; import mage.utils.*; import mage.view.*; import mage.view.ChatMessage.MessageColor; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * @author BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com, noxx */ public class MageServerImpl implements MageServer { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MageServerImpl.class); private static final ExecutorService callExecutor = ThreadExecutor.instance.getCallExecutor(); private static final SecureRandom RANDOM = new SecureRandom(); private final String adminPassword; private final boolean testMode; private final LinkedHashMap<String, String> activeAuthTokens = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() { @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String, String> eldest) { // Keep the latest 1024 auth tokens in memory. return size() > 1024; } }; public MageServerImpl(String adminPassword, boolean testMode) { this.adminPassword = adminPassword; this.testMode = testMode; ServerMessagesUtil.instance.getMessages(); } @Override public boolean registerUser(String sessionId, String userName, String password, String email) throws MageException { return SessionManager.instance.registerUser(sessionId, userName, password, email); } // generateAuthToken returns a uniformly distributed 6-digits string. static private String generateAuthToken() { return String.format("%06d", RANDOM.nextInt(1000000)); } @Override public boolean emailAuthToken(String sessionId, String email) throws MageException { if (!ConfigSettings.instance.isAuthenticationActivated()) { sendErrorMessageToClient(sessionId, "Registration is disabled by the server config"); return false; } AuthorizedUser authorizedUser = AuthorizedUserRepository.instance.getByEmail(email); if (authorizedUser == null) { sendErrorMessageToClient(sessionId, "No user was found with the email address " + email); logger.info("Auth token is requested for " + email + " but there's no such user in DB"); return false; } String authToken = generateAuthToken(); activeAuthTokens.put(email, authToken); String subject = "XMage Password Reset Auth Token"; String text = "Use this auth token to reset " + authorizedUser.name + "'s password: " + authToken + '\n' + "It's valid until the next server restart."; boolean success; if (!ConfigSettings.instance.getMailUser().isEmpty()) { success = MailClient.sendMessage(email, subject, text); } else { success = MailgunClient.sendMessage(email, subject, text); } if (!success) { sendErrorMessageToClient(sessionId, "There was an error inside the server while emailing an auth token"); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean resetPassword(String sessionId, String email, String authToken, String password) throws MageException { if (!ConfigSettings.instance.isAuthenticationActivated()) { sendErrorMessageToClient(sessionId, "Registration is disabled by the server config"); return false; } String storedAuthToken = activeAuthTokens.get(email); if (storedAuthToken == null || !storedAuthToken.equals(authToken)) { sendErrorMessageToClient(sessionId, "Invalid auth token"); logger.info("Invalid auth token " + authToken + " is sent for " + email); return false; } AuthorizedUser authorizedUser = AuthorizedUserRepository.instance.getByEmail(email); if (authorizedUser == null) { sendErrorMessageToClient(sessionId, "The user is no longer in the DB"); logger.info("Auth token is valid, but the user with email address " + email + " is no longer in the DB"); return false; } AuthorizedUserRepository.instance.remove(authorizedUser.getName()); AuthorizedUserRepository.instance.add(authorizedUser.getName(), password, email); activeAuthTokens.remove(email); return true; } @Override public boolean connectUser(String userName, String password, String sessionId, MageVersion version, String userIdStr) throws MageException { try { if (version.compareTo(Main.getVersion()) != 0) { logger.info("MageVersionException: userName=" + userName + ", version=" + version + " sessionId=" + sessionId); throw new MageVersionException(version, Main.getVersion()); } return SessionManager.instance.connectUser(sessionId, userName, password, userIdStr); } catch (MageException ex) { if (ex instanceof MageVersionException) { throw (MageVersionException) ex; } handleException(ex); } return false; } @Override public boolean setUserData(final String userName, final String sessionId, final UserData userData, final String clientVersion, final String userIdStr) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("setUserData", sessionId, new ActionWithBooleanResult() { @Override public Boolean execute() throws MageException { return SessionManager.instance.setUserData(userName, sessionId, userData, clientVersion, userIdStr); } }); } @Override public boolean connectAdmin(String adminPassword, String sessionId, MageVersion version) throws MageException { try { if (version.compareTo(Main.getVersion()) != 0) { throw new MageException("Wrong client version " + version + ", expecting version " + Main.getVersion()); } if (!adminPassword.equals(this.adminPassword)) { throw new MageException("Wrong password"); } return SessionManager.instance.connectAdmin(sessionId); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return false; } @Override public TableView createTable(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final MatchOptions options) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("createTable", sessionId, new MyActionWithTableViewResult(sessionId, options, roomId)); } @Override public TableView createTournamentTable(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final TournamentOptions options) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("createTournamentTable", sessionId, new ActionWithTableViewResult() { @Override public TableView execute() throws MageException { try { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session to found : " + sessionId); return null; } UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); Optional<User> _user = UserManager.instance.getUser(userId); if (!_user.isPresent()) { logger.error("User for session not found. session = " + sessionId); return null; } User user = _user.get(); // check if user can create another table int notStartedTables = user.getNumberOfNotStartedTables(); if (notStartedTables > 1) { user.showUserMessage("Create table", "You have already " + notStartedTables + " not started table" + (notStartedTables == 1 ? "" : "s") + ". You can't create another."); throw new MageException("No message"); } // check AI players max String maxAiOpponents = ConfigSettings.instance.getMaxAiOpponents(); if (maxAiOpponents != null) { int aiPlayers = 0; for (PlayerType playerType : options.getPlayerTypes()) { if (playerType != PlayerType.HUMAN) { aiPlayers++; } } int max = Integer.parseInt(maxAiOpponents); if (aiPlayers > max) { user.showUserMessage("Create tournament", "It's only allowed to use a maximum of " + max + " AI players."); throw new MageException("No message"); } } // check if the user satisfies the quitRatio requirement. int quitRatio = options.getQuitRatio(); if (quitRatio < user.getTourneyQuitRatio()) { String message = new StringBuilder("Your quit ratio ").append(user.getTourneyQuitRatio()) .append("% is higher than the table requirement ").append(quitRatio).append('%').toString(); user.showUserMessage("Create tournament", message); throw new MageException("No message"); } Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); if (!room.isPresent()) { } else { TableView table = room.get().createTournamentTable(userId, options); logger.debug("Tournament table " + table.getTableId() + " created"); return table; } } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return null; } }); } @Override public void removeTable(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final UUID tableId) throws MageException { execute("removeTable", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); TableManager.instance.removeTable(userId, tableId); } }); } @Override public boolean joinTable(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final UUID tableId, final String name, final PlayerType playerType, final int skill, final DeckCardLists deckList, final String password) throws MageException, GameException { return executeWithResult("joinTable", sessionId, new ActionWithBooleanResult() { @Override public Boolean execute() throws MageException { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); return false; } UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); logger.debug(name + " joins tableId: " + tableId); if (userId == null) { logger.fatal("Got no userId from sessionId" + sessionId + " tableId" + tableId); return false; } Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); if (!room.isPresent()) { logger.error("room not found : " + roomId); return false; } return room.get().joinTable(userId, tableId, name, playerType, skill, deckList, password); } }); } @Override public boolean joinTournamentTable(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final UUID tableId, final String name, final PlayerType playerType, final int skill, final DeckCardLists deckList, final String password) throws MageException, GameException { return executeWithResult("joinTournamentTable", sessionId, new ActionWithBooleanResult() { @Override public Boolean execute() throws MageException { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); return false; } UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Optional<User> user = UserManager.instance.getUser(userId); user.ifPresent(user1 -> logger.trace("join tourn. tableId: " + tableId + ' ' + name)); } if (userId == null) { logger.fatal("Got no userId from sessionId" + sessionId + " tableId" + tableId); return false; } Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); if (room.isPresent()) { return room.get().joinTournamentTable(userId, tableId, name, playerType, skill, deckList, password); } return null; } }); } @Override public boolean submitDeck(final String sessionId, final UUID tableId, final DeckCardLists deckList) throws MageException, GameException { return executeWithResult("submitDeck", sessionId, new ActionWithBooleanResult() { @Override public Boolean execute() throws MageException { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); return false; } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); boolean ret = TableManager.instance.submitDeck(userId, tableId, deckList); logger.debug("Session " + sessionId + " submitted deck"); return ret; } } }); } @Override public void updateDeck(final String sessionId, final UUID tableId, final DeckCardLists deckList) throws MageException, GameException { execute("updateDeck", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); TableManager.instance.updateDeck(userId, tableId, deckList); logger.trace("Session " + sessionId + " updated deck"); } }); } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public List<TableView> getTables(UUID roomId) throws MageException { try { Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); if (room.isPresent()) { return room.get().getTables(); } else { return new ArrayList<>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return null; } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public List<MatchView> getFinishedMatches(UUID roomId) throws MageException { try { Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); if (room.isPresent()) { return room.get().getFinished(); } else { return new ArrayList<>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public List<RoomUsersView> getRoomUsers(UUID roomId) throws MageException { try { Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); if (room.isPresent()) { return room.get().getRoomUsersInfo(); } else { return new ArrayList<>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public Optional<TableView> getTable(UUID roomId, UUID tableId) throws MageException { try { Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); return room.flatMap(r -> r.getTable(tableId)); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public boolean ping(String sessionId, String pingInfo) { return SessionManager.instance.extendUserSession(sessionId, pingInfo); } // @Override // public void deregisterClient(final String sessionId) throws MageException { // execute("deregisterClient", sessionId, new Action() { // @Override // public void execute() { // SessionManager.instance.disconnect(sessionId, true); // logger.debug("Client deregistered ..."); // } // }); // } @Override public boolean startMatch(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final UUID tableId) throws MageException { Optional<TableController> controller = TableManager.instance.getController(tableId); if (!controller.isPresent()) { logger.error("table not found : " + tableId); return false; } if (!controller.get().changeTableStateToStarting()) { return false; } execute("startMatch", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); TableManager.instance.startMatch(userId, roomId, tableId); } }); return true; } // @Override // public void startChallenge(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final UUID tableId, final UUID challengeId) throws MageException { // execute("startChallenge", sessionId, new Action() { // @Override // public void execute() { // UUID userId = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId).getUserId(); // TableManager.instance.startChallenge(userId, roomId, tableId, challengeId); // } // }); // } @Override public boolean startTournament(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final UUID tableId) throws MageException { Optional<TableController> controller = TableManager.instance.getController(tableId); if (!controller.isPresent()) { logger.error("table not found : " + tableId); return false; } if (!controller.get().changeTableStateToStarting()) { return false; } execute("startTournament", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); TableManager.instance.startTournament(userId, roomId, tableId); } }); return true; } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public TournamentView getTournament(UUID tournamentId) throws MageException { try { return TournamentManager.instance.getTournamentView(tournamentId); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return null; } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public void sendChatMessage(final UUID chatId, final String userName, final String message) throws MageException { try { callExecutor.execute( () -> ChatManager.instance.broadcast(chatId, userName, StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(message), MessageColor.BLUE, true, ChatMessage.MessageType.TALK, null) ); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } } @Override public void joinChat(final UUID chatId, final String sessionId, final String userName) throws MageException { execute("joinChat", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); ChatManager.instance.joinChat(chatId, userId); } }); } @Override public void leaveChat(final UUID chatId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("leaveChat", sessionId, () -> { if (chatId != null) { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); ChatManager.instance.leaveChat(chatId, userId); } } else { logger.warn("The chatId is null. sessionId = " + sessionId); } }); } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public UUID getMainRoomId() throws MageException { try { return GamesRoomManager.instance.getMainRoomId(); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return null; } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public Optional<UUID> getRoomChatId(UUID roomId) throws MageException { try { Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); if (!room.isPresent()) { logger.error("roomId not found : " + roomId); return Optional.empty(); } return Optional.of(room.get().getChatId()); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public boolean isTableOwner(final String sessionId, UUID roomId, final UUID tableId) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("isTableOwner", sessionId, new ActionWithBooleanResult() { @Override public Boolean execute() { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); return false; } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); return TableManager.instance.isTableOwner(tableId, userId); } } }); } @Override public void swapSeats(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final UUID tableId, final int seatNum1, final int seatNum2) throws MageException { execute("swapSeats", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); TableManager.instance.swapSeats(tableId, userId, seatNum1, seatNum2); } }); } @Override public boolean leaveTable(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final UUID tableId) throws MageException { Optional<TableController> tableController = TableManager.instance.getController(tableId); if (tableController.isPresent()) { TableState tableState = tableController.get().getTableState(); if (tableState != TableState.WAITING && tableState != TableState.READY_TO_START) { // table was already started, so player can't leave anymore now return false; } execute("leaveTable", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); if (!room.isPresent()) { logger.error("room not found : " + roomId); } else { room.get().leaveTable(userId, tableId); } } }); } else { // this can happen if a game ends and a player quits XMage or a match nearly at the same time as the game ends logger.trace("table not found : " + tableId); } return true; } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public Optional<UUID> getTableChatId(UUID tableId) throws MageException { try { return TableManager.instance.getChatId(tableId); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public void joinGame(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("joinGame", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); GameManager.instance.joinGame(gameId, userId); } }); } @Override public void joinDraft(final UUID draftId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("joinDraft", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); DraftManager.instance.joinDraft(draftId, userId); } }); } @Override public void joinTournament(final UUID tournamentId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("joinTournament", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); TournamentManager.instance.joinTournament(tournamentId, userId); } }); } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public Optional<UUID> getGameChatId(UUID gameId) throws MageException { try { return GameManager.instance.getChatId(gameId); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return null; } @Override //FIXME: why no sessionId here??? public Optional<UUID> getTournamentChatId(UUID tournamentId) throws MageException { try { return TournamentManager.instance.getChatId(tournamentId); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public void sendPlayerUUID(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId, final UUID data) throws MageException { execute("sendPlayerUUID", sessionId, () -> { Optional<User> user = SessionManager.instance.getUser(sessionId); if (user.isPresent()) { // logger.warn("sendPlayerUUID gameId=" + gameId + " sessionId=" + sessionId + " username=" + user.getName()); user.get().sendPlayerUUID(gameId, data); } else { logger.warn("Your session expired: gameId=" + gameId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); } }); } @Override public void sendPlayerString(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId, final String data) throws MageException { execute("sendPlayerString", sessionId, () -> { Optional<User> user = SessionManager.instance.getUser(sessionId); if (user.isPresent()) { user.get().sendPlayerString(gameId, data); } else { logger.warn("Your session expired: gameId=" + gameId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); } }); } @Override public void sendPlayerManaType(final UUID gameId, final UUID playerId, final String sessionId, final ManaType data) throws MageException { execute("sendPlayerManaType", sessionId, () -> { Optional<User> user = SessionManager.instance.getUser(sessionId); if (user.isPresent()) { user.get().sendPlayerManaType(gameId, playerId, data); } else { logger.warn("Your session expired: gameId=" + gameId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); } }); } @Override public void sendPlayerBoolean(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId, final Boolean data) throws MageException { execute("sendPlayerBoolean", sessionId, () -> { Optional<User> user = SessionManager.instance.getUser(sessionId); if (user.isPresent()) { user.get().sendPlayerBoolean(gameId, data); } else { logger.warn("Your session expired: gameId=" + gameId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); } }); } @Override public void sendPlayerInteger(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId, final Integer data) throws MageException { execute("sendPlayerInteger", sessionId, () -> { Optional<User> user = SessionManager.instance.getUser(sessionId); if (user.isPresent()) { user.get().sendPlayerInteger(gameId, data); } else { logger.warn("Your session expired: gameId=" + gameId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId); } }); } @Override public DraftPickView sendCardPick(final UUID draftId, final String sessionId, final UUID cardPick, final Set<UUID> hiddenCards) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("sendCardPick", sessionId, new DraftPickViewActionWithNullNegativeResult(sessionId, draftId, cardPick, hiddenCards)); } @Override public void sendCardMark(final UUID draftId, final String sessionId, final UUID cardPick) throws MageException { execute("sendCardMark", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); DraftManager.instance.sendCardMark(draftId, userId, cardPick); } }); } @Override public void quitMatch(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("quitMatch", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); GameManager.instance.quitMatch(gameId, userId); } }); } @Override public void quitTournament(final UUID tournamentId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("quitTournament", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); TournamentManager.instance.quit(tournamentId, userId); } }); } @Override public void quitDraft(final UUID draftId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("quitDraft", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); UUID tableId = DraftManager.instance.getControllerByDraftId(draftId).getTableId(); Table table = TableManager.instance.getTable(tableId); if (table.isTournament()) { UUID tournamentId = table.getTournament().getId(); TournamentManager.instance.quit(tournamentId, userId); } } }); } @Override public void sendPlayerAction(final PlayerAction playerAction, final UUID gameId, final String sessionId, final Object data) throws MageException { execute("sendPlayerAction", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); GameManager.instance.sendPlayerAction(playerAction, gameId, userId, data); } }); } @Override public boolean watchTable(final String sessionId, final UUID roomId, final UUID tableId) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("setUserData", sessionId, new ActionWithBooleanResult() { @Override public Boolean execute() throws MageException { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); return false; } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); if (GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId).isPresent()) { return GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId).get().watchTable(userId, tableId); } else { return false; } } } }); } @Override public boolean watchTournamentTable(final String sessionId, final UUID tableId) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("setUserData", sessionId, new MyActionWithBooleanResult(sessionId, tableId)); } @Override public void watchGame(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("watchGame", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); GameManager.instance.watchGame(gameId, userId); } }); } @Override public void stopWatching(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("stopWatching", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); UserManager.instance.getUser(userId).ifPresent(user -> { GameManager.instance.stopWatching(gameId, userId); user.removeGameWatchInfo(gameId); }); } }); } @Override public void replayGame(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("replayGame", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); ReplayManager.instance.replayGame(gameId, userId); } }); } @Override public void startReplay(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("startReplay", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); ReplayManager.instance.startReplay(gameId, userId); } }); } @Override public void stopReplay(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("stopReplay", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); ReplayManager.instance.stopReplay(gameId, userId); } }); } @Override public void nextPlay(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("nextPlay", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); ReplayManager.instance.nextPlay(gameId, userId); } }); } @Override public void previousPlay(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId) throws MageException { execute("previousPlay", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); ReplayManager.instance.previousPlay(gameId, userId); } }); } @Override public void skipForward(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId, final int moves) throws MageException { execute("skipForward", sessionId, () -> { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); ReplayManager.instance.skipForward(gameId, userId, moves); } }); } @Override //TODO: check how often it is used public ServerState getServerState() throws MageException { try { return new ServerState( GameFactory.instance.getGameTypes(), TournamentFactory.instance.getTournamentTypes(), PlayerFactory.instance.getPlayerTypes().toArray(new PlayerType[PlayerFactory.instance.getPlayerTypes().size()]), DeckValidatorFactory.instance.getDeckTypes().toArray(new String[DeckValidatorFactory.instance.getDeckTypes().size()]), CubeFactory.instance.getDraftCubes().toArray(new String[CubeFactory.instance.getDraftCubes().size()]), testMode, Main.getVersion(), CardRepository.instance.getContentVersionConstant(), ExpansionRepository.instance.getContentVersionConstant() ); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } return null; } @Override public void cheat(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId, final UUID playerId, final DeckCardLists deckList) throws MageException { execute("cheat", sessionId, () -> { if (testMode) { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); GameManager.instance.cheat(gameId, userId, playerId, deckList); } } }); } @Override public boolean cheat(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId, final UUID playerId, final String cardName) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("cheatOne", sessionId, new ActionWithBooleanResult() { @Override public Boolean execute() { if (testMode) { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); return GameManager.instance.cheat(gameId, userId, playerId, cardName); } } return false; } }); } public void handleException(Exception ex) throws MageException { if (!ex.getMessage().equals("No message")) { logger.fatal("", ex); throw new MageException("Server error: " + ex.getMessage()); } } @Override public GameView getGameView(final UUID gameId, final String sessionId, final UUID playerId) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("getGameView", sessionId, new GameViewActionWithNullNegativeResult(sessionId, gameId, playerId)); } /** * Get user data for admin console * * @param sessionId * @return * @throws MageException */ @Override public List<UserView> getUsers(String sessionId) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("getUsers", sessionId, new ListActionWithNullNegativeResult(), true); } @Override public void disconnectUser(final String sessionId, final String userSessionId) throws MageException { execute("disconnectUser", sessionId, () -> SessionManager.instance.disconnectUser(sessionId, userSessionId)); } @Override public void muteUser(final String sessionId, final String userName, final long durationMinutes) throws MageException { execute("muteUser", sessionId, () -> { UserManager.instance.getUserByName(userName).ifPresent(user -> { Date muteUntil = new Date(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + (durationMinutes * Timer.ONE_MINUTE)); user.showUserMessage("Admin info", "You were muted for chat messages until " + SystemUtil.dateFormat.format(muteUntil) + '.'); user.setChatLockedUntil(muteUntil); }); }); } @Override public void lockUser(final String sessionId, final String userName, final long durationMinutes) throws MageException { execute("lockUser", sessionId, () -> { UserManager.instance.getUserByName(userName).ifPresent(user -> { Date lockUntil = new Date(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + (durationMinutes * Timer.ONE_MINUTE)); user.showUserMessage("Admin info", "Your user profile was locked until " + SystemUtil.dateFormat.format(lockUntil) + '.'); user.setLockedUntil(lockUntil); if (user.isConnected()) { SessionManager.instance.disconnectUser(sessionId, user.getSessionId()); } }); }); } @Override public void setActivation(final String sessionId, final String userName, boolean active) throws MageException { execute("setActivation", sessionId, () -> { AuthorizedUser authorizedUser = AuthorizedUserRepository.instance.getByName(userName); Optional<User> u = UserManager.instance.getUserByName(userName); if (u.isPresent()) { User user = u.get(); user.setActive(active); if (!user.isActive() && user.isConnected()) { SessionManager.instance.disconnectUser(sessionId, user.getSessionId()); } } else if (authorizedUser != null) { User theUser = new User(userName, "localhost", authorizedUser); theUser.setActive(active); } }); } @Override public void toggleActivation(final String sessionId, final String userName) throws MageException { execute("toggleActivation", sessionId, () -> UserManager.instance.getUserByName(userName).ifPresent(user -> { user.setActive(!user.isActive()); if (!user.isActive() && user.isConnected()) { SessionManager.instance.disconnectUser(sessionId, user.getSessionId()); } })); } @Override public void endUserSession(final String sessionId, final String userSessionId) throws MageException { execute("endUserSession", sessionId, () -> SessionManager.instance.endUserSession(sessionId, userSessionId)); } /** * Admin console - Remove table * * @param sessionId * @param tableId * @throws MageException */ @Override public void removeTable(final String sessionId, final UUID tableId) throws MageException { execute("removeTable", sessionId, () -> { SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId).ifPresent(session -> { UUID userId = session.getUserId(); TableManager.instance.removeTable(userId, tableId); }); }); } @Override public Object getServerMessagesCompressed(String sessionId) throws MageException { return executeWithResult("getGameView", sessionId, new MyActionWithNullNegativeResult()); } @Override public void sendFeedbackMessage(final String sessionId, final String username, final String title, final String type, final String message, final String email) throws MageException { if (title != null && message != null) { execute("sendFeedbackMessage", sessionId, () -> SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId).ifPresent( session -> FeedbackServiceImpl.instance.feedback(username, title, type, message, email, session.getHost()) )); } } @Override public void sendBroadcastMessage(final String sessionId, final String message) throws MageException { if (message != null) { execute("sendBroadcastMessage", sessionId, () -> { for (User user : UserManager.instance.getUsers()) { if (message.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("warn")) { user.fireCallback(new ClientCallback(ClientCallbackMethod.SERVER_MESSAGE, null, new ChatMessage("SERVER", message, null, MessageColor.RED))); } else { user.fireCallback(new ClientCallback(ClientCallbackMethod.SERVER_MESSAGE, null, new ChatMessage("SERVER", message, null, MessageColor.BLUE))); } } }, true); } } private void sendErrorMessageToClient(final String sessionId, final String message) throws MageException { execute("sendErrorMessageToClient", sessionId, () -> SessionManager.instance.sendErrorMessageToClient(sessionId, message)); } protected void execute(final String actionName, final String sessionId, final Action action, boolean checkAdminRights) throws MageException { if (checkAdminRights) { if (!SessionManager.instance.isAdmin(sessionId)) { return; } } execute(actionName, sessionId, action); } protected void execute(final String actionName, final String sessionId, final Action action) throws MageException { if (SessionManager.instance.isValidSession(sessionId)) { try { callExecutor.execute( () -> { if (SessionManager.instance.isValidSession(sessionId)) { try { action.execute(); } catch (MageException me) { throw new RuntimeException(me); } } } ); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } } } protected <T> T executeWithResult(String actionName, final String sessionId, final ActionWithResult<T> action, boolean checkAdminRights) throws MageException { if (checkAdminRights) { if (!SessionManager.instance.isAdmin(sessionId)) { return action.negativeResult(); } } return executeWithResult(actionName, sessionId, action); } //TODO: also run in threads with future task protected <T> T executeWithResult(String actionName, final String sessionId, final ActionWithResult<T> action) throws MageException { if (SessionManager.instance.isValidSession(sessionId)) { try { return action.execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } } return action.negativeResult(); } @Override public List<ExpansionInfo> getMissingExpansionData(List<String> codes) { List<ExpansionInfo> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExpansionInfo expansionInfo : ExpansionRepository.instance.getAll()) { if (!codes.contains(expansionInfo.getCode())) { result.add(expansionInfo); } } return result; } @Override public List<CardInfo> getMissingCardsData(List<String> classNames) { return CardRepository.instance.getMissingCards(classNames); } private static class MyActionWithNullNegativeResult extends ActionWithNullNegativeResult<Object> { @Override public Object execute() throws MageException { return CompressUtil.compress(ServerMessagesUtil.instance.getMessages()); } } private static class ListActionWithNullNegativeResult extends ActionWithNullNegativeResult<List<UserView>> { @Override public List<UserView> execute() throws MageException { List<UserView> users = new ArrayList<>(); for (User user : UserManager.instance.getUsers()) { users.add(new UserView( user.getName(), user.getHost(), user.getSessionId(), user.getConnectionTime(), user.getGameInfo(), user.getUserState().toString(), user.getChatLockedUntil(), user.getClientVersion(), user.getEmail(), user.getUserIdStr() )); } return users; } } private static class GameViewActionWithNullNegativeResult extends ActionWithNullNegativeResult<GameView> { private final String sessionId; private final UUID gameId; private final UUID playerId; public GameViewActionWithNullNegativeResult(String sessionId, UUID gameId, UUID playerId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; this.gameId = gameId; this.playerId = playerId; } @Override public GameView execute() throws MageException { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); return null; } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); return GameManager.instance.getGameView(gameId, userId, playerId); } } } private static class MyActionWithBooleanResult extends ActionWithBooleanResult { private final String sessionId; private final UUID tableId; public MyActionWithBooleanResult(String sessionId, UUID tableId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; this.tableId = tableId; } @Override public Boolean execute() throws MageException { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); return false; } else { UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); return TableManager.instance.watchTable(userId, tableId); } } } private static class DraftPickViewActionWithNullNegativeResult extends ActionWithNullNegativeResult<DraftPickView> { private final String sessionId; private final UUID draftId; private final UUID cardPick; private final Set<UUID> hiddenCards; public DraftPickViewActionWithNullNegativeResult(String sessionId, UUID draftId, UUID cardPick, Set<UUID> hiddenCards) { this.sessionId = sessionId; this.draftId = draftId; this.cardPick = cardPick; this.hiddenCards = hiddenCards; } @Override public DraftPickView execute() { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (session.isPresent()) { return DraftManager.instance.sendCardPick(draftId, session.get().getUserId(), cardPick, hiddenCards); } else { logger.error("Session not found sessionId: " + sessionId + " draftId:" + draftId); } return null; } } private static class MyActionWithTableViewResult extends ActionWithTableViewResult { private final String sessionId; private final MatchOptions options; private final UUID roomId; public MyActionWithTableViewResult(String sessionId, MatchOptions options, UUID roomId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; this.options = options; this.roomId = roomId; } @Override public TableView execute() throws MageException { Optional<Session> session = SessionManager.instance.getSession(sessionId); if (!session.isPresent()) { logger.error("Session not found : " + sessionId); return null; } UUID userId = session.get().getUserId(); Optional<User> _user = UserManager.instance.getUser(userId); if (!_user.isPresent()) { logger.error("User for session not found. session = " + sessionId); return null; } User user = _user.get(); // check if user can create another table int notStartedTables = user.getNumberOfNotStartedTables(); if (notStartedTables > 1) { user.showUserMessage("Create table", "You have already " + notStartedTables + " not started table" + (notStartedTables == 1 ? "" : "s") + ". You can't create another."); throw new MageException("No message"); } // check if the user itself satisfies the quitRatio requirement. int quitRatio = options.getQuitRatio(); if (quitRatio < user.getMatchQuitRatio()) { user.showUserMessage("Create table", "Your quit ratio " + user.getMatchQuitRatio() + "% is higher than the table requirement " + quitRatio + '%'); throw new MageException("No message"); } Optional<GamesRoom> room = GamesRoomManager.instance.getRoom(roomId); if (room.isPresent()) { TableView table = room.get().createTable(userId, options); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("TABLE created - tableId: " + table.getTableId() + ' ' + table.getTableName()); logger.debug("- " + user.getName() + " userId: " + user.getId()); logger.debug("- chatId: " + TableManager.instance.getChatId(table.getTableId())); } return table; } else { return null; } } } }