package; import java.util.*; import mage.abilities.Ability; import mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect; import; import; import; import mage.constants.CardType; import mage.constants.Outcome; import mage.constants.WatcherScope; import mage.constants.Zone; import; import; import; import mage.players.Player; import mage.watchers.Watcher; /** * @author stravant */ public class ApproachOfTheSecondSun extends CardImpl { public ApproachOfTheSecondSun(UUID ownerId, CardSetInfo setInfo) { super(ownerId, setInfo, new CardType[]{CardType.SORCERY}, "{6}{W}"); getSpellAbility().addEffect(new ApproachOfTheSecondSunEffect()); getSpellAbility().addWatcher(new ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher()); } public ApproachOfTheSecondSun(final ApproachOfTheSecondSun card) { super(card); } @Override public ApproachOfTheSecondSun copy() { return new ApproachOfTheSecondSun(this); } } class ApproachOfTheSecondSunEffect extends OneShotEffect { public ApproachOfTheSecondSunEffect() { super(Outcome.Win); this.staticText = "If {this} was cast from your hand and you've cast another spell named Approach of the Second Sun this game, you win the game. " + "Otherwise, put {this} into its owner's library seventh from the top and you gain 7 life."; } public ApproachOfTheSecondSunEffect(final ApproachOfTheSecondSunEffect effect) { super(effect); } @Override public ApproachOfTheSecondSunEffect copy() { return new ApproachOfTheSecondSunEffect(this); } @Override public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) { Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId()); Spell spell = game.getStack().getSpell(source.getSourceId()); if (controller != null && spell != null) { ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher watcher = (ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher) game.getState().getWatchers().get(ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher.class.getSimpleName()); if (watcher != null && watcher.getApproachesCast(controller.getId()) > 1 && spell.getFromZone() == Zone.HAND) { // Win the game controller.won(game); } else { // Gain 7 life and put this back into library. controller.gainLife(7, game); // Put this into the library as the 7th from the top Card spellCard = game.getStack().getSpell(source.getSourceId()).getCard(); if (spellCard != null) { List<Card> top6 = new ArrayList<>(); // Cut the top 6 cards off into a temporary array for (int i = 0; i < 6 && controller.getLibrary().hasCards(); ++i) { top6.add(controller.getLibrary().removeFromTop(game)); } // Is the library now empty, thus the rise is on the bottom (for the message to the players)? boolean isOnBottom = controller.getLibrary().size() < 6; // Put this card (if the ability came from an ApproachOfTheSecondSun spell card) on top spellCard.moveToZone(Zone.LIBRARY, source.getSourceId(), game, true); // put the top 6 we took earlier back on top (going in reverse order this time to get them back // on top in the proper order) for (int i = top6.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { controller.getLibrary().putOnTop(top6.get(i), game); } // Inform the players if (isOnBottom) { game.informPlayers(controller.getLogName() + " puts " + spell.getLogName() + " on the bottom of his or her library."); } else { game.informPlayers(controller.getLogName() + " puts " + spell.getLogName() + " into his or her library 7th from the top."); } } } return true; } return false; } } class ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher extends Watcher { private Map<UUID, Integer> approachesCast = new HashMap<>(); public ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher() { super(ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher.class.getSimpleName(), WatcherScope.GAME); } public ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher(final ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher watcher) { super(watcher); approachesCast = new HashMap<>(watcher.approachesCast); } @Override public void watch(GameEvent event, Game game) { if (event.getType() == GameEvent.EventType.SPELL_CAST) { Spell spell = game.getStack().getSpell(event.getSourceId()); if (spell != null && spell.getName().equals("Approach of the Second Sun")) { approachesCast.put(event.getPlayerId(), getApproachesCast(event.getPlayerId()) + 1); } } } public int getApproachesCast(UUID player) { return approachesCast.getOrDefault(player, 0); } @Override public ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher copy() { return new ApproachOfTheSecondSunWatcher(this); } }