package; import mage.constants.PhaseStep; import mage.constants.Zone; import org.junit.Test; import org.mage.test.serverside.base.CardTestPlayerBase; /** * * @author escplan9 (Derek Monturo - dmontur1 at gmail dot com) */ public class OptionalSacrificeTests extends CardTestPlayerBase { /** * Glint Hawk - Flying 2/2 - {W} * When Glint Hawk enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an artifact you control to its owner's hand. * * Test returning controlled artifact. */ @Test public void testGlintHawkChooseArtifact() { addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Plains", 2); addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Glint Hawk"); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Relic of Progenitus"); castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Glint Hawk"); setChoice(playerA, "Yes"); addTarget(playerA, "Relic of Progenitus"); setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT); execute(); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Glint Hawk", 1); assertGraveyardCount(playerA, "Glint Hawk", 0); assertHandCount(playerA, "Relic of Progenitus", 1); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Relic of Progenitus", 0); } /** * Glint Hawk - Flying 2/2 - {W} * When Glint Hawk enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an artifact you control to its owner's hand. * * Test opting not to choose an artifact controlled to sacrifice Glint Hawk. */ @Test public void testGlintHawkDoNotChooseArtifactControlled() { addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Plains", 2); addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Glint Hawk"); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Relic of Progenitus"); castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Glint Hawk"); setChoice(playerA, "No"); setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT); execute(); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Glint Hawk", 0); assertGraveyardCount(playerA, "Glint Hawk", 1); assertHandCount(playerA, "Relic of Progenitus", 0); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Relic of Progenitus", 1); } /** * Glint Hawk - Flying 2/2 - {W} * When Glint Hawk enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an artifact you control to its owner's hand. * * Test no artifacts to target - so Glint Hawk is sacrificed. */ @Test public void testGlintHawkNoArtifactControlled() { addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Plains", 2); addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Glint Hawk"); castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Glint Hawk"); setChoice(playerA, "No"); setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT); execute(); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Glint Hawk", 0); assertGraveyardCount(playerA, "Glint Hawk", 1); } /** * Drake Familiar - Flying 2/1 - {1}{U} * When Drake Familiar enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an enchantment to its owner's hand. * * Test returning own enchantment so not sacrificed. */ @Test public void testDrakeFamiliarOwnEnchantment() { addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Island", 2); addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Drake Familiar"); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Moat"); castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Drake Familiar"); setChoice(playerA, "Yes"); addTarget(playerA, "Moat"); setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT); execute(); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Drake Familiar", 1); assertGraveyardCount(playerA, "Drake Familiar", 0); assertHandCount(playerA, "Moat", 1); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Moat", 0); } /** * Drake Familiar - Flying 2/1 - {1}{U} * When Drake Familiar enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an enchantment to its owner's hand. * * Test returning opponent's enchantment so not sacrificed. */ @Test public void testDrakeFamiliarOpposingEnchantment() { addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Island", 2); addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Drake Familiar"); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Propaganda"); castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Drake Familiar"); setChoice(playerA, "Yes"); addTarget(playerA, "Propaganda"); setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT); execute(); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Drake Familiar", 1); assertGraveyardCount(playerA, "Drake Familiar", 0); assertHandCount(playerB, "Propaganda", 1); assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Propaganda", 0); } /** * Drake Familiar - Flying 2/1 - {1}{U} * When Drake Familiar enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an enchantment to its owner's hand. * * Test when no enchantments are on battlefield, Drake is sacrificed. */ @Test public void testDrakeFamiliarNoEnchantmentControlled() { addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Island", 2); addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Drake Familiar"); castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Drake Familiar"); setChoice(playerA, "No"); setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT); execute(); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Drake Familiar", 0); assertGraveyardCount(playerA, "Drake Familiar", 1); } /** * Drake Familiar - Flying 2/1 - {1}{U} * When Drake Familiar enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an enchantment to its owner's hand. * * Test when no enchantments are on battlefield, Drake is sacrificed. */ @Test public void testDrakeFamiliarDoNotChooseEnchantment() { addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Island", 2); addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Drake Familiar"); addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Propaganda"); castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Drake Familiar"); setChoice(playerA, "No"); setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT); execute(); assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Drake Familiar", 0); assertGraveyardCount(playerA, "Drake Familiar", 1); assertHandCount(playerB, "Propaganda", 0); assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Propaganda", 1); } }