package org.mage.card.arcane; import; import; import; import; import mage.client.plugins.adapters.MageActionCallback; import mage.client.plugins.impl.Plugins; import; import mage.constants.CardType; import mage.constants.EnlargeMode; import mage.constants.SuperType; import mage.view.AbilityView; import mage.view.CardView; import mage.view.PermanentView; import mage.view.StackAbilityView; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mage.plugins.card.utils.impl.ImageManagerImpl; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; /** * Main class for drawing Mage card object. * * @author arcane, nantuko, noxx */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public abstract class CardPanel extends MagePermanent implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, MouseWheelListener, ComponentListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3272134219262184410L; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CardPanel.class); public static final double TAPPED_ANGLE = Math.PI / 2; public static final double FLIPPED_ANGLE = Math.PI; public static final float ASPECT_RATIO = 3.5f / 2.5f; public static final int POPUP_X_GAP = 1; // prevent tooltip window from blinking public static final Rectangle CARD_SIZE_FULL = new Rectangle(101, 149); private static final float ROT_CENTER_TO_TOP_CORNER = 1.0295630140987000315797369464196f; private static final float ROT_CENTER_TO_BOTTOM_CORNER = 0.7071067811865475244008443621048f; public CardView gameCard; public CardView updateCard; // for two faced cards public CardView temporary; public double tappedAngle = 0; public double flippedAngle = 0; private final List<MagePermanent> links = new ArrayList<>(); public final JPanel buttonPanel; private JButton dayNightButton; private JButton showCopySourceButton; private boolean displayEnabled = true; private boolean isAnimationPanel; private int cardXOffset, cardYOffset, cardWidth, cardHeight; private int symbolWidth; private boolean isSelected; private boolean isChoosable; private boolean showCastingCost; private float alpha = 1.0f; private ActionCallback callback; protected boolean tooltipShowing; protected final TextPopup tooltipText; protected UUID gameId; private TransferData data = new TransferData(); private boolean isPermanent; private boolean hasSickness; private String zone; public double transformAngle = 1; private boolean transformed; private boolean animationInProgress = false; private JPanel cardArea; private int yTextOffset = 10; // if this is set, it's opened if the user right clicks on the card panel private JPopupMenu popupMenu; public CardPanel(CardView newGameCard, UUID gameId, final boolean loadImage, ActionCallback callback, final boolean foil, Dimension dimension) { // Store away params this.gameCard = newGameCard; this.callback = callback; this.gameId = gameId; // Gather info about the card this.isPermanent = this.gameCard instanceof PermanentView && !this.gameCard.inViewerOnly(); if (isPermanent) { this.hasSickness = ((PermanentView) this.gameCard).hasSummoningSickness(); } // Set to requested size this.setCardBounds(0, 0, dimension.width, dimension.height); // Create button panel for Transform and Show Source (copied cards) buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(null); buttonPanel.setOpaque(false); buttonPanel.setVisible(true); add(buttonPanel); // Both card rendering implementations have a transform button if (this.gameCard.canTransform()) { // Create the day night button dayNightButton = new JButton(""); dayNightButton.setSize(32, 32); dayNightButton.setToolTipText("This permanent is a double faced card. To see the back face card, push this button or turn mouse wheel down while hovering with the mouse pointer over the permanent."); BufferedImage day = ImageManagerImpl.instance.getDayImage(); dayNightButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(day)); dayNightButton.addActionListener(e -> { // if card is being rotated, ignore action performed // if card is tapped, no visual transforming is possible (implementation limitation) // if card is permanent, it will be rotated by Mage, so manual rotate should be possible if (animationInProgress || isTapped() || isPermanent) { return; } Animation.transformCard(CardPanel.this, CardPanel.this, true); }); // Add it buttonPanel.add(dayNightButton); } // Both card rendering implementations have a view copy source button if (this.gameCard instanceof PermanentView) { // Create the show source button showCopySourceButton = new JButton(""); showCopySourceButton.setSize(32, 32); showCopySourceButton.setToolTipText("This permanent is copying a target. To see original card, push this button or turn mouse wheel down while hovering with the mouse pointer over the permanent."); showCopySourceButton.setVisible(((PermanentView) this.gameCard).isCopy()); showCopySourceButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageManagerImpl.instance.getCopyInformIconImage())); showCopySourceButton.addActionListener(e -> { ActionCallback callback1 = Plugins.instance.getActionCallback(); ((MageActionCallback) callback1).enlargeCard(EnlargeMode.COPY); }); // Add it buttonPanel.add(showCopySourceButton); } // JPanel setup setBackground(; setOpaque(false); // JPanel event listeners addMouseListener(this); addMouseMotionListener(this); addMouseWheelListener(this); addComponentListener(this); // Tooltip for card details hover String cardType = getType(newGameCard); tooltipText = new TextPopup(); tooltipText.setText(getText(cardType, newGameCard)); // Animation setup tappedAngle = isTapped() ? CardPanel.TAPPED_ANGLE : 0; flippedAngle = isFlipped() ? CardPanel.FLIPPED_ANGLE : 0; } @Override public void doLayout() { // Position transform and show source buttons buttonPanel.setLocation(cardXOffset, cardYOffset); buttonPanel.setSize(cardWidth, cardHeight); int x = cardWidth / 20; int y = cardHeight / 10; if (dayNightButton != null) { dayNightButton.setLocation(x, y); y += 25; y += 5; } if (showCopySourceButton != null) { showCopySourceButton.setLocation(x, y); } } public final void initialDraw() { // Kick off if (gameCard.isTransformed()) { // this calls updateImage toggleTransformed(); } else { updateArtImage(); } } public void setIsPermanent(boolean isPermanent) { this.isPermanent = isPermanent; } public void cleanUp() { if (dayNightButton != null) { for (ActionListener al : dayNightButton.getActionListeners()) { dayNightButton.removeActionListener(al); } } for (MouseListener ml : this.getMouseListeners()) { this.removeMouseListener(ml); } for (MouseMotionListener ml : this.getMouseMotionListeners()) { this.removeMouseMotionListener(ml); } for (MouseWheelListener ml : this.getMouseWheelListeners()) { this.removeMouseWheelListener(ml); } // this holds reference to ActionCallback forever so set it to null to prevent this.callback = null; = null; } // Copy the graphical resources of another CardPanel over to this one, // if possible (may not be possible if they have different implementations) // Used when cards are moving between zones public abstract void transferResources(CardPanel panel); @Override public void setZone(String zone) { = zone; } @Override public String getZone() { return zone; } public void setDisplayEnabled(boolean displayEnabled) { this.displayEnabled = displayEnabled; } public boolean isDisplayEnabled() { return displayEnabled; } public void setAnimationPanel(boolean isAnimationPanel) { this.isAnimationPanel = isAnimationPanel; } public boolean isAnimationPanel() { return this.isAnimationPanel; } @Override public void setSelected(boolean isSelected) { this.isSelected = isSelected; } public boolean isSelected() { return this.isSelected; } @Override public List<MagePermanent> getLinks() { return links; } @Override public void setChoosable(boolean isChoosable) { this.isChoosable = isChoosable; } public boolean isChoosable() { return this.isChoosable; } public boolean hasSickness() { return this.hasSickness; } public boolean isPermanent() { return this.isPermanent; } @Override public void setCardAreaRef(JPanel cardArea) { this.cardArea = cardArea; } public void setShowCastingCost(boolean showCastingCost) { this.showCastingCost = showCastingCost; } public boolean getShowCastingCost() { return this.showCastingCost; } /** * Overridden by different card rendering styles * * @param g */ protected abstract void paintCard(Graphics2D g); @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { if (!displayEnabled) { return; } if (!isValid()) { super.validate(); } Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; if (transformAngle < 1) { float edgeOffset = (cardWidth + cardXOffset) / 2f; g2d.translate(edgeOffset * (1 - transformAngle), 0); g2d.scale(transformAngle, 1); } if (tappedAngle + flippedAngle > 0) { g2d = (Graphics2D) g2d.create(); float edgeOffset = cardWidth / 2f; double angle = tappedAngle + (Math.abs(flippedAngle - FLIPPED_ANGLE) < 0.001 ? 0 : flippedAngle); g2d.rotate(angle, cardXOffset + edgeOffset, cardYOffset + cardHeight - edgeOffset); } super.paint(g2d); } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) (g.create()); // Deferr to subclasses paintCard(g2d); // Done, dispose of the context g2d.dispose(); } @Override public String toString() { return gameCard.toString(); } @Override public void setCardBounds(int x, int y, int cardWidth, int cardHeight) { if (cardWidth == this.cardWidth && cardHeight == this.cardHeight) { setBounds(x - cardXOffset, y - cardYOffset, getWidth(), getHeight()); return; } this.cardWidth = cardWidth; this.symbolWidth = cardWidth / 7; this.cardHeight = cardHeight; if (this.isPermanent) { int rotCenterX = Math.round(cardWidth / 2f); int rotCenterY = cardHeight - rotCenterX; int rotCenterToTopCorner = Math.round(cardWidth * CardPanel.ROT_CENTER_TO_TOP_CORNER); int rotCenterToBottomCorner = Math.round(cardWidth * CardPanel.ROT_CENTER_TO_BOTTOM_CORNER); int xOffset = getXOffset(cardWidth); int yOffset = getYOffset(cardWidth, cardHeight); cardXOffset = -xOffset; cardYOffset = -yOffset; int width = -xOffset + rotCenterX + rotCenterToTopCorner; int height = -yOffset + rotCenterY + rotCenterToBottomCorner; setBounds(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, width, height); } else { cardXOffset = 0; cardYOffset = 0; int width = cardXOffset * 2 + cardWidth; int height = cardYOffset * 2 + cardHeight; setBounds(x - cardXOffset, y - cardYOffset, width, height); } } public int getXOffset(int cardWidth) { if (this.isPermanent) { int rotCenterX = Math.round(cardWidth / 2f); int rotCenterToBottomCorner = Math.round(cardWidth * CardPanel.ROT_CENTER_TO_BOTTOM_CORNER); int xOffset = rotCenterX - rotCenterToBottomCorner; return xOffset; } else { return cardXOffset; } } public final int getYOffset(int cardWidth, int cardHeight) { if (this.isPermanent) { int rotCenterX = Math.round(cardWidth / 2f); int rotCenterY = cardHeight - rotCenterX; int rotCenterToTopCorner = Math.round(cardWidth * CardPanel.ROT_CENTER_TO_TOP_CORNER); int yOffset = rotCenterY - rotCenterToTopCorner; return yOffset; } else { return cardYOffset; } } public final int getCardX() { return getX() + cardXOffset; } public final int getCardY() { return getY() + cardYOffset; } public final int getCardWidth() { return cardWidth; } public final int getCardHeight() { return cardHeight; } public final int getSymbolWidth() { return symbolWidth; } public final Point getCardLocation() { Point p = getLocation(); p.x += cardXOffset; p.y += cardYOffset; return p; } public final CardView getCard() { return this.gameCard; } @Override public void setAlpha(float alpha) { this.alpha = alpha; } @Override public final float getAlpha() { return alpha; } public final int getCardXOffset() { return cardXOffset; } public final int getCardYOffset() { return cardYOffset; } @Override public final boolean isTapped() { if (isPermanent) { return ((PermanentView) gameCard).isTapped(); } return false; } @Override public final boolean isFlipped() { if (isPermanent) { return ((PermanentView) gameCard).isFlipped(); } return false; } @Override public final boolean isTransformed() { if (isPermanent) { if (gameCard.isTransformed()) { return !this.transformed; } else { return this.transformed; } } else { return this.transformed; } } @Override public void onBeginAnimation() { animationInProgress = true; } @Override public void onEndAnimation() { animationInProgress = false; } /** * Inheriting classes should implement update(CardView card) by using this. * However, they should ALSO call repaint() after the superclass call to * this function, that can't be done here as the overriders may need to do * things both before and after this call before repainting. * * @param card */ @Override public void update(CardView card) { this.updateCard = card; // Animation update if (isPermanent && (card instanceof PermanentView)) { boolean needsTapping = isTapped() != ((PermanentView) card).isTapped(); boolean needsFlipping = isFlipped() != ((PermanentView) card).isFlipped(); if (needsTapping || needsFlipping) { Animation.tapCardToggle(this, this, needsTapping, needsFlipping); } if (needsTapping && ((PermanentView) card).isTapped()) { AudioManager.playTapPermanent(); } boolean needsTranforming = isTransformed() != card.isTransformed(); if (needsTranforming) { Animation.transformCard(this, this, card.isTransformed()); } } // Update panel attributes this.isChoosable = card.isChoosable(); this.isSelected = card.isSelected(); // Update art? boolean mustUpdateArt = (!gameCard.getName().equals(card.getName())) || (gameCard.isFaceDown() != card.isFaceDown()); // Set the new card this.gameCard = card; // Update tooltip text String cardType = getType(card); tooltipText.setText(getText(cardType, card)); // Update the image if (mustUpdateArt) { updateArtImage(); } // Update transform circle if (card.canTransform()) { BufferedImage transformIcon; if (isTransformed() || card.isTransformed()) { transformIcon = ImageManagerImpl.instance.getNightImage(); } else { transformIcon = ImageManagerImpl.instance.getDayImage(); } if (dayNightButton != null) { dayNightButton.setVisible(!isPermanent); dayNightButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(transformIcon)); } } } @Override public boolean contains(int x, int y) { return containsThis(x, y, true); } public boolean containsThis(int x, int y, boolean root) { Point component = getLocation(); int cx = getCardX() - component.x; int cy = getCardY() - component.y; int cw = cardWidth; int ch = cardHeight; if (isTapped()) { cy = ch - cw + cx; ch = cw; cw = cardHeight; } return x >= cx && x <= cx + cw && y >= cy && y <= cy + ch; } @Override public CardView getOriginal() { return this.gameCard; } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { if (gameCard.hideInfo()) { return; } if (!tooltipShowing) { synchronized (this) { if (!tooltipShowing) { TransferData transferData = getTransferDataForMouseEntered(); if (this.isShowing()) { tooltipShowing = true; callback.mouseEntered(e, transferData); } } } } } @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { data.component = this; callback.mouseDragged(e, data); } @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { if (gameCard.hideInfo()) { return; } data.component = this; callback.mouseMoved(e, data); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { if (gameCard.hideInfo()) { return; } if (this.contains(e.getPoint())) { return; } if (tooltipShowing) { synchronized (this) { if (tooltipShowing) { tooltipShowing = false; data.component = this; data.card = this.gameCard; data.popupText = tooltipText; callback.mouseExited(e, data); } } } } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { data.component = this; data.card = this.gameCard; data.gameId = this.gameId; callback.mousePressed(e, data); } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { callback.mouseReleased(e, data); } /** * Prepares data to be sent to action callback on client side. * * @return */ private TransferData getTransferDataForMouseEntered() { data.component = this; data.card = this.gameCard; data.popupText = tooltipText; data.gameId = this.gameId; data.locationOnScreen = data.component.getLocationOnScreen(); // we need this for popup data.popupOffsetX = isTapped() ? cardHeight + cardXOffset + POPUP_X_GAP : cardWidth + cardXOffset + POPUP_X_GAP; data.popupOffsetY = 40; return data; } protected final String getType(CardView card) { StringBuilder sbType = new StringBuilder(); for (SuperType superType : card.getSuperTypes()) { sbType.append(superType.toString()).append(' '); } for (CardType cardType : card.getCardTypes()) { sbType.append(cardType.toString()).append(' '); } if (!card.getSubTypes().isEmpty()) { sbType.append("- "); for (String subType : card.getSubTypes()) { sbType.append(subType).append(' '); } } return sbType.toString().trim(); } protected final String getText(String cardType, CardView card) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (card instanceof StackAbilityView || card instanceof AbilityView) { for (String rule : card.getRules()) { sb.append('\n').append(rule); } } else { sb.append(card.getName()); if (!card.getManaCost().isEmpty()) { sb.append('\n').append(card.getManaCost()); } sb.append('\n').append(cardType); if (card.getColor().hasColor()) { sb.append('\n').append(card.getColor().toString()); } if (card.isCreature()) { sb.append('\n').append(card.getPower()).append('/').append(card.getToughness()); } else if (card.isPlanesWalker()) { sb.append('\n').append(card.getLoyalty()); } if (card.getRules() == null) { card.overrideRules(new ArrayList<>()); } for (String rule : card.getRules()) { sb.append('\n').append(rule); } if (card.getExpansionSetCode() != null && !card.getExpansionSetCode().isEmpty()) { sb.append('\n').append(card.getCardNumber()).append(" - "); sb.append(card.getExpansionSetCode()).append(" - "); sb.append(card.getRarity().toString()); } } return sb.toString(); } @Override public void update(PermanentView card) { this.hasSickness = card.hasSummoningSickness(); this.showCopySourceButton.setVisible(card.isCopy()); update((CardView) card); } @Override public PermanentView getOriginalPermanent() { if (isPermanent) { return (PermanentView) this.gameCard; } throw new IllegalStateException("Is not permanent."); } @Override public void updateCallback(ActionCallback callback, UUID gameId) { this.callback = callback; this.gameId = gameId; } public void setTransformed(boolean transformed) { this.transformed = transformed; } @Override public void toggleTransformed() { this.transformed = !this.transformed; if (transformed) { if (dayNightButton != null) { // if transformbable card is copied, button can be null BufferedImage night = ImageManagerImpl.instance.getNightImage(); dayNightButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(night)); } if (this.gameCard.getSecondCardFace() == null) { LOGGER.error("no second side for card to transform!"); return; } if (!isPermanent) { // use only for custom transformation (when pressing day-night button) this.temporary = this.gameCard; update(this.gameCard.getSecondCardFace()); } } else { if (dayNightButton != null) { // if transformbable card is copied, button can be null BufferedImage day = ImageManagerImpl.instance.getDayImage(); dayNightButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(day)); } if (!isPermanent) { // use only for custom transformation (when pressing day-night button) update(this.temporary); this.temporary = null; } } String temp = this.gameCard.getAlternateName(); this.gameCard.setAlternateName(this.gameCard.getOriginalName()); this.gameCard.setOriginalName(temp); updateArtImage(); } @Override public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { if (gameCard.hideInfo()) { return; } data.component = this; callback.mouseWheelMoved(e, data); } public JPanel getCardArea() { return cardArea; } @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent ce) { doLayout(); // this update removes the isChoosable mark from targetCardsInLibrary // so only done for permanents because it's needed to redraw counters in different size, if window size was changed // no perfect solution yet (maybe also other not wanted effects for PermanentView objects) if (updateCard != null && (updateCard instanceof PermanentView)) { update(updateCard); } } @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent ce) { } @Override public void componentShown(ComponentEvent ce) { } @Override public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent ce) { } @Override public void setTextOffset(int yOffset) { yTextOffset = yOffset; } public int getTextOffset() { return yTextOffset; } @Override public JPopupMenu getPopupMenu() { return popupMenu; } @Override public void setPopupMenu(JPopupMenu popupMenu) { this.popupMenu = popupMenu; } }