package org.mage.card.arcane; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import javax.swing.*; import; public abstract class Animation { private static final boolean ENABLED = true; private static final long TARGET_MILLIS_PER_FRAME = 30; private static final Timer timer = new Timer("Animation", true); private static CardPanel enlargedCardPanel; private static CardPanel enlargedAnimationPanel; private static final Object enlargeLock = new Object(); private TimerTask timerTask; private FrameTimer frameTimer; private long elapsed; public Animation(final long duration) { this(duration, 0); } public Animation(final long duration, long delay) { if (!ENABLED) { UI.invokeLater(() -> { start(); //update(1.0f); end(); }); return; } timerTask = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if (frameTimer == null) { start(); frameTimer = new FrameTimer(); } elapsed += frameTimer.getTimeSinceLastFrame(); if (elapsed >= duration) { cancel(); elapsed = duration; } update(elapsed / (float) duration); if (elapsed == duration) { end(); } } }; timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(timerTask, delay, TARGET_MILLIS_PER_FRAME); } protected abstract void update(float percentage); protected void cancel() { timerTask.cancel(); end(); } protected void start() { } protected void end() { } /** * Uses averaging of the time between the past few frames to provide smooth * animation. */ private static class FrameTimer { private static final int SAMPLES = 6; private static final long MAX_FRAME = 100; // Max time for one frame, to weed out spikes. private final long[] samples = new long[SAMPLES]; private int sampleIndex; public FrameTimer() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = SAMPLES - 1; i >= 0; i--) { samples[i] = currentTime - (SAMPLES - i) * TARGET_MILLIS_PER_FRAME; } } public long getTimeSinceLastFrame() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int id = sampleIndex - 1; if (id < 0) { id += SAMPLES; } long timeSinceLastSample = currentTime - samples[id]; // If the slice was too big, advance all the previous times by the diff. if (timeSinceLastSample > MAX_FRAME) { long diff = timeSinceLastSample - MAX_FRAME; for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) { samples[i] += diff; } } long timeSinceOldestSample = currentTime - samples[sampleIndex]; samples[sampleIndex] = currentTime; sampleIndex = (sampleIndex + 1) % SAMPLES; return timeSinceOldestSample / (long) SAMPLES; } } public static void tapCardToggle(final CardPanel panel, final MagePermanent parent, final boolean tapped, final boolean flipped) { new Animation(300) { @Override protected void start() { parent.onBeginAnimation(); } @Override protected void update(float percentage) { if (tapped) { panel.tappedAngle = CardPanel.TAPPED_ANGLE * percentage; // reverse movement if untapping if (!panel.isTapped()) { panel.tappedAngle = CardPanel.TAPPED_ANGLE - panel.tappedAngle; } } if (flipped) { panel.flippedAngle = CardPanel.FLIPPED_ANGLE * percentage; if (!panel.isFlipped()) { panel.flippedAngle = CardPanel.FLIPPED_ANGLE - panel.flippedAngle; } } panel.repaint(); } @Override protected void end() { if (tapped) { panel.tappedAngle = panel.isTapped() ? CardPanel.TAPPED_ANGLE : 0; } if (flipped) { panel.flippedAngle = panel.isFlipped() ? CardPanel.FLIPPED_ANGLE : 0; } parent.onEndAnimation(); parent.repaint(); } }; } public static void transformCard(final CardPanel panel, final MagePermanent parent, final boolean transformed) { new Animation(600) { private boolean state = false; @Override protected void start() { parent.onBeginAnimation(); } @Override protected void update(float percentage) { double p = percentage * 2; if (percentage > 0.5) { if (!state) { parent.toggleTransformed(); } state = true; p = (p - 0.5) * 2; } if (!state) { panel.transformAngle = Math.max(0.01, 1 - p); } else { panel.transformAngle = Math.max(0.01, p - 1); } panel.repaint(); } @Override protected void end() { if (!state) { parent.toggleTransformed(); } state = true; panel.transformAngle = 1; parent.onEndAnimation(); parent.repaint(); } }; } public static void moveCardToPlay(final int startX, final int startY, final int startWidth, final int endX, final int endY, final int endWidth, final CardPanel animationPanel, final CardPanel placeholder, final JLayeredPane layeredPane, final int speed) { UI.invokeLater(() -> { final int startHeight = Math.round(startWidth * CardPanel.ASPECT_RATIO); final int endHeight = Math.round(endWidth * CardPanel.ASPECT_RATIO); final float a = 2f; final float sqrta = (float) Math.sqrt(1 / a); animationPanel.setCardBounds(startX, startY, startWidth, startHeight); animationPanel.setAnimationPanel(true); Container parent = animationPanel.getParent(); if (parent != null && !parent.equals(layeredPane)) { layeredPane.add(animationPanel); layeredPane.setLayer(animationPanel, JLayeredPane.MODAL_LAYER); } new Animation(700) { @Override protected void update(float percentage) { float percent = percentage; if (placeholder != null && !placeholder.isShowing()) { cancel(); return; } int currentX = startX + Math.round((endX - startX + endWidth / 2f) * percent); int currentY = startY + Math.round((endY - startY + endHeight / 2f) * percent); int currentWidth, currentHeight; int midWidth = Math.max(200, endWidth * 2); int midHeight = Math.round(midWidth * CardPanel.ASPECT_RATIO); if (percent <= 0.5f) { percent = percent * 2; float pp = sqrta * (1 - percent); percent = 1 - a * pp * pp; currentWidth = startWidth + Math.round((midWidth - startWidth) * percent); currentHeight = startHeight + Math.round((midHeight - startHeight) * percent); } else { percent = (percent - 0.5f) * 2; float pp = sqrta * percent; percent = a * pp * pp; currentWidth = midWidth + Math.round((endWidth - midWidth) * percent); currentHeight = midHeight + Math.round((endHeight - midHeight) * percent); } currentX -= currentWidth / 2; currentY -= currentHeight / 2; animationPanel.setCardBounds(currentX, currentY, currentWidth, currentHeight); } @Override protected void end() { EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> { if (placeholder != null) { placeholder.setDisplayEnabled(true); placeholder.transferResources(animationPanel); } animationPanel.setVisible(false); animationPanel.repaint(); layeredPane.remove(animationPanel); }); } }; }); } public static void moveCard(final int startX, final int startY, final int startWidth, final int endX, final int endY, final int endWidth, final CardPanel animationPanel, final CardPanel placeholder, final JLayeredPane layeredPane, final int speed) { UI.invokeLater(() -> { final int startHeight = Math.round(startWidth * CardPanel.ASPECT_RATIO); final int endHeight = Math.round(endWidth * CardPanel.ASPECT_RATIO); animationPanel.setCardBounds(startX, startY, startWidth, startHeight); animationPanel.setAnimationPanel(true); Container parent = animationPanel.getParent(); if (parent != null && !parent.equals(layeredPane)) { layeredPane.add(animationPanel); layeredPane.setLayer(animationPanel, JLayeredPane.MODAL_LAYER); } new Animation(speed) { @Override protected void update(float percentage) { int currentX = startX + Math.round((endX - startX) * percentage); int currentY = startY + Math.round((endY - startY) * percentage); int currentWidth = startWidth + Math.round((endWidth - startWidth) * percentage); int currentHeight = startHeight + Math.round((endHeight - startHeight) * percentage); animationPanel.setCardBounds(currentX, currentY, currentWidth, currentHeight); } @Override protected void end() { EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> { if (placeholder != null) { placeholder.setDisplayEnabled(true); placeholder.transferResources(animationPanel); } animationPanel.setVisible(false); animationPanel.repaint(); layeredPane.remove(animationPanel); }); } }; }); } public static void shrinkCard() { final CardPanel overPanel, animationPanel; synchronized (enlargeLock) { overPanel = Animation.enlargedCardPanel; animationPanel = Animation.enlargedAnimationPanel; if (animationPanel == null) { return; } Animation.enlargedCardPanel = null; Animation.enlargedAnimationPanel = null; } animationPanel.setAnimationPanel(true); final JLayeredPane layeredPane = SwingUtilities.getRootPane(overPanel).getLayeredPane(); layeredPane.setLayer(animationPanel, JLayeredPane.MODAL_LAYER); final int startWidth = animationPanel.getCardWidth(); final int startHeight = Math.round(startWidth * CardPanel.ASPECT_RATIO); final int endWidth = overPanel.getCardWidth(); final int endHeight = Math.round(endWidth * CardPanel.ASPECT_RATIO); new Animation(200) { @Override protected void update(float percentage) { int currentWidth = startWidth + Math.round((endWidth - startWidth) * percentage); int currentHeight = startHeight + Math.round((endHeight - startHeight) * percentage); Point startPos = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(overPanel.getParent(), overPanel.getCardLocation(), layeredPane); int centerX = startPos.x + Math.round(endWidth / 2f); int centerY = startPos.y + Math.round(endHeight / 2f); int currentX = Math.max(0, centerX - Math.round(currentWidth / 2f)); currentX = Math.min(currentX, layeredPane.getWidth() - currentWidth); int currentY = Math.max(0, centerY - Math.round(currentHeight / 2f)); currentY = Math.min(currentY, layeredPane.getHeight() - currentHeight); animationPanel.tappedAngle = overPanel.tappedAngle * percentage; animationPanel.setCardBounds(currentX, currentY, currentWidth, currentHeight); } @Override protected void end() { animationPanel.setVisible(false); animationPanel.repaint(); EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> layeredPane.remove(animationPanel)); } }; } public static boolean isShowingEnlargedCard() { synchronized (enlargeLock) { return enlargedAnimationPanel != null; } } public static void showCard(final MagePermanent card, int count) { if (count == 0) { return; } new Animation(600 / count) { @Override protected void start() { } @Override protected void update(float percentage) { float alpha = percentage; card.setAlpha(alpha); card.repaint(); } @Override protected void end() { card.setAlpha(1.f); } }; } public static void hideCard(final MagePermanent card, int count) { if (count == 0) { return; } new Animation(600 / count) { @Override protected void start() { } @Override protected void update(float percentage) { float alpha = 1 - percentage; card.setAlpha(alpha); card.repaint(); } @Override protected void end() { card.setAlpha(0f); } }; } }