package net.minecraftforge.common; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.*; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport; import; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.GrassEntry; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.SeedEntry; import net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus; import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityEvent; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; public class MinecraftForge { /** * The core Forge EventBusses, all events for Forge will be fired on these, * you should use this to register all your listeners. * This replaces every register*Handler() function in the old version of Forge. * TERRAIN_GEN_BUS for terrain gen events * ORE_GEN_BUS for ore gen events * EVENT_BUS for everything else */ public static final EventBus EVENT_BUS = new EventBus(); public static final EventBus TERRAIN_GEN_BUS = new EventBus(); public static final EventBus ORE_GEN_BUS = new EventBus(); private static final ForgeInternalHandler INTERNAL_HANDLER = new ForgeInternalHandler(); /** Register a new plant to be planted when bonemeal is used on grass. * @param block The block to place. * @param metadata The metadata to set for the block when being placed. * @param weight The weight of the plant, where red flowers are * 10 and yellow flowers are 20. */ public static void addGrassPlant(Block block, int metadata, int weight) { ForgeHooks.grassList.add(new GrassEntry(block, metadata, weight)); } /** * Register a new seed to be dropped when breaking tall grass. * * @param seed The item to drop as a seed. * @param weight The relative probability of the seeds, * where wheat seeds are 10. */ public static void addGrassSeed(ItemStack seed, int weight) { ForgeHooks.seedList.add(new SeedEntry(seed, weight)); } /** * * Register a tool as a tool class with a given harvest level. * * @param tool The custom tool to register. * @param toolClass The tool class to register as. The predefined tool * clases are "pickaxe", "shovel", "axe". You can add * others for custom tools. * @param harvestLevel The harvest level of the tool. */ public static void setToolClass(Item tool, String toolClass, int harvestLevel) { ForgeHooks.toolClasses.put(tool, Arrays.asList(toolClass, harvestLevel)); } /** * Register a block to be harvested by a tool class. This is the metadata * sensitive version, use it if your blocks are using metadata variants. * By default, this sets the block class as effective against that type. * * @param block The block to register. * @param metadata The metadata for the block subtype. * @param toolClass The tool class to register as able to remove this block. * You may register the same block multiple times with different tool * classes, if multiple tool types can be used to harvest this block. * @param harvestLevel The minimum tool harvest level required to successfully * harvest the block. * @see MinecraftForge#setToolClass for details on tool classes. */ public static void setBlockHarvestLevel(Block block, int metadata, String toolClass, int harvestLevel) { List key = Arrays.asList(block, metadata, toolClass); ForgeHooks.toolHarvestLevels.put(key, harvestLevel); ForgeHooks.toolEffectiveness.add(key); } /** * Remove a block effectiveness mapping. Since setBlockHarvestLevel * makes the tool class effective against the block by default, this can be * used to remove that mapping. This will force a block to be harvested at * the same speed regardless of tool quality, while still requiring a given * harvesting level. * * @param block The block to remove effectiveness from. * @param metadata The metadata for the block subtype. * @param toolClass The tool class to remove the effectiveness mapping from. * @see MinecraftForge#setToolClass for details on tool classes. */ public static void removeBlockEffectiveness(Block block, int metadata, String toolClass) { List key = Arrays.asList(block, metadata, toolClass); ForgeHooks.toolEffectiveness.remove(key); } /** * Register a block to be harvested by a tool class. * By default, this sets the block class as effective against that type. * * @param block The block to register. * @param toolClass The tool class to register as able to remove this block. * You may register the same block multiple times with different tool * classes, if multiple tool types can be used to harvest this block. * @param harvestLevel The minimum tool harvest level required to successfully * harvest the block. * @see MinecraftForge#setToolClass for details on tool classes. */ public static void setBlockHarvestLevel(Block block, String toolClass, int harvestLevel) { for (int metadata = 0; metadata < 16; metadata++) { List key = Arrays.asList(block, metadata, toolClass); ForgeHooks.toolHarvestLevels.put(key, harvestLevel); ForgeHooks.toolEffectiveness.add(key); } } /** * Returns the block harvest level for a particular tool class. * * @param block The block to check. * @param metadata The metadata for the block subtype. * @param toolClass The tool class to check as able to remove this block. * @see MinecraftForge#setToolClass for details on tool classes. * @return The harvest level or -1 if no mapping exists. */ public static int getBlockHarvestLevel(Block block, int metadata, String toolClass) { ForgeHooks.initTools(); List key = Arrays.asList(block, metadata, toolClass); Integer harvestLevel = ForgeHooks.toolHarvestLevels.get(key); return (harvestLevel == null ? -1 : harvestLevel); } /** * Remove a block effectiveness mapping. Since setBlockHarvestLevel * makes the tool class effective against the block by default, this can be * used to remove that mapping. This will force a block to be harvested at * the same speed regardless of tool quality, while still requiring a given * harvesting level. * * @param block The block to remove effectiveness from. * @param toolClass The tool class to remove the effectiveness mapping from. * @see MinecraftForge#setToolClass for details on tool classes. */ public static void removeBlockEffectiveness(Block block, String toolClass) { for (int metadata = 0; metadata < 16; metadata++) { List key = Arrays.asList(block, metadata, toolClass); ForgeHooks.toolEffectiveness.remove(key); } } /** * Method invoked by FML before any other mods are loaded. */ public static void initialize() { System.out.printf("MinecraftForge v%s Initialized\n", ForgeVersion.getVersion());"MinecraftForge v%s Initialized", ForgeVersion.getVersion()); Block filler = new Block(0, Material.air) { @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerIcons(IconRegister register){} }; Block.blocksList[0] = null; Block.opaqueCubeLookup[0] = false; Block.lightOpacity[0] = 0; filler.setUnlocalizedName("ForgeFiller"); for (int x = 256; x < 4096; x++) { if (Item.itemsList[x] != null) { Block.blocksList[x] = filler; } } boolean[] temp = new boolean[4096]; System.arraycopy(EntityEnderman.carriableBlocks, 0, temp, 0, EntityEnderman.carriableBlocks.length); EntityEnderman.carriableBlocks = temp; EVENT_BUS.register(INTERNAL_HANDLER); OreDictionary.getOreName(0); //Force these classes to be defined, Should prevent derp error hiding. new CrashReport("ThisIsFake", new Exception("Not real")); } public static String getBrandingVersion() { return "Minecraft Forge "+ ForgeVersion.getVersion(); } }