package; public class ChunkCoordIntPair { /** The X position of this Chunk Coordinate Pair */ public final int chunkXPos; /** The Z position of this Chunk Coordinate Pair */ public final int chunkZPos; public ChunkCoordIntPair(int par1, int par2) { this.chunkXPos = par1; this.chunkZPos = par2; } /** * converts a chunk coordinate pair to an integer (suitable for hashing) */ public static long chunkXZ2Int(int par0, int par1) { return (long)par0 & 4294967295L | ((long)par1 & 4294967295L) << 32; } public int hashCode() { long i = chunkXZ2Int(this.chunkXPos, this.chunkZPos); int j = (int)i; int k = (int)(i >> 32); return j ^ k; } public boolean equals(Object par1Obj) { ChunkCoordIntPair chunkcoordintpair = (ChunkCoordIntPair)par1Obj; return chunkcoordintpair.chunkXPos == this.chunkXPos && chunkcoordintpair.chunkZPos == this.chunkZPos; } public int getCenterXPos() { return (this.chunkXPos << 4) + 8; } public int getCenterZPosition() { return (this.chunkZPos << 4) + 8; } public ChunkPosition getChunkPosition(int par1) { return new ChunkPosition(this.getCenterXPos(), par1, this.getCenterZPosition()); } public String toString() { return "[" + this.chunkXPos + ", " + this.chunkZPos + "]"; } }