package; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockEventData; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureType; import net.minecraft.entity.INpc; import net.minecraft.entity.effect.EntityLightningBolt; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityAnimal; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityWaterMob; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.logging.ILogAgent; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.profiler.Profiler; import net.minecraft.scoreboard.ScoreboardSaveData; import net.minecraft.scoreboard.ServerScoreboard; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.ChunkCoordinates; import net.minecraft.util.IProgressUpdate; import net.minecraft.util.IntHashMap; import net.minecraft.util.ReportedException; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom; import net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandomChestContent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.ChestGenHooks; import static net.minecraftforge.common.ChestGenHooks.*; import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory; import; public class WorldServer extends World { private final MinecraftServer mcServer; private final EntityTracker theEntityTracker; private final PlayerManager thePlayerManager; private Set field_73064_N; /** All work to do in future ticks. */ private TreeSet pendingTickListEntries; public ChunkProviderServer theChunkProviderServer; /** set by CommandServerSave{all,Off,On} */ public boolean canNotSave; /** is false if there are no players */ public boolean allPlayersSleeping; private int updateEntityTick = 0; private final Teleporter field_85177_Q; /** * Double buffer of ServerBlockEventList[] for holding pending BlockEventData's */ private ServerBlockEventList[] blockEventCache = new ServerBlockEventList[] {new ServerBlockEventList((ServerBlockEvent)null), new ServerBlockEventList((ServerBlockEvent)null)}; /** * The index into the blockEventCache; either 0, or 1, toggled in sendBlockEventPackets where all BlockEvent are * applied locally and send to clients. */ private int blockEventCacheIndex = 0; public static final WeightedRandomChestContent[] bonusChestContent = new WeightedRandomChestContent[] {new WeightedRandomChestContent(Item.stick.itemID, 0, 1, 3, 10), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Block.planks.blockID, 0, 1, 3, 10), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Block.wood.blockID, 0, 1, 3, 10), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Item.axeStone.itemID, 0, 1, 1, 3), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Item.axeWood.itemID, 0, 1, 1, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Item.pickaxeStone.itemID, 0, 1, 1, 3), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Item.pickaxeWood.itemID, 0, 1, 1, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Item.appleRed.itemID, 0, 2, 3, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Item.bread.itemID, 0, 2, 3, 3)}; private ArrayList field_94579_S = new ArrayList(); /** An IntHashMap of entity IDs (integers) to their Entity objects. */ private IntHashMap entityIdMap; /** Stores the recently processed (lighting) chunks */ protected Set<ChunkCoordIntPair> doneChunks = new HashSet<ChunkCoordIntPair>(); public List<Teleporter> customTeleporters = new ArrayList<Teleporter>(); public WorldServer(MinecraftServer par1MinecraftServer, ISaveHandler par2ISaveHandler, String par3Str, int par4, WorldSettings par5WorldSettings, Profiler par6Profiler, ILogAgent par7ILogAgent) { super(par2ISaveHandler, par3Str, par5WorldSettings, WorldProvider.getProviderForDimension(par4), par6Profiler, par7ILogAgent); this.mcServer = par1MinecraftServer; this.theEntityTracker = new EntityTracker(this); this.thePlayerManager = new PlayerManager(this, par1MinecraftServer.getConfigurationManager().getViewDistance()); if (this.entityIdMap == null) { this.entityIdMap = new IntHashMap(); } if (this.field_73064_N == null) { this.field_73064_N = new HashSet(); } if (this.pendingTickListEntries == null) { this.pendingTickListEntries = new TreeSet(); } this.field_85177_Q = new Teleporter(this); this.worldScoreboard = new ServerScoreboard(par1MinecraftServer); ScoreboardSaveData scoreboardsavedata = (ScoreboardSaveData)this.mapStorage.loadData(ScoreboardSaveData.class, "scoreboard"); if (scoreboardsavedata == null) { scoreboardsavedata = new ScoreboardSaveData(); this.mapStorage.setData("scoreboard", scoreboardsavedata); } if (!(this instanceof WorldServerMulti)) //Forge: We fix the global mapStorage, which causes us to share scoreboards early. So don't associate the save data with the temporary scoreboard { scoreboardsavedata.func_96499_a(this.worldScoreboard); } ((ServerScoreboard)this.worldScoreboard).func_96547_a(scoreboardsavedata); DimensionManager.setWorld(par4, this); } /** * Runs a single tick for the world */ public void tick() { super.tick(); if (this.getWorldInfo().isHardcoreModeEnabled() && this.difficultySetting < 3) { this.difficultySetting = 3; } this.provider.worldChunkMgr.cleanupCache(); if (this.areAllPlayersAsleep()) { boolean flag = false; if (this.spawnHostileMobs && this.difficultySetting >= 1) { ; } if (!flag) { long i = this.worldInfo.getWorldTime() + 24000L; this.worldInfo.setWorldTime(i - i % 24000L); this.wakeAllPlayers(); } } this.theProfiler.startSection("mobSpawner"); if (this.getGameRules().getGameRuleBooleanValue("doMobSpawning")) { SpawnerAnimals.findChunksForSpawning(this, this.spawnHostileMobs, this.spawnPeacefulMobs, this.worldInfo.getWorldTotalTime() % 400L == 0L); } this.theProfiler.endStartSection("chunkSource"); this.chunkProvider.unloadQueuedChunks(); int j = this.calculateSkylightSubtracted(1.0F); if (j != this.skylightSubtracted) { this.skylightSubtracted = j; } this.worldInfo.incrementTotalWorldTime(this.worldInfo.getWorldTotalTime() + 1L); this.worldInfo.setWorldTime(this.worldInfo.getWorldTime() + 1L); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("tickPending"); this.tickUpdates(false); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("tickTiles"); this.tickBlocksAndAmbiance(); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("chunkMap"); this.thePlayerManager.updatePlayerInstances(); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("village"); this.villageCollectionObj.tick(); this.villageSiegeObj.tick(); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("portalForcer"); this.field_85177_Q.removeStalePortalLocations(this.getTotalWorldTime()); for (Teleporter tele : customTeleporters) { tele.removeStalePortalLocations(getTotalWorldTime()); } this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.sendAndApplyBlockEvents(); } /** * only spawns creatures allowed by the chunkProvider */ public SpawnListEntry spawnRandomCreature(EnumCreatureType par1EnumCreatureType, int par2, int par3, int par4) { List list = this.getChunkProvider().getPossibleCreatures(par1EnumCreatureType, par2, par3, par4); list = ForgeEventFactory.getPotentialSpawns(this, par1EnumCreatureType, par2, par3, par4, list); return list != null && !list.isEmpty() ? (SpawnListEntry)WeightedRandom.getRandomItem(this.rand, list) : null; } /** * Updates the flag that indicates whether or not all players in the world are sleeping. */ public void updateAllPlayersSleepingFlag() { this.allPlayersSleeping = !this.playerEntities.isEmpty(); Iterator iterator = this.playerEntities.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer); if (!entityplayer.isPlayerSleeping()) { this.allPlayersSleeping = false; break; } } } protected void wakeAllPlayers() { this.allPlayersSleeping = false; Iterator iterator = this.playerEntities.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer); if (entityplayer.isPlayerSleeping()) { entityplayer.wakeUpPlayer(false, false, true); } } this.resetRainAndThunder(); } private void resetRainAndThunder() { provider.resetRainAndThunder(); } public boolean areAllPlayersAsleep() { if (this.allPlayersSleeping && !this.isRemote) { Iterator iterator = this.playerEntities.iterator(); EntityPlayer entityplayer; do { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return true; } entityplayer = (EntityPlayer); } while (entityplayer.isPlayerFullyAsleep()); return false; } else { return false; } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Sets a new spawn location by finding an uncovered block at a random (x,z) location in the chunk. */ public void setSpawnLocation() { if (this.worldInfo.getSpawnY() <= 0) { this.worldInfo.setSpawnY(64); } int i = this.worldInfo.getSpawnX(); int j = this.worldInfo.getSpawnZ(); int k = 0; while (this.getFirstUncoveredBlock(i, j) == 0) { i += this.rand.nextInt(8) - this.rand.nextInt(8); j += this.rand.nextInt(8) - this.rand.nextInt(8); ++k; if (k == 10000) { break; } } this.worldInfo.setSpawnX(i); this.worldInfo.setSpawnZ(j); } /** * plays random cave ambient sounds and runs updateTick on random blocks within each chunk in the vacinity of a * player */ protected void tickBlocksAndAmbiance() { super.tickBlocksAndAmbiance(); int i = 0; int j = 0; Iterator iterator = this.activeChunkSet.iterator(); doneChunks.retainAll(activeChunkSet); if (doneChunks.size() == activeChunkSet.size()) { doneChunks.clear(); } final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ChunkCoordIntPair chunkcoordintpair = (ChunkCoordIntPair); int k = chunkcoordintpair.chunkXPos * 16; int l = chunkcoordintpair.chunkZPos * 16; this.theProfiler.startSection("getChunk"); Chunk chunk = this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(chunkcoordintpair.chunkXPos, chunkcoordintpair.chunkZPos); this.moodSoundAndLightCheck(k, l, chunk); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("tickChunk"); //Limits and evenly distributes the lighting update time if (System.nanoTime() - startTime <= 4000000 && doneChunks.add(chunkcoordintpair)) { chunk.updateSkylight(); } this.theProfiler.endStartSection("thunder"); int i1; int j1; int k1; int l1; if (provider.canDoLightning(chunk) && this.rand.nextInt(100000) == 0 && this.isRaining() && this.isThundering()) { this.updateLCG = this.updateLCG * 3 + 1013904223; i1 = this.updateLCG >> 2; j1 = k + (i1 & 15); k1 = l + (i1 >> 8 & 15); l1 = this.getPrecipitationHeight(j1, k1); if (this.canLightningStrikeAt(j1, l1, k1)) { this.addWeatherEffect(new EntityLightningBolt(this, (double)j1, (double)l1, (double)k1)); } } this.theProfiler.endStartSection("iceandsnow"); int i2; if (provider.canDoRainSnowIce(chunk) && this.rand.nextInt(16) == 0) { this.updateLCG = this.updateLCG * 3 + 1013904223; i1 = this.updateLCG >> 2; j1 = i1 & 15; k1 = i1 >> 8 & 15; l1 = this.getPrecipitationHeight(j1 + k, k1 + l); if (this.isBlockFreezableNaturally(j1 + k, l1 - 1, k1 + l)) { this.setBlock(j1 + k, l1 - 1, k1 + l,; } if (this.isRaining() && this.canSnowAt(j1 + k, l1, k1 + l)) { this.setBlock(j1 + k, l1, k1 + l, Block.snow.blockID); } if (this.isRaining()) { BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = this.getBiomeGenForCoords(j1 + k, k1 + l); if (biomegenbase.canSpawnLightningBolt()) { i2 = this.getBlockId(j1 + k, l1 - 1, k1 + l); if (i2 != 0) { Block.blocksList[i2].fillWithRain(this, j1 + k, l1 - 1, k1 + l); } } } } this.theProfiler.endStartSection("tickTiles"); ExtendedBlockStorage[] aextendedblockstorage = chunk.getBlockStorageArray(); j1 = aextendedblockstorage.length; for (k1 = 0; k1 < j1; ++k1) { ExtendedBlockStorage extendedblockstorage = aextendedblockstorage[k1]; if (extendedblockstorage != null && extendedblockstorage.getNeedsRandomTick()) { for (int j2 = 0; j2 < 3; ++j2) { this.updateLCG = this.updateLCG * 3 + 1013904223; i2 = this.updateLCG >> 2; int k2 = i2 & 15; int l2 = i2 >> 8 & 15; int i3 = i2 >> 16 & 15; int j3 = extendedblockstorage.getExtBlockID(k2, i3, l2); ++j; Block block = Block.blocksList[j3]; if (block != null && block.getTickRandomly()) { ++i; block.updateTick(this, k2 + k, i3 + extendedblockstorage.getYLocation(), l2 + l, this.rand); } } } } this.theProfiler.endSection(); } } /** * Returns true if the given block will receive a scheduled tick in the future. Args: X, Y, Z, blockID */ public boolean isBlockTickScheduled(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4) { NextTickListEntry nextticklistentry = new NextTickListEntry(par1, par2, par3, par4); return this.field_94579_S.contains(nextticklistentry); } /** * Schedules a tick to a block with a delay (Most commonly the tick rate) */ public void scheduleBlockUpdate(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5) { this.func_82740_a(par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, 0); } public void func_82740_a(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6) { NextTickListEntry nextticklistentry = new NextTickListEntry(par1, par2, par3, par4); //Keeping here as a note for future when it may be restored. //boolean isForced = getPersistentChunks().containsKey(new ChunkCoordIntPair(nextticklistentry.xCoord >> 4, nextticklistentry.zCoord >> 4)); //byte b0 = isForced ? 0 : 8; byte b0 = 0; if (this.scheduledUpdatesAreImmediate && par4 > 0) { if (Block.blocksList[par4].func_82506_l()) { if (this.checkChunksExist(nextticklistentry.xCoord - b0, nextticklistentry.yCoord - b0, nextticklistentry.zCoord - b0, nextticklistentry.xCoord + b0, nextticklistentry.yCoord + b0, nextticklistentry.zCoord + b0)) { int k1 = this.getBlockId(nextticklistentry.xCoord, nextticklistentry.yCoord, nextticklistentry.zCoord); if (k1 == nextticklistentry.blockID && k1 > 0) { Block.blocksList[k1].updateTick(this, nextticklistentry.xCoord, nextticklistentry.yCoord, nextticklistentry.zCoord, this.rand); } } return; } par5 = 1; } if (this.checkChunksExist(par1 - b0, par2 - b0, par3 - b0, par1 + b0, par2 + b0, par3 + b0)) { if (par4 > 0) { nextticklistentry.setScheduledTime((long)par5 + this.worldInfo.getWorldTotalTime()); nextticklistentry.func_82753_a(par6); } if (!this.field_73064_N.contains(nextticklistentry)) { this.field_73064_N.add(nextticklistentry); this.pendingTickListEntries.add(nextticklistentry); } } } /** * Schedules a block update from the saved information in a chunk. Called when the chunk is loaded. */ public void scheduleBlockUpdateFromLoad(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6) { NextTickListEntry nextticklistentry = new NextTickListEntry(par1, par2, par3, par4); nextticklistentry.func_82753_a(par6); if (par4 > 0) { nextticklistentry.setScheduledTime((long)par5 + this.worldInfo.getWorldTotalTime()); } if (!this.field_73064_N.contains(nextticklistentry)) { this.field_73064_N.add(nextticklistentry); this.pendingTickListEntries.add(nextticklistentry); } } /** * Updates (and cleans up) entities and tile entities */ public void updateEntities() { if (this.playerEntities.isEmpty() && getPersistentChunks().isEmpty()) { if (this.updateEntityTick++ >= 1200) { return; } } else { this.resetUpdateEntityTick(); } super.updateEntities(); } /** * Resets the updateEntityTick field to 0 */ public void resetUpdateEntityTick() { this.updateEntityTick = 0; } /** * Runs through the list of updates to run and ticks them */ public boolean tickUpdates(boolean par1) { int i = this.pendingTickListEntries.size(); if (i != this.field_73064_N.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException("TickNextTick list out of synch"); } else { if (i > 1000) { i = 1000; } this.theProfiler.startSection("cleaning"); NextTickListEntry nextticklistentry; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { nextticklistentry = (NextTickListEntry)this.pendingTickListEntries.first(); if (!par1 && nextticklistentry.scheduledTime > this.worldInfo.getWorldTotalTime()) { break; } this.pendingTickListEntries.remove(nextticklistentry); this.field_73064_N.remove(nextticklistentry); this.field_94579_S.add(nextticklistentry); } this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.theProfiler.startSection("ticking"); Iterator iterator = this.field_94579_S.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { nextticklistentry = (NextTickListEntry); iterator.remove(); //Keeping here as a note for future when it may be restored. //boolean isForced = getPersistentChunks().containsKey(new ChunkCoordIntPair(nextticklistentry.xCoord >> 4, nextticklistentry.zCoord >> 4)); //byte b0 = isForced ? 0 : 8; byte b0 = 0; if (this.checkChunksExist(nextticklistentry.xCoord - b0, nextticklistentry.yCoord - b0, nextticklistentry.zCoord - b0, nextticklistentry.xCoord + b0, nextticklistentry.yCoord + b0, nextticklistentry.zCoord + b0)) { int k = this.getBlockId(nextticklistentry.xCoord, nextticklistentry.yCoord, nextticklistentry.zCoord); if (k > 0 && Block.isAssociatedBlockID(k, nextticklistentry.blockID)) { try { Block.blocksList[k].updateTick(this, nextticklistentry.xCoord, nextticklistentry.yCoord, nextticklistentry.zCoord, this.rand); } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(throwable, "Exception while ticking a block"); CrashReportCategory crashreportcategory = crashreport.makeCategory("Block being ticked"); int l; try { l = this.getBlockMetadata(nextticklistentry.xCoord, nextticklistentry.yCoord, nextticklistentry.zCoord); } catch (Throwable throwable1) { l = -1; } CrashReportCategory.func_85068_a(crashreportcategory, nextticklistentry.xCoord, nextticklistentry.yCoord, nextticklistentry.zCoord, k, l); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } } } else { this.scheduleBlockUpdate(nextticklistentry.xCoord, nextticklistentry.yCoord, nextticklistentry.zCoord, nextticklistentry.blockID, 0); } } this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.field_94579_S.clear(); return !this.pendingTickListEntries.isEmpty(); } } public List getPendingBlockUpdates(Chunk par1Chunk, boolean par2) { ArrayList arraylist = null; ChunkCoordIntPair chunkcoordintpair = par1Chunk.getChunkCoordIntPair(); int i = (chunkcoordintpair.chunkXPos << 4) - 2; int j = i + 16 + 2; int k = (chunkcoordintpair.chunkZPos << 4) - 2; int l = k + 16 + 2; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; ++i1) { Iterator iterator; if (i1 == 0) { iterator = this.pendingTickListEntries.iterator(); } else { iterator = this.field_94579_S.iterator(); if (!this.field_94579_S.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(this.field_94579_S.size()); } } while (iterator.hasNext()) { NextTickListEntry nextticklistentry = (NextTickListEntry); if (nextticklistentry.xCoord >= i && nextticklistentry.xCoord < j && nextticklistentry.zCoord >= k && nextticklistentry.zCoord < l) { if (par2) { this.field_73064_N.remove(nextticklistentry); iterator.remove(); } if (arraylist == null) { arraylist = new ArrayList(); } arraylist.add(nextticklistentry); } } } return arraylist; } /** * Will update the entity in the world if the chunk the entity is in is currently loaded or its forced to update. * Args: entity, forceUpdate */ public void updateEntityWithOptionalForce(Entity par1Entity, boolean par2) { if (!this.mcServer.getCanSpawnAnimals() && (par1Entity instanceof EntityAnimal || par1Entity instanceof EntityWaterMob)) { par1Entity.setDead(); } if (!this.mcServer.getCanSpawnNPCs() && par1Entity instanceof INpc) { par1Entity.setDead(); } if (!(par1Entity.riddenByEntity instanceof EntityPlayer)) { super.updateEntityWithOptionalForce(par1Entity, par2); } } /** * direct call to super.updateEntityWithOptionalForce */ public void uncheckedUpdateEntity(Entity par1Entity, boolean par2) { super.updateEntityWithOptionalForce(par1Entity, par2); } /** * Creates the chunk provider for this world. Called in the constructor. Retrieves provider from worldProvider? */ protected IChunkProvider createChunkProvider() { IChunkLoader ichunkloader = this.saveHandler.getChunkLoader(this.provider); this.theChunkProviderServer = new ChunkProviderServer(this, ichunkloader, this.provider.createChunkGenerator()); return this.theChunkProviderServer; } /** * pars: min x,y,z , max x,y,z */ public List getAllTileEntityInBox(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6) { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); for(int x = (par1 >> 4); x <= (par4 >> 4); x++) { for(int z = (par3 >> 4); z <= (par6 >> 4); z++) { Chunk chunk = getChunkFromChunkCoords(x, z); if (chunk != null) { for(Object obj : chunk.chunkTileEntityMap.values()) { TileEntity entity = (TileEntity)obj; if (!entity.isInvalid()) { if (entity.xCoord >= par1 && entity.yCoord >= par2 && entity.zCoord >= par3 && entity.xCoord <= par4 && entity.yCoord <= par5 && entity.zCoord <= par6) { arraylist.add(entity); } } } } } } return arraylist; } /** * Called when checking if a certain block can be mined or not. The 'spawn safe zone' check is located here. */ public boolean canMineBlock(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, int par2, int par3, int par4) { return super.canMineBlock(par1EntityPlayer, par2, par3, par4); } public boolean canMineBlockBody(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, int par2, int par3, int par4) { return !this.mcServer.func_96290_a(this, par2, par3, par4, par1EntityPlayer); } protected void initialize(WorldSettings par1WorldSettings) { if (this.entityIdMap == null) { this.entityIdMap = new IntHashMap(); } if (this.field_73064_N == null) { this.field_73064_N = new HashSet(); } if (this.pendingTickListEntries == null) { this.pendingTickListEntries = new TreeSet(); } this.createSpawnPosition(par1WorldSettings); super.initialize(par1WorldSettings); } /** * creates a spawn position at random within 256 blocks of 0,0 */ protected void createSpawnPosition(WorldSettings par1WorldSettings) { if (!this.provider.canRespawnHere()) { this.worldInfo.setSpawnPosition(0, this.provider.getAverageGroundLevel(), 0); } else { this.findingSpawnPoint = true; WorldChunkManager worldchunkmanager = this.provider.worldChunkMgr; List list = worldchunkmanager.getBiomesToSpawnIn(); Random random = new Random(this.getSeed()); ChunkPosition chunkposition = worldchunkmanager.findBiomePosition(0, 0, 256, list, random); int i = 0; int j = this.provider.getAverageGroundLevel(); int k = 0; if (chunkposition != null) { i = chunkposition.x; k = chunkposition.z; } else { this.getWorldLogAgent().logWarning("Unable to find spawn biome"); } int l = 0; while (!this.provider.canCoordinateBeSpawn(i, k)) { i += random.nextInt(64) - random.nextInt(64); k += random.nextInt(64) - random.nextInt(64); ++l; if (l == 1000) { break; } } this.worldInfo.setSpawnPosition(i, j, k); this.findingSpawnPoint = false; if (par1WorldSettings.isBonusChestEnabled()) { this.createBonusChest(); } } } /** * Creates the bonus chest in the world. */ protected void createBonusChest() { WorldGeneratorBonusChest worldgeneratorbonuschest = new WorldGeneratorBonusChest(ChestGenHooks.getItems(BONUS_CHEST, rand), ChestGenHooks.getCount(BONUS_CHEST, rand)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { int j = this.worldInfo.getSpawnX() + this.rand.nextInt(6) - this.rand.nextInt(6); int k = this.worldInfo.getSpawnZ() + this.rand.nextInt(6) - this.rand.nextInt(6); int l = this.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(j, k) + 1; if (worldgeneratorbonuschest.generate(this, this.rand, j, l, k)) { break; } } } /** * Gets the hard-coded portal location to use when entering this dimension. */ public ChunkCoordinates getEntrancePortalLocation() { return this.provider.getEntrancePortalLocation(); } /** * Saves all chunks to disk while updating progress bar. */ public void saveAllChunks(boolean par1, IProgressUpdate par2IProgressUpdate) throws MinecraftException { if (this.chunkProvider.canSave()) { if (par2IProgressUpdate != null) { par2IProgressUpdate.displayProgressMessage("Saving level"); } this.saveLevel(); if (par2IProgressUpdate != null) { par2IProgressUpdate.resetProgresAndWorkingMessage("Saving chunks"); } this.chunkProvider.saveChunks(par1, par2IProgressUpdate); WorldEvent.Save(this)); } } public void func_104140_m() { if (this.chunkProvider.canSave()) { this.chunkProvider.func_104112_b(); } } /** * Saves the chunks to disk. */ protected void saveLevel() throws MinecraftException { this.checkSessionLock(); this.saveHandler.saveWorldInfoWithPlayer(this.worldInfo, this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().getHostPlayerData()); this.mapStorage.saveAllData(); this.perWorldStorage.saveAllData(); } /** * Start the skin for this entity downloading, if necessary, and increment its reference counter */ protected void obtainEntitySkin(Entity par1Entity) { super.obtainEntitySkin(par1Entity); this.entityIdMap.addKey(par1Entity.entityId, par1Entity); Entity[] aentity = par1Entity.getParts(); if (aentity != null) { for (int i = 0; i < aentity.length; ++i) { this.entityIdMap.addKey(aentity[i].entityId, aentity[i]); } } } /** * Decrement the reference counter for this entity's skin image data */ public void releaseEntitySkin(Entity par1Entity) { super.releaseEntitySkin(par1Entity); this.entityIdMap.removeObject(par1Entity.entityId); Entity[] aentity = par1Entity.getParts(); if (aentity != null) { for (int i = 0; i < aentity.length; ++i) { this.entityIdMap.removeObject(aentity[i].entityId); } } } /** * Returns the Entity with the given ID, or null if it doesn't exist in this World. */ public Entity getEntityByID(int par1) { return (Entity)this.entityIdMap.lookup(par1); } /** * adds a lightning bolt to the list of lightning bolts in this world. */ public boolean addWeatherEffect(Entity par1Entity) { if (super.addWeatherEffect(par1Entity)) { this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().sendToAllNear(par1Entity.posX, par1Entity.posY, par1Entity.posZ, 512.0D, this.provider.dimensionId, new Packet71Weather(par1Entity)); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * sends a Packet 38 (Entity Status) to all tracked players of that entity */ public void setEntityState(Entity par1Entity, byte par2) { Packet38EntityStatus packet38entitystatus = new Packet38EntityStatus(par1Entity.entityId, par2); this.getEntityTracker().sendPacketToAllAssociatedPlayers(par1Entity, packet38entitystatus); } /** * returns a new explosion. Does initiation (at time of writing Explosion is not finished) */ public Explosion newExplosion(Entity par1Entity, double par2, double par4, double par6, float par8, boolean par9, boolean par10) { Explosion explosion = new Explosion(this, par1Entity, par2, par4, par6, par8); explosion.isFlaming = par9; explosion.isSmoking = par10; explosion.doExplosionA(); explosion.doExplosionB(false); if (!par10) { explosion.affectedBlockPositions.clear(); } Iterator iterator = this.playerEntities.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer); if (entityplayer.getDistanceSq(par2, par4, par6) < 4096.0D) { ((EntityPlayerMP)entityplayer).playerNetServerHandler.sendPacketToPlayer(new Packet60Explosion(par2, par4, par6, par8, explosion.affectedBlockPositions, (Vec3)explosion.func_77277_b().get(entityplayer))); } } return explosion; } /** * Adds a block event with the given Args to the blockEventCache. During the next tick(), the block specified will * have its onBlockEvent handler called with the given parameters. Args: X,Y,Z, BlockID, EventID, EventParameter */ public void addBlockEvent(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6) { BlockEventData blockeventdata = new BlockEventData(par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6); Iterator iterator = this.blockEventCache[this.blockEventCacheIndex].iterator(); BlockEventData blockeventdata1; do { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { this.blockEventCache[this.blockEventCacheIndex].add(blockeventdata); return; } blockeventdata1 = (BlockEventData); } while (!blockeventdata1.equals(blockeventdata)); } /** * Send and apply locally all pending BlockEvents to each player with 64m radius of the event. */ private void sendAndApplyBlockEvents() { while (!this.blockEventCache[this.blockEventCacheIndex].isEmpty()) { int i = this.blockEventCacheIndex; this.blockEventCacheIndex ^= 1; Iterator iterator = this.blockEventCache[i].iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { BlockEventData blockeventdata = (BlockEventData); if (this.onBlockEventReceived(blockeventdata)) { this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().sendToAllNear((double)blockeventdata.getX(), (double)blockeventdata.getY(), (double)blockeventdata.getZ(), 64.0D, this.provider.dimensionId, new Packet54PlayNoteBlock(blockeventdata.getX(), blockeventdata.getY(), blockeventdata.getZ(), blockeventdata.getBlockID(), blockeventdata.getEventID(), blockeventdata.getEventParameter())); } } this.blockEventCache[i].clear(); } } /** * Called to apply a pending BlockEvent to apply to the current world. */ private boolean onBlockEventReceived(BlockEventData par1BlockEventData) { int i = this.getBlockId(par1BlockEventData.getX(), par1BlockEventData.getY(), par1BlockEventData.getZ()); return i == par1BlockEventData.getBlockID() ? Block.blocksList[i].onBlockEventReceived(this, par1BlockEventData.getX(), par1BlockEventData.getY(), par1BlockEventData.getZ(), par1BlockEventData.getEventID(), par1BlockEventData.getEventParameter()) : false; } /** * Syncs all changes to disk and wait for completion. */ public void flush() { this.saveHandler.flush(); } /** * Updates all weather states. */ protected void updateWeather() { boolean flag = this.isRaining(); super.updateWeather(); if (flag != this.isRaining()) { if (flag) { this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().sendPacketToAllPlayers(new Packet70GameEvent(2, 0)); } else { this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().sendPacketToAllPlayers(new Packet70GameEvent(1, 0)); } } } /** * Gets the MinecraftServer. */ public MinecraftServer getMinecraftServer() { return this.mcServer; } /** * Gets the EntityTracker */ public EntityTracker getEntityTracker() { return this.theEntityTracker; } public PlayerManager getPlayerManager() { return this.thePlayerManager; } public Teleporter getDefaultTeleporter() { return this.field_85177_Q; } public File getChunkSaveLocation() { return ((AnvilChunkLoader)theChunkProviderServer.currentChunkLoader).chunkSaveLocation; } }