package net.minecraftforge.common; import java.util.*; import*; import static*; import static net.minecraftforge.common.BiomeDictionary.Type.*; public class BiomeDictionary { public enum Type { FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, WATER, DESERT, FROZEN, JUNGLE, WASTELAND, BEACH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL; } private static final int BIOME_LIST_SIZE = 256; private static BiomeInfo[] biomeList = new BiomeInfo[BIOME_LIST_SIZE]; private static ArrayList<BiomeGenBase>[] typeInfoList = new ArrayList[Type.values().length]; private static class BiomeInfo { public EnumSet<Type> typeList; public BiomeInfo(Type[] types) { typeList = EnumSet.noneOf(Type.class); for(Type t : types) { typeList.add(t); } } } static { registerVanillaBiomes(); } /** * Registers a biome with a specific biome type * * @param biome the biome to be registered * @param type the type to register the biome as * @return returns true if the biome was registered successfully */ public static boolean registerBiomeType(BiomeGenBase biome, Type ... types) { if(BiomeGenBase.biomeList[biome.biomeID] != null) { for(Type type : types) { if(typeInfoList[type.ordinal()] == null) { typeInfoList[type.ordinal()] = new ArrayList<BiomeGenBase>(); } typeInfoList[type.ordinal()].add(biome); } if(biomeList[biome.biomeID] == null) { biomeList[biome.biomeID] = new BiomeInfo(types); } else { for(Type type : types) { biomeList[biome.biomeID].typeList.add(type); } } return true; } return false; } /** * Returns a list of biomes registered with a specific type * * @param type the Type to look for * @return a list of biomes of the specified type, null if there are none */ public static BiomeGenBase[] getBiomesForType(Type type) { if(typeInfoList[type.ordinal()] != null) { return (BiomeGenBase[])typeInfoList[type.ordinal()].toArray(new BiomeGenBase[0]); } return new BiomeGenBase[0]; } /** * Gets a list of Types that a specific biome is registered with * * @param biome the biome to check * @return the list of types, null if there are none */ public static Type[] getTypesForBiome(BiomeGenBase biome) { checkRegistration(biome); if(biomeList[biome.biomeID] != null) { return (Type[])biomeList[biome.biomeID].typeList.toArray(new Type[0]); } return new Type[0]; } /** * Checks to see if two biomes are registered as having the same type * * @param biomeA * @param biomeB * @return returns true if a common type is found, false otherwise */ public static boolean areBiomesEquivalent(BiomeGenBase biomeA, BiomeGenBase biomeB) { int a = biomeA.biomeID; int b = biomeB.biomeID; checkRegistration(biomeA); checkRegistration(biomeB); if(biomeList[a] != null && biomeList[b] != null) { for(Type type : biomeList[a].typeList) { if(containsType(biomeList[b], type)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Checks to see if the given biome is registered as being a specific type * * @param biome the biome to be considered * @param type the type to check for * @return returns true if the biome is registered as being of type type, false otherwise */ public static boolean isBiomeOfType(BiomeGenBase biome, Type type) { checkRegistration(biome); if(biomeList[biome.biomeID] != null) { return containsType(biomeList[biome.biomeID], type); } return false; } /** * Checks to see if the given biome has been registered as being of any type * @param biome the biome to consider * @return returns true if the biome has been registered, false otherwise */ public static boolean isBiomeRegistered(BiomeGenBase biome) { return biomeList[biome.biomeID] != null; } public static boolean isBiomeRegistered(int biomeID) { return biomeList[biomeID] != null; } /** * Loops through the biome list and automatically adds tags to any biome that does not have any * This should be called in postInit to make sure all biomes have been registered * * DO NOT call this during world generation */ public static void registerAllBiomes() { for(int i = 0; i < BIOME_LIST_SIZE; i++) { if(BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i] != null) { checkRegistration(BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); } } } /** * Automatically looks for and registers a given biome with appropriate tags * This method is called automatically if a biome has not been registered with any tags, * And another method requests information about it * * NOTE: You can opt out of having your biome registered by registering it as type NULL * * @param biome the biome to be considered */ public static void makeBestGuess(BiomeGenBase biome) { if(biome.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk >= 3) { if(biome.isHighHumidity() && biome.temperature >= 1.0F) { BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, JUNGLE); } else if(!biome.isHighHumidity()) { BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, FOREST); } } else if(biome.maxHeight <= 0.3F && biome.maxHeight >= 0.0F) { if(!biome.isHighHumidity() || biome.minHeight >= 0.0F) { BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, PLAINS); } } if(biome.isHighHumidity() && biome.minHeight < 0.0F && (biome.maxHeight <= 0.3F && biome.maxHeight >= 0.0F)) { BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, SWAMP); } if(biome.minHeight <= -0.5F) { BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, WATER); } if(biome.maxHeight >= 1.5F) { BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, MOUNTAIN); } if(biome.getEnableSnow() || biome.temperature < 0.2F) { BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, FROZEN); } if(!biome.isHighHumidity() && biome.temperature >= 1.0F) { BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, DESERT); } } //Internal implementation private static void checkRegistration(BiomeGenBase biome) { if(!isBiomeRegistered(biome)) { makeBestGuess(biome); } } private static boolean containsType(BiomeInfo info, Type type) { return info.typeList.contains(type); } private static void registerVanillaBiomes() { registerBiomeType(ocean, WATER ); registerBiomeType(plains, PLAINS ); registerBiomeType(desert, DESERT ); registerBiomeType(extremeHills, MOUNTAIN ); registerBiomeType(forest, FOREST ); registerBiomeType(taiga, FOREST, FROZEN); registerBiomeType(taigaHills, FOREST, FROZEN); registerBiomeType(swampland, SWAMP ); registerBiomeType(river, WATER ); registerBiomeType(frozenOcean, WATER, FROZEN); registerBiomeType(frozenRiver, WATER, FROZEN); registerBiomeType(icePlains, FROZEN ); registerBiomeType(iceMountains, FROZEN ); registerBiomeType(beach, BEACH ); registerBiomeType(desertHills, DESERT ); registerBiomeType(jungle, JUNGLE ); registerBiomeType(jungleHills, JUNGLE ); registerBiomeType(forestHills, FOREST ); registerBiomeType(sky, END ); registerBiomeType(hell, NETHER ); registerBiomeType(mushroomIsland, MUSHROOM ); registerBiomeType(extremeHillsEdge, MOUNTAIN ); registerBiomeType(mushroomIslandShore, MUSHROOM, BEACH); } }