package; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import; import; import; import; public class Packet56MapChunks extends Packet { private int[] chunkPostX; private int[] chunkPosZ; public int[] field_73590_a; public int[] field_73588_b; /** The compressed chunk data buffer */ private byte[] chunkDataBuffer; private byte[][] field_73584_f; /** total size of the compressed data */ private int dataLength; /** * Whether or not the chunk data contains a light nibble array. This is true in the main world, false in the end + * nether. */ private boolean skyLightSent; private static byte[] chunkDataNotCompressed = new byte[0]; private int maxLen = 0; private Semaphore deflateGate; public Packet56MapChunks() {} public Packet56MapChunks(List par1List) { int i = par1List.size(); this.chunkPostX = new int[i]; this.chunkPosZ = new int[i]; this.field_73590_a = new int[i]; this.field_73588_b = new int[i]; this.field_73584_f = new byte[i][]; this.skyLightSent = !par1List.isEmpty() && !((Chunk)par1List.get(0)).worldObj.provider.hasNoSky; int j = 0; for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) { Chunk chunk = (Chunk)par1List.get(k); Packet51MapChunkData packet51mapchunkdata = Packet51MapChunk.getMapChunkData(chunk, true, 65535); j += packet51mapchunkdata.compressedData.length; this.chunkPostX[k] = chunk.xPosition; this.chunkPosZ[k] = chunk.zPosition; this.field_73590_a[k] = packet51mapchunkdata.chunkExistFlag; this.field_73588_b[k] = packet51mapchunkdata.chunkHasAddSectionFlag; this.field_73584_f[k] = packet51mapchunkdata.compressedData; } deflateGate = new Semaphore(1); maxLen = j; } private void deflate() { byte[] data = new byte[maxLen]; int offset = 0; for (int x = 0; x < field_73584_f.length; x++) { System.arraycopy(field_73584_f[x], 0, data, offset, field_73584_f[x].length); offset += field_73584_f[x].length; } Deflater deflater = new Deflater(-1); try { deflater.setInput(data, 0, maxLen); deflater.finish(); byte[] deflated = new byte[maxLen]; this.dataLength = deflater.deflate(deflated); this.chunkDataBuffer = deflated; } finally { deflater.end(); } } /** * Abstract. Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(DataInputStream par1DataInputStream) throws IOException { short short1 = par1DataInputStream.readShort(); this.dataLength = par1DataInputStream.readInt(); this.skyLightSent = par1DataInputStream.readBoolean(); this.chunkPostX = new int[short1]; this.chunkPosZ = new int[short1]; this.field_73590_a = new int[short1]; this.field_73588_b = new int[short1]; this.field_73584_f = new byte[short1][]; if (chunkDataNotCompressed.length < this.dataLength) { chunkDataNotCompressed = new byte[this.dataLength]; } par1DataInputStream.readFully(chunkDataNotCompressed, 0, this.dataLength); byte[] abyte = new byte[196864 * short1]; Inflater inflater = new Inflater(); inflater.setInput(chunkDataNotCompressed, 0, this.dataLength); try { inflater.inflate(abyte); } catch (DataFormatException dataformatexception) { throw new IOException("Bad compressed data format"); } finally { inflater.end(); } int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < short1; ++j) { this.chunkPostX[j] = par1DataInputStream.readInt(); this.chunkPosZ[j] = par1DataInputStream.readInt(); this.field_73590_a[j] = par1DataInputStream.readShort(); this.field_73588_b[j] = par1DataInputStream.readShort(); int k = 0; int l = 0; int i1; for (i1 = 0; i1 < 16; ++i1) { k += this.field_73590_a[j] >> i1 & 1; l += this.field_73588_b[j] >> i1 & 1; } i1 = 2048 * 4 * k + 256; i1 += 2048 * l; if (this.skyLightSent) { i1 += 2048 * k; } this.field_73584_f[j] = new byte[i1]; System.arraycopy(abyte, i, this.field_73584_f[j], 0, i1); i += i1; } } /** * Abstract. Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. */ public void writePacketData(DataOutputStream par1DataOutputStream) throws IOException { if (this.chunkDataBuffer == null) { deflateGate.acquireUninterruptibly(); if (this.chunkDataBuffer == null) { deflate(); } deflateGate.release(); } par1DataOutputStream.writeShort(this.chunkPostX.length); par1DataOutputStream.writeInt(this.dataLength); par1DataOutputStream.writeBoolean(this.skyLightSent); par1DataOutputStream.write(this.chunkDataBuffer, 0, this.dataLength); for (int i = 0; i < this.chunkPostX.length; ++i) { par1DataOutputStream.writeInt(this.chunkPostX[i]); par1DataOutputStream.writeInt(this.chunkPosZ[i]); par1DataOutputStream.writeShort((short)(this.field_73590_a[i] & 65535)); par1DataOutputStream.writeShort((short)(this.field_73588_b[i] & 65535)); } } /** * Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. */ public void processPacket(NetHandler par1NetHandler) { par1NetHandler.handleMapChunks(this); } /** * Abstract. Return the size of the packet (not counting the header). */ public int getPacketSize() { return 6 + this.dataLength + 12 * this.getNumberOfChunkInPacket(); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getChunkPosX(int par1) { return this.chunkPostX[par1]; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getChunkPosZ(int par1) { return this.chunkPosZ[par1]; } public int getNumberOfChunkInPacket() { return this.chunkPostX.length; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public byte[] getChunkCompressedData(int par1) { return this.field_73584_f[par1]; } }