package net.minecraft.block; public class BlockEventData { private int coordX; private int coordY; private int coordZ; private int blockID; /** Different for each blockID */ private int eventID; /** Different for each blockID, eventID */ private int eventParameter; public BlockEventData(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6) { this.coordX = par1; this.coordY = par2; this.coordZ = par3; this.eventID = par5; this.eventParameter = par6; this.blockID = par4; } /** * Get the X coordinate. */ public int getX() { return this.coordX; } /** * Get the Y coordinate. */ public int getY() { return this.coordY; } /** * Get the Z coordinate. */ public int getZ() { return this.coordZ; } /** * Get the Event ID (different for each BlockID) */ public int getEventID() { return this.eventID; } /** * Get the Event Parameter (different for each BlockID,EventID) */ public int getEventParameter() { return this.eventParameter; } /** * Gets the BlockID for this BlockEventData */ public int getBlockID() { return this.blockID; } public boolean equals(Object par1Obj) { if (!(par1Obj instanceof BlockEventData)) { return false; } else { BlockEventData blockeventdata = (BlockEventData)par1Obj; return this.coordX == blockeventdata.coordX && this.coordY == blockeventdata.coordY && this.coordZ == blockeventdata.coordZ && this.eventID == blockeventdata.eventID && this.eventParameter == blockeventdata.eventParameter && this.blockID == blockeventdata.blockID; } } public String toString() { return "TE(" + this.coordX + "," + this.coordY + "," + this.coordZ + ")," + this.eventID + "," + this.eventParameter + "," + this.blockID; } }