package; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureType; import net.minecraft.util.IProgressUpdate; import; import; public interface IChunkProvider { /** * Checks to see if a chunk exists at x, y */ boolean chunkExists(int i, int j); /** * Will return back a chunk, if it doesn't exist and its not a MP client it will generates all the blocks for the * specified chunk from the map seed and chunk seed */ Chunk provideChunk(int i, int j); /** * loads or generates the chunk at the chunk location specified */ Chunk loadChunk(int i, int j); /** * Populates chunk with ores etc etc */ void populate(IChunkProvider ichunkprovider, int i, int j); /** * Two modes of operation: if passed true, save all Chunks in one go. If passed false, save up to two chunks. * Return true if all chunks have been saved. */ boolean saveChunks(boolean flag, IProgressUpdate iprogressupdate); /** * Unloads chunks that are marked to be unloaded. This is not guaranteed to unload every such chunk. */ boolean unloadQueuedChunks(); /** * Returns if the IChunkProvider supports saving. */ boolean canSave(); /** * Converts the instance data to a readable string. */ String makeString(); /** * Returns a list of creatures of the specified type that can spawn at the given location. */ List getPossibleCreatures(EnumCreatureType enumcreaturetype, int i, int j, int k); /** * Returns the location of the closest structure of the specified type. If not found returns null. */ ChunkPosition findClosestStructure(World world, String s, int i, int j, int k); int getLoadedChunkCount(); void recreateStructures(int i, int j); void func_104112_b(); }