package net.minecraft.potion; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.StringUtils; public class Potion { /** The array of potion types. */ public static final Potion[] potionTypes = new Potion[32]; public static final Potion field_76423_b = null; public static final Potion moveSpeed = (new Potion(1, false, 8171462)).setPotionName("potion.moveSpeed").setIconIndex(0, 0); public static final Potion moveSlowdown = (new Potion(2, true, 5926017)).setPotionName("potion.moveSlowdown").setIconIndex(1, 0); public static final Potion digSpeed = (new Potion(3, false, 14270531)).setPotionName("potion.digSpeed").setIconIndex(2, 0).setEffectiveness(1.5D); public static final Potion digSlowdown = (new Potion(4, true, 4866583)).setPotionName("potion.digSlowDown").setIconIndex(3, 0); public static final Potion damageBoost = (new Potion(5, false, 9643043)).setPotionName("potion.damageBoost").setIconIndex(4, 0); public static final Potion heal = (new PotionHealth(6, false, 16262179)).setPotionName("potion.heal"); public static final Potion harm = (new PotionHealth(7, true, 4393481)).setPotionName("potion.harm"); public static final Potion jump = (new Potion(8, false, 7889559)).setPotionName("potion.jump").setIconIndex(2, 1); public static final Potion confusion = (new Potion(9, true, 5578058)).setPotionName("potion.confusion").setIconIndex(3, 1).setEffectiveness(0.25D); /** The regeneration Potion object. */ public static final Potion regeneration = (new Potion(10, false, 13458603)).setPotionName("potion.regeneration").setIconIndex(7, 0).setEffectiveness(0.25D); public static final Potion resistance = (new Potion(11, false, 10044730)).setPotionName("potion.resistance").setIconIndex(6, 1); /** The fire resistance Potion object. */ public static final Potion fireResistance = (new Potion(12, false, 14981690)).setPotionName("potion.fireResistance").setIconIndex(7, 1); /** The water breathing Potion object. */ public static final Potion waterBreathing = (new Potion(13, false, 3035801)).setPotionName("potion.waterBreathing").setIconIndex(0, 2); /** The invisibility Potion object. */ public static final Potion invisibility = (new Potion(14, false, 8356754)).setPotionName("potion.invisibility").setIconIndex(0, 1); /** The blindness Potion object. */ public static final Potion blindness = (new Potion(15, true, 2039587)).setPotionName("potion.blindness").setIconIndex(5, 1).setEffectiveness(0.25D); /** The night vision Potion object. */ public static final Potion nightVision = (new Potion(16, false, 2039713)).setPotionName("potion.nightVision").setIconIndex(4, 1); /** The hunger Potion object. */ public static final Potion hunger = (new Potion(17, true, 5797459)).setPotionName("potion.hunger").setIconIndex(1, 1); /** The weakness Potion object. */ public static final Potion weakness = (new Potion(18, true, 4738376)).setPotionName("potion.weakness").setIconIndex(5, 0); /** The poison Potion object. */ public static final Potion poison = (new Potion(19, true, 5149489)).setPotionName("potion.poison").setIconIndex(6, 0).setEffectiveness(0.25D); /** The wither Potion object. */ public static final Potion wither = (new Potion(20, true, 3484199)).setPotionName("potion.wither").setIconIndex(1, 2).setEffectiveness(0.25D); public static final Potion field_76434_w = null; public static final Potion field_76444_x = null; public static final Potion field_76443_y = null; public static final Potion field_76442_z = null; public static final Potion field_76409_A = null; public static final Potion field_76410_B = null; public static final Potion field_76411_C = null; public static final Potion field_76405_D = null; public static final Potion field_76406_E = null; public static final Potion field_76407_F = null; public static final Potion field_76408_G = null; /** The Id of a Potion object. */ public final int id; /** The name of the Potion. */ private String name = ""; /** The index for the icon displayed when the potion effect is active. */ private int statusIconIndex = -1; /** * This field indicated if the effect is 'bad' - negative - for the entity. */ private final boolean isBadEffect; private double effectiveness; private boolean usable; /** Is the color of the liquid for this potion. */ private final int liquidColor; protected Potion(int par1, boolean par2, int par3) { = par1; potionTypes[par1] = this; this.isBadEffect = par2; if (par2) { this.effectiveness = 0.5D; } else { this.effectiveness = 1.0D; } this.liquidColor = par3; } /** * Sets the index for the icon displayed in the player's inventory when the status is active. */ public Potion setIconIndex(int par1, int par2) { this.statusIconIndex = par1 + par2 * 8; return this; } /** * returns the ID of the potion */ public int getId() { return; } public void performEffect(EntityLiving par1EntityLiving, int par2) { if ( == { if (par1EntityLiving.getHealth() < par1EntityLiving.getMaxHealth()) { par1EntityLiving.heal(1); } } else if ( == { if (par1EntityLiving.getHealth() > 1) { par1EntityLiving.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.magic, 1); } } else if ( == { par1EntityLiving.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.wither, 1); } else if ( == && par1EntityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer) { ((EntityPlayer)par1EntityLiving).addExhaustion(0.025F * (float)(par2 + 1)); } else if (( != || par1EntityLiving.isEntityUndead()) && ( != || !par1EntityLiving.isEntityUndead())) { if ( == && !par1EntityLiving.isEntityUndead() || == && par1EntityLiving.isEntityUndead()) { par1EntityLiving.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.magic, 6 << par2); } } else { par1EntityLiving.heal(6 << par2); } } /** * Hits the provided entity with this potion's instant effect. */ public void affectEntity(EntityLiving par1EntityLiving, EntityLiving par2EntityLiving, int par3, double par4) { int j; if (( != || par2EntityLiving.isEntityUndead()) && ( != || !par2EntityLiving.isEntityUndead())) { if ( == && !par2EntityLiving.isEntityUndead() || == && par2EntityLiving.isEntityUndead()) { j = (int)(par4 * (double)(6 << par3) + 0.5D); if (par1EntityLiving == null) { par2EntityLiving.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.magic, j); } else { par2EntityLiving.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causeIndirectMagicDamage(par2EntityLiving, par1EntityLiving), j); } } } else { j = (int)(par4 * (double)(6 << par3) + 0.5D); par2EntityLiving.heal(j); } } /** * Returns true if the potion has an instant effect instead of a continuous one (eg Harming) */ public boolean isInstant() { return false; } /** * checks if Potion effect is ready to be applied this tick. */ public boolean isReady(int par1, int par2) { int k; if ( != && != { if ( == { k = 40 >> par2; return k > 0 ? par1 % k == 0 : true; } else { return ==; } } else { k = 25 >> par2; return k > 0 ? par1 % k == 0 : true; } } /** * Set the potion name. */ public Potion setPotionName(String par1Str) { = par1Str; return this; } /** * returns the name of the potion */ public String getName() { return; } protected Potion setEffectiveness(double par1) { this.effectiveness = par1; return this; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Returns true if the potion has a associated status icon to display in then inventory when active. */ public boolean hasStatusIcon() { return this.statusIconIndex >= 0; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Returns the index for the icon to display when the potion is active. */ public int getStatusIconIndex() { return this.statusIconIndex; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * This method returns true if the potion effect is bad - negative - for the entity. */ public boolean isBadEffect() { return this.isBadEffect; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static String getDurationString(PotionEffect par0PotionEffect) { if (par0PotionEffect.getIsPotionDurationMax()) { return "**:**"; } else { int i = par0PotionEffect.getDuration(); return StringUtils.ticksToElapsedTime(i); } } public double getEffectiveness() { return this.effectiveness; } public boolean isUsable() { return this.usable; } /** * Returns the color of the potion liquid. */ public int getLiquidColor() { return this.liquidColor; } }