package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.util.LongHashMap; import; import; import; public class PlayerManager { private final WorldServer theWorldServer; /** players in the current instance */ private final List players = new ArrayList(); /** * A map of chunk position (two ints concatenated into a long) to PlayerInstance */ private final LongHashMap playerInstances = new LongHashMap(); /** * contains a PlayerInstance for every chunk they can see. the "player instance" cotains a list of all players who * can also that chunk */ private final List chunkWatcherWithPlayers = new ArrayList(); /** * Number of chunks the server sends to the client. Valid 3<=x<=15. In */ private final int playerViewRadius; /** x, z direction vectors: east, south, west, north */ private final int[][] xzDirectionsConst = new int[][] {{1, 0}, {0, 1}, { -1, 0}, {0, -1}}; public PlayerManager(WorldServer par1WorldServer, int par2) { if (par2 > 15) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too big view radius!"); } else if (par2 < 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too small view radius!"); } else { this.playerViewRadius = par2; this.theWorldServer = par1WorldServer; } } public WorldServer getWorldServer() { return this.theWorldServer; } /** * updates all the player instances that need to be updated */ public void updatePlayerInstances() { for (int i = 0; i < this.chunkWatcherWithPlayers.size(); ++i) { ((PlayerInstance)this.chunkWatcherWithPlayers.get(i)).sendChunkUpdate(); } this.chunkWatcherWithPlayers.clear(); if (this.players.isEmpty()) { WorldProvider worldprovider = this.theWorldServer.provider; if (!worldprovider.canRespawnHere()) { this.theWorldServer.theChunkProviderServer.unloadAllChunks(); } } } public PlayerInstance getOrCreateChunkWatcher(int par1, int par2, boolean par3) { long k = (long)par1 + 2147483647L | (long)par2 + 2147483647L << 32; PlayerInstance playerinstance = (PlayerInstance)this.playerInstances.getValueByKey(k); if (playerinstance == null && par3) { playerinstance = new PlayerInstance(this, par1, par2); this.playerInstances.add(k, playerinstance); } return playerinstance; } /** * the "PlayerInstance"/ chunkWatcher will send this chunk to all players who are in line of sight */ public void flagChunkForUpdate(int par1, int par2, int par3) { int l = par1 >> 4; int i1 = par3 >> 4; PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.getOrCreateChunkWatcher(l, i1, false); if (playerinstance != null) { playerinstance.flagChunkForUpdate(par1 & 15, par2, par3 & 15); } } /** * Adds an EntityPlayerMP to the PlayerManager. */ public void addPlayer(EntityPlayerMP par1EntityPlayerMP) { int i = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.posX >> 4; int j = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.posZ >> 4; par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosX = par1EntityPlayerMP.posX; par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosZ = par1EntityPlayerMP.posZ; for (int k = i - this.playerViewRadius; k <= i + this.playerViewRadius; ++k) { for (int l = j - this.playerViewRadius; l <= j + this.playerViewRadius; ++l) { this.getOrCreateChunkWatcher(k, l, true).addPlayerToChunkWatchingList(par1EntityPlayerMP); } } this.players.add(par1EntityPlayerMP); this.filterChunkLoadQueue(par1EntityPlayerMP); } /** * Removes all chunks from the given player's chunk load queue that are not in viewing range of the player. */ public void filterChunkLoadQueue(EntityPlayerMP par1EntityPlayerMP) { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(par1EntityPlayerMP.loadedChunks); int i = 0; int j = this.playerViewRadius; int k = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.posX >> 4; int l = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.posZ >> 4; int i1 = 0; int j1 = 0; ChunkCoordIntPair chunkcoordintpair = PlayerInstance.getChunkLocation(this.getOrCreateChunkWatcher(k, l, true)); par1EntityPlayerMP.loadedChunks.clear(); if (arraylist.contains(chunkcoordintpair)) { par1EntityPlayerMP.loadedChunks.add(chunkcoordintpair); } int k1; for (k1 = 1; k1 <= j * 2; ++k1) { for (int l1 = 0; l1 < 2; ++l1) { int[] aint = this.xzDirectionsConst[i++ % 4]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < k1; ++i2) { i1 += aint[0]; j1 += aint[1]; chunkcoordintpair = PlayerInstance.getChunkLocation(this.getOrCreateChunkWatcher(k + i1, l + j1, true)); if (arraylist.contains(chunkcoordintpair)) { par1EntityPlayerMP.loadedChunks.add(chunkcoordintpair); } } } } i %= 4; for (k1 = 0; k1 < j * 2; ++k1) { i1 += this.xzDirectionsConst[i][0]; j1 += this.xzDirectionsConst[i][1]; chunkcoordintpair = PlayerInstance.getChunkLocation(this.getOrCreateChunkWatcher(k + i1, l + j1, true)); if (arraylist.contains(chunkcoordintpair)) { par1EntityPlayerMP.loadedChunks.add(chunkcoordintpair); } } } /** * Removes an EntityPlayerMP from the PlayerManager. */ public void removePlayer(EntityPlayerMP par1EntityPlayerMP) { int i = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosX >> 4; int j = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosZ >> 4; for (int k = i - this.playerViewRadius; k <= i + this.playerViewRadius; ++k) { for (int l = j - this.playerViewRadius; l <= j + this.playerViewRadius; ++l) { PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.getOrCreateChunkWatcher(k, l, false); if (playerinstance != null) { playerinstance.sendThisChunkToPlayer(par1EntityPlayerMP); } } } this.players.remove(par1EntityPlayerMP); } private boolean func_72684_a(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5) { int j1 = par1 - par3; int k1 = par2 - par4; return j1 >= -par5 && j1 <= par5 ? k1 >= -par5 && k1 <= par5 : false; } /** * update chunks around a player being moved by server logic (e.g. cart, boat) */ public void updateMountedMovingPlayer(EntityPlayerMP par1EntityPlayerMP) { int i = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.posX >> 4; int j = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.posZ >> 4; double d0 = par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosX - par1EntityPlayerMP.posX; double d1 = par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosZ - par1EntityPlayerMP.posZ; double d2 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1; if (d2 >= 64.0D) { int k = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosX >> 4; int l = (int)par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosZ >> 4; int i1 = this.playerViewRadius; int j1 = i - k; int k1 = j - l; if (j1 != 0 || k1 != 0) { for (int l1 = i - i1; l1 <= i + i1; ++l1) { for (int i2 = j - i1; i2 <= j + i1; ++i2) { if (!this.func_72684_a(l1, i2, k, l, i1)) { this.getOrCreateChunkWatcher(l1, i2, true).addPlayerToChunkWatchingList(par1EntityPlayerMP); } if (!this.func_72684_a(l1 - j1, i2 - k1, i, j, i1)) { PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.getOrCreateChunkWatcher(l1 - j1, i2 - k1, false); if (playerinstance != null) { playerinstance.sendThisChunkToPlayer(par1EntityPlayerMP); } } } } this.filterChunkLoadQueue(par1EntityPlayerMP); par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosX = par1EntityPlayerMP.posX; par1EntityPlayerMP.managedPosZ = par1EntityPlayerMP.posZ; } } } public boolean isPlayerWatchingChunk(EntityPlayerMP par1EntityPlayerMP, int par2, int par3) { PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.getOrCreateChunkWatcher(par2, par3, false); return playerinstance == null ? false : PlayerInstance.getPlayersInChunk(playerinstance).contains(par1EntityPlayerMP) && !par1EntityPlayerMP.loadedChunks.contains(PlayerInstance.getChunkLocation(playerinstance)); } /** * Get the furthest viewable block given player's view distance */ public static int getFurthestViewableBlock(int par0) { return par0 * 16 - 16; } static WorldServer getWorldServer(PlayerManager par0PlayerManager) { return par0PlayerManager.theWorldServer; } static LongHashMap getChunkWatchers(PlayerManager par0PlayerManager) { return par0PlayerManager.playerInstances; } static List getChunkWatchersWithPlayers(PlayerManager par0PlayerManager) { return par0PlayerManager.chunkWatcherWithPlayers; } }