package net.minecraft.util; class LongHashMapEntry { /** * the key as a long (for playerInstances it is the x in the most significant 32 bits and then y) */ final long key; /** the value held by the hash at the specified key */ Object value; /** the next hashentry in the table */ LongHashMapEntry nextEntry; final int hash; LongHashMapEntry(int par1, long par2, Object par4Obj, LongHashMapEntry par5LongHashMapEntry) { this.value = par4Obj; this.nextEntry = par5LongHashMapEntry; this.key = par2; this.hash = par1; } public final long getKey() { return this.key; } public final Object getValue() { return this.value; } public final boolean equals(Object par1Obj) { if (!(par1Obj instanceof LongHashMapEntry)) { return false; } else { LongHashMapEntry longhashmapentry = (LongHashMapEntry)par1Obj; Long olong = Long.valueOf(this.getKey()); Long olong1 = Long.valueOf(longhashmapentry.getKey()); if (olong == olong1 || olong != null && olong.equals(olong1)) { Object object1 = this.getValue(); Object object2 = longhashmapentry.getValue(); if (object1 == object2 || object1 != null && object1.equals(object2)) { return true; } } return false; } } public final int hashCode() { return LongHashMap.getHashCode(this.key); } public final String toString() { return this.getKey() + "=" + this.getValue(); } }