package net.minecraft.server.integrated; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class IntegratedPlayerList extends ServerConfigurationManager { /** * Holds the NBT data for the host player's save file, so this can be written to level.dat. */ private NBTTagCompound hostPlayerData = null; public IntegratedPlayerList(IntegratedServer par1IntegratedServer) { super(par1IntegratedServer); this.viewDistance = 10; } /** * also stores the NBTTags if this is an intergratedPlayerList */ protected void writePlayerData(EntityPlayerMP par1EntityPlayerMP) { if (par1EntityPlayerMP.getCommandSenderName().equals(this.getIntegratedServer().getServerOwner())) { this.hostPlayerData = new NBTTagCompound(); par1EntityPlayerMP.writeToNBT(this.hostPlayerData); } super.writePlayerData(par1EntityPlayerMP); } /** * checks ban-lists, then white-lists, then space for the server. Returns null on success, or an error message */ public String allowUserToConnect(SocketAddress par1SocketAddress, String par2Str) { return par2Str.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getIntegratedServer().getServerOwner()) ? "That name is already taken." : super.allowUserToConnect(par1SocketAddress, par2Str); } /** * get the associated Integrated Server */ public IntegratedServer getIntegratedServer() { return (IntegratedServer)super.getServerInstance(); } /** * On integrated servers, returns the host's player data to be written to level.dat. */ public NBTTagCompound getHostPlayerData() { return this.hostPlayerData; } public MinecraftServer getServerInstance() { return this.getIntegratedServer(); } }