package net.minecraft.stats; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.util.Session; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class StatsSyncher { private volatile boolean isBusy = false; private volatile Map field_77430_b = null; private volatile Map field_77431_c = null; /** * The StatFileWriter object, presumably used to write to the statistics files */ private StatFileWriter statFileWriter; /** A file named 'stats_' [lower case username] '_unsent.dat' */ private File unsentDataFile; /** A file named 'stats_' [lower case username] '.dat' */ private File dataFile; /** A file named 'stats_' [lower case username] '_unsent.tmp' */ private File unsentTempFile; /** A file named 'stats_' [lower case username] '.tmp' */ private File tempFile; /** A file named 'stats_' [lower case username] '_unsent.old' */ private File unsentOldFile; /** A file named 'stats_' [lower case username] '.old' */ private File oldFile; /** The Session object */ private Session theSession; private int field_77433_l = 0; private int field_77434_m = 0; public StatsSyncher(Session par1Session, StatFileWriter par2StatFileWriter, File par3File) { this.unsentDataFile = new File(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username.toLowerCase() + "_unsent.dat"); this.dataFile = new File(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username.toLowerCase() + ".dat"); this.unsentOldFile = new File(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username.toLowerCase() + "_unsent.old"); this.oldFile = new File(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username.toLowerCase() + ".old"); this.unsentTempFile = new File(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username.toLowerCase() + "_unsent.tmp"); this.tempFile = new File(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username.toLowerCase() + ".tmp"); if (!par1Session.username.toLowerCase().equals(par1Session.username)) { this.func_77412_a(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username + "_unsent.dat", this.unsentDataFile); this.func_77412_a(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username + ".dat", this.dataFile); this.func_77412_a(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username + "_unsent.old", this.unsentOldFile); this.func_77412_a(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username + ".old", this.oldFile); this.func_77412_a(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username + "_unsent.tmp", this.unsentTempFile); this.func_77412_a(par3File, "stats_" + par1Session.username + ".tmp", this.tempFile); } this.statFileWriter = par2StatFileWriter; this.theSession = par1Session; if (this.unsentDataFile.exists()) { par2StatFileWriter.writeStats(this.func_77417_a(this.unsentDataFile, this.unsentTempFile, this.unsentOldFile)); } this.beginReceiveStats(); } private void func_77412_a(File par1File, String par2Str, File par3File) { File file3 = new File(par1File, par2Str); if (file3.exists() && !file3.isDirectory() && !par3File.exists()) { file3.renameTo(par3File); } } private Map func_77417_a(File par1File, File par2File, File par3File) { return par1File.exists() ? this.func_77413_a(par1File) : (par3File.exists() ? this.func_77413_a(par3File) : (par2File.exists() ? this.func_77413_a(par2File) : null)); } private Map func_77413_a(File par1File) { BufferedReader bufferedreader = null; try { bufferedreader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(par1File)); String s = ""; StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); while ((s = bufferedreader.readLine()) != null) { stringbuilder.append(s); } Map map = StatFileWriter.func_77453_b(stringbuilder.toString()); return map; } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (bufferedreader != null) { try { bufferedreader.close(); } catch (Exception exception1) { exception1.printStackTrace(); } } } return null; } private void func_77421_a(Map par1Map, File par2File, File par3File, File par4File) throws IOException { PrintWriter printwriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(par3File, false)); try { printwriter.print(StatFileWriter.func_77441_a(this.theSession.username, "local", par1Map)); } finally { printwriter.close(); } if (par4File.exists()) { par4File.delete(); } if (par2File.exists()) { par2File.renameTo(par4File); } par3File.renameTo(par2File); } /** * Attempts to begin receiving stats from the server. Will throw an IllegalStateException if the syncher is already * busy. */ public void beginReceiveStats() { if (this.isBusy) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can\'t get stats from server while StatsSyncher is busy!"); } else { this.field_77433_l = 100; this.isBusy = true; (new ThreadStatSyncherReceive(this)).start(); } } /** * Attempts to begin sending stats to the server. Will throw an IllegalStateException if the syncher is already * busy. */ public void beginSendStats(Map par1Map) { if (this.isBusy) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can\'t save stats while StatsSyncher is busy!"); } else { this.field_77433_l = 100; this.isBusy = true; (new ThreadStatSyncherSend(this, par1Map)).start(); } } public void syncStatsFileWithMap(Map par1Map) { int i = 30; while (this.isBusy) { --i; if (i <= 0) { break; } try { Thread.sleep(100L); } catch (InterruptedException interruptedexception) { interruptedexception.printStackTrace(); } } this.isBusy = true; try { this.func_77421_a(par1Map, this.unsentDataFile, this.unsentTempFile, this.unsentOldFile); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } finally { this.isBusy = false; } } public boolean func_77425_c() { return this.field_77433_l <= 0 && !this.isBusy && this.field_77431_c == null; } public void func_77422_e() { if (this.field_77433_l > 0) { --this.field_77433_l; } if (this.field_77434_m > 0) { --this.field_77434_m; } if (this.field_77431_c != null) { this.statFileWriter.func_77448_c(this.field_77431_c); this.field_77431_c = null; } if (this.field_77430_b != null) { this.statFileWriter.func_77452_b(this.field_77430_b); this.field_77430_b = null; } } static Map func_77419_a(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher) { return par0StatsSyncher.field_77430_b; } static File func_77408_b(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher) { return par0StatsSyncher.dataFile; } static File func_77407_c(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher) { return par0StatsSyncher.tempFile; } static File func_77411_d(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher) { return par0StatsSyncher.oldFile; } static void func_77414_a(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher, Map par1Map, File par2File, File par3File, File par4File) throws IOException { par0StatsSyncher.func_77421_a(par1Map, par2File, par3File, par4File); } static Map func_77416_a(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher, Map par1Map) { return par0StatsSyncher.field_77430_b = par1Map; } static Map func_77410_a(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher, File par1File, File par2File, File par3File) { return par0StatsSyncher.func_77417_a(par1File, par2File, par3File); } static boolean setBusy(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher, boolean par1) { return par0StatsSyncher.isBusy = par1; } static File getUnsentDataFile(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher) { return par0StatsSyncher.unsentDataFile; } static File getUnsentTempFile(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher) { return par0StatsSyncher.unsentTempFile; } static File getUnsentOldFile(StatsSyncher par0StatsSyncher) { return par0StatsSyncher.unsentOldFile; } }