package net.minecraft.util; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class Vec3 { /** * A global Vec3Pool that always creates new vectors instead of reusing them and is thread-safe. */ public static final Vec3Pool fakePool = new Vec3Pool(-1, -1); public final Vec3Pool myVec3LocalPool; /** X coordinate of Vec3D */ public double xCoord; /** Y coordinate of Vec3D */ public double yCoord; /** Z coordinate of Vec3D */ public double zCoord; /** * Static method for creating a new Vec3D given the three x,y,z values. This is only called from the other static * method which creates and places it in the list. */ public static Vec3 createVectorHelper(double par0, double par2, double par4) { return new Vec3(fakePool, par0, par2, par4); } protected Vec3(Vec3Pool par1Vec3Pool, double par2, double par4, double par6) { if (par2 == -0.0D) { par2 = 0.0D; } if (par4 == -0.0D) { par4 = 0.0D; } if (par6 == -0.0D) { par6 = 0.0D; } this.xCoord = par2; this.yCoord = par4; this.zCoord = par6; this.myVec3LocalPool = par1Vec3Pool; } /** * Sets the x,y,z components of the vector as specified. */ protected Vec3 setComponents(double par1, double par3, double par5) { this.xCoord = par1; this.yCoord = par3; this.zCoord = par5; return this; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Returns a new vector with the result of the specified vector minus this. */ public Vec3 subtract(Vec3 par1Vec3) { return this.myVec3LocalPool.getVecFromPool(par1Vec3.xCoord - this.xCoord, par1Vec3.yCoord - this.yCoord, par1Vec3.zCoord - this.zCoord); } /** * Normalizes the vector to a length of 1 (except if it is the zero vector) */ public Vec3 normalize() { double d0 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(this.xCoord * this.xCoord + this.yCoord * this.yCoord + this.zCoord * this.zCoord); return d0 < 1.0E-4D ? this.myVec3LocalPool.getVecFromPool(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D) : this.myVec3LocalPool.getVecFromPool(this.xCoord / d0, this.yCoord / d0, this.zCoord / d0); } public double dotProduct(Vec3 par1Vec3) { return this.xCoord * par1Vec3.xCoord + this.yCoord * par1Vec3.yCoord + this.zCoord * par1Vec3.zCoord; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Returns a new vector with the result of this vector x the specified vector. */ public Vec3 crossProduct(Vec3 par1Vec3) { return this.myVec3LocalPool.getVecFromPool(this.yCoord * par1Vec3.zCoord - this.zCoord * par1Vec3.yCoord, this.zCoord * par1Vec3.xCoord - this.xCoord * par1Vec3.zCoord, this.xCoord * par1Vec3.yCoord - this.yCoord * par1Vec3.xCoord); } /** * Adds the specified x,y,z vector components to this vector and returns the resulting vector. Does not change this * vector. */ public Vec3 addVector(double par1, double par3, double par5) { return this.myVec3LocalPool.getVecFromPool(this.xCoord + par1, this.yCoord + par3, this.zCoord + par5); } /** * Euclidean distance between this and the specified vector, returned as double. */ public double distanceTo(Vec3 par1Vec3) { double d0 = par1Vec3.xCoord - this.xCoord; double d1 = par1Vec3.yCoord - this.yCoord; double d2 = par1Vec3.zCoord - this.zCoord; return (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2); } /** * The square of the Euclidean distance between this and the specified vector. */ public double squareDistanceTo(Vec3 par1Vec3) { double d0 = par1Vec3.xCoord - this.xCoord; double d1 = par1Vec3.yCoord - this.yCoord; double d2 = par1Vec3.zCoord - this.zCoord; return d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2; } /** * The square of the Euclidean distance between this and the vector of x,y,z components passed in. */ public double squareDistanceTo(double par1, double par3, double par5) { double d3 = par1 - this.xCoord; double d4 = par3 - this.yCoord; double d5 = par5 - this.zCoord; return d3 * d3 + d4 * d4 + d5 * d5; } /** * Returns the length of the vector. */ public double lengthVector() { return (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(this.xCoord * this.xCoord + this.yCoord * this.yCoord + this.zCoord * this.zCoord); } /** * Returns a new vector with x value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the * passed in vector, or null if not possible. */ public Vec3 getIntermediateWithXValue(Vec3 par1Vec3, double par2) { double d1 = par1Vec3.xCoord - this.xCoord; double d2 = par1Vec3.yCoord - this.yCoord; double d3 = par1Vec3.zCoord - this.zCoord; if (d1 * d1 < 1.0000000116860974E-7D) { return null; } else { double d4 = (par2 - this.xCoord) / d1; return d4 >= 0.0D && d4 <= 1.0D ? this.myVec3LocalPool.getVecFromPool(this.xCoord + d1 * d4, this.yCoord + d2 * d4, this.zCoord + d3 * d4) : null; } } /** * Returns a new vector with y value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the * passed in vector, or null if not possible. */ public Vec3 getIntermediateWithYValue(Vec3 par1Vec3, double par2) { double d1 = par1Vec3.xCoord - this.xCoord; double d2 = par1Vec3.yCoord - this.yCoord; double d3 = par1Vec3.zCoord - this.zCoord; if (d2 * d2 < 1.0000000116860974E-7D) { return null; } else { double d4 = (par2 - this.yCoord) / d2; return d4 >= 0.0D && d4 <= 1.0D ? this.myVec3LocalPool.getVecFromPool(this.xCoord + d1 * d4, this.yCoord + d2 * d4, this.zCoord + d3 * d4) : null; } } /** * Returns a new vector with z value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the * passed in vector, or null if not possible. */ public Vec3 getIntermediateWithZValue(Vec3 par1Vec3, double par2) { double d1 = par1Vec3.xCoord - this.xCoord; double d2 = par1Vec3.yCoord - this.yCoord; double d3 = par1Vec3.zCoord - this.zCoord; if (d3 * d3 < 1.0000000116860974E-7D) { return null; } else { double d4 = (par2 - this.zCoord) / d3; return d4 >= 0.0D && d4 <= 1.0D ? this.myVec3LocalPool.getVecFromPool(this.xCoord + d1 * d4, this.yCoord + d2 * d4, this.zCoord + d3 * d4) : null; } } public String toString() { return "(" + this.xCoord + ", " + this.yCoord + ", " + this.zCoord + ")"; } /** * Rotates the vector around the x axis by the specified angle. */ public void rotateAroundX(float par1) { float f1 = MathHelper.cos(par1); float f2 = MathHelper.sin(par1); double d0 = this.xCoord; double d1 = this.yCoord * (double)f1 + this.zCoord * (double)f2; double d2 = this.zCoord * (double)f1 - this.yCoord * (double)f2; this.xCoord = d0; this.yCoord = d1; this.zCoord = d2; } /** * Rotates the vector around the y axis by the specified angle. */ public void rotateAroundY(float par1) { float f1 = MathHelper.cos(par1); float f2 = MathHelper.sin(par1); double d0 = this.xCoord * (double)f1 + this.zCoord * (double)f2; double d1 = this.yCoord; double d2 = this.zCoord * (double)f1 - this.xCoord * (double)f2; this.xCoord = d0; this.yCoord = d1; this.zCoord = d2; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Rotates the vector around the z axis by the specified angle. */ public void rotateAroundZ(float par1) { float f1 = MathHelper.cos(par1); float f2 = MathHelper.sin(par1); double d0 = this.xCoord * (double)f1 + this.yCoord * (double)f2; double d1 = this.yCoord * (double)f1 - this.xCoord * (double)f2; double d2 = this.zCoord; this.xCoord = d0; this.yCoord = d1; this.zCoord = d2; } }