package net.minecraft.server; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ArgsWrapper; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.minecraft.command.CommandBase; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandManager; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender; import net.minecraft.command.ServerCommandManager; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport; import net.minecraft.dispenser.DispenserBehaviors; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.logging.ILogAgent; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.profiler.IPlayerUsage; import net.minecraft.profiler.PlayerUsageSnooper; import net.minecraft.profiler.Profiler; import net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer; import net.minecraft.server.gui.IUpdatePlayerListBox; import; import net.minecraft.stats.StatList; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.ChunkCoordinates; import net.minecraft.util.IProgressUpdate; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.ReportedException; import net.minecraft.util.StringTranslate; import net.minecraft.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import; public abstract class MinecraftServer implements ICommandSender, Runnable, IPlayerUsage { /** Instance of Minecraft Server. */ private static MinecraftServer mcServer = null; private final ISaveFormat anvilConverterForAnvilFile; /** The PlayerUsageSnooper instance. */ private final PlayerUsageSnooper usageSnooper = new PlayerUsageSnooper("server", this); private final File anvilFile; /** * Collection of objects to update every tick. Type: List<IUpdatePlayerListBox> */ private final List tickables = new ArrayList(); private final ICommandManager commandManager; public final Profiler theProfiler = new Profiler(); /** The server's hostname. */ private String hostname; /** The server's port. */ private int serverPort = -1; /** The server world instances. */ public WorldServer[] worldServers; /** The ServerConfigurationManager instance. */ private ServerConfigurationManager serverConfigManager; /** * Indicates whether the server is running or not. Set to false to initiate a shutdown. */ private boolean serverRunning = true; /** Indicates to other classes that the server is safely stopped. */ private boolean serverStopped = false; /** Incremented every tick. */ private int tickCounter = 0; /** * The task the server is currently working on(and will output on outputPercentRemaining). */ public String currentTask; /** The percentage of the current task finished so far. */ public int percentDone; /** True if the server is in online mode. */ private boolean onlineMode; /** True if the server has animals turned on. */ private boolean canSpawnAnimals; private boolean canSpawnNPCs; /** Indicates whether PvP is active on the server or not. */ private boolean pvpEnabled; /** Determines if flight is allowed or not. */ private boolean allowFlight; /** The server MOTD string. */ private String motd; /** Maximum build height. */ private int buildLimit; private long lastSentPacketID; private long lastSentPacketSize; private long lastReceivedID; private long lastReceivedSize; public final long[] sentPacketCountArray = new long[100]; public final long[] sentPacketSizeArray = new long[100]; public final long[] receivedPacketCountArray = new long[100]; public final long[] receivedPacketSizeArray = new long[100]; public final long[] tickTimeArray = new long[100]; /** Stats are [dimension][tick%100] system.nanoTime is stored. */ //public long[][] timeOfLastDimensionTick; public Hashtable<Integer, long[]> worldTickTimes = new Hashtable<Integer, long[]>(); private KeyPair serverKeyPair; /** Username of the server owner (for integrated servers) */ private String serverOwner; private String folderName; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private String worldName; private boolean isDemo; private boolean enableBonusChest; /** * If true, there is no need to save chunks or stop the server, because that is already being done. */ private boolean worldIsBeingDeleted; private String texturePack = ""; private boolean serverIsRunning = false; /** * Set when warned for "Can't keep up", which triggers again after 15 seconds. */ private long timeOfLastWarning; private String userMessage; private boolean startProfiling; private boolean field_104057_T = false; public MinecraftServer(File par1File) { mcServer = this; this.anvilFile = par1File; this.commandManager = new ServerCommandManager(); this.anvilConverterForAnvilFile = new AnvilSaveConverter(par1File); this.registerDispenseBehaviors(); } /** * Register all dispense behaviors. */ private void registerDispenseBehaviors() { DispenserBehaviors.func_96467_a(); } /** * Initialises the server and starts it. */ protected abstract boolean startServer() throws IOException; protected void convertMapIfNeeded(String par1Str) { if (this.getActiveAnvilConverter().isOldMapFormat(par1Str)) { this.getLogAgent().logInfo("Converting map!"); this.setUserMessage("menu.convertingLevel"); this.getActiveAnvilConverter().convertMapFormat(par1Str, new ConvertingProgressUpdate(this)); } } /** * Typically "menu.convertingLevel", "menu.loadingLevel" or others. */ protected synchronized void setUserMessage(String par1Str) { this.userMessage = par1Str; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public synchronized String getUserMessage() { return this.userMessage; } protected void loadAllWorlds(String par1Str, String par2Str, long par3, WorldType par5WorldType, String par6Str) { this.convertMapIfNeeded(par1Str); this.setUserMessage("menu.loadingLevel"); ISaveHandler isavehandler = this.anvilConverterForAnvilFile.getSaveLoader(par1Str, true); WorldInfo worldinfo = isavehandler.loadWorldInfo(); WorldSettings worldsettings; if (worldinfo == null) { worldsettings = new WorldSettings(par3, this.getGameType(), this.canStructuresSpawn(), this.isHardcore(), par5WorldType); worldsettings.func_82750_a(par6Str); } else { worldsettings = new WorldSettings(worldinfo); } if (this.enableBonusChest) { worldsettings.enableBonusChest(); } WorldServer overWorld = (isDemo() ? new DemoWorldServer(this, isavehandler, par2Str, 0, theProfiler, getLogAgent()) : new WorldServer(this, isavehandler, par2Str, 0, worldsettings, theProfiler, getLogAgent())); for (int dim : DimensionManager.getStaticDimensionIDs()) { WorldServer world = (dim == 0 ? overWorld : new WorldServerMulti(this, isavehandler, par2Str, dim, worldsettings, overWorld, theProfiler, getLogAgent())); world.addWorldAccess(new WorldManager(this, world)); if (!this.isSinglePlayer()) { world.getWorldInfo().setGameType(this.getGameType()); } this.serverConfigManager.setPlayerManager(this.worldServers); WorldEvent.Load(world)); } this.serverConfigManager.setPlayerManager(new WorldServer[]{ overWorld }); this.setDifficultyForAllWorlds(this.getDifficulty()); this.initialWorldChunkLoad(); } protected void initialWorldChunkLoad() { int i = 0; this.setUserMessage("menu.generatingTerrain"); byte b0 = 0; this.getLogAgent().logInfo("Preparing start region for level " + b0); WorldServer worldserver = this.worldServers[b0]; ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = worldserver.getSpawnPoint(); long j = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int k = -192; k <= 192 && this.isServerRunning(); k += 16) { for (int l = -192; l <= 192 && this.isServerRunning(); l += 16) { long i1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (i1 - j > 1000L) { this.outputPercentRemaining("Preparing spawn area", i * 100 / 625); j = i1; } ++i; worldserver.theChunkProviderServer.loadChunk(chunkcoordinates.posX + k >> 4, chunkcoordinates.posZ + l >> 4); } } this.clearCurrentTask(); } public abstract boolean canStructuresSpawn(); public abstract EnumGameType getGameType(); /** * Defaults to "1" (Easy) for the dedicated server, defaults to "2" (Normal) on the client. */ public abstract int getDifficulty(); /** * Defaults to false. */ public abstract boolean isHardcore(); /** * Used to display a percent remaining given text and the percentage. */ protected void outputPercentRemaining(String par1Str, int par2) { this.currentTask = par1Str; this.percentDone = par2; this.getLogAgent().logInfo(par1Str + ": " + par2 + "%"); } /** * Set current task to null and set its percentage to 0. */ protected void clearCurrentTask() { this.currentTask = null; this.percentDone = 0; } /** * par1 indicates if a log message should be output. */ protected void saveAllWorlds(boolean par1) { if (!this.worldIsBeingDeleted) { WorldServer[] aworldserver = this.worldServers; int i = aworldserver.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { WorldServer worldserver = aworldserver[j]; if (worldserver != null) { if (!par1) { this.getLogAgent().logInfo("Saving chunks for level \'" + worldserver.getWorldInfo().getWorldName() + "\'/" + worldserver.provider.getDimensionName()); } try { worldserver.saveAllChunks(true, (IProgressUpdate)null); } catch (MinecraftException minecraftexception) { this.getLogAgent().logWarning(minecraftexception.getMessage()); } } } } } /** * Saves all necessary data as preparation for stopping the server. */ public void stopServer() { if (!this.worldIsBeingDeleted) { this.getLogAgent().logInfo("Stopping server"); if (this.getNetworkThread() != null) { this.getNetworkThread().stopListening(); } if (this.serverConfigManager != null) { this.getLogAgent().logInfo("Saving players"); this.serverConfigManager.saveAllPlayerData(); this.serverConfigManager.removeAllPlayers(); } this.getLogAgent().logInfo("Saving worlds"); this.saveAllWorlds(false); for (int i = 0; i < this.worldServers.length; ++i) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worldServers[i]; WorldEvent.Unload(worldserver)); worldserver.flush(); } WorldServer[] tmp = worldServers; for (WorldServer world : tmp) { DimensionManager.setWorld(world.provider.dimensionId, null); } if (this.usageSnooper != null && this.usageSnooper.isSnooperRunning()) { this.usageSnooper.stopSnooper(); } } } /** * "getHostname" is already taken, but both return the hostname. */ public String getServerHostname() { return this.hostname; } public void setHostname(String par1Str) { this.hostname = par1Str; } public boolean isServerRunning() { return this.serverRunning; } /** * Sets the serverRunning variable to false, in order to get the server to shut down. */ public void initiateShutdown() { this.serverRunning = false; } public void run() { try { if (this.startServer()) { FMLCommonHandler.instance().handleServerStarted(); long i = System.currentTimeMillis(); FMLCommonHandler.instance().onWorldLoadTick(worldServers); for (long j = 0L; this.serverRunning; this.serverIsRunning = true) { long k = System.currentTimeMillis(); long l = k - i; if (l > 2000L && i - this.timeOfLastWarning >= 15000L) { this.getLogAgent().logWarning("Can\'t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?"); l = 2000L; this.timeOfLastWarning = i; } if (l < 0L) { this.getLogAgent().logWarning("Time ran backwards! Did the system time change?"); l = 0L; } j += l; i = k; if (this.worldServers[0].areAllPlayersAsleep()) { this.tick(); j = 0L; } else { while (j > 50L) { j -= 50L; this.tick(); } } Thread.sleep(1L); } FMLCommonHandler.instance().handleServerStopping(); } else { this.finalTick((CrashReport)null); } } catch (Throwable throwable) { if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().shouldServerBeKilledQuietly()) { return; } throwable.printStackTrace(); this.getLogAgent().logSevereException("Encountered an unexpected exception " + throwable.getClass().getSimpleName(), throwable); CrashReport crashreport = null; if (throwable instanceof ReportedException) { crashreport = this.addServerInfoToCrashReport(((ReportedException)throwable).getCrashReport()); } else { crashreport = this.addServerInfoToCrashReport(new CrashReport("Exception in server tick loop", throwable)); } File file1 = new File(new File(this.getDataDirectory(), "crash-reports"), "crash-" + (new SimpleDateFormat("")).format(new Date()) + "-server.txt"); if (crashreport.saveToFile(file1, this.getLogAgent())) { this.getLogAgent().logSevere("This crash report has been saved to: " + file1.getAbsolutePath()); } else { this.getLogAgent().logSevere("We were unable to save this crash report to disk."); } this.finalTick(crashreport); } finally { try { if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().shouldServerBeKilledQuietly()) { return; } this.stopServer(); this.serverStopped = true; } catch (Throwable throwable1) { throwable1.printStackTrace(); } finally { FMLCommonHandler.instance().handleServerStopped(); this.systemExitNow(); } } } protected File getDataDirectory() { return new File("."); } /** * Called on exit from the main run() loop. */ protected void finalTick(CrashReport par1CrashReport) {} /** * Directly calls System.exit(0), instantly killing the program. */ protected void systemExitNow() {} /** * Main function called by run() every loop. */ public void tick() { FMLCommonHandler.instance().rescheduleTicks(Side.SERVER); long i = System.nanoTime(); AxisAlignedBB.getAABBPool().cleanPool(); FMLCommonHandler.instance().onPreServerTick(); ++this.tickCounter; if (this.startProfiling) { this.startProfiling = false; this.theProfiler.profilingEnabled = true; this.theProfiler.clearProfiling(); } this.theProfiler.startSection("root"); this.updateTimeLightAndEntities(); if (this.tickCounter % 900 == 0) { this.theProfiler.startSection("save"); this.serverConfigManager.saveAllPlayerData(); this.saveAllWorlds(true); this.theProfiler.endSection(); } this.theProfiler.startSection("tallying"); this.tickTimeArray[this.tickCounter % 100] = System.nanoTime() - i; this.sentPacketCountArray[this.tickCounter % 100] = Packet.sentID - this.lastSentPacketID; this.lastSentPacketID = Packet.sentID; this.sentPacketSizeArray[this.tickCounter % 100] = Packet.sentSize - this.lastSentPacketSize; this.lastSentPacketSize = Packet.sentSize; this.receivedPacketCountArray[this.tickCounter % 100] = Packet.receivedID - this.lastReceivedID; this.lastReceivedID = Packet.receivedID; this.receivedPacketSizeArray[this.tickCounter % 100] = Packet.receivedSize - this.lastReceivedSize; this.lastReceivedSize = Packet.receivedSize; this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.theProfiler.startSection("snooper"); if (!this.usageSnooper.isSnooperRunning() && this.tickCounter > 100) { this.usageSnooper.startSnooper(); } if (this.tickCounter % 6000 == 0) { this.usageSnooper.addMemoryStatsToSnooper(); } this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.theProfiler.endSection(); FMLCommonHandler.instance().onPostServerTick(); } public void updateTimeLightAndEntities() { this.theProfiler.startSection("levels"); int i; Integer[] ids = DimensionManager.getIDs(this.tickCounter % 200 == 0); for (int x = 0; x < ids.length; x++) { int id = ids[x]; long j = System.nanoTime(); if (id == 0 || this.getAllowNether()) { WorldServer worldserver = DimensionManager.getWorld(id); this.theProfiler.startSection(worldserver.getWorldInfo().getWorldName()); this.theProfiler.startSection("pools"); worldserver.getWorldVec3Pool().clear(); this.theProfiler.endSection(); if (this.tickCounter % 20 == 0) { this.theProfiler.startSection("timeSync"); this.serverConfigManager.sendPacketToAllPlayersInDimension(new Packet4UpdateTime(worldserver.getTotalWorldTime(), worldserver.getWorldTime()), worldserver.provider.dimensionId); this.theProfiler.endSection(); } this.theProfiler.startSection("tick"); FMLCommonHandler.instance().onPreWorldTick(worldserver); CrashReport crashreport; try { worldserver.tick(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { crashreport = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(throwable, "Exception ticking world"); worldserver.addWorldInfoToCrashReport(crashreport); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } try { worldserver.updateEntities(); } catch (Throwable throwable1) { crashreport = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(throwable1, "Exception ticking world entities"); worldserver.addWorldInfoToCrashReport(crashreport); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } FMLCommonHandler.instance().onPostWorldTick(worldserver); this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.theProfiler.startSection("tracker"); worldserver.getEntityTracker().updateTrackedEntities(); this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.theProfiler.endSection(); } worldTickTimes.get(id)[this.tickCounter % 100] = System.nanoTime() - j; } this.theProfiler.endStartSection("dim_unloading"); DimensionManager.unloadWorlds(worldTickTimes); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("connection"); this.getNetworkThread().networkTick(); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("players"); this.serverConfigManager.sendPlayerInfoToAllPlayers(); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("tickables"); for (i = 0; i < this.tickables.size(); ++i) { ((IUpdatePlayerListBox)this.tickables.get(i)).update(); } this.theProfiler.endSection(); } public boolean getAllowNether() { return true; } public void startServerThread() { (new ThreadMinecraftServer(this, "Server thread")).start(); } /** * Returns a File object from the specified string. */ public File getFile(String par1Str) { return new File(this.getDataDirectory(), par1Str); } /** * Logs the message with a level of INFO. */ public void logInfo(String par1Str) { this.getLogAgent().logInfo(par1Str); } /** * Logs the message with a level of WARN. */ public void logWarning(String par1Str) { this.getLogAgent().logWarning(par1Str); } /** * Gets the worldServer by the given dimension. */ public WorldServer worldServerForDimension(int par1) { WorldServer ret = DimensionManager.getWorld(par1); if (ret == null) { DimensionManager.initDimension(par1); ret = DimensionManager.getWorld(par1); } return ret; } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public void func_82010_a(IUpdatePlayerListBox par1IUpdatePlayerListBox) { this.tickables.add(par1IUpdatePlayerListBox); } /** * Returns the server's hostname. */ public String getHostname() { return this.hostname; } /** * Never used, but "getServerPort" is already taken. */ public int getPort() { return this.serverPort; } /** * Returns the server message of the day */ public String getServerMOTD() { return this.motd; } /** * Returns the server's Minecraft version as string. */ public String getMinecraftVersion() { return "1.5.2"; } /** * Returns the number of players currently on the server. */ public int getCurrentPlayerCount() { return this.serverConfigManager.getCurrentPlayerCount(); } /** * Returns the maximum number of players allowed on the server. */ public int getMaxPlayers() { return this.serverConfigManager.getMaxPlayers(); } /** * Returns an array of the usernames of all the connected players. */ public String[] getAllUsernames() { return this.serverConfigManager.getAllUsernames(); } /** * Used by RCon's Query in the form of "MajorServerMod 1.2.3: MyPlugin 1.3; AnotherPlugin 2.1; AndSoForth 1.0". */ public String getPlugins() { return ""; } public String executeCommand(String par1Str) { RConConsoleSource.consoleBuffer.resetLog(); this.commandManager.executeCommand(RConConsoleSource.consoleBuffer, par1Str); return RConConsoleSource.consoleBuffer.getChatBuffer(); } /** * Returns true if debugging is enabled, false otherwise. */ public boolean isDebuggingEnabled() { return false; } /** * Logs the error message with a level of SEVERE. */ public void logSevere(String par1Str) { this.getLogAgent().logSevere(par1Str); } /** * If isDebuggingEnabled(), logs the message with a level of INFO. */ public void logDebug(String par1Str) { if (this.isDebuggingEnabled()) { this.getLogAgent().logInfo(par1Str); } } public String getServerModName() { return FMLCommonHandler.instance().getModName(); } /** * Adds the server info, including from theWorldServer, to the crash report. */ public CrashReport addServerInfoToCrashReport(CrashReport par1CrashReport) { par1CrashReport.func_85056_g().addCrashSectionCallable("Profiler Position", new CallableIsServerModded(this)); if (this.worldServers != null && this.worldServers.length > 0 && this.worldServers[0] != null) { par1CrashReport.func_85056_g().addCrashSectionCallable("Vec3 Pool Size", new CallableServerProfiler(this)); } if (this.serverConfigManager != null) { par1CrashReport.func_85056_g().addCrashSectionCallable("Player Count", new CallableServerMemoryStats(this)); } return par1CrashReport; } /** * If par2Str begins with /, then it searches for commands, otherwise it returns players. */ public List getPossibleCompletions(ICommandSender par1ICommandSender, String par2Str) { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); if (par2Str.startsWith("/")) { par2Str = par2Str.substring(1); boolean flag = !par2Str.contains(" "); List list = this.commandManager.getPossibleCommands(par1ICommandSender, par2Str); if (list != null) { Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s1 = (String); if (flag) { arraylist.add("/" + s1); } else { arraylist.add(s1); } } } return arraylist; } else { String[] astring = par2Str.split(" ", -1); String s2 = astring[astring.length - 1]; String[] astring1 = this.serverConfigManager.getAllUsernames(); int i = astring1.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { String s3 = astring1[j]; if (CommandBase.doesStringStartWith(s2, s3)) { arraylist.add(s3); } } return arraylist; } } /** * Gets mcServer. */ public static MinecraftServer getServer() { return mcServer; } /** * Gets the name of this command sender (usually username, but possibly "Rcon") */ public String getCommandSenderName() { return "Server"; } public void sendChatToPlayer(String par1Str) { this.getLogAgent().logInfo(StringUtils.stripControlCodes(par1Str)); } /** * Returns true if the command sender is allowed to use the given command. */ public boolean canCommandSenderUseCommand(int par1, String par2Str) { return true; } /** * Translates and formats the given string key with the given arguments. */ public String translateString(String par1Str, Object ... par2ArrayOfObj) { return StringTranslate.getInstance().translateKeyFormat(par1Str, par2ArrayOfObj); } public ICommandManager getCommandManager() { return this.commandManager; } /** * Gets KeyPair instanced in MinecraftServer. */ public KeyPair getKeyPair() { return this.serverKeyPair; } /** * Gets serverPort. */ public int getServerPort() { return this.serverPort; } public void setServerPort(int par1) { this.serverPort = par1; } /** * Returns the username of the server owner (for integrated servers) */ public String getServerOwner() { return this.serverOwner; } /** * Sets the username of the owner of this server (in the case of an integrated server) */ public void setServerOwner(String par1Str) { this.serverOwner = par1Str; } public boolean isSinglePlayer() { return this.serverOwner != null; } public String getFolderName() { return this.folderName; } public void setFolderName(String par1Str) { this.folderName = par1Str; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void setWorldName(String par1Str) { this.worldName = par1Str; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public String getWorldName() { return this.worldName; } public void setKeyPair(KeyPair par1KeyPair) { this.serverKeyPair = par1KeyPair; } public void setDifficultyForAllWorlds(int par1) { for (int j = 0; j < this.worldServers.length; ++j) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worldServers[j]; if (worldserver != null) { if (worldserver.getWorldInfo().isHardcoreModeEnabled()) { worldserver.difficultySetting = 3; worldserver.setAllowedSpawnTypes(true, true); } else if (this.isSinglePlayer()) { worldserver.difficultySetting = par1; worldserver.setAllowedSpawnTypes(worldserver.difficultySetting > 0, true); } else { worldserver.difficultySetting = par1; worldserver.setAllowedSpawnTypes(this.allowSpawnMonsters(), this.canSpawnAnimals); } } } } protected boolean allowSpawnMonsters() { return true; } /** * Gets whether this is a demo or not. */ public boolean isDemo() { return this.isDemo; } /** * Sets whether this is a demo or not. */ public void setDemo(boolean par1) { this.isDemo = par1; } public void canCreateBonusChest(boolean par1) { this.enableBonusChest = par1; } public ISaveFormat getActiveAnvilConverter() { return this.anvilConverterForAnvilFile; } /** * WARNING : directly calls * getActiveAnvilConverter().deleteWorldDirectory(theWorldServer[0].getSaveHandler().getWorldDirectoryName()); */ public void deleteWorldAndStopServer() { this.worldIsBeingDeleted = true; this.getActiveAnvilConverter().flushCache(); for (int i = 0; i < this.worldServers.length; ++i) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worldServers[i]; if (worldserver != null) { WorldEvent.Unload(worldserver)); worldserver.flush(); } } this.getActiveAnvilConverter().deleteWorldDirectory(this.worldServers[0].getSaveHandler().getWorldDirectoryName()); this.initiateShutdown(); } public String getTexturePack() { return this.texturePack; } public void setTexturePack(String par1Str) { this.texturePack = par1Str; } public void addServerStatsToSnooper(PlayerUsageSnooper par1PlayerUsageSnooper) { par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("whitelist_enabled", Boolean.valueOf(false)); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("whitelist_count", Integer.valueOf(0)); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("players_current", Integer.valueOf(this.getCurrentPlayerCount())); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("players_max", Integer.valueOf(this.getMaxPlayers())); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("players_seen", Integer.valueOf(this.serverConfigManager.getAvailablePlayerDat().length)); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("uses_auth", Boolean.valueOf(this.onlineMode)); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("gui_state", this.getGuiEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("avg_tick_ms", Integer.valueOf((int)(MathHelper.average(this.tickTimeArray) * 1.0E-6D))); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("avg_sent_packet_count", Integer.valueOf((int)MathHelper.average(this.sentPacketCountArray))); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("avg_sent_packet_size", Integer.valueOf((int)MathHelper.average(this.sentPacketSizeArray))); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("avg_rec_packet_count", Integer.valueOf((int)MathHelper.average(this.receivedPacketCountArray))); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("avg_rec_packet_size", Integer.valueOf((int)MathHelper.average(this.receivedPacketSizeArray))); int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < this.worldServers.length; ++j) { if (this.worldServers[j] != null) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worldServers[j]; WorldInfo worldinfo = worldserver.getWorldInfo(); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("world[" + i + "][dimension]", Integer.valueOf(worldserver.provider.dimensionId)); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("world[" + i + "][mode]", worldinfo.getGameType()); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("world[" + i + "][difficulty]", Integer.valueOf(worldserver.difficultySetting)); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("world[" + i + "][hardcore]", Boolean.valueOf(worldinfo.isHardcoreModeEnabled())); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("world[" + i + "][generator_name]", worldinfo.getTerrainType().getWorldTypeName()); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("world[" + i + "][generator_version]", Integer.valueOf(worldinfo.getTerrainType().getGeneratorVersion())); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("world[" + i + "][height]", Integer.valueOf(this.buildLimit)); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("world[" + i + "][chunks_loaded]", Integer.valueOf(worldserver.getChunkProvider().getLoadedChunkCount())); ++i; } } par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("worlds", Integer.valueOf(i)); } public void addServerTypeToSnooper(PlayerUsageSnooper par1PlayerUsageSnooper) { par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("singleplayer", Boolean.valueOf(this.isSinglePlayer())); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("server_brand", this.getServerModName()); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("gui_supported", GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() ? "headless" : "supported"); par1PlayerUsageSnooper.addData("dedicated", Boolean.valueOf(this.isDedicatedServer())); } /** * Returns whether snooping is enabled or not. */ public boolean isSnooperEnabled() { return true; } /** * This is checked to be 16 upon receiving the packet, otherwise the packet is ignored. */ public int textureSize() { return 16; } public abstract boolean isDedicatedServer(); public boolean isServerInOnlineMode() { return this.onlineMode; } public void setOnlineMode(boolean par1) { this.onlineMode = par1; } public boolean getCanSpawnAnimals() { return this.canSpawnAnimals; } public void setCanSpawnAnimals(boolean par1) { this.canSpawnAnimals = par1; } public boolean getCanSpawnNPCs() { return this.canSpawnNPCs; } public void setCanSpawnNPCs(boolean par1) { this.canSpawnNPCs = par1; } public boolean isPVPEnabled() { return this.pvpEnabled; } public void setAllowPvp(boolean par1) { this.pvpEnabled = par1; } public boolean isFlightAllowed() { return this.allowFlight; } public void setAllowFlight(boolean par1) { this.allowFlight = par1; } /** * Return whether command blocks are enabled. */ public abstract boolean isCommandBlockEnabled(); public String getMOTD() { return this.motd; } public void setMOTD(String par1Str) { this.motd = par1Str; } public int getBuildLimit() { return this.buildLimit; } public void setBuildLimit(int par1) { this.buildLimit = par1; } public boolean isServerStopped() { return this.serverStopped; } public ServerConfigurationManager getConfigurationManager() { return this.serverConfigManager; } public void setConfigurationManager(ServerConfigurationManager par1ServerConfigurationManager) { this.serverConfigManager = par1ServerConfigurationManager; } /** * Sets the game type for all worlds. */ public void setGameType(EnumGameType par1EnumGameType) { for (int i = 0; i < this.worldServers.length; ++i) { getServer().worldServers[i].getWorldInfo().setGameType(par1EnumGameType); } } public abstract NetworkListenThread getNetworkThread(); @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean serverIsInRunLoop() { return this.serverIsRunning; } public boolean getGuiEnabled() { return false; } /** * On dedicated does nothing. On integrated, sets commandsAllowedForAll, gameType and allows external connections. */ public abstract String shareToLAN(EnumGameType enumgametype, boolean flag); public int getTickCounter() { return this.tickCounter; } public void enableProfiling() { this.startProfiling = true; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public PlayerUsageSnooper getPlayerUsageSnooper() { return this.usageSnooper; } /** * Return the position for this command sender. */ public ChunkCoordinates getPlayerCoordinates() { return new ChunkCoordinates(0, 0, 0); } /** * Return the spawn protection area's size. */ public int getSpawnProtectionSize() { return 16; } public boolean func_96290_a(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer) { return false; } public abstract ILogAgent getLogAgent(); public void func_104055_i(boolean par1) { this.field_104057_T = par1; } public boolean func_104056_am() { return this.field_104057_T; } /** * Gets the current player count, maximum player count, and player entity list. */ public static ServerConfigurationManager getServerConfigurationManager(MinecraftServer par0MinecraftServer) { return par0MinecraftServer.serverConfigManager; } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public static void main(String[] par0ArrayOfStr) { FMLRelauncher.handleServerRelaunch(new ArgsWrapper(par0ArrayOfStr)); } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public static void fmlReentry(ArgsWrapper wrap) { String[] par0ArrayOfStr = wrap.args; StatList.nopInit(); ILogAgent ilogagent = null; try { boolean flag = !GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless(); String s = null; String s1 = "."; String s2 = null; boolean flag1 = false; boolean flag2 = false; int i = -1; for (int j = 0; j < par0ArrayOfStr.length; ++j) { String s3 = par0ArrayOfStr[j]; String s4 = j == par0ArrayOfStr.length - 1 ? null : par0ArrayOfStr[j + 1]; boolean flag3 = false; if (!s3.equals("nogui") && !s3.equals("--nogui")) { if (s3.equals("--port") && s4 != null) { flag3 = true; try { i = Integer.parseInt(s4); } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { ; } } else if (s3.equals("--singleplayer") && s4 != null) { flag3 = true; s = s4; } else if (s3.equals("--universe") && s4 != null) { flag3 = true; s1 = s4; } else if (s3.equals("--world") && s4 != null) { flag3 = true; s2 = s4; } else if (s3.equals("--demo")) { flag1 = true; } else if (s3.equals("--bonusChest")) { flag2 = true; } } else { flag = false; } if (flag3) { ++j; } } DedicatedServer dedicatedserver = new DedicatedServer(new File(s1)); ilogagent = dedicatedserver.getLogAgent(); if (s != null) { dedicatedserver.setServerOwner(s); } if (s2 != null) { dedicatedserver.setFolderName(s2); } if (i >= 0) { dedicatedserver.setServerPort(i); } if (flag1) { dedicatedserver.setDemo(true); } if (flag2) { dedicatedserver.canCreateBonusChest(true); } if (flag) { dedicatedserver.enableGui(); } dedicatedserver.startServerThread(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ThreadDedicatedServer(dedicatedserver)); } catch (Exception exception) { if (ilogagent != null) { ilogagent.logSevereException("Failed to start the minecraft server", exception); } else { Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to start the minecraft server", exception); } } } }