package; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityBat; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityChicken; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityCow; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityPig; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySquid; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.*; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.*; public abstract class BiomeGenBase { /** An array of all the biomes, indexed by biome id. */ public static final BiomeGenBase[] biomeList = new BiomeGenBase[256]; public static final BiomeGenBase ocean = (new BiomeGenOcean(0)).setColor(112).setBiomeName("Ocean").setMinMaxHeight(-1.0F, 0.4F); public static final BiomeGenBase plains = (new BiomeGenPlains(1)).setColor(9286496).setBiomeName("Plains").setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.4F); public static final BiomeGenBase desert = (new BiomeGenDesert(2)).setColor(16421912).setBiomeName("Desert").setDisableRain().setTemperatureRainfall(2.0F, 0.0F).setMinMaxHeight(0.1F, 0.2F); public static final BiomeGenBase extremeHills = (new BiomeGenHills(3)).setColor(6316128).setBiomeName("Extreme Hills").setMinMaxHeight(0.3F, 1.5F).setTemperatureRainfall(0.2F, 0.3F); public static final BiomeGenBase forest = (new BiomeGenForest(4)).setColor(353825).setBiomeName("Forest").func_76733_a(5159473).setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.8F); public static final BiomeGenBase taiga = (new BiomeGenTaiga(5)).setColor(747097).setBiomeName("Taiga").func_76733_a(5159473).setEnableSnow().setTemperatureRainfall(0.05F, 0.8F).setMinMaxHeight(0.1F, 0.4F); public static final BiomeGenBase swampland = (new BiomeGenSwamp(6)).setColor(522674).setBiomeName("Swampland").func_76733_a(9154376).setMinMaxHeight(-0.2F, 0.1F).setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.9F); public static final BiomeGenBase river = (new BiomeGenRiver(7)).setColor(255).setBiomeName("River").setMinMaxHeight(-0.5F, 0.0F); public static final BiomeGenBase hell = (new BiomeGenHell(8)).setColor(16711680).setBiomeName("Hell").setDisableRain().setTemperatureRainfall(2.0F, 0.0F); /** Is the biome used for sky world. */ public static final BiomeGenBase sky = (new BiomeGenEnd(9)).setColor(8421631).setBiomeName("Sky").setDisableRain(); public static final BiomeGenBase frozenOcean = (new BiomeGenOcean(10)).setColor(9474208).setBiomeName("FrozenOcean").setEnableSnow().setMinMaxHeight(-1.0F, 0.5F).setTemperatureRainfall(0.0F, 0.5F); public static final BiomeGenBase frozenRiver = (new BiomeGenRiver(11)).setColor(10526975).setBiomeName("FrozenRiver").setEnableSnow().setMinMaxHeight(-0.5F, 0.0F).setTemperatureRainfall(0.0F, 0.5F); public static final BiomeGenBase icePlains = (new BiomeGenSnow(12)).setColor(16777215).setBiomeName("Ice Plains").setEnableSnow().setTemperatureRainfall(0.0F, 0.5F); public static final BiomeGenBase iceMountains = (new BiomeGenSnow(13)).setColor(10526880).setBiomeName("Ice Mountains").setEnableSnow().setMinMaxHeight(0.3F, 1.3F).setTemperatureRainfall(0.0F, 0.5F); public static final BiomeGenBase mushroomIsland = (new BiomeGenMushroomIsland(14)).setColor(16711935).setBiomeName("MushroomIsland").setTemperatureRainfall(0.9F, 1.0F).setMinMaxHeight(0.2F, 1.0F); public static final BiomeGenBase mushroomIslandShore = (new BiomeGenMushroomIsland(15)).setColor(10486015).setBiomeName("MushroomIslandShore").setTemperatureRainfall(0.9F, 1.0F).setMinMaxHeight(-1.0F, 0.1F); /** Beach biome. */ public static final BiomeGenBase beach = (new BiomeGenBeach(16)).setColor(16440917).setBiomeName("Beach").setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.4F).setMinMaxHeight(0.0F, 0.1F); /** Desert Hills biome. */ public static final BiomeGenBase desertHills = (new BiomeGenDesert(17)).setColor(13786898).setBiomeName("DesertHills").setDisableRain().setTemperatureRainfall(2.0F, 0.0F).setMinMaxHeight(0.3F, 0.8F); /** Forest Hills biome. */ public static final BiomeGenBase forestHills = (new BiomeGenForest(18)).setColor(2250012).setBiomeName("ForestHills").func_76733_a(5159473).setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.8F).setMinMaxHeight(0.3F, 0.7F); /** Taiga Hills biome. */ public static final BiomeGenBase taigaHills = (new BiomeGenTaiga(19)).setColor(1456435).setBiomeName("TaigaHills").setEnableSnow().func_76733_a(5159473).setTemperatureRainfall(0.05F, 0.8F).setMinMaxHeight(0.3F, 0.8F); /** Extreme Hills Edge biome. */ public static final BiomeGenBase extremeHillsEdge = (new BiomeGenHills(20)).setColor(7501978).setBiomeName("Extreme Hills Edge").setMinMaxHeight(0.2F, 0.8F).setTemperatureRainfall(0.2F, 0.3F); /** Jungle biome identifier */ public static final BiomeGenBase jungle = (new BiomeGenJungle(21)).setColor(5470985).setBiomeName("Jungle").func_76733_a(5470985).setTemperatureRainfall(1.2F, 0.9F).setMinMaxHeight(0.2F, 0.4F); public static final BiomeGenBase jungleHills = (new BiomeGenJungle(22)).setColor(2900485).setBiomeName("JungleHills").func_76733_a(5470985).setTemperatureRainfall(1.2F, 0.9F).setMinMaxHeight(1.8F, 0.5F); public String biomeName; public int color; /** The block expected to be on the top of this biome */ public byte topBlock; /** The block to fill spots in when not on the top */ public byte fillerBlock; public int field_76754_C; /** The minimum height of this biome. Default 0.1. */ public float minHeight; /** The maximum height of this biome. Default 0.3. */ public float maxHeight; /** The temperature of this biome. */ public float temperature; /** The rainfall in this biome. */ public float rainfall; /** Color tint applied to water depending on biome */ public int waterColorMultiplier; /** The biome decorator. */ public BiomeDecorator theBiomeDecorator; /** * Holds the classes of IMobs (hostile mobs) that can be spawned in the biome. */ protected List spawnableMonsterList; /** * Holds the classes of any creature that can be spawned in the biome as friendly creature. */ protected List spawnableCreatureList; /** * Holds the classes of any aquatic creature that can be spawned in the water of the biome. */ protected List spawnableWaterCreatureList; protected List spawnableCaveCreatureList; /** Set to true if snow is enabled for this biome. */ private boolean enableSnow; /** * Is true (default) if the biome support rain (desert and nether can't have rain) */ private boolean enableRain; /** The id number to this biome, and its index in the biomeList array. */ public final int biomeID; /** The tree generator. */ protected WorldGenTrees worldGeneratorTrees; /** The big tree generator. */ protected WorldGenBigTree worldGeneratorBigTree; /** The forest generator. */ protected WorldGenForest worldGeneratorForest; /** The swamp tree generator. */ protected WorldGenSwamp worldGeneratorSwamp; public BiomeGenBase(int par1) { this.topBlock = (byte)Block.grass.blockID; this.fillerBlock = (byte)Block.dirt.blockID; this.field_76754_C = 5169201; this.minHeight = 0.1F; this.maxHeight = 0.3F; this.temperature = 0.5F; this.rainfall = 0.5F; this.waterColorMultiplier = 16777215; this.spawnableMonsterList = new ArrayList(); this.spawnableCreatureList = new ArrayList(); this.spawnableWaterCreatureList = new ArrayList(); this.spawnableCaveCreatureList = new ArrayList(); this.enableRain = true; this.worldGeneratorTrees = new WorldGenTrees(false); this.worldGeneratorBigTree = new WorldGenBigTree(false); this.worldGeneratorForest = new WorldGenForest(false); this.worldGeneratorSwamp = new WorldGenSwamp(); this.biomeID = par1; biomeList[par1] = this; this.theBiomeDecorator = this.createBiomeDecorator(); this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySheep.class, 12, 4, 4)); this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityPig.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityChicken.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityCow.class, 8, 4, 4)); this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySpider.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityZombie.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySkeleton.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityCreeper.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySlime.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityEnderman.class, 1, 1, 4)); this.spawnableWaterCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySquid.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.spawnableCaveCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityBat.class, 10, 8, 8)); } /** * Allocate a new BiomeDecorator for this BiomeGenBase */ public BiomeDecorator createBiomeDecorator() { return getModdedBiomeDecorator(new BiomeDecorator(this)); } /** * Sets the temperature and rainfall of this biome. */ public BiomeGenBase setTemperatureRainfall(float par1, float par2) { if (par1 > 0.1F && par1 < 0.2F) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please avoid temperatures in the range 0.1 - 0.2 because of snow"); } else { this.temperature = par1; this.rainfall = par2; return this; } } /** * Sets the minimum and maximum height of this biome. Seems to go from -2.0 to 2.0. */ public BiomeGenBase setMinMaxHeight(float par1, float par2) { this.minHeight = par1; this.maxHeight = par2; return this; } /** * Disable the rain for the biome. */ public BiomeGenBase setDisableRain() { this.enableRain = false; return this; } /** * Gets a WorldGen appropriate for this biome. */ public WorldGenerator getRandomWorldGenForTrees(Random par1Random) { return (WorldGenerator)(par1Random.nextInt(10) == 0 ? this.worldGeneratorBigTree : this.worldGeneratorTrees); } /** * Gets a WorldGen appropriate for this biome. */ public WorldGenerator getRandomWorldGenForGrass(Random par1Random) { return new WorldGenTallGrass(Block.tallGrass.blockID, 1); } /** * sets enableSnow to true during biome initialization. returns BiomeGenBase. */ public BiomeGenBase setEnableSnow() { this.enableSnow = true; return this; } public BiomeGenBase setBiomeName(String par1Str) { this.biomeName = par1Str; return this; } public BiomeGenBase func_76733_a(int par1) { this.field_76754_C = par1; return this; } public BiomeGenBase setColor(int par1) { this.color = par1; return this; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * takes temperature, returns color */ public int getSkyColorByTemp(float par1) { par1 /= 3.0F; if (par1 < -1.0F) { par1 = -1.0F; } if (par1 > 1.0F) { par1 = 1.0F; } return Color.getHSBColor(0.62222224F - par1 * 0.05F, 0.5F + par1 * 0.1F, 1.0F).getRGB(); } /** * Returns the correspondent list of the EnumCreatureType informed. */ public List getSpawnableList(EnumCreatureType par1EnumCreatureType) { return par1EnumCreatureType == ? this.spawnableMonsterList : (par1EnumCreatureType == EnumCreatureType.creature ? this.spawnableCreatureList : (par1EnumCreatureType == EnumCreatureType.waterCreature ? this.spawnableWaterCreatureList : (par1EnumCreatureType == EnumCreatureType.ambient ? this.spawnableCaveCreatureList : null))); } /** * Returns true if the biome have snowfall instead a normal rain. */ public boolean getEnableSnow() { return this.enableSnow; } /** * Return true if the biome supports lightning bolt spawn, either by have the bolts enabled and have rain enabled. */ public boolean canSpawnLightningBolt() { return this.enableSnow ? false : this.enableRain; } /** * Checks to see if the rainfall level of the biome is extremely high */ public boolean isHighHumidity() { return this.rainfall > 0.85F; } /** * returns the chance a creature has to spawn. */ public float getSpawningChance() { return 0.1F; } /** * Gets an integer representation of this biome's rainfall */ public final int getIntRainfall() { return (int)(this.rainfall * 65536.0F); } /** * Gets an integer representation of this biome's temperature */ public final int getIntTemperature() { return (int)(this.temperature * 65536.0F); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Gets a floating point representation of this biome's rainfall */ public final float getFloatRainfall() { return this.rainfall; } /** * Gets a floating point representation of this biome's temperature */ public final float getFloatTemperature() { return this.temperature; } public void decorate(World par1World, Random par2Random, int par3, int par4) { this.theBiomeDecorator.decorate(par1World, par2Random, par3, par4); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Provides the basic grass color based on the biome temperature and rainfall */ public int getBiomeGrassColor() { double d0 = (double)MathHelper.clamp_float(this.getFloatTemperature(), 0.0F, 1.0F); double d1 = (double)MathHelper.clamp_float(this.getFloatRainfall(), 0.0F, 1.0F); return getModdedBiomeGrassColor(ColorizerGrass.getGrassColor(d0, d1)); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Provides the basic foliage color based on the biome temperature and rainfall */ public int getBiomeFoliageColor() { double d0 = (double)MathHelper.clamp_float(this.getFloatTemperature(), 0.0F, 1.0F); double d1 = (double)MathHelper.clamp_float(this.getFloatRainfall(), 0.0F, 1.0F); return getModdedBiomeFoliageColor(ColorizerFoliage.getFoliageColor(d0, d1)); } public BiomeDecorator getModdedBiomeDecorator(BiomeDecorator original) { BiomeEvent.CreateDecorator event = new BiomeEvent.CreateDecorator(this, original);; return event.newBiomeDecorator; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getWaterColorMultiplier() { BiomeEvent.GetWaterColor event = new BiomeEvent.GetWaterColor(this, waterColorMultiplier);; return event.newColor; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getModdedBiomeGrassColor(int original) { BiomeEvent.GetGrassColor event = new BiomeEvent.GetGrassColor(this, original);; return event.newColor; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getModdedBiomeFoliageColor(int original) { BiomeEvent.GetFoliageColor event = new BiomeEvent.GetFoliageColor(this, original);; return event.newColor; } }