package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.StitcherException; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class Stitcher { private final Set setStitchHolders; private final List stitchSlots; private int currentWidth; private int currentHeight; private final int maxWidth; private final int maxHeight; private final boolean forcePowerOf2; /** Max size (width or height) of a single tile */ private final int maxTileDimension; private Texture atlasTexture; private final String textureName; public Stitcher(String par1Str, int par2, int par3, boolean par4) { this(par1Str, par2, par3, par4, 0); } public Stitcher(String par1, int par2, int par3, boolean par4, int par5) { this.setStitchHolders = new HashSet(256); this.stitchSlots = new ArrayList(256); this.currentWidth = 0; this.currentHeight = 0; this.textureName = par1; this.maxWidth = par2; this.maxHeight = par3; this.forcePowerOf2 = par4; this.maxTileDimension = par5; } public void addStitchHolder(StitchHolder par1StitchHolder) { if (this.maxTileDimension > 0) { par1StitchHolder.setNewDimension(this.maxTileDimension); } this.setStitchHolders.add(par1StitchHolder); } public Texture getTexture() { if (this.forcePowerOf2) { this.currentWidth = this.getCeilPowerOf2(this.currentWidth); this.currentHeight = this.getCeilPowerOf2(this.currentHeight); } this.atlasTexture = TextureManager.instance().createEmptyTexture(this.textureName, 1, this.currentWidth, this.currentHeight, 6408); this.atlasTexture.fillRect(this.atlasTexture.getTextureRect(), -65536); List list = this.getStichSlots(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { StitchSlot stitchslot = (StitchSlot)list.get(i); StitchHolder stitchholder = stitchslot.getStitchHolder(); this.atlasTexture.copyFrom(stitchslot.getOriginX(), stitchslot.getOriginY(), stitchholder.func_98150_a(), stitchholder.isRotated()); } TextureManager.instance().registerTexture(this.textureName, this.atlasTexture); return this.atlasTexture; } public void doStitch() { StitchHolder[] astitchholder = (StitchHolder[])this.setStitchHolders.toArray(new StitchHolder[this.setStitchHolders.size()]); Arrays.sort(astitchholder); this.atlasTexture = null; for (int i = 0; i < astitchholder.length; ++i) { StitchHolder stitchholder = astitchholder[i]; if (!this.allocateSlot(stitchholder)) { throw new StitcherException(stitchholder); } } } public List getStichSlots() { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator = this.stitchSlots.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { StitchSlot stitchslot = (StitchSlot); stitchslot.getAllStitchSlots(arraylist); } return arraylist; } /** * Returns power of 2 >= the specified value */ private int getCeilPowerOf2(int par1) { int j = par1 - 1; j |= j >> 1; j |= j >> 2; j |= j >> 4; j |= j >> 8; j |= j >> 16; return j + 1; } /** * Attempts to find space for specified tile */ private boolean allocateSlot(StitchHolder par1StitchHolder) { for (int i = 0; i < this.stitchSlots.size(); ++i) { if (((StitchSlot)this.stitchSlots.get(i)).func_94182_a(par1StitchHolder)) { return true; } par1StitchHolder.rotate(); if (((StitchSlot)this.stitchSlots.get(i)).func_94182_a(par1StitchHolder)) { return true; } par1StitchHolder.rotate(); } return this.expandAndAllocateSlot(par1StitchHolder); } /** * Expand stitched texture in order to make space for specified tile */ private boolean expandAndAllocateSlot(StitchHolder par1StitchHolder) { int i = Math.min(par1StitchHolder.getHeight(), par1StitchHolder.getWidth()); boolean flag = this.currentWidth == 0 && this.currentHeight == 0; boolean flag1; if (this.forcePowerOf2) { int j = this.getCeilPowerOf2(this.currentWidth); int k = this.getCeilPowerOf2(this.currentHeight); int l = this.getCeilPowerOf2(this.currentWidth + i); int i1 = this.getCeilPowerOf2(this.currentHeight + i); boolean flag2 = l <= this.maxWidth; boolean flag3 = i1 <= this.maxHeight; if (!flag2 && !flag3) { return false; } int j1 = Math.max(par1StitchHolder.getHeight(), par1StitchHolder.getWidth()); if (flag && !flag2 && this.getCeilPowerOf2(this.currentHeight + j1) > this.maxHeight) { return false; } boolean flag4 = j != l; boolean flag5 = k != i1; if (flag4 ^ flag5) { flag1 = flag5 && flag3; //Forge: Bug fix: Attempt to fill all downward space before expanding width } else { flag1 = flag2 && j <= k; } } else { boolean flag6 = this.currentWidth + i <= this.maxWidth; boolean flag7 = this.currentHeight + i <= this.maxHeight; if (!flag6 && !flag7) { return false; } flag1 = (flag || this.currentWidth <= this.currentHeight) && flag6; } StitchSlot stitchslot; if (flag1) { if (par1StitchHolder.getWidth() > par1StitchHolder.getHeight()) { par1StitchHolder.rotate(); } if (this.currentHeight == 0) { this.currentHeight = par1StitchHolder.getHeight(); } stitchslot = new StitchSlot(this.currentWidth, 0, par1StitchHolder.getWidth(), this.currentHeight); this.currentWidth += par1StitchHolder.getWidth(); } else { stitchslot = new StitchSlot(0, this.currentHeight, this.currentWidth, par1StitchHolder.getHeight()); this.currentHeight += par1StitchHolder.getHeight(); } stitchslot.func_94182_a(par1StitchHolder); this.stitchSlots.add(stitchslot); return true; } }