package; class StructureStrongholdPieceWeight { public Class pieceClass; /** * This basically keeps track of the 'epicness' of a structure. Epic structure components have a higher 'weight', * and Structures may only grow up to a certain 'weight' before generation is stopped */ public final int pieceWeight; public int instancesSpawned; /** How many Structure Pieces of this type may spawn in a structure */ public int instancesLimit; public StructureStrongholdPieceWeight(Class par1Class, int par2, int par3) { this.pieceClass = par1Class; this.pieceWeight = par2; this.instancesLimit = par3; } public boolean canSpawnMoreStructuresOfType(int par1) { return this.instancesLimit == 0 || this.instancesSpawned < this.instancesLimit; } public boolean canSpawnMoreStructures() { return this.instancesLimit == 0 || this.instancesSpawned < this.instancesLimit; } }