package net.minecraft.client.gui; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.util.ChatAllowedCharacters; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import net.minecraft.util.StringTranslate; import; import; import; import; import; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class GuiCreateWorld extends GuiScreen { private GuiScreen parentGuiScreen; private GuiTextField textboxWorldName; private GuiTextField textboxSeed; private String folderName; /** hardcore', 'creative' or 'survival */ private String gameMode = "survival"; private boolean generateStructures = true; private boolean commandsAllowed = false; /** True iif player has clicked buttonAllowCommands at least once */ private boolean commandsToggled = false; /** toggles when GUIButton 7 is pressed */ private boolean bonusItems = false; /** True if and only if gameMode.equals("hardcore") */ private boolean isHardcore = false; private boolean createClicked; /** * True if the extra options (Seed box, structure toggle button, world type button, etc.) are being shown */ private boolean moreOptions; /** The GUIButton that you click to change game modes. */ private GuiButton buttonGameMode; /** * The GUIButton that you click to get to options like the seed when creating a world. */ private GuiButton moreWorldOptions; /** The GuiButton in the 'More World Options' screen. Toggles ON/OFF */ private GuiButton buttonGenerateStructures; private GuiButton buttonBonusItems; /** The GuiButton in the more world options screen. */ private GuiButton buttonWorldType; private GuiButton buttonAllowCommands; /** GuiButton in the more world options screen. */ private GuiButton buttonCustomize; /** The first line of text describing the currently selected game mode. */ private String gameModeDescriptionLine1; /** The second line of text describing the currently selected game mode. */ private String gameModeDescriptionLine2; /** The current textboxSeed text */ private String seed; /** E.g. New World, Neue Welt, Nieuwe wereld, Neuvo Mundo */ private String localizedNewWorldText; private int worldTypeId = 0; public String field_82290_a = ""; /** * If the world name is one of these, it'll be surrounded with underscores. */ private static final String[] ILLEGAL_WORLD_NAMES = new String[] {"CON", "COM", "PRN", "AUX", "CLOCK$", "NUL", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9"}; public GuiCreateWorld(GuiScreen par1GuiScreen) { this.parentGuiScreen = par1GuiScreen; this.seed = ""; this.localizedNewWorldText = StatCollector.translateToLocal("selectWorld.newWorld"); } /** * Called from the main game loop to update the screen. */ public void updateScreen() { this.textboxWorldName.updateCursorCounter(); this.textboxSeed.updateCursorCounter(); } /** * Adds the buttons (and other controls) to the screen in question. */ public void initGui() { StringTranslate var1 = StringTranslate.getInstance(); Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(true); this.controlList.clear(); this.controlList.add(new GuiButton(0, this.width / 2 - 155, this.height - 28, 150, 20, var1.translateKey("selectWorld.create"))); this.controlList.add(new GuiButton(1, this.width / 2 + 5, this.height - 28, 150, 20, var1.translateKey("gui.cancel"))); this.controlList.add(this.buttonGameMode = new GuiButton(2, this.width / 2 - 75, 115, 150, 20, var1.translateKey("selectWorld.gameMode"))); this.controlList.add(this.moreWorldOptions = new GuiButton(3, this.width / 2 - 75, 187, 150, 20, var1.translateKey("selectWorld.moreWorldOptions"))); this.controlList.add(this.buttonGenerateStructures = new GuiButton(4, this.width / 2 - 155, 100, 150, 20, var1.translateKey("selectWorld.mapFeatures"))); this.buttonGenerateStructures.drawButton = false; this.controlList.add(this.buttonBonusItems = new GuiButton(7, this.width / 2 + 5, 151, 150, 20, var1.translateKey("selectWorld.bonusItems"))); this.buttonBonusItems.drawButton = false; this.controlList.add(this.buttonWorldType = new GuiButton(5, this.width / 2 + 5, 100, 150, 20, var1.translateKey("selectWorld.mapType"))); this.buttonWorldType.drawButton = false; this.controlList.add(this.buttonAllowCommands = new GuiButton(6, this.width / 2 - 155, 151, 150, 20, var1.translateKey("selectWorld.allowCommands"))); this.buttonAllowCommands.drawButton = false; this.controlList.add(this.buttonCustomize = new GuiButton(8, this.width / 2 + 5, 120, 150, 20, var1.translateKey("selectWorld.customizeType"))); this.buttonCustomize.drawButton = false; this.textboxWorldName = new GuiTextField(this.fontRenderer, this.width / 2 - 100, 60, 200, 20); this.textboxWorldName.setFocused(true); this.textboxWorldName.setText(this.localizedNewWorldText); this.textboxSeed = new GuiTextField(this.fontRenderer, this.width / 2 - 100, 60, 200, 20); this.textboxSeed.setText(this.seed); this.func_82288_a(this.moreOptions); this.makeUseableName(); this.updateButtonText(); } /** * Makes a the name for a world save folder based on your world name, replacing specific characters for _s and * appending -s to the end until a free name is available. */ private void makeUseableName() { this.folderName = this.textboxWorldName.getText().trim(); char[] var1 = ChatAllowedCharacters.allowedCharactersArray; int var2 = var1.length; for (int var3 = 0; var3 < var2; ++var3) { char var4 = var1[var3]; this.folderName = this.folderName.replace(var4, '_'); } if (MathHelper.stringNullOrLengthZero(this.folderName)) { this.folderName = "World"; } this.folderName = func_73913_a(, this.folderName); } private void updateButtonText() { StringTranslate var1 = StringTranslate.getInstance(); this.buttonGameMode.displayString = var1.translateKey("selectWorld.gameMode") + " " + var1.translateKey("selectWorld.gameMode." + this.gameMode); this.gameModeDescriptionLine1 = var1.translateKey("selectWorld.gameMode." + this.gameMode + ".line1"); this.gameModeDescriptionLine2 = var1.translateKey("selectWorld.gameMode." + this.gameMode + ".line2"); this.buttonGenerateStructures.displayString = var1.translateKey("selectWorld.mapFeatures") + " "; if (this.generateStructures) { this.buttonGenerateStructures.displayString = this.buttonGenerateStructures.displayString + var1.translateKey("options.on"); } else { this.buttonGenerateStructures.displayString = this.buttonGenerateStructures.displayString + var1.translateKey(""); } this.buttonBonusItems.displayString = var1.translateKey("selectWorld.bonusItems") + " "; if (this.bonusItems && !this.isHardcore) { this.buttonBonusItems.displayString = this.buttonBonusItems.displayString + var1.translateKey("options.on"); } else { this.buttonBonusItems.displayString = this.buttonBonusItems.displayString + var1.translateKey(""); } this.buttonWorldType.displayString = var1.translateKey("selectWorld.mapType") + " " + var1.translateKey(WorldType.worldTypes[this.worldTypeId].getTranslateName()); this.buttonAllowCommands.displayString = var1.translateKey("selectWorld.allowCommands") + " "; if (this.commandsAllowed && !this.isHardcore) { this.buttonAllowCommands.displayString = this.buttonAllowCommands.displayString + var1.translateKey("options.on"); } else { this.buttonAllowCommands.displayString = this.buttonAllowCommands.displayString + var1.translateKey(""); } } public static String func_73913_a(ISaveFormat par0ISaveFormat, String par1Str) { par1Str = par1Str.replaceAll("[\\./\"]", "_"); String[] var2 = ILLEGAL_WORLD_NAMES; int var3 = var2.length; for (int var4 = 0; var4 < var3; ++var4) { String var5 = var2[var4]; if (par1Str.equalsIgnoreCase(var5)) { par1Str = "_" + par1Str + "_"; } } while (par0ISaveFormat.getWorldInfo(par1Str) != null) { par1Str = par1Str + "-"; } return par1Str; } /** * Called when the screen is unloaded. Used to disable keyboard repeat events */ public void onGuiClosed() { Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(false); } /** * Fired when a control is clicked. This is the equivalent of ActionListener.actionPerformed(ActionEvent e). */ protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton par1GuiButton) { if (par1GuiButton.enabled) { if ( == 1) {; } else if ( == 0) {; if (this.createClicked) { return; } this.createClicked = true; long var2 = (new Random()).nextLong(); String var4 = this.textboxSeed.getText(); if (!MathHelper.stringNullOrLengthZero(var4)) { try { long var5 = Long.parseLong(var4); if (var5 != 0L) { var2 = var5; } } catch (NumberFormatException var7) { var2 = (long)var4.hashCode(); } } WorldType.worldTypes[this.worldTypeId].onGUICreateWorldPress(); EnumGameType var8 = EnumGameType.getByName(this.gameMode); WorldSettings var6 = new WorldSettings(var2, var8, this.generateStructures, this.isHardcore, WorldType.worldTypes[this.worldTypeId]); var6.func_82750_a(this.field_82290_a); if (this.bonusItems && !this.isHardcore) { var6.enableBonusChest(); } if (this.commandsAllowed && !this.isHardcore) { var6.enableCommands(); }, this.textboxWorldName.getText().trim(), var6); } else if ( == 3) { this.func_82287_i(); } else if ( == 2) { if (this.gameMode.equals("survival")) { if (!this.commandsToggled) { this.commandsAllowed = false; } this.isHardcore = false; this.gameMode = "hardcore"; this.isHardcore = true; this.buttonAllowCommands.enabled = false; this.buttonBonusItems.enabled = false; this.updateButtonText(); } else if (this.gameMode.equals("hardcore")) { if (!this.commandsToggled) { this.commandsAllowed = true; } this.isHardcore = false; this.gameMode = "creative"; this.updateButtonText(); this.isHardcore = false; this.buttonAllowCommands.enabled = true; this.buttonBonusItems.enabled = true; } else { if (!this.commandsToggled) { this.commandsAllowed = false; } this.gameMode = "survival"; this.updateButtonText(); this.buttonAllowCommands.enabled = true; this.buttonBonusItems.enabled = true; this.isHardcore = false; } this.updateButtonText(); } else if ( == 4) { this.generateStructures = !this.generateStructures; this.updateButtonText(); } else if ( == 7) { this.bonusItems = !this.bonusItems; this.updateButtonText(); } else if ( == 5) { ++this.worldTypeId; if (this.worldTypeId >= WorldType.worldTypes.length) { this.worldTypeId = 0; } while (WorldType.worldTypes[this.worldTypeId] == null || !WorldType.worldTypes[this.worldTypeId].getCanBeCreated()) { ++this.worldTypeId; if (this.worldTypeId >= WorldType.worldTypes.length) { this.worldTypeId = 0; } } this.field_82290_a = ""; this.updateButtonText(); this.func_82288_a(this.moreOptions); } else if ( == 6) { this.commandsToggled = true; this.commandsAllowed = !this.commandsAllowed; this.updateButtonText(); } else if ( == 8) { GuiCreateFlatWorld(this, this.field_82290_a)); } } } private void func_82287_i() { this.func_82288_a(!this.moreOptions); } private void func_82288_a(boolean par1) { this.moreOptions = par1; this.buttonGameMode.drawButton = !this.moreOptions; this.buttonGenerateStructures.drawButton = this.moreOptions; this.buttonBonusItems.drawButton = this.moreOptions; this.buttonWorldType.drawButton = this.moreOptions; this.buttonAllowCommands.drawButton = this.moreOptions; this.buttonCustomize.drawButton = this.moreOptions && WorldType.worldTypes[this.worldTypeId] == WorldType.FLAT; StringTranslate var2; if (this.moreOptions) { var2 = StringTranslate.getInstance(); this.moreWorldOptions.displayString = var2.translateKey("gui.done"); } else { var2 = StringTranslate.getInstance(); this.moreWorldOptions.displayString = var2.translateKey("selectWorld.moreWorldOptions"); } } /** * Fired when a key is typed. This is the equivalent of KeyListener.keyTyped(KeyEvent e). */ protected void keyTyped(char par1, int par2) { if (this.textboxWorldName.isFocused() && !this.moreOptions) { this.textboxWorldName.textboxKeyTyped(par1, par2); this.localizedNewWorldText = this.textboxWorldName.getText(); } else if (this.textboxSeed.isFocused() && this.moreOptions) { this.textboxSeed.textboxKeyTyped(par1, par2); this.seed = this.textboxSeed.getText(); } if (par1 == 13) { this.actionPerformed((GuiButton)this.controlList.get(0)); } ((GuiButton)this.controlList.get(0)).enabled = this.textboxWorldName.getText().length() > 0; this.makeUseableName(); } /** * Called when the mouse is clicked. */ protected void mouseClicked(int par1, int par2, int par3) { super.mouseClicked(par1, par2, par3); if (this.moreOptions) { this.textboxSeed.mouseClicked(par1, par2, par3); } else { this.textboxWorldName.mouseClicked(par1, par2, par3); } } /** * Draws the screen and all the components in it. */ public void drawScreen(int par1, int par2, float par3) { StringTranslate var4 = StringTranslate.getInstance(); this.drawDefaultBackground(); this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRenderer, var4.translateKey("selectWorld.create"), this.width / 2, 20, 16777215); if (this.moreOptions) { this.drawString(this.fontRenderer, var4.translateKey("selectWorld.enterSeed"), this.width / 2 - 100, 47, 10526880); this.drawString(this.fontRenderer, var4.translateKey("selectWorld.seedInfo"), this.width / 2 - 100, 85, 10526880); this.drawString(this.fontRenderer, var4.translateKey(""), this.width / 2 - 150, 122, 10526880); this.drawString(this.fontRenderer, var4.translateKey(""), this.width / 2 - 150, 172, 10526880); this.textboxSeed.drawTextBox(); } else { this.drawString(this.fontRenderer, var4.translateKey("selectWorld.enterName"), this.width / 2 - 100, 47, 10526880); this.drawString(this.fontRenderer, var4.translateKey("selectWorld.resultFolder") + " " + this.folderName, this.width / 2 - 100, 85, 10526880); this.textboxWorldName.drawTextBox(); this.drawString(this.fontRenderer, this.gameModeDescriptionLine1, this.width / 2 - 100, 137, 10526880); this.drawString(this.fontRenderer, this.gameModeDescriptionLine2, this.width / 2 - 100, 149, 10526880); } super.drawScreen(par1, par2, par3); } public void func_82286_a(WorldInfo par1WorldInfo) { this.localizedNewWorldText = StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted("selectWorld.newWorld.copyOf", new Object[] {par1WorldInfo.getWorldName()}); this.seed = par1WorldInfo.getSeed() + ""; this.worldTypeId = par1WorldInfo.getTerrainType().getWorldTypeID(); this.field_82290_a = par1WorldInfo.getGeneratorOptions(); this.generateStructures = par1WorldInfo.isMapFeaturesEnabled(); this.commandsAllowed = par1WorldInfo.areCommandsAllowed(); if (par1WorldInfo.isHardcoreModeEnabled()) { this.gameMode = "hardcore"; } else if (par1WorldInfo.getGameType().isSurvivalOrAdventure()) { this.gameMode = "survival"; } else if (par1WorldInfo.getGameType().isCreative()) { this.gameMode = "creative"; } } }