package net.minecraft.item; import net.minecraft.block.Block; public enum EnumToolMaterial { WOOD(0, 59, 2.0F, 0, 15), STONE(1, 131, 4.0F, 1, 5), IRON(2, 250, 6.0F, 2, 14), EMERALD(3, 1561, 8.0F, 3, 10), GOLD(0, 32, 12.0F, 0, 22); /** * The level of material this tool can harvest (3 = DIAMOND, 2 = IRON, 1 = STONE, 0 = IRON/GOLD) */ private final int harvestLevel; /** * The number of uses this material allows. (wood = 59, stone = 131, iron = 250, diamond = 1561, gold = 32) */ private final int maxUses; /** * The strength of this tool material against blocks which it is effective against. */ private final float efficiencyOnProperMaterial; /** Damage versus entities. */ private final int damageVsEntity; /** Defines the natural enchantability factor of the material. */ private final int enchantability; //Added by forge for custom Armor materials. public Item customCraftingMaterial = null; private EnumToolMaterial(int par3, int par4, float par5, int par6, int par7) { this.harvestLevel = par3; this.maxUses = par4; this.efficiencyOnProperMaterial = par5; this.damageVsEntity = par6; this.enchantability = par7; } /** * The number of uses this material allows. (wood = 59, stone = 131, iron = 250, diamond = 1561, gold = 32) */ public int getMaxUses() { return this.maxUses; } /** * The strength of this tool material against blocks which it is effective against. */ public float getEfficiencyOnProperMaterial() { return this.efficiencyOnProperMaterial; } /** * Damage versus entities. */ public int getDamageVsEntity() { return this.damageVsEntity; } /** * The level of material this tool can harvest (3 = DIAMOND, 2 = IRON, 1 = STONE, 0 = IRON/GOLD) */ public int getHarvestLevel() { return this.harvestLevel; } /** * Return the natural enchantability factor of the material. */ public int getEnchantability() { return this.enchantability; } /** * Return the crafting material for this tool material, used to determine the item that can be used to repair a tool * with an anvil */ public int getToolCraftingMaterial() { switch (this) { case WOOD: return Block.planks.blockID; case STONE: return Block.cobblestone.blockID; case GOLD: return Item.ingotGold.itemID; case IRON: return Item.ingotIron.itemID; case EMERALD: return Item.diamond.itemID; default: return (customCraftingMaterial == null ? 0 : customCraftingMaterial.itemID); } } }