package net.minecraft.entity.item; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; public class EntityXPOrb extends Entity { /** * A constantly increasing value that RenderXPOrb uses to control the colour shifting (Green / yellow) */ public int xpColor; /** The age of the XP orb in ticks. */ public int xpOrbAge = 0; public int field_70532_c; /** The health of this XP orb. */ private int xpOrbHealth = 5; /** This is how much XP this orb has. */ private int xpValue; /** The closest EntityPlayer to this orb. */ private EntityPlayer closestPlayer; /** Threshold color for tracking players */ private int xpTargetColor; public EntityXPOrb(World par1World, double par2, double par4, double par6, int par8) { super(par1World); this.setSize(0.5F, 0.5F); this.yOffset = this.height / 2.0F; this.setPosition(par2, par4, par6); this.rotationYaw = (float)(Math.random() * 360.0D); this.motionX = (double)((float)(Math.random() * 0.20000000298023224D - 0.10000000149011612D) * 2.0F); this.motionY = (double)((float)(Math.random() * 0.2D) * 2.0F); this.motionZ = (double)((float)(Math.random() * 0.20000000298023224D - 0.10000000149011612D) * 2.0F); this.xpValue = par8; } /** * returns if this entity triggers Block.onEntityWalking on the blocks they walk on. used for spiders and wolves to * prevent them from trampling crops */ protected boolean canTriggerWalking() { return false; } public EntityXPOrb(World par1World) { super(par1World); this.setSize(0.25F, 0.25F); this.yOffset = this.height / 2.0F; } protected void entityInit() {} @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getBrightnessForRender(float par1) { float var2 = 0.5F; if (var2 < 0.0F) { var2 = 0.0F; } if (var2 > 1.0F) { var2 = 1.0F; } int var3 = super.getBrightnessForRender(par1); int var4 = var3 & 255; int var5 = var3 >> 16 & 255; var4 += (int)(var2 * 15.0F * 16.0F); if (var4 > 240) { var4 = 240; } return var4 | var5 << 16; } /** * Called to update the entity's position/logic. */ public void onUpdate() { super.onUpdate(); if (this.field_70532_c > 0) { --this.field_70532_c; } this.prevPosX = this.posX; this.prevPosY = this.posY; this.prevPosZ = this.posZ; this.motionY -= 0.029999999329447746D; if (this.worldObj.getBlockMaterial(MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posY), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ)) == Material.lava) { this.motionY = 0.20000000298023224D; this.motionX = (double)((this.rand.nextFloat() - this.rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F); this.motionZ = (double)((this.rand.nextFloat() - this.rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F); this.playSound("random.fizz", 0.4F, 2.0F + this.rand.nextFloat() * 0.4F); } this.pushOutOfBlocks(this.posX, (this.boundingBox.minY + this.boundingBox.maxY) / 2.0D, this.posZ); double var1 = 8.0D; if (this.xpTargetColor < this.xpColor - 20 + this.entityId % 100) { if (this.closestPlayer == null || this.closestPlayer.getDistanceSqToEntity(this) > var1 * var1) { this.closestPlayer = this.worldObj.getClosestPlayerToEntity(this, var1); } this.xpTargetColor = this.xpColor; } if (this.closestPlayer != null) { double var3 = (this.closestPlayer.posX - this.posX) / var1; double var5 = (this.closestPlayer.posY + (double)this.closestPlayer.getEyeHeight() - this.posY) / var1; double var7 = (this.closestPlayer.posZ - this.posZ) / var1; double var9 = Math.sqrt(var3 * var3 + var5 * var5 + var7 * var7); double var11 = 1.0D - var9; if (var11 > 0.0D) { var11 *= var11; this.motionX += var3 / var9 * var11 * 0.1D; this.motionY += var5 / var9 * var11 * 0.1D; this.motionZ += var7 / var9 * var11 * 0.1D; } } this.moveEntity(this.motionX, this.motionY, this.motionZ); float var13 = 0.98F; if (this.onGround) { var13 = 0.58800006F; int var4 = this.worldObj.getBlockId(MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(this.boundingBox.minY) - 1, MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ)); if (var4 > 0) { var13 = Block.blocksList[var4].slipperiness * 0.98F; } } this.motionX *= (double)var13; this.motionY *= 0.9800000190734863D; this.motionZ *= (double)var13; if (this.onGround) { this.motionY *= -0.8999999761581421D; } ++this.xpColor; ++this.xpOrbAge; if (this.xpOrbAge >= 6000) { this.setDead(); } } /** * Returns if this entity is in water and will end up adding the waters velocity to the entity */ public boolean handleWaterMovement() { return this.worldObj.handleMaterialAcceleration(this.boundingBox, Material.water, this); } /** * Will deal the specified amount of damage to the entity if the entity isn't immune to fire damage. Args: * amountDamage */ protected void dealFireDamage(int par1) { this.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.inFire, par1); } /** * Called when the entity is attacked. */ public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource par1DamageSource, int par2) { if (this.isEntityInvulnerable()) { return false; } else { this.setBeenAttacked(); this.xpOrbHealth -= par2; if (this.xpOrbHealth <= 0) { this.setDead(); } return false; } } /** * (abstract) Protected helper method to write subclass entity data to NBT. */ public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound) { par1NBTTagCompound.setShort("Health", (short)((byte)this.xpOrbHealth)); par1NBTTagCompound.setShort("Age", (short)this.xpOrbAge); par1NBTTagCompound.setShort("Value", (short)this.xpValue); } /** * (abstract) Protected helper method to read subclass entity data from NBT. */ public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound) { this.xpOrbHealth = par1NBTTagCompound.getShort("Health") & 255; this.xpOrbAge = par1NBTTagCompound.getShort("Age"); this.xpValue = par1NBTTagCompound.getShort("Value"); } /** * Called by a player entity when they collide with an entity */ public void onCollideWithPlayer(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer) { if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { if (this.field_70532_c == 0 && par1EntityPlayer.xpCooldown == 0) { par1EntityPlayer.xpCooldown = 2; this.playSound("random.orb", 0.1F, 0.5F * ((this.rand.nextFloat() - this.rand.nextFloat()) * 0.7F + 1.8F)); par1EntityPlayer.onItemPickup(this, 1); par1EntityPlayer.addExperience(this.xpValue); this.setDead(); } } } /** * Returns the XP value of this XP orb. */ public int getXpValue() { return this.xpValue; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) /** * Returns a number from 1 to 10 based on how much XP this orb is worth. This is used by RenderXPOrb to determine * what texture to use. */ public int getTextureByXP() { return this.xpValue >= 2477 ? 10 : (this.xpValue >= 1237 ? 9 : (this.xpValue >= 617 ? 8 : (this.xpValue >= 307 ? 7 : (this.xpValue >= 149 ? 6 : (this.xpValue >= 73 ? 5 : (this.xpValue >= 37 ? 4 : (this.xpValue >= 17 ? 3 : (this.xpValue >= 7 ? 2 : (this.xpValue >= 3 ? 1 : 0))))))))); } /** * Get xp split rate (Is called until the xp drop code in EntityLiving.onEntityUpdate is complete) */ public static int getXPSplit(int par0) { return par0 >= 2477 ? 2477 : (par0 >= 1237 ? 1237 : (par0 >= 617 ? 617 : (par0 >= 307 ? 307 : (par0 >= 149 ? 149 : (par0 >= 73 ? 73 : (par0 >= 37 ? 37 : (par0 >= 17 ? 17 : (par0 >= 7 ? 7 : (par0 >= 3 ? 3 : 1))))))))); } /** * If returns false, the item will not inflict any damage against entities. */ public boolean canAttackWithItem() { return false; } }