package dex3r.API.chunkprotection; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandManager; import net.minecraft.command.ServerCommandManager; import net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.common.Property; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Init; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Instance; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.PreInit; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.ServerStopping; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLServerStoppingEvent; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.TickRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import dex3r.API.shared.DimChunkCoordinates; import dex3r.API.shared.PowerTools; @Mod(modid = "powertools_chunkprotection", name = "Chunk Protection", version = "0.1.4", dependencies = "after:powertools_shared") @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = false, serverSideRequired = false) public class ChunkProtection { public static ChunkInfo[] chunkInfo = new ChunkInfo[65536]; public static int numberOfChunks = 0; public static PlayerChunkInfo[] playerChunkInfo = new PlayerChunkInfo[8192]; public static int numberOfPlayers = 0; public static boolean cfgDefaultBorderInfo, cfgAllPlayersCanClaim; public static int cfgMaxChunksPerPlayer, cfgAutoUnclaimInDays; @Instance("powertools_chunkprotection") public static ChunkProtection instance; @PreInit public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {if (event.getSide() == Side.SERVER) { Configuration config = new Configuration( event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile() ); config.load(); Property proAllPlayersCanClaim = config.get("Player settings", "AllPlayersCanClaim", true); proAllPlayersCanClaim.comment = "true: All players are allowed to claim chunks. / false: Only op's are allowed to claim."; cfgAllPlayersCanClaim = proAllPlayersCanClaim.getBoolean(true); Property proAutoUnclaimInDays = config.get("Player settings", "AutoUnclaimInDays", 7); proAutoUnclaimInDays.comment = "Chunks will automaticly be unclaimed if owner doesn't visit them for X days. 0=never unclaim"; cfgAutoUnclaimInDays = proAutoUnclaimInDays.getInt(); Property proDefaultBorderInfo = config.get("Player settings", "DefaultBorderInfo", true); proDefaultBorderInfo.comment = "This sets the default of displaying messages when crossing chunk borders. true / false"; cfgDefaultBorderInfo = proDefaultBorderInfo.getBoolean(true); Property proMaxChunksPerPlayer = config.get("Player settings", "MaxChunksPerPlayer", 4); proMaxChunksPerPlayer.comment = "This defines how many chunks each player is allowed to claim."; cfgMaxChunksPerPlayer = proMaxChunksPerPlayer.getInt();; }} @Init public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {if (event.getSide() == Side.SERVER) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ProtectEventHookContainer()); TickRegistry.registerScheduledTickHandler(new ProtectTickHandler(), Side.SERVER); TickRegistry.registerScheduledTickHandler(new ProtectTickHandler2(), Side.SERVER); ICommandManager commandManager = PowerTools.server.getCommandManager(); ServerCommandManager manager = ((ServerCommandManager) commandManager); manager.registerCommand(new CommandChunk()); readPlayerChunkInfoFromFile(); readChunkInfoFromFile(); PowerTools.chunkProtectionLoaded = true; }} @ServerStopping public void stopping(FMLServerStoppingEvent event) { writeChunkInfoToFile(); writePlayerChunkInfoToFile(); } public static byte chunkCompare(int dimension, int posX, int posZ, String playerName) { byte compare = 0; byte c; for (int i=0; i<numberOfChunks; i++) { c = chunkInfo[i].compare(dimension, posX, posZ, playerName); if (c > 0) compare = c; } return compare; } public static int chunkGetNr(int dimension, int posX, int posZ) { int nr = -1; for (int i=0; i<numberOfChunks; i++) { if (chunkInfo[i].dimension == dimension && chunkInfo[i].x == posX && chunkInfo[i].z == posZ) { nr = i; } } return nr; } public static String chunkOwner(int dimension, int posX, int posZ) { String owner = ""; for (int i=0; i<numberOfChunks; i++) { if (chunkInfo[i].dimension == dimension && chunkInfo[i].x == posX && chunkInfo[i].z == posZ) owner = chunkInfo[i].owner; } return owner; } public static byte chunkClaim(int dimension, int posX, int posZ, String playerName) { byte claimed = 0; // -1=claimed, 1=already claimed, 2 & 3=already owned, 4=max allowed byte compare = chunkCompare(dimension, posX, posZ, playerName); int nr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); int maxChunks = getMaxChunksPerPlayer(playerName); if (maxChunks == -1) maxChunks = cfgMaxChunksPerPlayer; if (compare == 0 && PowerTools.plInfo[nr].chunksOwned < maxChunks) { chunkInfo[numberOfChunks] = new ChunkInfo(dimension, posX, posZ, playerName); numberOfChunks++; PowerTools.plInfo[nr].chunksOwned++; claimed = -1; } else { if (compare == 0) claimed = 4; else claimed = compare; } return claimed; } public static byte chunkUnClaim(int dimension, int posX, int posZ, String playerName) { byte claimed = 0; // -1=unclaimed, 1=wasn't claimed, 2=claimed by someone else, 3=unclaimed by op byte compare = chunkCompare(dimension, posX, posZ, playerName); int nr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); if (compare == 2) { int chunkNr = chunkGetNr(dimension, posX, posZ); chunkInfo[chunkNr].owner = ""; PowerTools.plInfo[nr].chunksOwned--; claimed = -1; } else { if (compare == 0) { claimed = 1; } if (compare == 1 || compare == 3) { claimed = 2; if (isPlayerOp(playerName) ) { int chunkNr = chunkGetNr(dimension, posX, posZ); int ownerNr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(chunkInfo[chunkNr].owner); chunkInfo[chunkNr].owner = ""; PowerTools.plInfo[ownerNr].chunksOwned--; claimed = 3; } } } return claimed; } public static void chunkUnClaimAll(String playerName) { for (int i=0; i<numberOfChunks; i++) { if ( chunkInfo[i].owner.equals(playerName) ) { chunkInfo[i].owner = ""; int nr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); PowerTools.plInfo[nr].chunksOwned--; } } } public static boolean chunkAddPlayer(int dimension, int posX, int posZ, String playerName, String playerToAdd) { boolean added = false; byte compare = chunkCompare(dimension, posX, posZ, playerName); if (compare == 2 || isPlayerOp(playerName) ) { int nr = chunkGetNr(dimension, posX, posZ); chunkInfo[nr].addPlayer(playerToAdd); added = true; } return added; } public static boolean chunkRemovePlayer(int dimension, int posX, int posZ, String playerName, String playerToRemove) { boolean removed = false; byte compare = chunkCompare(dimension, posX, posZ, playerName); if (compare == 2 || isPlayerOp(playerName) ) { int nr = chunkGetNr(dimension, posX, posZ); String playerList = chunkInfo[nr].players; String newPlayerList = ""; String oneLetter; String tmpName = ""; for (int i=0; i<playerList.length(); i++) { oneLetter = playerList.substring(i, i+1); if (oneLetter.equals(",")) { if ( !tmpName.equals(playerToRemove) ) newPlayerList += tmpName + ","; tmpName = ""; } else { tmpName += oneLetter; } } chunkInfo[nr].players = newPlayerList; removed = true; } return removed; } public static boolean chunkClearPlayerList(int dimension, int posX, int posZ, String playerName) { boolean cleared = false; byte compare = chunkCompare(dimension, posX, posZ, playerName); if (compare == 2 || isPlayerOp(playerName) ) { int nr = chunkGetNr(dimension, posX, posZ); chunkInfo[nr].players = ""; cleared = true; } return cleared; } public static String chunkGetPlayers(int dimension, int posX, int posZ) { int nr = chunkGetNr(dimension, posX, posZ); return chunkInfo[nr].players; } public static boolean chunkGetBorderInfo(String playerName) { int nr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); return PowerTools.plInfo[nr].borderInfo; } public static void chunkSetBorderInfo(String playerName, boolean borderInfo) { int nr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); PowerTools.plInfo[nr].borderInfo = borderInfo; } public static void readChunkInfoFromFile() { String fileContents = PowerTools.readFileToString("chunkinfo.dat"); String oneLetter; String inputDimension = ""; String inputX = ""; String inputZ = ""; String inputOwner = ""; String inputPlayers = ""; String inputLastVisit = ""; int storeIn=1; // 1=dimension, 2=x, 3=z, 4=owner, 5=players, 6=lastVisit int i, d, x, z, nr; for (i=0; i<fileContents.length(); i++) { oneLetter = fileContents.substring(i, i+1); if (oneLetter.equals("|")) storeIn+=1; if (oneLetter.equals("\n")) { storeIn=1; d = Integer.valueOf(inputDimension); x = Integer.valueOf(inputX); z = Integer.valueOf(inputZ); PowerTools.addPlayer(inputOwner); chunkClaim(d, x, z, inputOwner); nr = chunkGetNr(d, x, z); if (nr > -1) { chunkInfo[nr].players = inputPlayers; chunkInfo[nr].ownerLastVisitDate = Long.valueOf(inputLastVisit); } inputDimension = ""; inputX = ""; inputZ = ""; inputOwner = ""; inputPlayers = ""; inputLastVisit = ""; } if (!oneLetter.equals("|") && !oneLetter.equals("\n")) { if (storeIn == 1) inputDimension += oneLetter; if (storeIn == 2) inputX += oneLetter; if (storeIn == 3) inputZ += oneLetter; if (storeIn == 4) inputOwner += oneLetter; if (storeIn == 5) inputPlayers += oneLetter; if (storeIn == 6) inputLastVisit += oneLetter; } } } public static void writeChunkInfoToFile() { String fileString = ""; int i; for (i=0; i<numberOfChunks; i++) { if ( !chunkInfo[i].owner.equals("") ) { fileString += chunkInfo[i].dimension + "|"; fileString += chunkInfo[i].x + "|"; fileString += chunkInfo[i].z + "|"; fileString += chunkInfo[i].owner + "|"; fileString += chunkInfo[i].players + "|"; fileString += chunkInfo[i].ownerLastVisitDate + "\n"; } } PowerTools.writeFileFromString("chunkinfo.dat", fileString); } public static void readPlayerChunkInfoFromFile() { String fileContents = PowerTools.readFileToString("playerchunkinfo.dat"); String oneLetter; String inputPlayerName = ""; String inputMaxChunks = ""; int storeIn=1; // 1=playerName, 2=maxChunks int i; for (i=0; i<fileContents.length(); i++) { oneLetter = fileContents.substring(i, i+1); if (oneLetter.equals("|")) storeIn+=1; if (oneLetter.equals("\n")) { storeIn=1; addPlayerChunkInfo(inputPlayerName); setMaxChunksForPlayer( inputPlayerName, Integer.valueOf(inputMaxChunks) ); inputPlayerName = ""; inputMaxChunks = ""; } if (!oneLetter.equals("|") && !oneLetter.equals("\n")) { if (storeIn == 1) inputPlayerName += oneLetter; if (storeIn == 2) inputMaxChunks += oneLetter; } } } public static void writePlayerChunkInfoToFile() { String fileString = ""; int i; for (i=0; i<numberOfPlayers; i++) { fileString += playerChunkInfo[i].playerName + "|"; fileString += playerChunkInfo[i].maxChunks + "\n"; } PowerTools.writeFileFromString("playerchunkinfo.dat", fileString); } // ------- /* public static DimChunkCoordinates getCurrentChunkCoordinates(String name) { int nr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(name); return PowerTools.plInfo[nr].currentChunkCoordinates; } public static void setCurrentChunkCoordinates(String name, DimChunkCoordinates coordinates) { int nr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(name); PowerTools.plInfo[nr].currentChunkCoordinates = coordinates; } public static String getLastOwnerMessage(String name) { int nr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(name); return PowerTools.plInfo[nr].lastOwnerMessage; } public static void setLastOwnerMessage(String name, String owner) { int nr = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(name); PowerTools.plInfo[nr].lastOwnerMessage = owner; } */ // ------- public static boolean isPlayerOp(String playerName) { playerName = playerName.toLowerCase(); return PowerTools.server.getConfigurationManager().getOps().contains(playerName); } // ------- Player Chunk Info ----------- public static void addPlayerChunkInfo(String playerName) { if (getNumberForPlayerName(playerName) == -1) { playerChunkInfo[numberOfPlayers] = new PlayerChunkInfo(playerName); numberOfPlayers++; } } public static int getNumberForPlayerName(String playerName) { int number = -1; for (int i=0; i< numberOfPlayers; i++) { if ( playerChunkInfo[i].playerName.equals(playerName) ) number = i; } return number; } public static String getChunkOwnerMessage(String playerName) { String message = ""; int number = getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); if (number > -1) message = playerChunkInfo[number].lastOwnerMessage; return message; } public static void setChunkOwnerMessage(String playerName, String message) { int number = getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); if (number > -1) playerChunkInfo[number].lastOwnerMessage = message; } public static DimChunkCoordinates getChunkCoordinates(String playerName) { DimChunkCoordinates coordinates = new DimChunkCoordinates(); int number = getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); if (number > -1) coordinates = playerChunkInfo[number].currentChunkCoordinates; return coordinates; } public static void setChunkCoordinates(String playerName, DimChunkCoordinates coordinates) { int number = getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); if (number > -1) playerChunkInfo[number].currentChunkCoordinates = coordinates; } // ------- Chunk Info Date ----------- public static void chunkSetLastVisitNow(int dimension, int posX, int posZ) { int chunkNr = chunkGetNr(dimension, posX, posZ); if (chunkNr > -1) chunkInfo[chunkNr].setLastVisitNow(); } // ------- Chunk Info Player ----------- public static int getMaxChunksPerPlayer(String playerName) { int number = getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); if (number > -1) return playerChunkInfo[number].maxChunks; else return -1; } public static void setMaxChunksForPlayer(String playerName, int maxChunks) { int number = getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); if (number > -1) playerChunkInfo[number].maxChunks = maxChunks; } public static int getChunksOwned(String playerName) { int number = PowerTools.getNumberForPlayerName(playerName); if (number > -1) return PowerTools.plInfo[number].chunksOwned; else return -1; } }