package cpw.mods.fml.common; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderState.ModState; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLLoadEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLStateEvent; public class LoadController { private Loader loader; private EventBus masterChannel; private ImmutableMap<String,EventBus> eventChannels; private LoaderState state; private Multimap<String, ModState> modStates = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private Multimap<String, Throwable> errors = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private Map<String, ModContainer> modList; private List<ModContainer> activeModList = Lists.newArrayList(); private ModContainer activeContainer; private BiMap<ModContainer, Object> modObjectList; public LoadController(Loader loader) { this.loader = loader; this.masterChannel = new EventBus("FMLMainChannel"); this.masterChannel.register(this); state = LoaderState.NOINIT; } @Subscribe public void buildModList(FMLLoadEvent event) { this.modList = loader.getIndexedModList(); Builder<String, EventBus> eventBus = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (ModContainer mod : loader.getModList()) { EventBus bus = new EventBus(mod.getModId()); boolean isActive = mod.registerBus(bus, this); if (isActive) { FMLLog.fine("Activating mod %s", mod.getModId()); activeModList.add(mod); modStates.put(mod.getModId(), ModState.UNLOADED); eventBus.put(mod.getModId(), bus); } else { FMLLog.warning("Mod %s has been disabled through configuration", mod.getModId()); modStates.put(mod.getModId(), ModState.UNLOADED); modStates.put(mod.getModId(), ModState.DISABLED); } } eventChannels =; } public void distributeStateMessage(LoaderState state, Object... eventData) { if (state.hasEvent()) {; } } public void transition(LoaderState desiredState) { LoaderState oldState = state; state = state.transition(!errors.isEmpty()); if (state != desiredState) { Throwable toThrow = null; FMLLog.severe("Fatal errors were detected during the transition from %s to %s. Loading cannot continue", oldState, desiredState); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); printModStates(sb); FMLLog.getLogger().severe(sb.toString()); FMLLog.severe("The following problems were captured during this phase"); for (Entry<String, Throwable> error : errors.entries()) { FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, error.getValue(), "Caught exception from %s", error.getKey()); if (error.getValue() instanceof IFMLHandledException) { toThrow = error.getValue(); } else if (toThrow == null) { toThrow = error.getValue(); } } if (toThrow != null && toThrow instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException)toThrow; } else { throw new LoaderException(toThrow); } } } public ModContainer activeContainer() { return activeContainer; } @Subscribe public void propogateStateMessage(FMLEvent stateEvent) { if (stateEvent instanceof FMLPreInitializationEvent) { modObjectList = buildModObjectList(); } for (ModContainer mc : activeModList) { activeContainer = mc; String modId = mc.getModId(); stateEvent.applyModContainer(activeContainer()); FMLLog.finer("Sending event %s to mod %s", stateEvent.getEventType(), modId); eventChannels.get(modId).post(stateEvent); FMLLog.finer("Sent event %s to mod %s", stateEvent.getEventType(), modId); activeContainer = null; if (stateEvent instanceof FMLStateEvent) { if (!errors.containsKey(modId)) { modStates.put(modId, ((FMLStateEvent)stateEvent).getModState()); } else { modStates.put(modId, ModState.ERRORED); } } } } public ImmutableBiMap<ModContainer, Object> buildModObjectList() { ImmutableBiMap.Builder<ModContainer, Object> builder = ImmutableBiMap.<ModContainer, Object>builder(); for (ModContainer mc : activeModList) { if (!mc.isImmutable() && mc.getMod()!=null) { builder.put(mc, mc.getMod()); } if (mc.getMod()==null && !mc.isImmutable() && state!=LoaderState.CONSTRUCTING) { FMLLog.severe("There is a severe problem with %s - it appears not to have constructed correctly", mc.getModId()); if (state != LoaderState.CONSTRUCTING) { this.errorOccurred(mc, new RuntimeException()); } } } return; } public void errorOccurred(ModContainer modContainer, Throwable exception) { if (exception instanceof InvocationTargetException) { errors.put(modContainer.getModId(), ((InvocationTargetException)exception).getCause()); } else { errors.put(modContainer.getModId(), exception); } } public void printModStates(StringBuilder ret) { for (ModContainer mc : loader.getModList()) { ret.append("\n\t").append(mc.getModId()).append(" [").append(mc.getName()).append("] (").append(mc.getSource().getName()).append(") "); Joiner.on("->"). appendTo(ret, modStates.get(mc.getModId())); } } public List<ModContainer> getActiveModList() { return activeModList; } public ModState getModState(ModContainer selectedMod) { return Iterables.getLast(modStates.get(selectedMod.getModId()), ModState.AVAILABLE); } public void distributeStateMessage(Class<?> customEvent) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "An unexpected exception"); throw new LoaderException(e); } } public BiMap<ModContainer, Object> getModObjectList() { if (modObjectList == null) { FMLLog.severe("Detected an attempt by a mod %s to perform game activity during mod construction. This is a serious programming error.", activeContainer); return buildModObjectList(); } return ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(modObjectList); } public boolean isInState(LoaderState state) { return this.state == state; } boolean hasReachedState(LoaderState state) { return this.state.ordinal()>=state.ordinal() && this.state!=LoaderState.ERRORED; } }