package net.minecraft.crash; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; class CallableMemoryInfo implements Callable { /** Reference to the CrashReport object. */ final CrashReport theCrashReport; CallableMemoryInfo(CrashReport par1CrashReport) { this.theCrashReport = par1CrashReport; } /** * Returns the memory information as a String. Includes the Free Memory in bytes and MB, Total Memory in bytes and * MB, and Max Memory in Bytes and MB. */ public String getMemoryInfoAsString() { Runtime var1 = Runtime.getRuntime(); long var2 = var1.maxMemory(); long var4 = var1.totalMemory(); long var6 = var1.freeMemory(); long var8 = var2 / 1024L / 1024L; long var10 = var4 / 1024L / 1024L; long var12 = var6 / 1024L / 1024L; return var6 + " bytes (" + var12 + " MB) / " + var4 + " bytes (" + var10 + " MB) up to " + var2 + " bytes (" + var8 + " MB)"; } public Object call() { return this.getMemoryInfoAsString(); } }