package net.minecraftforge.common.util; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog; /** * Executes tasks using a multi-stage process executor. Synchronous executions are via {@link AsynchronousExecutor#finishActive()} or the {@link AsynchronousExecutor#get(Object)} methods. * <li \> Stage 1 creates the object from a parameter, and is usually called asynchronously. * <li \> Stage 2 takes the parameter and object from stage 1 and does any synchronous processing to prepare it. * <li \> Stage 3 takes the parameter and object from stage 1, as well as a callback that was registered, and performs any synchronous calculations. * * @param <P> The type of parameter you provide to make the object that will be created. It should implement {@link Object#hashCode()} and {@link Object#equals(Object)} if you want to get the value early. * @param <T> The type of object you provide. This is created in stage 1, and passed to stage 2, 3, and returned if get() is called. * @param <C> The type of callback you provide. You may register many of these to be passed to the provider in stage 3, one at a time. * @param <E> A type of exception you may throw and expect to be handled by the main thread * @author Wesley Wolfe (c) 2012, 2014 */ public final class AsynchronousExecutor<P, T, C, E extends Throwable> { public static interface CallBackProvider<P, T, C, E extends Throwable> extends ThreadFactory { /** * Normally an asynchronous call, but can be synchronous * * @param parameter parameter object provided * @return the created object */ T callStage1(P parameter) throws E; /** * Synchronous call * * @param parameter parameter object provided * @param object the previously created object */ void callStage2(P parameter, T object) throws E; /** * Synchronous call, called multiple times, once per registered callback * * @param parameter parameter object provided * @param object the previously created object * @param callback the current callback to execute */ void callStage3(P parameter, T object, C callback) throws E; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater STATE_FIELD = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(AsynchronousExecutor.Task.class, "state"); @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private static boolean set(AsynchronousExecutor.Task $this, int expected, int value) { return STATE_FIELD.compareAndSet($this, expected, value); } class Task implements Runnable { static final int PENDING = 0x0; static final int STAGE_1_ASYNC = PENDING + 1; static final int STAGE_1_SYNC = STAGE_1_ASYNC + 1; static final int STAGE_1_COMPLETE = STAGE_1_SYNC + 1; static final int FINISHED = STAGE_1_COMPLETE + 1; volatile int state = PENDING; final P parameter; T object; final List<C> callbacks = new LinkedList<C>(); E t = null; Task(final P parameter) { this.parameter = parameter; } public void run() { if (initAsync()) { finished.add(this); } } boolean initAsync() { if (set(this, PENDING, STAGE_1_ASYNC)) { boolean ret = true; try { init(); } finally { if (set(this, STAGE_1_ASYNC, STAGE_1_COMPLETE)) { // No one is/will be waiting } else { // We know that the sync thread will be waiting synchronized (this) { if (state != STAGE_1_SYNC) { // They beat us to the synchronized block this.notifyAll(); } else { // We beat them to the synchronized block } state = STAGE_1_COMPLETE; // They're already synchronized, atomic locks are not needed } // We want to return false, because we know a synchronous task already handled the finish() ret = false; // Don't return inside finally; VERY bad practice. } } return ret; } else { return false; } } void initSync() { if (set(this, PENDING, STAGE_1_COMPLETE)) { // If we succeed that variable switch, good as done init(); } else if (set(this, STAGE_1_ASYNC, STAGE_1_SYNC)) { // Async thread is running, but this shouldn't be likely; we need to sync to wait on them because of it. synchronized (this) { if (set(this, STAGE_1_SYNC, PENDING)) { // They might NOT synchronized yet, atomic lock IS needed // We are the first into the lock while (state != STAGE_1_COMPLETE) { try { this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to handle interruption on " + parameter, e); } } } else { // They beat us to the synchronized block } } } else { // Async thread is not pending, the more likely situation for a task not pending } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void init() { try { object = provider.callStage1(parameter); } catch (final Throwable t) { this.t = (E) t; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T get() throws E { initSync(); if (callbacks.isEmpty()) { // 'this' is a placeholder to prevent callbacks from being empty during finish call // See get method below callbacks.add((C) this); } finish(); return object; } void finish() throws E { switch (state) { default: case PENDING: case STAGE_1_ASYNC: case STAGE_1_SYNC: throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to finish unprepared(" + state + ") task(" + parameter + ")"); case STAGE_1_COMPLETE: try { if (t != null) { throw t; } if (callbacks.isEmpty()) { return; } final CallBackProvider<P, T, C, E> provider = AsynchronousExecutor.this.provider; final P parameter = this.parameter; final T object = this.object; provider.callStage2(parameter, object); for (C callback : callbacks) { if (callback == this) { // 'this' is a placeholder to prevent callbacks from being empty on a get() call // See get method above continue; } provider.callStage3(parameter, object, callback); } } finally { tasks.remove(parameter); state = FINISHED; } case FINISHED: } } boolean drop() { if (set(this, PENDING, FINISHED)) { // If we succeed that variable switch, good as forgotten tasks.remove(parameter); return true; } else { // We need the async thread to finish normally to properly dispose of the task return false; } } } final CallBackProvider<P, T, C, E> provider; final Queue<Task> finished = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Task>(); final Map<P, Task> tasks = new HashMap<P, Task>(); final ThreadPoolExecutor pool; /** * Uses a thread pool to pass executions to the provider. * @see AsynchronousExecutor */ public AsynchronousExecutor(final CallBackProvider<P, T, C, E> provider, final int coreSize) { if (provider == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provider cannot be null"); } this.provider = provider; // We have an unbound queue size so do not need a max thread size pool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(coreSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 60l, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), provider); } /** * Adds a callback to the parameter provided, adding parameter to the queue if needed. * <p> * This should always be synchronous. */ public void add(P parameter, C callback) { Task task = tasks.get(parameter); if (task == null) { tasks.put(parameter, task = new Task(parameter)); pool.execute(task); } task.callbacks.add(callback); } /** * This removes a particular callback from the specified parameter. * <p> * If no callbacks remain for a given parameter, then the {@link CallBackProvider CallBackProvider's} stages may be omitted from execution. * Stage 3 will have no callbacks, stage 2 will be skipped unless a {@link #get(Object)} is used, and stage 1 will be avoided on a best-effort basis. * <p> * Subsequent calls to {@link #getSkipQueue(Object)} will always work. * <p> * Subsequent calls to {@link #get(Object)} might work. * <p> * This should always be synchronous * @return true if no further execution for the parameter is possible, such that, no exceptions will be thrown in {@link #finishActive()} for the parameter, and {@link #get(Object)} will throw an {@link IllegalStateException}, false otherwise * @throws IllegalStateException if parameter is not in the queue anymore * @throws IllegalStateException if the callback was not specified for given parameter */ public boolean drop(P parameter, C callback) throws IllegalStateException { final Task task = tasks.get(parameter); if (task == null) { // Print debug info for QueuedChunk and avoid crash //throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown " + parameter);"Unknown %s", parameter);"This should not happen. Please report this error to Forge."); return false; } if (!task.callbacks.remove(callback)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown " + callback + " for " + parameter); } if (task.callbacks.isEmpty()) { return task.drop(); } return false; } /** * This method attempts to skip the waiting period for said parameter. * <p> * This should always be synchronous. * @throws IllegalStateException if the parameter is not in the queue anymore, or sometimes if called from asynchronous thread */ public T get(P parameter) throws E, IllegalStateException { final Task task = tasks.get(parameter); if (task == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown " + parameter); } return task.get(); } /** * Processes a parameter as if it was in the queue, without ever passing to another thread. */ public T getSkipQueue(P parameter) throws E { return skipQueue(parameter); } /** * Processes a parameter as if it was in the queue, without ever passing to another thread. */ public T getSkipQueue(P parameter, C callback) throws E { final T object = skipQueue(parameter); provider.callStage3(parameter, object, callback); return object; } /** * Processes a parameter as if it was in the queue, without ever passing to another thread. */ public T getSkipQueue(P parameter, C...callbacks) throws E { final CallBackProvider<P, T, C, E> provider = this.provider; final T object = skipQueue(parameter); for (C callback : callbacks) { provider.callStage3(parameter, object, callback); } return object; } /** * Processes a parameter as if it was in the queue, without ever passing to another thread. */ public T getSkipQueue(P parameter, Iterable<C> callbacks) throws E { final CallBackProvider<P, T, C, E> provider = this.provider; final T object = skipQueue(parameter); for (C callback : callbacks) { provider.callStage3(parameter, object, callback); } return object; } private T skipQueue(P parameter) throws E { Task task = tasks.get(parameter); if (task != null) { return task.get(); } T object = provider.callStage1(parameter); provider.callStage2(parameter, object); return object; } /** * This is the 'heartbeat' that should be called synchronously to finish any pending tasks */ public void finishActive() throws E { final Queue<Task> finished = this.finished; while (!finished.isEmpty()) { finished.poll().finish(); } } public void setActiveThreads(final int coreSize) { pool.setCorePoolSize(coreSize); } }