package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import; import; import; import; import; public class BiomeGenSnow extends BiomeGenBase { private boolean field_150615_aC; private WorldGenIceSpike field_150616_aD = new WorldGenIceSpike(); private WorldGenIcePath field_150617_aE = new WorldGenIcePath(4); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000174"; public BiomeGenSnow(int p_i45378_1_, boolean p_i45378_2_) { super(p_i45378_1_); this.field_150615_aC = p_i45378_2_; if (p_i45378_2_) { this.topBlock = Blocks.snow; } this.spawnableCreatureList.clear(); } public void decorate(World p_76728_1_, Random p_76728_2_, int p_76728_3_, int p_76728_4_) { if (this.field_150615_aC) { int k; int l; int i1; for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { l = p_76728_3_ + p_76728_2_.nextInt(16) + 8; i1 = p_76728_4_ + p_76728_2_.nextInt(16) + 8; this.field_150616_aD.generate(p_76728_1_, p_76728_2_, l, p_76728_1_.getHeightValue(l, i1), i1); } for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { l = p_76728_3_ + p_76728_2_.nextInt(16) + 8; i1 = p_76728_4_ + p_76728_2_.nextInt(16) + 8; this.field_150617_aE.generate(p_76728_1_, p_76728_2_, l, p_76728_1_.getHeightValue(l, i1), i1); } } super.decorate(p_76728_1_, p_76728_2_, p_76728_3_, p_76728_4_); } public WorldGenAbstractTree func_150567_a(Random p_150567_1_) { return new WorldGenTaiga2(false); } /** * Creates a mutated version of the biome and places it into the biomeList with an index equal to the original plus * 128 */ public BiomeGenBase createMutation() { BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = (new BiomeGenSnow(this.biomeID + 128, true)).func_150557_a(13828095, true).setBiomeName(this.biomeName + " Spikes").setEnableSnow().setTemperatureRainfall(0.0F, 0.5F).setHeight(new BiomeGenBase.Height(this.minHeight + 0.1F, this.maxHeight + 0.1F)); biomegenbase.minHeight = this.minHeight + 0.3F; biomegenbase.maxHeight = this.maxHeight + 0.4F; return biomegenbase; } }