package net.minecraft.client.gui; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n; import net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class GuiSnooper extends GuiScreen { private final GuiScreen field_146608_a; /** Reference to the GameSettings object. */ private final GameSettings game_settings_2; private final java.util.List field_146604_g = new ArrayList(); private final java.util.List field_146609_h = new ArrayList(); private String field_146610_i; private String[] field_146607_r; private GuiSnooper.List field_146606_s; private GuiButton field_146605_t; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000714"; public GuiSnooper(GuiScreen p_i1061_1_, GameSettings p_i1061_2_) { this.field_146608_a = p_i1061_1_; this.game_settings_2 = p_i1061_2_; } /** * Adds the buttons (and other controls) to the screen in question. */ public void initGui() { this.field_146610_i = I18n.format("options.snooper.title", new Object[0]); String s = I18n.format("options.snooper.desc", new Object[0]); ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator = this.fontRendererObj.listFormattedStringToWidth(s, this.width - 30).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s1 = (String); arraylist.add(s1); } this.field_146607_r = (String[])arraylist.toArray(new String[0]); this.field_146604_g.clear(); this.field_146609_h.clear(); this.buttonList.add(this.field_146605_t = new GuiButton(1, this.width / 2 - 152, this.height - 30, 150, 20, this.game_settings_2.getKeyBinding(GameSettings.Options.SNOOPER_ENABLED))); this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(2, this.width / 2 + 2, this.height - 30, 150, 20, I18n.format("gui.done", new Object[0]))); boolean flag = != null && != null; Iterator iterator1 = (new TreeMap(; Entry entry; while (iterator1.hasNext()) { entry = (Entry); this.field_146604_g.add((flag ? "C " : "") + (String)entry.getKey()); this.field_146609_h.add(this.fontRendererObj.trimStringToWidth((String)entry.getValue(), this.width - 220)); } if (flag) { iterator1 = (new TreeMap(; while (iterator1.hasNext()) { entry = (Entry); this.field_146604_g.add("S " + (String)entry.getKey()); this.field_146609_h.add(this.fontRendererObj.trimStringToWidth((String)entry.getValue(), this.width - 220)); } } this.field_146606_s = new GuiSnooper.List(); } protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) { if (button.enabled) { if ( == 2) { this.game_settings_2.saveOptions(); this.game_settings_2.saveOptions();; } if ( == 1) { this.game_settings_2.setOptionValue(GameSettings.Options.SNOOPER_ENABLED, 1); this.field_146605_t.displayString = this.game_settings_2.getKeyBinding(GameSettings.Options.SNOOPER_ENABLED); } } } /** * Draws the screen and all the components in it. Args : mouseX, mouseY, renderPartialTicks */ public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { this.drawDefaultBackground(); this.field_146606_s.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, this.field_146610_i, this.width / 2, 8, 16777215); int k = 22; String[] astring = this.field_146607_r; int l = astring.length; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < l; ++i1) { String s = astring[i1]; this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, s, this.width / 2, k, 8421504); k += this.fontRendererObj.FONT_HEIGHT; } super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) class List extends GuiSlot { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000715"; public List() { super(, GuiSnooper.this.width, GuiSnooper.this.height, 80, GuiSnooper.this.height - 40, GuiSnooper.this.fontRendererObj.FONT_HEIGHT + 1); } protected int getSize() { return GuiSnooper.this.field_146604_g.size(); } /** * The element in the slot that was clicked, boolean for whether it was double clicked or not */ protected void elementClicked(int p_148144_1_, boolean p_148144_2_, int p_148144_3_, int p_148144_4_) {} /** * Returns true if the element passed in is currently selected */ protected boolean isSelected(int p_148131_1_) { return false; } protected void drawBackground() {} protected void drawSlot(int p_148126_1_, int p_148126_2_, int p_148126_3_, int p_148126_4_, Tessellator p_148126_5_, int p_148126_6_, int p_148126_7_) { GuiSnooper.this.fontRendererObj.drawString((String)GuiSnooper.this.field_146604_g.get(p_148126_1_), 10, p_148126_3_, 16777215); GuiSnooper.this.fontRendererObj.drawString((String)GuiSnooper.this.field_146609_h.get(p_148126_1_), 230, p_148126_3_, 16777215); } protected int getScrollBarX() { return this.width - 10; } } }