package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.LongHashMap; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class PlayerManager { private static final Logger field_152627_a = LogManager.getLogger(); private final WorldServer theWorldServer; /** players in the current instance */ private final List players = new ArrayList(); /** the hash of all playerInstances created */ private final LongHashMap playerInstances = new LongHashMap(); /** the playerInstances(chunks) that need to be updated */ private final List playerInstancesToUpdate = new ArrayList(); /** This field is using when chunk should be processed (every 8000 ticks) */ private final List playerInstanceList = new ArrayList(); /** Number of chunks the server sends to the client. Valid 3<=x<=15. In */ private int playerViewRadius; /** time what is using to check if InhabitedTime should be calculated */ private long previousTotalWorldTime; /** x, z direction vectors: east, south, west, north */ private final int[][] xzDirectionsConst = new int[][] {{1, 0}, {0, 1}, { -1, 0}, {0, -1}}; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001434"; public PlayerManager(WorldServer p_i1176_1_) { this.theWorldServer = p_i1176_1_; this.func_152622_a(p_i1176_1_.func_73046_m().getConfigurationManager().getViewDistance()); } /** * Returns the MinecraftServer associated with the PlayerManager. */ public WorldServer getMinecraftServer() { return this.theWorldServer; } /** * updates all the player instances that need to be updated */ public void updatePlayerInstances() { long i = this.theWorldServer.getTotalWorldTime(); int j; PlayerManager.PlayerInstance playerinstance; if (i - this.previousTotalWorldTime > 8000L) { this.previousTotalWorldTime = i; for (j = 0; j < this.playerInstanceList.size(); ++j) { playerinstance = (PlayerManager.PlayerInstance)this.playerInstanceList.get(j); playerinstance.onUpdate(); playerinstance.processChunk(); } } else { for (j = 0; j < this.playerInstancesToUpdate.size(); ++j) { playerinstance = (PlayerManager.PlayerInstance)this.playerInstancesToUpdate.get(j); playerinstance.onUpdate(); } } this.playerInstancesToUpdate.clear(); if (this.players.isEmpty()) { WorldProvider worldprovider = this.theWorldServer.provider; if (!worldprovider.canRespawnHere()) { this.theWorldServer.theChunkProviderServer.unloadAllChunks(); } } } public boolean func_152621_a(int p_152621_1_, int p_152621_2_) { long k = (long)p_152621_1_ + 2147483647L | (long)p_152621_2_ + 2147483647L << 32; return this.playerInstances.getValueByKey(k) != null; } /** * passi n the chunk x and y and a flag as to whether or not the instance should be made if it doesnt exist */ private PlayerManager.PlayerInstance getPlayerInstance(int p_72690_1_, int p_72690_2_, boolean p_72690_3_) { long k = (long)p_72690_1_ + 2147483647L | (long)p_72690_2_ + 2147483647L << 32; PlayerManager.PlayerInstance playerinstance = (PlayerManager.PlayerInstance)this.playerInstances.getValueByKey(k); if (playerinstance == null && p_72690_3_) { playerinstance = new PlayerManager.PlayerInstance(p_72690_1_, p_72690_2_); this.playerInstances.add(k, playerinstance); this.playerInstanceList.add(playerinstance); } return playerinstance; } public void markBlockForUpdate(int p_151250_1_, int p_151250_2_, int p_151250_3_) { int l = p_151250_1_ >> 4; int i1 = p_151250_3_ >> 4; PlayerManager.PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.getPlayerInstance(l, i1, false); if (playerinstance != null) { playerinstance.flagChunkForUpdate(p_151250_1_ & 15, p_151250_2_, p_151250_3_ & 15); } } /** * Adds an EntityPlayerMP to the PlayerManager and to all player instances within player visibility */ public void addPlayer(EntityPlayerMP p_72683_1_) { int i = (int)p_72683_1_.posX >> 4; int j = (int)p_72683_1_.posZ >> 4; p_72683_1_.managedPosX = p_72683_1_.posX; p_72683_1_.managedPosZ = p_72683_1_.posZ; // Load nearby chunks first List<ChunkCoordIntPair> chunkList = new ArrayList<ChunkCoordIntPair>(); for (int k = i - this.playerViewRadius; k <= i + this.playerViewRadius; ++k) { for (int l = j - this.playerViewRadius; l <= j + this.playerViewRadius; ++l) { chunkList.add(new ChunkCoordIntPair(k, l)); } } java.util.Collections.sort(chunkList, new net.minecraftforge.common.util.ChunkCoordComparator(p_72683_1_)); for (ChunkCoordIntPair pair : chunkList) { this.getPlayerInstance(pair.chunkXPos, pair.chunkZPos, true).addPlayer(p_72683_1_); } this.players.add(p_72683_1_); this.filterChunkLoadQueue(p_72683_1_); } /** * Removes all chunks from the given player's chunk load queue that are not in viewing range of the player. */ public void filterChunkLoadQueue(EntityPlayerMP p_72691_1_) { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(p_72691_1_.loadedChunks); int i = 0; int j = this.playerViewRadius; int k = (int)p_72691_1_.posX >> 4; int l = (int)p_72691_1_.posZ >> 4; int i1 = 0; int j1 = 0; ChunkCoordIntPair chunkcoordintpair = this.getPlayerInstance(k, l, true).currentChunk; p_72691_1_.loadedChunks.clear(); if (arraylist.contains(chunkcoordintpair)) { p_72691_1_.loadedChunks.add(chunkcoordintpair); } int k1; for (k1 = 1; k1 <= j * 2; ++k1) { for (int l1 = 0; l1 < 2; ++l1) { int[] aint = this.xzDirectionsConst[i++ % 4]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < k1; ++i2) { i1 += aint[0]; j1 += aint[1]; chunkcoordintpair = this.getPlayerInstance(k + i1, l + j1, true).currentChunk; if (arraylist.contains(chunkcoordintpair)) { p_72691_1_.loadedChunks.add(chunkcoordintpair); } } } } i %= 4; for (k1 = 0; k1 < j * 2; ++k1) { i1 += this.xzDirectionsConst[i][0]; j1 += this.xzDirectionsConst[i][1]; chunkcoordintpair = this.getPlayerInstance(k + i1, l + j1, true).currentChunk; if (arraylist.contains(chunkcoordintpair)) { p_72691_1_.loadedChunks.add(chunkcoordintpair); } } } /** * Removes an EntityPlayerMP from the PlayerManager. */ public void removePlayer(EntityPlayerMP p_72695_1_) { int i = (int)p_72695_1_.managedPosX >> 4; int j = (int)p_72695_1_.managedPosZ >> 4; for (int k = i - this.playerViewRadius; k <= i + this.playerViewRadius; ++k) { for (int l = j - this.playerViewRadius; l <= j + this.playerViewRadius; ++l) { PlayerManager.PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.getPlayerInstance(k, l, false); if (playerinstance != null) { playerinstance.removePlayer(p_72695_1_); } } } this.players.remove(p_72695_1_); } /** * Determine if two rectangles centered at the given points overlap for the provided radius. Arguments: x1, z1, x2, * z2, radius. */ private boolean overlaps(int p_72684_1_, int p_72684_2_, int p_72684_3_, int p_72684_4_, int p_72684_5_) { int j1 = p_72684_1_ - p_72684_3_; int k1 = p_72684_2_ - p_72684_4_; return j1 >= -p_72684_5_ && j1 <= p_72684_5_ ? k1 >= -p_72684_5_ && k1 <= p_72684_5_ : false; } /** * update chunks around a player being moved by server logic (e.g. cart, boat) */ public void updateMountedMovingPlayer(EntityPlayerMP p_72685_1_) { int i = (int)p_72685_1_.posX >> 4; int j = (int)p_72685_1_.posZ >> 4; double d0 = p_72685_1_.managedPosX - p_72685_1_.posX; double d1 = p_72685_1_.managedPosZ - p_72685_1_.posZ; double d2 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1; if (d2 >= 64.0D) { int k = (int)p_72685_1_.managedPosX >> 4; int l = (int)p_72685_1_.managedPosZ >> 4; int i1 = this.playerViewRadius; int j1 = i - k; int k1 = j - l; List<ChunkCoordIntPair> chunksToLoad = new ArrayList<ChunkCoordIntPair>(); if (j1 != 0 || k1 != 0) { for (int l1 = i - i1; l1 <= i + i1; ++l1) { for (int i2 = j - i1; i2 <= j + i1; ++i2) { if (!this.overlaps(l1, i2, k, l, i1)) { chunksToLoad.add(new ChunkCoordIntPair(l1, i2)); } if (!this.overlaps(l1 - j1, i2 - k1, i, j, i1)) { PlayerManager.PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.getPlayerInstance(l1 - j1, i2 - k1, false); if (playerinstance != null) { playerinstance.removePlayer(p_72685_1_); } } } } this.filterChunkLoadQueue(p_72685_1_); p_72685_1_.managedPosX = p_72685_1_.posX; p_72685_1_.managedPosZ = p_72685_1_.posZ; // send nearest chunks first java.util.Collections.sort(chunksToLoad, new net.minecraftforge.common.util.ChunkCoordComparator(p_72685_1_)); for (ChunkCoordIntPair pair : chunksToLoad) { this.getPlayerInstance(pair.chunkXPos, pair.chunkZPos, true).addPlayer(p_72685_1_); } if (i1 > 1 || i1 < -1 || j1 > 1 || j1 < -1) { java.util.Collections.sort(p_72685_1_.loadedChunks, new net.minecraftforge.common.util.ChunkCoordComparator(p_72685_1_)); } } } } public boolean isPlayerWatchingChunk(EntityPlayerMP p_72694_1_, int p_72694_2_, int p_72694_3_) { PlayerManager.PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.getPlayerInstance(p_72694_2_, p_72694_3_, false); return playerinstance != null && playerinstance.playersWatchingChunk.contains(p_72694_1_) && !p_72694_1_.loadedChunks.contains(playerinstance.currentChunk); } public void func_152622_a(int p_152622_1_) { p_152622_1_ = MathHelper.clamp_int(p_152622_1_, 3, 20); if (p_152622_1_ != this.playerViewRadius) { int j = p_152622_1_ - this.playerViewRadius; Iterator iterator = this.players.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = (EntityPlayerMP); int k = (int)entityplayermp.posX >> 4; int l = (int)entityplayermp.posZ >> 4; int i1; int j1; if (j > 0) { for (i1 = k - p_152622_1_; i1 <= k + p_152622_1_; ++i1) { for (j1 = l - p_152622_1_; j1 <= l + p_152622_1_; ++j1) { PlayerManager.PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.getPlayerInstance(i1, j1, true); if (!playerinstance.playersWatchingChunk.contains(entityplayermp)) { playerinstance.addPlayer(entityplayermp); } } } } else { for (i1 = k - this.playerViewRadius; i1 <= k + this.playerViewRadius; ++i1) { for (j1 = l - this.playerViewRadius; j1 <= l + this.playerViewRadius; ++j1) { if (!this.overlaps(i1, j1, k, l, p_152622_1_)) { this.getPlayerInstance(i1, j1, true).removePlayer(entityplayermp); } } } } } this.playerViewRadius = p_152622_1_; } } /** * Get the furthest viewable block given player's view distance */ public static int getFurthestViewableBlock(int p_72686_0_) { return p_72686_0_ * 16 - 16; } class PlayerInstance { /** the list of all players in this instance (chunk) */ private final List playersWatchingChunk = new ArrayList(); /** the chunk the player currently resides in */ private final ChunkCoordIntPair currentChunk; private short[] locationOfBlockChange = new short[64]; /** the number of blocks that need to be updated next tick */ private int numBlocksToUpdate; /** Integer field where each bit means to make update 16x16x16 division of chunk (from bottom). */ private int flagsYAreasToUpdate; /** time what is using when chunk InhabitedTime is being calculated */ private long previousWorldTime; private final java.util.HashMap<EntityPlayerMP, Runnable> players = new java.util.HashMap<EntityPlayerMP, Runnable>(); private boolean loaded = false; private Runnable loadedRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { PlayerInstance.this.loaded = true; } }; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001435"; public PlayerInstance(int p_i1518_2_, int p_i1518_3_) { this.currentChunk = new ChunkCoordIntPair(p_i1518_2_, p_i1518_3_); PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.theChunkProviderServer.loadChunk(p_i1518_2_, p_i1518_3_, this.loadedRunnable); } public void addPlayer(final EntityPlayerMP p_73255_1_) { if (this.playersWatchingChunk.contains(p_73255_1_)) { PlayerManager.field_152627_a.debug("Failed to add player. {} already is in chunk {}, {}", new Object[] {p_73255_1_, Integer.valueOf(this.currentChunk.chunkXPos), Integer.valueOf(this.currentChunk.chunkZPos)}); } else { if (this.playersWatchingChunk.isEmpty()) { this.previousWorldTime = PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getTotalWorldTime(); } this.playersWatchingChunk.add(p_73255_1_); Runnable playerRunnable; if (this.loaded) { playerRunnable = null; p_73255_1_.loadedChunks.add(this.currentChunk); } else { playerRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { p_73255_1_.loadedChunks.add(PlayerInstance.this.currentChunk); } }; PlayerManager.this.getMinecraftServer().theChunkProviderServer.loadChunk(this.currentChunk.chunkXPos, this.currentChunk.chunkZPos, playerRunnable); } this.players.put(p_73255_1_, playerRunnable); } } public void removePlayer(EntityPlayerMP p_73252_1_) { if (this.playersWatchingChunk.contains(p_73252_1_)) { // If we haven't loaded yet don't load the chunk just so we can clean it up if (!this.loaded) { net.minecraftforge.common.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor.dropQueuedChunkLoad(PlayerManager.this.getMinecraftServer(), this.currentChunk.chunkXPos, this.currentChunk.chunkZPos, this.players.get(p_73252_1_)); this.playersWatchingChunk.remove(p_73252_1_); this.players.remove(p_73252_1_); if (this.playersWatchingChunk.isEmpty()) { net.minecraftforge.common.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor.dropQueuedChunkLoad(PlayerManager.this.getMinecraftServer(), this.currentChunk.chunkXPos, this.currentChunk.chunkZPos, this.loadedRunnable); long i = (long) this.currentChunk.chunkXPos + 2147483647L | (long) this.currentChunk.chunkZPos + 2147483647L << 32; PlayerManager.this.playerInstances.remove(i); PlayerManager.this.playerInstanceList.remove(this); } return; } Chunk chunk = PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getChunkFromChunkCoords(this.currentChunk.chunkXPos, this.currentChunk.chunkZPos); if (chunk.func_150802_k()) { p_73252_1_.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(new S21PacketChunkData(chunk, true, 0)); } this.players.remove(p_73252_1_); this.playersWatchingChunk.remove(p_73252_1_); p_73252_1_.loadedChunks.remove(this.currentChunk);, p_73252_1_)); if (this.playersWatchingChunk.isEmpty()) { long i = (long)this.currentChunk.chunkXPos + 2147483647L | (long)this.currentChunk.chunkZPos + 2147483647L << 32; this.increaseInhabitedTime(chunk); PlayerManager.this.playerInstances.remove(i); PlayerManager.this.playerInstanceList.remove(this); if (this.numBlocksToUpdate > 0) { PlayerManager.this.playerInstancesToUpdate.remove(this); } PlayerManager.this.getMinecraftServer().theChunkProviderServer.dropChunk(this.currentChunk.chunkXPos, this.currentChunk.chunkZPos); } } } /** * This method currently only increases chunk inhabited time. Extension is possible in next versions */ public void processChunk() { this.increaseInhabitedTime(PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getChunkFromChunkCoords(this.currentChunk.chunkXPos, this.currentChunk.chunkZPos)); } /** * Increases chunk inhabited time every 8000 ticks */ private void increaseInhabitedTime(Chunk p_111196_1_) { p_111196_1_.inhabitedTime += PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getTotalWorldTime() - this.previousWorldTime; this.previousWorldTime = PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getTotalWorldTime(); } public void flagChunkForUpdate(int p_151253_1_, int p_151253_2_, int p_151253_3_) { if (this.numBlocksToUpdate == 0) { PlayerManager.this.playerInstancesToUpdate.add(this); } this.flagsYAreasToUpdate |= 1 << (p_151253_2_ >> 4); //if (this.numberOfTilesToUpdate < 64) //Forge; Cache everything, so always run { short short1 = (short)(p_151253_1_ << 12 | p_151253_3_ << 8 | p_151253_2_); for (int l = 0; l < this.numBlocksToUpdate; ++l) { if (this.locationOfBlockChange[l] == short1) { return; } } if (numBlocksToUpdate == locationOfBlockChange.length) { locationOfBlockChange = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(locationOfBlockChange, locationOfBlockChange.length << 1); } this.locationOfBlockChange[this.numBlocksToUpdate++] = short1; } } public void sendToAllPlayersWatchingChunk(Packet p_151251_1_) { for (int i = 0; i < this.playersWatchingChunk.size(); ++i) { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = (EntityPlayerMP)this.playersWatchingChunk.get(i); if (!entityplayermp.loadedChunks.contains(this.currentChunk)) { entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(p_151251_1_); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void onUpdate() { if (this.numBlocksToUpdate != 0) { int i; int j; int k; if (this.numBlocksToUpdate == 1) { i = this.currentChunk.chunkXPos * 16 + (this.locationOfBlockChange[0] >> 12 & 15); j = this.locationOfBlockChange[0] & 255; k = this.currentChunk.chunkZPos * 16 + (this.locationOfBlockChange[0] >> 8 & 15); this.sendToAllPlayersWatchingChunk(new S23PacketBlockChange(i, j, k, PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer)); if (PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getBlock(i, j, k).hasTileEntity(PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getBlockMetadata(i, j, k))) { this.sendTileToAllPlayersWatchingChunk(PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getTileEntity(i, j, k)); } } else { int l; if (this.numBlocksToUpdate >= net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer.clumpingThreshold) { i = this.currentChunk.chunkXPos * 16; j = this.currentChunk.chunkZPos * 16; this.sendToAllPlayersWatchingChunk(new S21PacketChunkData(PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getChunkFromChunkCoords(this.currentChunk.chunkXPos, this.currentChunk.chunkZPos), false, this.flagsYAreasToUpdate)); // Forge: Grabs ALL tile entities is costly on a modded server, only send needed ones for (k = 0; false && k < 16; ++k) { if ((this.flagsYAreasToUpdate & 1 << k) != 0) { l = k << 4; List list = PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.func_147486_a(i, l, j, i + 16, l + 16, j + 16); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < list.size(); ++i1) { this.sendTileToAllPlayersWatchingChunk((TileEntity)list.get(i1)); } } } } else { this.sendToAllPlayersWatchingChunk(new S22PacketMultiBlockChange(this.numBlocksToUpdate, this.locationOfBlockChange, PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getChunkFromChunkCoords(this.currentChunk.chunkXPos, this.currentChunk.chunkZPos))); } { //Forge: Send only the tile entities that are updated, Adding this brace lets us keep the indent and the patch small WorldServer world = PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer; for (i = 0; i < this.numBlocksToUpdate; ++i) { j = this.currentChunk.chunkXPos * 16 + (this.locationOfBlockChange[i] >> 12 & 15); k = this.locationOfBlockChange[i] & 255; l = this.currentChunk.chunkZPos * 16 + (this.locationOfBlockChange[i] >> 8 & 15); if (world.getBlock(j, k, l).hasTileEntity(world.getBlockMetadata(j, k, l))) { this.sendTileToAllPlayersWatchingChunk(PlayerManager.this.theWorldServer.getTileEntity(j, k, l)); } } } } this.numBlocksToUpdate = 0; this.flagsYAreasToUpdate = 0; } } private void sendTileToAllPlayersWatchingChunk(TileEntity p_151252_1_) { if (p_151252_1_ != null) { Packet packet = p_151252_1_.getDescriptionPacket(); if (packet != null) { this.sendToAllPlayersWatchingChunk(packet); } } } } }