package net.minecraft.util; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow; import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityFireball; import; public class DamageSource { public static DamageSource inFire = (new DamageSource("inFire")).setFireDamage(); public static DamageSource onFire = (new DamageSource("onFire")).setDamageBypassesArmor().setFireDamage(); public static DamageSource lava = (new DamageSource("lava")).setFireDamage(); public static DamageSource inWall = (new DamageSource("inWall")).setDamageBypassesArmor(); public static DamageSource drown = (new DamageSource("drown")).setDamageBypassesArmor(); public static DamageSource starve = (new DamageSource("starve")).setDamageBypassesArmor().setDamageIsAbsolute(); public static DamageSource cactus = new DamageSource("cactus"); public static DamageSource fall = (new DamageSource("fall")).setDamageBypassesArmor(); public static DamageSource outOfWorld = (new DamageSource("outOfWorld")).setDamageBypassesArmor().setDamageAllowedInCreativeMode(); public static DamageSource generic = (new DamageSource("generic")).setDamageBypassesArmor(); public static DamageSource magic = (new DamageSource("magic")).setDamageBypassesArmor().setMagicDamage(); public static DamageSource wither = (new DamageSource("wither")).setDamageBypassesArmor(); public static DamageSource anvil = new DamageSource("anvil"); public static DamageSource fallingBlock = new DamageSource("fallingBlock"); /** This kind of damage can be blocked or not. */ private boolean isUnblockable; private boolean isDamageAllowedInCreativeMode; /** Whether or not the damage ignores modification by potion effects or enchantments. */ private boolean damageIsAbsolute; private float hungerDamage = 0.3F; /** This kind of damage is based on fire or not. */ private boolean fireDamage; /** This kind of damage is based on a projectile or not. */ private boolean projectile; /** Whether this damage source will have its damage amount scaled based on the current difficulty. */ private boolean difficultyScaled; /** Whether the damage is magic based. */ private boolean magicDamage; private boolean explosion; public String damageType; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001521"; public static DamageSource causeMobDamage(EntityLivingBase p_76358_0_) { return new EntityDamageSource("mob", p_76358_0_); } /** * returns an EntityDamageSource of type player */ public static DamageSource causePlayerDamage(EntityPlayer p_76365_0_) { return new EntityDamageSource("player", p_76365_0_); } /** * returns EntityDamageSourceIndirect of an arrow */ public static DamageSource causeArrowDamage(EntityArrow p_76353_0_, Entity p_76353_1_) { return (new EntityDamageSourceIndirect("arrow", p_76353_0_, p_76353_1_)).setProjectile(); } /** * returns EntityDamageSourceIndirect of a fireball */ public static DamageSource causeFireballDamage(EntityFireball p_76362_0_, Entity p_76362_1_) { return p_76362_1_ == null ? (new EntityDamageSourceIndirect("onFire", p_76362_0_, p_76362_0_)).setFireDamage().setProjectile() : (new EntityDamageSourceIndirect("fireball", p_76362_0_, p_76362_1_)).setFireDamage().setProjectile(); } public static DamageSource causeThrownDamage(Entity p_76356_0_, Entity p_76356_1_) { return (new EntityDamageSourceIndirect("thrown", p_76356_0_, p_76356_1_)).setProjectile(); } public static DamageSource causeIndirectMagicDamage(Entity p_76354_0_, Entity p_76354_1_) { return (new EntityDamageSourceIndirect("indirectMagic", p_76354_0_, p_76354_1_)).setDamageBypassesArmor().setMagicDamage(); } /** * Returns the EntityDamageSource of the Thorns enchantment */ public static DamageSource causeThornsDamage(Entity p_92087_0_) { return (new EntityDamageSource("thorns", p_92087_0_)).setMagicDamage(); } public static DamageSource setExplosionSource(Explosion p_94539_0_) { return p_94539_0_ != null && p_94539_0_.getExplosivePlacedBy() != null ? (new EntityDamageSource("explosion.player", p_94539_0_.getExplosivePlacedBy())).setDifficultyScaled().setExplosion() : (new DamageSource("explosion")).setDifficultyScaled().setExplosion(); } /** * Returns true if the damage is projectile based. */ public boolean isProjectile() { return this.projectile; } /** * Define the damage type as projectile based. */ public DamageSource setProjectile() { this.projectile = true; return this; } public boolean isExplosion() { return this.explosion; } public DamageSource setExplosion() { this.explosion = true; return this; } public boolean isUnblockable() { return this.isUnblockable; } /** * How much satiate(food) is consumed by this DamageSource */ public float getHungerDamage() { return this.hungerDamage; } public boolean canHarmInCreative() { return this.isDamageAllowedInCreativeMode; } /** * Whether or not the damage ignores modification by potion effects or enchantments. */ public boolean isDamageAbsolute() { return this.damageIsAbsolute; } public DamageSource(String p_i1566_1_) { this.damageType = p_i1566_1_; } public Entity getSourceOfDamage() { return this.getEntity(); } public Entity getEntity() { return null; } public DamageSource setDamageBypassesArmor() { this.isUnblockable = true; this.hungerDamage = 0.0F; return this; } public DamageSource setDamageAllowedInCreativeMode() { this.isDamageAllowedInCreativeMode = true; return this; } /** * Sets a value indicating whether the damage is absolute (ignores modification by potion effects or enchantments), * and also clears out hunger damage. */ public DamageSource setDamageIsAbsolute() { this.damageIsAbsolute = true; this.hungerDamage = 0.0F; return this; } /** * Define the damage type as fire based. */ public DamageSource setFireDamage() { this.fireDamage = true; return this; } /** * Gets the death message that is displayed when the player dies */ public IChatComponent getDeathMessage(EntityLivingBase p_151519_1_) { EntityLivingBase entitylivingbase1 = p_151519_1_.func_94060_bK(); String s = "death.attack." + this.damageType; String s1 = s + ".player"; return entitylivingbase1 != null && StatCollector.canTranslate(s1) ? new ChatComponentTranslation(s1, new Object[] {p_151519_1_.getFormattedCommandSenderName(), entitylivingbase1.getFormattedCommandSenderName()}): new ChatComponentTranslation(s, new Object[] {p_151519_1_.getFormattedCommandSenderName()}); } /** * Returns true if the damage is fire based. */ public boolean isFireDamage() { return this.fireDamage; } /** * Return the name of damage type. */ public String getDamageType() { return this.damageType; } /** * Set whether this damage source will have its damage amount scaled based on the current difficulty. */ public DamageSource setDifficultyScaled() { this.difficultyScaled = true; return this; } /** * Return whether this damage source will have its damage amount scaled based on the current difficulty. */ public boolean isDifficultyScaled() { return this.difficultyScaled; } /** * Returns true if the damage is magic based. */ public boolean isMagicDamage() { return this.magicDamage; } /** * Define the damage type as magic based. */ public DamageSource setMagicDamage() { this.magicDamage = true; return this; } }