package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; public class NoiseGeneratorOctaves extends NoiseGenerator { /** Collection of noise generation functions. Output is combined to produce different octaves of noise. */ private NoiseGeneratorImproved[] generatorCollection; private int octaves; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000535"; public NoiseGeneratorOctaves(Random p_i2111_1_, int p_i2111_2_) { this.octaves = p_i2111_2_; this.generatorCollection = new NoiseGeneratorImproved[p_i2111_2_]; for (int j = 0; j < p_i2111_2_; ++j) { this.generatorCollection[j] = new NoiseGeneratorImproved(p_i2111_1_); } } /** * pars:(par2,3,4=noiseOffset ; so that adjacent noise segments connect) (pars5,6,7=x,y,zArraySize),(pars8,10,12 = * x,y,z noiseScale) */ public double[] generateNoiseOctaves(double[] p_76304_1_, int p_76304_2_, int p_76304_3_, int p_76304_4_, int p_76304_5_, int p_76304_6_, int p_76304_7_, double p_76304_8_, double p_76304_10_, double p_76304_12_) { if (p_76304_1_ == null) { p_76304_1_ = new double[p_76304_5_ * p_76304_6_ * p_76304_7_]; } else { for (int k1 = 0; k1 < p_76304_1_.length; ++k1) { p_76304_1_[k1] = 0.0D; } } double d6 = 1.0D; for (int l1 = 0; l1 < this.octaves; ++l1) { double d3 = (double)p_76304_2_ * d6 * p_76304_8_; double d4 = (double)p_76304_3_ * d6 * p_76304_10_; double d5 = (double)p_76304_4_ * d6 * p_76304_12_; long i2 = MathHelper.floor_double_long(d3); long j2 = MathHelper.floor_double_long(d5); d3 -= (double)i2; d5 -= (double)j2; i2 %= 16777216L; j2 %= 16777216L; d3 += (double)i2; d5 += (double)j2; this.generatorCollection[l1].populateNoiseArray(p_76304_1_, d3, d4, d5, p_76304_5_, p_76304_6_, p_76304_7_, p_76304_8_ * d6, p_76304_10_ * d6, p_76304_12_ * d6, d6); d6 /= 2.0D; } return p_76304_1_; } /** * Bouncer function to the main one with some default arguments. */ public double[] generateNoiseOctaves(double[] p_76305_1_, int p_76305_2_, int p_76305_3_, int p_76305_4_, int p_76305_5_, double p_76305_6_, double p_76305_8_, double p_76305_10_) { return this.generateNoiseOctaves(p_76305_1_, p_76305_2_, 10, p_76305_3_, p_76305_4_, 1, p_76305_5_, p_76305_6_, 1.0D, p_76305_8_); } }