package; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.command.IEntitySelector; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureAttribute; import net.minecraft.entity.IEntityLivingData; import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityChicken; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.potion.Potion; import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.Event.Result; import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory; import; public class EntityZombie extends EntityMob { protected static final IAttribute field_110186_bp = (new RangedAttribute("zombie.spawnReinforcements", 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D)).setDescription("Spawn Reinforcements Chance"); private static final UUID babySpeedBoostUUID = UUID.fromString("B9766B59-9566-4402-BC1F-2EE2A276D836"); private static final AttributeModifier babySpeedBoostModifier = new AttributeModifier(babySpeedBoostUUID, "Baby speed boost", 0.5D, 1); private final EntityAIBreakDoor field_146075_bs = new EntityAIBreakDoor(this); /** Ticker used to determine the time remaining for this zombie to convert into a villager when cured. */ private int conversionTime; private boolean field_146076_bu = false; private float field_146074_bv = -1.0F; private float field_146073_bw; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001702"; public EntityZombie(World p_i1745_1_) { super(p_i1745_1_); this.getNavigator().setBreakDoors(true); this.tasks.addTask(0, new EntityAISwimming(this)); this.tasks.addTask(2, new EntityAIAttackOnCollide(this, EntityPlayer.class, 1.0D, false)); this.tasks.addTask(4, new EntityAIAttackOnCollide(this, EntityVillager.class, 1.0D, true)); this.tasks.addTask(5, new EntityAIMoveTowardsRestriction(this, 1.0D)); this.tasks.addTask(6, new EntityAIMoveThroughVillage(this, 1.0D, false)); this.tasks.addTask(7, new EntityAIWander(this, 1.0D)); this.tasks.addTask(8, new EntityAIWatchClosest(this, EntityPlayer.class, 8.0F)); this.tasks.addTask(8, new EntityAILookIdle(this)); this.targetTasks.addTask(1, new EntityAIHurtByTarget(this, true)); this.targetTasks.addTask(2, new EntityAINearestAttackableTarget(this, EntityPlayer.class, 0, true)); this.targetTasks.addTask(2, new EntityAINearestAttackableTarget(this, EntityVillager.class, 0, false)); this.setSize(0.6F, 1.8F); } protected void applyEntityAttributes() { super.applyEntityAttributes(); this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.followRange).setBaseValue(40.0D); this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).setBaseValue(0.23000000417232513D); this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.attackDamage).setBaseValue(3.0D); this.getAttributeMap().registerAttribute(field_110186_bp).setBaseValue(this.rand.nextDouble() * ForgeModContainer.zombieSummonBaseChance); } protected void entityInit() { super.entityInit(); this.getDataWatcher().addObject(12, Byte.valueOf((byte)0)); this.getDataWatcher().addObject(13, Byte.valueOf((byte)0)); this.getDataWatcher().addObject(14, Byte.valueOf((byte)0)); } /** * Returns the current armor value as determined by a call to InventoryPlayer.getTotalArmorValue */ public int getTotalArmorValue() { int i = super.getTotalArmorValue() + 2; if (i > 20) { i = 20; } return i; } /** * Returns true if the newer Entity AI code should be run */ protected boolean isAIEnabled() { return true; } public boolean func_146072_bX() { return this.field_146076_bu; } public void func_146070_a(boolean p_146070_1_) { if (this.field_146076_bu != p_146070_1_) { this.field_146076_bu = p_146070_1_; if (p_146070_1_) { this.tasks.addTask(1, this.field_146075_bs); } else { this.tasks.removeTask(this.field_146075_bs); } } } /** * If Animal, checks if the age timer is negative */ public boolean isChild() { return this.getDataWatcher().getWatchableObjectByte(12) == 1; } /** * Get the experience points the entity currently has. */ protected int getExperiencePoints(EntityPlayer p_70693_1_) { if (this.isChild()) { this.experienceValue = (int)((float)this.experienceValue * 2.5F); } return super.getExperiencePoints(p_70693_1_); } /** * Set whether this zombie is a child. */ public void setChild(boolean p_82227_1_) { this.getDataWatcher().updateObject(12, Byte.valueOf((byte)(p_82227_1_ ? 1 : 0))); if (this.worldObj != null && !this.worldObj.isRemote) { IAttributeInstance iattributeinstance = this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed); iattributeinstance.removeModifier(babySpeedBoostModifier); if (p_82227_1_) { iattributeinstance.applyModifier(babySpeedBoostModifier); } } this.func_146071_k(p_82227_1_); } /** * Return whether this zombie is a villager. */ public boolean isVillager() { return this.getDataWatcher().getWatchableObjectByte(13) == 1; } /** * Set whether this zombie is a villager. */ public void setVillager(boolean p_82229_1_) { this.getDataWatcher().updateObject(13, Byte.valueOf((byte)(p_82229_1_ ? 1 : 0))); } /** * Called frequently so the entity can update its state every tick as required. For example, zombies and skeletons * use this to react to sunlight and start to burn. */ public void onLivingUpdate() { if (this.worldObj.isDaytime() && !this.worldObj.isRemote && !this.isChild()) { float f = this.getBrightness(1.0F); if (f > 0.5F && this.rand.nextFloat() * 30.0F < (f - 0.4F) * 2.0F && this.worldObj.canBlockSeeTheSky(MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posY), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ))) { boolean flag = true; ItemStack itemstack = this.getEquipmentInSlot(4); if (itemstack != null) { if (itemstack.isItemStackDamageable()) { itemstack.setMetadata(itemstack.getCurrentDurability() + this.rand.nextInt(2)); if (itemstack.getCurrentDurability() >= itemstack.getMaxDurability()) { this.renderBrokenItemStack(itemstack); this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(4, (ItemStack)null); } } flag = false; } if (flag) { this.setFire(8); } } } if (this.isRiding() && this.getAttackTarget() != null && this.ridingEntity instanceof EntityChicken) { ((EntityLiving)this.ridingEntity).getNavigator().setPath(this.getNavigator().getPath(), 1.5D); } super.onLivingUpdate(); } /** * Called when the entity is attacked. */ public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource source, float amount) { if (!super.attackEntityFrom(source, amount)) { return false; } else { EntityLivingBase entitylivingbase = this.getAttackTarget(); if (entitylivingbase == null && this.getEntityToAttack() instanceof EntityLivingBase) { entitylivingbase = (EntityLivingBase)this.getEntityToAttack(); } if (entitylivingbase == null && source.getEntity() instanceof EntityLivingBase) { entitylivingbase = (EntityLivingBase)source.getEntity(); } int i = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX); int j = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posY); int k = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ); SummonAidEvent summonAid = ForgeEventFactory.fireZombieSummonAid(this, worldObj, i, j, k, entitylivingbase, this.getEntityAttribute(field_110186_bp).getAttributeValue()); if (summonAid.getResult() == Result.DENY) { return true; } else if (summonAid.getResult() == Result.ALLOW || entitylivingbase != null && this.worldObj.difficultySetting == EnumDifficulty.HARD && (double)this.rand.nextFloat() < this.getEntityAttribute(field_110186_bp).getAttributeValue()) { EntityZombie entityzombie; if (summonAid.customSummonedAid != null && summonAid.getResult() == Result.ALLOW) { entityzombie = summonAid.customSummonedAid; } else { entityzombie = new EntityZombie(this.worldObj); } for (int l = 0; l < 50; ++l) { int i1 = i + MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(this.rand, 7, 40) * MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(this.rand, -1, 1); int j1 = j + MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(this.rand, 7, 40) * MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(this.rand, -1, 1); int k1 = k + MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(this.rand, 7, 40) * MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(this.rand, -1, 1); if (World.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(this.worldObj, i1, j1 - 1, k1) && this.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(i1, j1, k1) < 10) { entityzombie.setPosition((double)i1, (double)j1, (double)k1); if (this.worldObj.checkNoEntityCollision(entityzombie.boundingBox) && this.worldObj.getCollidingBoundingBoxes(entityzombie, entityzombie.boundingBox).isEmpty() && !this.worldObj.isAnyLiquid(entityzombie.boundingBox)) { this.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entityzombie); if (entitylivingbase != null) entityzombie.setAttackTarget(entitylivingbase); entityzombie.onSpawnWithEgg((IEntityLivingData)null); this.getEntityAttribute(field_110186_bp).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Zombie reinforcement caller charge", -0.05000000074505806D, 0)); entityzombie.getEntityAttribute(field_110186_bp).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Zombie reinforcement callee charge", -0.05000000074505806D, 0)); break; } } } } return true; } } /** * Called to update the entity's position/logic. */ public void onUpdate() { if (!this.worldObj.isRemote && this.isConverting()) { int i = this.getConversionTimeBoost(); this.conversionTime -= i; if (this.conversionTime <= 0) { this.convertToVillager(); } } super.onUpdate(); } public boolean attackEntityAsMob(Entity p_70652_1_) { boolean flag = super.attackEntityAsMob(p_70652_1_); if (flag) { int i = this.worldObj.difficultySetting.getDifficultyId(); if (this.getHeldItem() == null && this.isBurning() && this.rand.nextFloat() < (float)i * 0.3F) { p_70652_1_.setFire(2 * i); } } return flag; } /** * Returns the sound this mob makes while it's alive. */ protected String getLivingSound() { return "mob.zombie.say"; } /** * Returns the sound this mob makes when it is hurt. */ protected String getHurtSound() { return "mob.zombie.hurt"; } /** * Returns the sound this mob makes on death. */ protected String getDeathSound() { return "mob.zombie.death"; } protected void playStepSound(int x, int y, int z, Block blockIn) { this.playSound("mob.zombie.step", 0.15F, 1.0F); } protected Item getDropItem() { return Items.rotten_flesh; } /** * Get this Entity's EnumCreatureAttribute */ public EnumCreatureAttribute getCreatureAttribute() { return EnumCreatureAttribute.UNDEAD; } protected void dropRareDrop(int p_70600_1_) { switch (this.rand.nextInt(3)) { case 0: this.dropItem(Items.iron_ingot, 1); break; case 1: this.dropItem(Items.carrot, 1); break; case 2: this.dropItem(Items.potato, 1); } } /** * Makes entity wear random armor based on difficulty */ protected void addRandomArmor() { super.addRandomArmor(); if (this.rand.nextFloat() < (this.worldObj.difficultySetting == EnumDifficulty.HARD ? 0.05F : 0.01F)) { int i = this.rand.nextInt(3); if (i == 0) { this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.iron_sword)); } else { this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.iron_shovel)); } } } /** * (abstract) Protected helper method to write subclass entity data to NBT. */ public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.writeEntityToNBT(tagCompound); if (this.isChild()) { tagCompound.setBoolean("IsBaby", true); } if (this.isVillager()) { tagCompound.setBoolean("IsVillager", true); } tagCompound.setInteger("ConversionTime", this.isConverting() ? this.conversionTime : -1); tagCompound.setBoolean("CanBreakDoors", this.func_146072_bX()); } /** * (abstract) Protected helper method to read subclass entity data from NBT. */ public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompund) { super.readEntityFromNBT(tagCompund); if (tagCompund.getBoolean("IsBaby")) { this.setChild(true); } if (tagCompund.getBoolean("IsVillager")) { this.setVillager(true); } if (tagCompund.hasKey("ConversionTime", 99) && tagCompund.getInteger("ConversionTime") > -1) { this.startConversion(tagCompund.getInteger("ConversionTime")); } this.func_146070_a(tagCompund.getBoolean("CanBreakDoors")); } /** * This method gets called when the entity kills another one. */ public void onKillEntity(EntityLivingBase entityLivingIn) { super.onKillEntity(entityLivingIn); if ((this.worldObj.difficultySetting == EnumDifficulty.NORMAL || this.worldObj.difficultySetting == EnumDifficulty.HARD) && entityLivingIn instanceof EntityVillager) { if (this.worldObj.difficultySetting != EnumDifficulty.HARD && this.rand.nextBoolean()) { return; } EntityZombie entityzombie = new EntityZombie(this.worldObj); entityzombie.copyLocationAndAnglesFrom(entityLivingIn); this.worldObj.removeEntity(entityLivingIn); entityzombie.onSpawnWithEgg((IEntityLivingData)null); entityzombie.setVillager(true); if (entityLivingIn.isChild()) { entityzombie.setChild(true); } this.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entityzombie); this.worldObj.playAuxSFXAtEntity((EntityPlayer)null, 1016, (int)this.posX, (int)this.posY, (int)this.posZ, 0); } } public IEntityLivingData onSpawnWithEgg(IEntityLivingData p_110161_1_) { Object p_110161_1_1 = super.onSpawnWithEgg(p_110161_1_); float f = this.worldObj.getTensionFactorForBlock(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ); this.setCanPickUpLoot(this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.55F * f); if (p_110161_1_1 == null) { p_110161_1_1 = new EntityZombie.GroupData(this.worldObj.rand.nextFloat() < ForgeModContainer.zombieBabyChance, this.worldObj.rand.nextFloat() < 0.05F, null); } if (p_110161_1_1 instanceof EntityZombie.GroupData) { EntityZombie.GroupData groupdata = (EntityZombie.GroupData)p_110161_1_1; if (groupdata.field_142046_b) { this.setVillager(true); } if (groupdata.field_142048_a) { this.setChild(true); if ((double)this.worldObj.rand.nextFloat() < 0.05D) { List list = this.worldObj.selectEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityChicken.class, this.boundingBox.expand(5.0D, 3.0D, 5.0D), IEntitySelector.field_152785_b); if (!list.isEmpty()) { EntityChicken entitychicken = (EntityChicken)list.get(0); entitychicken.func_152117_i(true); this.mountEntity(entitychicken); } } else if ((double)this.worldObj.rand.nextFloat() < 0.05D) { EntityChicken entitychicken1 = new EntityChicken(this.worldObj); entitychicken1.setLocationAndAngles(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, this.rotationYaw, 0.0F); entitychicken1.onSpawnWithEgg((IEntityLivingData)null); entitychicken1.func_152117_i(true); this.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitychicken1); this.mountEntity(entitychicken1); } } } this.func_146070_a(this.rand.nextFloat() < f * 0.1F); this.addRandomArmor(); this.enchantEquipment(); if (this.getEquipmentInSlot(4) == null) { Calendar calendar = this.worldObj.getCurrentDate(); if (calendar.get(2) + 1 == 10 && calendar.get(5) == 31 && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25F) { this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(4, new ItemStack(this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.1F ? Blocks.lit_pumpkin : Blocks.pumpkin)); this.equipmentDropChances[4] = 0.0F; } } this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.knockbackResistance).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Random spawn bonus", this.rand.nextDouble() * 0.05000000074505806D, 0)); double d0 = this.rand.nextDouble() * 1.5D * (double)this.worldObj.getTensionFactorForBlock(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ); if (d0 > 1.0D) { this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.followRange).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Random zombie-spawn bonus", d0, 2)); } if (this.rand.nextFloat() < f * 0.05F) { this.getEntityAttribute(field_110186_bp).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Leader zombie bonus", this.rand.nextDouble() * 0.25D + 0.5D, 0)); this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Leader zombie bonus", this.rand.nextDouble() * 3.0D + 1.0D, 2)); this.func_146070_a(true); } return (IEntityLivingData)p_110161_1_1; } /** * Called when a player interacts with a mob. e.g. gets milk from a cow, gets into the saddle on a pig. */ public boolean interact(EntityPlayer p_70085_1_) { ItemStack itemstack = p_70085_1_.getCurrentEquippedItem(); if (itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Items.golden_apple && itemstack.getMetadata() == 0 && this.isVillager() && this.isPotionActive(Potion.weakness)) { if (!p_70085_1_.capabilities.isCreativeMode) { --itemstack.stackSize; } if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) { p_70085_1_.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(p_70085_1_.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null); } if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { this.startConversion(this.rand.nextInt(2401) + 3600); } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Starts converting this zombie into a villager. The zombie converts into a villager after the specified time in * ticks. */ protected void startConversion(int p_82228_1_) { this.conversionTime = p_82228_1_; this.getDataWatcher().updateObject(14, Byte.valueOf((byte)1)); this.removePotionEffect(; this.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(, p_82228_1_, Math.min(this.worldObj.difficultySetting.getDifficultyId() - 1, 0))); this.worldObj.setEntityState(this, (byte)16); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void handleHealthUpdate(byte p_70103_1_) { if (p_70103_1_ == 16) { this.worldObj.playSound(this.posX + 0.5D, this.posY + 0.5D, this.posZ + 0.5D, "mob.zombie.remedy", 1.0F + this.rand.nextFloat(), this.rand.nextFloat() * 0.7F + 0.3F, false); } else { super.handleHealthUpdate(p_70103_1_); } } /** * Determines if an entity can be despawned, used on idle far away entities */ protected boolean canDespawn() { return !this.isConverting(); } /** * Returns whether this zombie is in the process of converting to a villager */ public boolean isConverting() { return this.getDataWatcher().getWatchableObjectByte(14) == 1; } /** * Convert this zombie into a villager. */ protected void convertToVillager() { EntityVillager entityvillager = new EntityVillager(this.worldObj); entityvillager.copyLocationAndAnglesFrom(this); entityvillager.onSpawnWithEgg((IEntityLivingData)null); entityvillager.setLookingForHome(); if (this.isChild()) { entityvillager.setGrowingAge(-24000); } this.worldObj.removeEntity(this); this.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entityvillager); entityvillager.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(, 200, 0)); this.worldObj.playAuxSFXAtEntity((EntityPlayer)null, 1017, (int)this.posX, (int)this.posY, (int)this.posZ, 0); } /** * Return the amount of time decremented from conversionTime every tick. */ protected int getConversionTimeBoost() { int i = 1; if (this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.01F) { int j = 0; for (int k = (int)this.posX - 4; k < (int)this.posX + 4 && j < 14; ++k) { for (int l = (int)this.posY - 4; l < (int)this.posY + 4 && j < 14; ++l) { for (int i1 = (int)this.posZ - 4; i1 < (int)this.posZ + 4 && j < 14; ++i1) { Block block = this.worldObj.getBlock(k, l, i1); if (block == Blocks.iron_bars || block == Blocks.bed) { if (this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.3F) { ++i; } ++j; } } } } } return i; } public void func_146071_k(boolean p_146071_1_) { this.func_146069_a(p_146071_1_ ? 0.5F : 1.0F); } /** * Sets the width and height of the entity. Args: width, height */ protected final void setSize(float width, float height) { boolean flag = this.field_146074_bv > 0.0F && this.field_146073_bw > 0.0F; this.field_146074_bv = width; this.field_146073_bw = height; if (!flag) { this.func_146069_a(1.0F); } } protected final void func_146069_a(float p_146069_1_) { super.setSize(this.field_146074_bv * p_146069_1_, this.field_146073_bw * p_146069_1_); } class GroupData implements IEntityLivingData { public boolean field_142048_a; public boolean field_142046_b; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001704"; private GroupData(boolean p_i2348_2_, boolean p_i2348_3_) { this.field_142048_a = false; this.field_142046_b = false; this.field_142048_a = p_i2348_2_; this.field_142046_b = p_i2348_3_; } GroupData(boolean p_i2349_2_, boolean p_i2349_3_, Object p_i2349_4_) { this(p_i2349_2_, p_i2349_3_); } } }