package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; public class RegionFile { private static final byte[] emptySector = new byte[4096]; private final File fileName; private RandomAccessFile dataFile; private final int[] offsets = new int[1024]; private final int[] chunkTimestamps = new int[1024]; private ArrayList sectorFree; /** McRegion sizeDelta */ private int sizeDelta; private long lastModified; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000381"; public RegionFile(File p_i2001_1_) { this.fileName = p_i2001_1_; this.sizeDelta = 0; try { if (p_i2001_1_.exists()) { this.lastModified = p_i2001_1_.lastModified(); } this.dataFile = new RandomAccessFile(p_i2001_1_, "rw"); int i; if (this.dataFile.length() < 4096L) { for (i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) { this.dataFile.writeInt(0); } for (i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) { this.dataFile.writeInt(0); } this.sizeDelta += 8192; } if ((this.dataFile.length() & 4095L) != 0L) { for (i = 0; (long)i < (this.dataFile.length() & 4095L); ++i) { this.dataFile.write(0); } } i = (int)this.dataFile.length() / 4096; this.sectorFree = new ArrayList(i); int j; for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) { this.sectorFree.add(Boolean.valueOf(true)); } this.sectorFree.set(0, Boolean.valueOf(false)); this.sectorFree.set(1, Boolean.valueOf(false));; int k; for (j = 0; j < 1024; ++j) { k = this.dataFile.readInt(); this.offsets[j] = k; if (k != 0 && (k >> 8) + (k & 255) <= this.sectorFree.size()) { for (int l = 0; l < (k & 255); ++l) { this.sectorFree.set((k >> 8) + l, Boolean.valueOf(false)); } } } for (j = 0; j < 1024; ++j) { k = this.dataFile.readInt(); this.chunkTimestamps[j] = k; } } catch (IOException ioexception) { ioexception.printStackTrace(); } } // This is a copy (sort of) of the method below it, make sure they stay in sync public synchronized boolean chunkExists(int x, int z) { if (this.outOfBounds(x, z)) return false; try { int offset = this.getOffset(x, z); if (offset == 0) return false; int sectorNumber = offset >> 8; int numSectors = offset & 255; if (sectorNumber + numSectors > this.sectorFree.size()) return false; * 4096)); int length = this.dataFile.readInt(); if (length > 4096 * numSectors || length <= 0) return false; byte version = this.dataFile.readByte(); if (version == 1 || version == 2) return true; } catch (IOException ioexception) { return false; } return false; } /** * args: x, y - get uncompressed chunk stream from the region file */ public synchronized DataInputStream getChunkDataInputStream(int p_76704_1_, int p_76704_2_) { if (this.outOfBounds(p_76704_1_, p_76704_2_)) { return null; } else { try { int k = this.getOffset(p_76704_1_, p_76704_2_); if (k == 0) { return null; } else { int l = k >> 8; int i1 = k & 255; if (l + i1 > this.sectorFree.size()) { return null; } else { * 4096)); int j1 = this.dataFile.readInt(); if (j1 > 4096 * i1) { return null; } else if (j1 <= 0) { return null; } else { byte b0 = this.dataFile.readByte(); byte[] abyte; if (b0 == 1) { abyte = new byte[j1 - 1];; return new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(abyte)))); } else if (b0 == 2) { abyte = new byte[j1 - 1];; return new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new InflaterInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(abyte)))); } else { return null; } } } } } catch (IOException ioexception) { return null; } } } /** * args: x, z - get an output stream used to write chunk data, data is on disk when the returned stream is closed */ public DataOutputStream getChunkDataOutputStream(int p_76710_1_, int p_76710_2_) { return this.outOfBounds(p_76710_1_, p_76710_2_) ? null : new DataOutputStream(new DeflaterOutputStream(new RegionFile.ChunkBuffer(p_76710_1_, p_76710_2_))); } /** * args: x, z, data, length - write chunk data at (x, z) to disk */ protected synchronized void write(int p_76706_1_, int p_76706_2_, byte[] p_76706_3_, int p_76706_4_) { try { int l = this.getOffset(p_76706_1_, p_76706_2_); int i1 = l >> 8; int j1 = l & 255; int k1 = (p_76706_4_ + 5) / 4096 + 1; if (k1 >= 256) { return; } if (i1 != 0 && j1 == k1) { this.write(i1, p_76706_3_, p_76706_4_); } else { int l1; for (l1 = 0; l1 < j1; ++l1) { this.sectorFree.set(i1 + l1, Boolean.valueOf(true)); } l1 = this.sectorFree.indexOf(Boolean.valueOf(true)); int i2 = 0; int j2; if (l1 != -1) { for (j2 = l1; j2 < this.sectorFree.size(); ++j2) { if (i2 != 0) { if (((Boolean)this.sectorFree.get(j2)).booleanValue()) { ++i2; } else { i2 = 0; } } else if (((Boolean)this.sectorFree.get(j2)).booleanValue()) { l1 = j2; i2 = 1; } if (i2 >= k1) { break; } } } if (i2 >= k1) { i1 = l1; this.setOffset(p_76706_1_, p_76706_2_, l1 << 8 | k1); for (j2 = 0; j2 < k1; ++j2) { this.sectorFree.set(i1 + j2, Boolean.valueOf(false)); } this.write(i1, p_76706_3_, p_76706_4_); } else {; i1 = this.sectorFree.size(); for (j2 = 0; j2 < k1; ++j2) { this.dataFile.write(emptySector); this.sectorFree.add(Boolean.valueOf(false)); } this.sizeDelta += 4096 * k1; this.write(i1, p_76706_3_, p_76706_4_); this.setOffset(p_76706_1_, p_76706_2_, i1 << 8 | k1); } } this.setChunkTimestamp(p_76706_1_, p_76706_2_, (int)(MinecraftServer.getCurrentTimeMillis() / 1000L)); } catch (IOException ioexception) { ioexception.printStackTrace(); } } /** * args: sectorNumber, data, length - write the chunk data to this RegionFile */ private void write(int p_76712_1_, byte[] p_76712_2_, int p_76712_3_) throws IOException { * 4096)); this.dataFile.writeInt(p_76712_3_ + 1); this.dataFile.writeByte(2); this.dataFile.write(p_76712_2_, 0, p_76712_3_); } /** * args: x, z - check region bounds */ private boolean outOfBounds(int p_76705_1_, int p_76705_2_) { return p_76705_1_ < 0 || p_76705_1_ >= 32 || p_76705_2_ < 0 || p_76705_2_ >= 32; } /** * args: x, y - get chunk's offset in region file */ private int getOffset(int p_76707_1_, int p_76707_2_) { return this.offsets[p_76707_1_ + p_76707_2_ * 32]; } /** * args: x, z, - true if chunk has been saved / converted */ public boolean isChunkSaved(int p_76709_1_, int p_76709_2_) { return this.getOffset(p_76709_1_, p_76709_2_) != 0; } /** * args: x, z, offset - sets the chunk's offset in the region file */ private void setOffset(int p_76711_1_, int p_76711_2_, int p_76711_3_) throws IOException { this.offsets[p_76711_1_ + p_76711_2_ * 32] = p_76711_3_; + p_76711_2_ * 32) * 4)); this.dataFile.writeInt(p_76711_3_); } /** * args: x, z, timestamp - sets the chunk's write timestamp */ private void setChunkTimestamp(int p_76713_1_, int p_76713_2_, int p_76713_3_) throws IOException { this.chunkTimestamps[p_76713_1_ + p_76713_2_ * 32] = p_76713_3_; + (p_76713_1_ + p_76713_2_ * 32) * 4)); this.dataFile.writeInt(p_76713_3_); } /** * close this RegionFile and prevent further writes */ public void close() throws IOException { if (this.dataFile != null) { this.dataFile.close(); } } class ChunkBuffer extends ByteArrayOutputStream { private int chunkX; private int chunkZ; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000382"; public ChunkBuffer(int p_i2000_2_, int p_i2000_3_) { super(8096); this.chunkX = p_i2000_2_; this.chunkZ = p_i2000_3_; } public void close() throws IOException { RegionFile.this.write(this.chunkX, this.chunkZ, this.buf, this.count); } } }