package net.minecraft.crash; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; public class CrashReportCategory { private final CrashReport theCrashReport; private final String field_85076_b; private final List field_85077_c = new ArrayList(); private StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[0]; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001409"; public CrashReportCategory(CrashReport p_i1353_1_, String p_i1353_2_) { this.theCrashReport = p_i1353_1_; this.field_85076_b = p_i1353_2_; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static String func_85074_a(double p_85074_0_, double p_85074_2_, double p_85074_4_) { return String.format("%.2f,%.2f,%.2f - %s", new Object[] {Double.valueOf(p_85074_0_), Double.valueOf(p_85074_2_), Double.valueOf(p_85074_4_), getLocationInfo(MathHelper.floor_double(p_85074_0_), MathHelper.floor_double(p_85074_2_), MathHelper.floor_double(p_85074_4_))}); } /** * Returns a string with world information on location.Args:x,y,z */ public static String getLocationInfo(int p_85071_0_, int p_85071_1_, int p_85071_2_) { StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); try { stringbuilder.append(String.format("World: (%d,%d,%d)", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(p_85071_0_), Integer.valueOf(p_85071_1_), Integer.valueOf(p_85071_2_)})); } catch (Throwable throwable2) { stringbuilder.append("(Error finding world loc)"); } stringbuilder.append(", "); int l; int i1; int j1; int k1; int l1; int i2; int j2; int k2; int l2; try { l = p_85071_0_ >> 4; i1 = p_85071_2_ >> 4; j1 = p_85071_0_ & 15; k1 = p_85071_1_ >> 4; l1 = p_85071_2_ & 15; i2 = l << 4; j2 = i1 << 4; k2 = (l + 1 << 4) - 1; l2 = (i1 + 1 << 4) - 1; stringbuilder.append(String.format("Chunk: (at %d,%d,%d in %d,%d; contains blocks %d,0,%d to %d,255,%d)", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(j1), Integer.valueOf(k1), Integer.valueOf(l1), Integer.valueOf(l), Integer.valueOf(i1), Integer.valueOf(i2), Integer.valueOf(j2), Integer.valueOf(k2), Integer.valueOf(l2)})); } catch (Throwable throwable1) { stringbuilder.append("(Error finding chunk loc)"); } stringbuilder.append(", "); try { l = p_85071_0_ >> 9; i1 = p_85071_2_ >> 9; j1 = l << 5; k1 = i1 << 5; l1 = (l + 1 << 5) - 1; i2 = (i1 + 1 << 5) - 1; j2 = l << 9; k2 = i1 << 9; l2 = (l + 1 << 9) - 1; int i3 = (i1 + 1 << 9) - 1; stringbuilder.append(String.format("Region: (%d,%d; contains chunks %d,%d to %d,%d, blocks %d,0,%d to %d,255,%d)", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(l), Integer.valueOf(i1), Integer.valueOf(j1), Integer.valueOf(k1), Integer.valueOf(l1), Integer.valueOf(i2), Integer.valueOf(j2), Integer.valueOf(k2), Integer.valueOf(l2), Integer.valueOf(i3)})); } catch (Throwable throwable) { stringbuilder.append("(Error finding world loc)"); } return stringbuilder.toString(); } /** * Adds a Crashreport section with the given name with the value set to the result of the given Callable; */ public void addCrashSectionCallable(String p_71500_1_, Callable p_71500_2_) { try { this.addCrashSection(p_71500_1_,; } catch (Throwable throwable) { this.addCrashSectionThrowable(p_71500_1_, throwable); } } /** * Adds a Crashreport section with the given name with the given value (convered .toString()) */ public void addCrashSection(String p_71507_1_, Object p_71507_2_) { this.field_85077_c.add(new CrashReportCategory.Entry(p_71507_1_, p_71507_2_)); } /** * Adds a Crashreport section with the given name with the given Throwable */ public void addCrashSectionThrowable(String p_71499_1_, Throwable p_71499_2_) { this.addCrashSection(p_71499_1_, p_71499_2_); } /** * Resets our stack trace according to the current trace, pruning the deepest 3 entries. The parameter indicates * how many additional deepest entries to prune. Returns the number of entries in the resulting pruned stack trace. */ public int getPrunedStackTrace(int p_85073_1_) { StackTraceElement[] astacktraceelement = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); if (astacktraceelement.length <= 0) { return 0; } else { int len = astacktraceelement.length - 3 - p_85073_1_; // Really Mojang, Still, god damn... if (len <= 0) len = astacktraceelement.length; this.stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[len]; System.arraycopy(astacktraceelement, astacktraceelement.length - len, this.stackTrace, 0, this.stackTrace.length); return this.stackTrace.length; } } /** * Do the deepest two elements of our saved stack trace match the given elements, in order from the deepest? */ public boolean firstTwoElementsOfStackTraceMatch(StackTraceElement p_85069_1_, StackTraceElement p_85069_2_) { if (this.stackTrace.length != 0 && p_85069_1_ != null) { StackTraceElement stacktraceelement2 = this.stackTrace[0]; if (stacktraceelement2.isNativeMethod() == p_85069_1_.isNativeMethod() && stacktraceelement2.getClassName().equals(p_85069_1_.getClassName()) && stacktraceelement2.getFileName().equals(p_85069_1_.getFileName()) && stacktraceelement2.getMethodName().equals(p_85069_1_.getMethodName())) { if (p_85069_2_ != null != this.stackTrace.length > 1) { return false; } else if (p_85069_2_ != null && !this.stackTrace[1].equals(p_85069_2_)) { return false; } else { this.stackTrace[0] = p_85069_1_; return true; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Removes the given number entries from the bottom of the stack trace. */ public void trimStackTraceEntriesFromBottom(int p_85070_1_) { StackTraceElement[] astacktraceelement = new StackTraceElement[this.stackTrace.length - p_85070_1_]; System.arraycopy(this.stackTrace, 0, astacktraceelement, 0, astacktraceelement.length); this.stackTrace = astacktraceelement; } public void appendToStringBuilder(StringBuilder p_85072_1_) { p_85072_1_.append("-- ").append(this.field_85076_b).append(" --\n"); p_85072_1_.append("Details:"); Iterator iterator = this.field_85077_c.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { CrashReportCategory.Entry entry = (CrashReportCategory.Entry); p_85072_1_.append("\n\t"); p_85072_1_.append(entry.func_85089_a()); p_85072_1_.append(": "); p_85072_1_.append(entry.func_85090_b()); } if (this.stackTrace != null && this.stackTrace.length > 0) { p_85072_1_.append("\nStacktrace:"); StackTraceElement[] astacktraceelement = this.stackTrace; int j = astacktraceelement.length; for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) { StackTraceElement stacktraceelement = astacktraceelement[i]; p_85072_1_.append("\n\tat "); p_85072_1_.append(stacktraceelement.toString()); } } } public StackTraceElement[] func_147152_a() { return this.stackTrace; } public static void addBlockInfo(CrashReportCategory category, final int x, final int y, final int z, final Block blockIn, final int meta) { final int i = Block.getIdFromBlock(blockIn); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Block type", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001426"; public String call() { try { return String.format("ID #%d (%s // %s)", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(i), blockIn.getUnlocalizedName(), blockIn.getClass().getCanonicalName()}); } catch (Throwable throwable) { return "ID #" + i; } } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Block data value", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001441"; public String call() { if (meta < 0) { return "Unknown? (Got " + meta + ")"; } else { String s = String.format("%4s", new Object[] {Integer.toBinaryString(meta)}).replace(" ", "0"); return String.format("%1$d / 0x%1$X / 0b%2$s", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(meta), s}); } } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Block location", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001465"; public String call() { return CrashReportCategory.getLocationInfo(x, y, z); } }); } static class Entry { private final String field_85092_a; private final String field_85091_b; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001489"; public Entry(String p_i1352_1_, Object p_i1352_2_) { this.field_85092_a = p_i1352_1_; if (p_i1352_2_ == null) { this.field_85091_b = "~~NULL~~"; } else if (p_i1352_2_ instanceof Throwable) { Throwable throwable = (Throwable)p_i1352_2_; this.field_85091_b = "~~ERROR~~ " + throwable.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + throwable.getMessage(); } else { this.field_85091_b = p_i1352_2_.toString(); } } public String func_85089_a() { return this.field_85092_a; } public String func_85090_b() { return this.field_85091_b; } } }