package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; public abstract class WorldGenHugeTrees extends WorldGenAbstractTree { /** The base height of the tree */ protected final int baseHeight; /** Sets the metadata for the wood blocks used */ protected final int woodMetadata; /** Sets the metadata for the leaves used in huge trees */ protected final int leavesMetadata; protected int field_150538_d; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000423"; public WorldGenHugeTrees(boolean p_i45458_1_, int p_i45458_2_, int p_i45458_3_, int p_i45458_4_, int p_i45458_5_) { super(p_i45458_1_); this.baseHeight = p_i45458_2_; this.field_150538_d = p_i45458_3_; this.woodMetadata = p_i45458_4_; this.leavesMetadata = p_i45458_5_; } protected int func_150533_a(Random p_150533_1_) { int i = p_150533_1_.nextInt(3) + this.baseHeight; if (this.field_150538_d > 1) { i += p_150533_1_.nextInt(this.field_150538_d); } return i; } private boolean func_150536_b(World p_150536_1_, Random p_150536_2_, int p_150536_3_, int p_150536_4_, int p_150536_5_, int p_150536_6_) { boolean flag = true; if (p_150536_4_ >= 1 && p_150536_4_ + p_150536_6_ + 1 <= 256) { for (int i1 = p_150536_4_; i1 <= p_150536_4_ + 1 + p_150536_6_; ++i1) { byte b0 = 2; if (i1 == p_150536_4_) { b0 = 1; } if (i1 >= p_150536_4_ + 1 + p_150536_6_ - 2) { b0 = 2; } for (int j1 = p_150536_3_ - b0; j1 <= p_150536_3_ + b0 && flag; ++j1) { for (int k1 = p_150536_5_ - b0; k1 <= p_150536_5_ + b0 && flag; ++k1) { if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < 256) { Block block = p_150536_1_.getBlock(j1, i1, k1); if (!this.isReplaceable(p_150536_1_, j1, i1, k1)) { flag = false; } } else { flag = false; } } } } return flag; } else { return false; } } private boolean func_150532_c(World p_150532_1_, Random p_150532_2_, int p_150532_3_, int p_150532_4_, int p_150532_5_) { Block block = p_150532_1_.getBlock(p_150532_3_, p_150532_4_ - 1, p_150532_5_); boolean isSoil = block.canSustainPlant(p_150532_1_, p_150532_3_, p_150532_4_ - 1, p_150532_5_, ForgeDirection.UP, (BlockSapling)Blocks.sapling); if (isSoil && p_150532_4_ >= 2) { onPlantGrow(p_150532_1_, p_150532_3_, p_150532_4_ - 1, p_150532_5_, p_150532_3_, p_150532_4_, p_150532_5_); onPlantGrow(p_150532_1_, p_150532_3_ + 1, p_150532_4_ - 1, p_150532_5_, p_150532_3_, p_150532_4_, p_150532_5_); onPlantGrow(p_150532_1_, p_150532_3_, p_150532_4_ - 1, p_150532_5_ + 1, p_150532_3_, p_150532_4_, p_150532_5_); onPlantGrow(p_150532_1_, p_150532_3_ + 1, p_150532_4_ - 1, p_150532_5_ + 1, p_150532_3_, p_150532_4_, p_150532_5_); return true; } else { return false; } } protected boolean func_150537_a(World p_150537_1_, Random p_150537_2_, int p_150537_3_, int p_150537_4_, int p_150537_5_, int p_150537_6_) { return this.func_150536_b(p_150537_1_, p_150537_2_, p_150537_3_, p_150537_4_, p_150537_5_, p_150537_6_) && this.func_150532_c(p_150537_1_, p_150537_2_, p_150537_3_, p_150537_4_, p_150537_5_); } protected void func_150535_a(World p_150535_1_, int p_150535_2_, int p_150535_3_, int p_150535_4_, int p_150535_5_, Random p_150535_6_) { int i1 = p_150535_5_ * p_150535_5_; for (int j1 = p_150535_2_ - p_150535_5_; j1 <= p_150535_2_ + p_150535_5_ + 1; ++j1) { int k1 = j1 - p_150535_2_; for (int l1 = p_150535_4_ - p_150535_5_; l1 <= p_150535_4_ + p_150535_5_ + 1; ++l1) { int i2 = l1 - p_150535_4_; int j2 = k1 - 1; int k2 = i2 - 1; if (k1 * k1 + i2 * i2 <= i1 || j2 * j2 + k2 * k2 <= i1 || k1 * k1 + k2 * k2 <= i1 || j2 * j2 + i2 * i2 <= i1) { Block block = p_150535_1_.getBlock(j1, p_150535_3_, l1); if (block.isAir(p_150535_1_, j1, p_150535_3_, l1) || block.isLeaves(p_150535_1_, j1, p_150535_3_, l1)) { this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(p_150535_1_, j1, p_150535_3_, l1, Blocks.leaves, this.leavesMetadata); } } } } } protected void func_150534_b(World p_150534_1_, int p_150534_2_, int p_150534_3_, int p_150534_4_, int p_150534_5_, Random p_150534_6_) { int i1 = p_150534_5_ * p_150534_5_; for (int j1 = p_150534_2_ - p_150534_5_; j1 <= p_150534_2_ + p_150534_5_; ++j1) { int k1 = j1 - p_150534_2_; for (int l1 = p_150534_4_ - p_150534_5_; l1 <= p_150534_4_ + p_150534_5_; ++l1) { int i2 = l1 - p_150534_4_; if (k1 * k1 + i2 * i2 <= i1) { Block block = p_150534_1_.getBlock(j1, p_150534_3_, l1); if (block.isAir(p_150534_1_, j1, p_150534_3_, l1) || block.isLeaves(p_150534_1_, j1, p_150534_3_, l1)) { this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(p_150534_1_, j1, p_150534_3_, l1, Blocks.leaves, this.leavesMetadata); } } } } } //Just a helper macro private void onPlantGrow(World world, int x, int y, int z, int sourceX, int sourceY, int sourceZ) { world.getBlock(x, y, z).onPlantGrow(world, x, y, z, sourceX, sourceY, sourceZ); } }