package net.minecraft.potion; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class PotionHelper { public static final String field_77924_a = null; public static final String sugarEffect; public static final String ghastTearEffect = "+0-1-2-3&4-4+13"; public static final String spiderEyeEffect; public static final String fermentedSpiderEyeEffect; public static final String speckledMelonEffect; public static final String blazePowderEffect; public static final String magmaCreamEffect; public static final String redstoneEffect; public static final String glowstoneEffect; public static final String gunpowderEffect; public static final String goldenCarrotEffect; public static final String field_151423_m; private static final HashMap potionRequirements = new HashMap(); /** Potion effect amplifier map */ private static final HashMap potionAmplifiers = new HashMap(); private static final HashMap field_77925_n; /** An array of possible potion prefix names, as translation IDs. */ private static final String[] potionPrefixes; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000078"; /** * Checks if the bit at 1 << j is on in i. */ public static boolean checkFlag(int p_77914_0_, int p_77914_1_) { return (p_77914_0_ & 1 << p_77914_1_) != 0; } /** * Returns 1 if the flag is set, 0 if it is not set. */ private static int isFlagSet(int p_77910_0_, int p_77910_1_) { /** * Checks if the bit at 1 << j is on in i. */ return checkFlag(p_77910_0_, p_77910_1_) ? 1 : 0; } /** * Returns 0 if the flag is set, 1 if it is not set. */ private static int isFlagUnset(int p_77916_0_, int p_77916_1_) { /** * Checks if the bit at 1 << j is on in i. */ return checkFlag(p_77916_0_, p_77916_1_) ? 0 : 1; } public static int func_77909_a(int p_77909_0_) { return func_77908_a(p_77909_0_, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1); } /** * Given a {@link Collection}<{@link PotionEffect}> will return an Integer color. */ public static int calcPotionLiquidColor(Collection p_77911_0_) { int i = 3694022; if (p_77911_0_ != null && !p_77911_0_.isEmpty()) { float f = 0.0F; float f1 = 0.0F; float f2 = 0.0F; float f3 = 0.0F; Iterator iterator = p_77911_0_.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { PotionEffect potioneffect = (PotionEffect); int j = Potion.potionTypes[potioneffect.getPotionID()].getLiquidColor(); for (int k = 0; k <= potioneffect.getAmplifier(); ++k) { f += (float)(j >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F; f1 += (float)(j >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F; f2 += (float)(j >> 0 & 255) / 255.0F; ++f3; } } f = f / f3 * 255.0F; f1 = f1 / f3 * 255.0F; f2 = f2 / f3 * 255.0F; return (int)f << 16 | (int)f1 << 8 | (int)f2; } else { return i; } } public static boolean func_82817_b(Collection p_82817_0_) { Iterator iterator = p_82817_0_.iterator(); PotionEffect potioneffect; do { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return true; } potioneffect = (PotionEffect); } while (potioneffect.getIsAmbient()); return false; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static int func_77915_a(int p_77915_0_, boolean p_77915_1_) { if (!p_77915_1_) { if (field_77925_n.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(p_77915_0_))) { return ((Integer)field_77925_n.get(Integer.valueOf(p_77915_0_))).intValue(); } else { int j = calcPotionLiquidColor(getPotionEffects(p_77915_0_, false)); field_77925_n.put(Integer.valueOf(p_77915_0_), Integer.valueOf(j)); return j; } } else { /** * Given a {@link Collection}<{@link PotionEffect}> will return an Integer color. */ return calcPotionLiquidColor(getPotionEffects(p_77915_0_, p_77915_1_)); } } public static String func_77905_c(int p_77905_0_) { int j = func_77909_a(p_77905_0_); return potionPrefixes[j]; } private static int func_77904_a(boolean p_77904_0_, boolean p_77904_1_, boolean p_77904_2_, int p_77904_3_, int p_77904_4_, int p_77904_5_, int p_77904_6_) { int i1 = 0; if (p_77904_0_) { i1 = isFlagUnset(p_77904_6_, p_77904_4_); } else if (p_77904_3_ != -1) { if (p_77904_3_ == 0 && countSetFlags(p_77904_6_) == p_77904_4_) { i1 = 1; } else if (p_77904_3_ == 1 && countSetFlags(p_77904_6_) > p_77904_4_) { i1 = 1; } else if (p_77904_3_ == 2 && countSetFlags(p_77904_6_) < p_77904_4_) { i1 = 1; } } else { i1 = isFlagSet(p_77904_6_, p_77904_4_); } if (p_77904_1_) { i1 *= p_77904_5_; } if (p_77904_2_) { i1 *= -1; } return i1; } /** * Returns the number of 1 bits in the given integer. */ private static int countSetFlags(int p_77907_0_) { int j; for (j = 0; p_77907_0_ > 0; ++j) { p_77907_0_ &= p_77907_0_ - 1; } return j; } private static int parsePotionEffects(String p_77912_0_, int p_77912_1_, int p_77912_2_, int p_77912_3_) { if (p_77912_1_ < p_77912_0_.length() && p_77912_2_ >= 0 && p_77912_1_ < p_77912_2_) { int l = p_77912_0_.indexOf(124, p_77912_1_); int i1; int j2; if (l >= 0 && l < p_77912_2_) { i1 = parsePotionEffects(p_77912_0_, p_77912_1_, l - 1, p_77912_3_); if (i1 > 0) { return i1; } else { j2 = parsePotionEffects(p_77912_0_, l + 1, p_77912_2_, p_77912_3_); return j2 > 0 ? j2 : 0; } } else { i1 = p_77912_0_.indexOf(38, p_77912_1_); if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < p_77912_2_) { j2 = parsePotionEffects(p_77912_0_, p_77912_1_, i1 - 1, p_77912_3_); if (j2 <= 0) { return 0; } else { int k2 = parsePotionEffects(p_77912_0_, i1 + 1, p_77912_2_, p_77912_3_); return k2 <= 0 ? 0 : (j2 > k2 ? j2 : k2); } } else { boolean flag = false; boolean flag1 = false; boolean flag2 = false; boolean flag3 = false; boolean flag4 = false; byte b0 = -1; int j1 = 0; int k1 = 0; int l1 = 0; for (int i2 = p_77912_1_; i2 < p_77912_2_; ++i2) { char c0 = p_77912_0_.charAt(i2); if (c0 >= 48 && c0 <= 57) { if (flag) { k1 = c0 - 48; flag1 = true; } else { j1 *= 10; j1 += c0 - 48; flag2 = true; } } else if (c0 == 42) { flag = true; } else if (c0 == 33) { if (flag2) { l1 += func_77904_a(flag3, flag1, flag4, b0, j1, k1, p_77912_3_); flag3 = false; flag4 = false; flag = false; flag1 = false; flag2 = false; k1 = 0; j1 = 0; b0 = -1; } flag3 = true; } else if (c0 == 45) { if (flag2) { l1 += func_77904_a(flag3, flag1, flag4, b0, j1, k1, p_77912_3_); flag3 = false; flag4 = false; flag = false; flag1 = false; flag2 = false; k1 = 0; j1 = 0; b0 = -1; } flag4 = true; } else if (c0 != 61 && c0 != 60 && c0 != 62) { if (c0 == 43 && flag2) { l1 += func_77904_a(flag3, flag1, flag4, b0, j1, k1, p_77912_3_); flag3 = false; flag4 = false; flag = false; flag1 = false; flag2 = false; k1 = 0; j1 = 0; b0 = -1; } } else { if (flag2) { l1 += func_77904_a(flag3, flag1, flag4, b0, j1, k1, p_77912_3_); flag3 = false; flag4 = false; flag = false; flag1 = false; flag2 = false; k1 = 0; j1 = 0; b0 = -1; } if (c0 == 61) { b0 = 0; } else if (c0 == 60) { b0 = 2; } else if (c0 == 62) { b0 = 1; } } } if (flag2) { l1 += func_77904_a(flag3, flag1, flag4, b0, j1, k1, p_77912_3_); } return l1; } } } else { return 0; } } /** * Returns a list of effects for the specified potion damage value. */ public static List getPotionEffects(int p_77917_0_, boolean p_77917_1_) { ArrayList arraylist = null; Potion[] apotion = Potion.potionTypes; int j = apotion.length; for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k) { Potion potion = apotion[k]; if (potion != null && (!potion.isUsable() || p_77917_1_)) { String s = (String)potionRequirements.get(Integer.valueOf(potion.getId())); if (s != null) { int l = parsePotionEffects(s, 0, s.length(), p_77917_0_); if (l > 0) { int i1 = 0; String s1 = (String)potionAmplifiers.get(Integer.valueOf(potion.getId())); if (s1 != null) { i1 = parsePotionEffects(s1, 0, s1.length(), p_77917_0_); if (i1 < 0) { i1 = 0; } } if (potion.isInstant()) { l = 1; } else { l = 1200 * (l * 3 + (l - 1) * 2); l >>= i1; l = (int)Math.round((double)l * potion.getEffectiveness()); if ((p_77917_0_ & 16384) != 0) { l = (int)Math.round((double)l * 0.75D + 0.5D); } } if (arraylist == null) { arraylist = new ArrayList(); } PotionEffect potioneffect = new PotionEffect(potion.getId(), l, i1); if ((p_77917_0_ & 16384) != 0) { potioneffect.setSplashPotion(true); } arraylist.add(potioneffect); } } } } return arraylist; } /** * Manipulates the specified bit of the potion damage value according to the rules passed from applyIngredient. */ private static int brewBitOperations(int p_77906_0_, int p_77906_1_, boolean p_77906_2_, boolean p_77906_3_, boolean p_77906_4_) { if (p_77906_4_) { if (!checkFlag(p_77906_0_, p_77906_1_)) { return 0; } } else if (p_77906_2_) { p_77906_0_ &= ~(1 << p_77906_1_); } else if (p_77906_3_) { if ((p_77906_0_ & 1 << p_77906_1_) == 0) { p_77906_0_ |= 1 << p_77906_1_; } else { p_77906_0_ &= ~(1 << p_77906_1_); } } else { p_77906_0_ |= 1 << p_77906_1_; } return p_77906_0_; } /** * Returns the new potion damage value after the specified ingredient info is applied to the specified potion. */ public static int applyIngredient(int p_77913_0_, String p_77913_1_) { byte b0 = 0; int j = p_77913_1_.length(); boolean flag = false; boolean flag1 = false; boolean flag2 = false; boolean flag3 = false; int k = 0; for (int l = b0; l < j; ++l) { char c0 = p_77913_1_.charAt(l); if (c0 >= 48 && c0 <= 57) { k *= 10; k += c0 - 48; flag = true; } else if (c0 == 33) { if (flag) { p_77913_0_ = brewBitOperations(p_77913_0_, k, flag2, flag1, flag3); flag3 = false; flag1 = false; flag2 = false; flag = false; k = 0; } flag1 = true; } else if (c0 == 45) { if (flag) { p_77913_0_ = brewBitOperations(p_77913_0_, k, flag2, flag1, flag3); flag3 = false; flag1 = false; flag2 = false; flag = false; k = 0; } flag2 = true; } else if (c0 == 43) { if (flag) { p_77913_0_ = brewBitOperations(p_77913_0_, k, flag2, flag1, flag3); flag3 = false; flag1 = false; flag2 = false; flag = false; k = 0; } } else if (c0 == 38) { if (flag) { p_77913_0_ = brewBitOperations(p_77913_0_, k, flag2, flag1, flag3); flag3 = false; flag1 = false; flag2 = false; flag = false; k = 0; } flag3 = true; } } if (flag) { p_77913_0_ = brewBitOperations(p_77913_0_, k, flag2, flag1, flag3); } return p_77913_0_ & 32767; } public static int func_77908_a(int p_77908_0_, int p_77908_1_, int p_77908_2_, int p_77908_3_, int p_77908_4_, int p_77908_5_) { return (checkFlag(p_77908_0_, p_77908_1_) ? 16 : 0) | (checkFlag(p_77908_0_, p_77908_2_) ? 8 : 0) | (checkFlag(p_77908_0_, p_77908_3_) ? 4 : 0) | (checkFlag(p_77908_0_, p_77908_4_) ? 2 : 0) | (checkFlag(p_77908_0_, p_77908_5_) ? 1 : 0); } static { potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.regeneration.getId()), "0 & !1 & !2 & !3 & 0+6"); sugarEffect = "-0+1-2-3&4-4+13"; potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.moveSpeed.getId()), "!0 & 1 & !2 & !3 & 1+6"); magmaCreamEffect = "+0+1-2-3&4-4+13"; potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.fireResistance.getId()), "0 & 1 & !2 & !3 & 0+6"); speckledMelonEffect = "+0-1+2-3&4-4+13"; potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.heal.getId()), "0 & !1 & 2 & !3"); spiderEyeEffect = "-0-1+2-3&4-4+13"; potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.poison.getId()), "!0 & !1 & 2 & !3 & 2+6"); fermentedSpiderEyeEffect = "-0+3-4+13"; potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.weakness.getId()), "!0 & !1 & !2 & 3 & 3+6"); potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.harm.getId()), "!0 & !1 & 2 & 3"); potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.moveSlowdown.getId()), "!0 & 1 & !2 & 3 & 3+6"); blazePowderEffect = "+0-1-2+3&4-4+13"; potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.damageBoost.getId()), "0 & !1 & !2 & 3 & 3+6"); goldenCarrotEffect = "-0+1+2-3+13&4-4"; potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.nightVision.getId()), "!0 & 1 & 2 & !3 & 2+6"); potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.invisibility.getId()), "!0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 2+6"); field_151423_m = "+0-1+2+3+13&4-4"; potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.waterBreathing.getId()), "0 & !1 & 2 & 3 & 2+6"); glowstoneEffect = "+5-6-7"; potionAmplifiers.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.moveSpeed.getId()), "5"); potionAmplifiers.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.digSpeed.getId()), "5"); potionAmplifiers.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.damageBoost.getId()), "5"); potionAmplifiers.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.regeneration.getId()), "5"); potionAmplifiers.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.harm.getId()), "5"); potionAmplifiers.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.heal.getId()), "5"); potionAmplifiers.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.resistance.getId()), "5"); potionAmplifiers.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.poison.getId()), "5"); redstoneEffect = "-5+6-7"; gunpowderEffect = "+14&13-13"; field_77925_n = new HashMap(); potionPrefixes = new String[] {"potion.prefix.mundane", "potion.prefix.uninteresting", "potion.prefix.bland", "potion.prefix.clear", "potion.prefix.milky", "potion.prefix.diffuse", "potion.prefix.artless", "potion.prefix.thin", "potion.prefix.awkward", "potion.prefix.flat", "potion.prefix.bulky", "potion.prefix.bungling", "potion.prefix.buttered", "potion.prefix.smooth", "potion.prefix.suave", "potion.prefix.debonair", "potion.prefix.thick", "potion.prefix.elegant", "potion.prefix.fancy", "potion.prefix.charming", "potion.prefix.dashing", "potion.prefix.refined", "potion.prefix.cordial", "potion.prefix.sparkling", "potion.prefix.potent", "potion.prefix.foul", "potion.prefix.odorless", "potion.prefix.rank", "potion.prefix.harsh", "potion.prefix.acrid", "potion.prefix.gross", "potion.prefix.stinky"}; } }