package; import java.util.Iterator; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; public class WorldManager implements IWorldAccess { /** Reference to the MinecraftServer object. */ private MinecraftServer mcServer; /** The WorldServer object. */ private WorldServer theWorldServer; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001433"; public WorldManager(MinecraftServer p_i1517_1_, WorldServer p_i1517_2_) { this.mcServer = p_i1517_1_; this.theWorldServer = p_i1517_2_; } /** * Spawns a particle. Arg: particleType, x, y, z, velX, velY, velZ */ public void spawnParticle(String p_72708_1_, double p_72708_2_, double p_72708_4_, double p_72708_6_, double p_72708_8_, double p_72708_10_, double p_72708_12_) {} /** * Called on all IWorldAccesses when an entity is created or loaded. On client worlds, starts downloading any * necessary textures. On server worlds, adds the entity to the entity tracker. */ public void onEntityCreate(Entity p_72703_1_) { this.theWorldServer.getEntityTracker().trackEntity(p_72703_1_); } /** * Called on all IWorldAccesses when an entity is unloaded or destroyed. On client worlds, releases any downloaded * textures. On server worlds, removes the entity from the entity tracker. */ public void onEntityDestroy(Entity p_72709_1_) { this.theWorldServer.getEntityTracker().untrackEntity(p_72709_1_); } /** * Plays the specified sound. Arg: soundName, x, y, z, volume, pitch */ public void playSound(String soundName, double x, double y, double z, float volume, float pitch) { this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().sendToAllNear(x, y, z, volume > 1.0F ? (double)(16.0F * volume) : 16.0D, this.theWorldServer.provider.dimensionId, new S29PacketSoundEffect(soundName, x, y, z, volume, pitch)); } /** * Plays sound to all near players except the player reference given */ public void playSoundToNearExcept(EntityPlayer p_85102_1_, String p_85102_2_, double p_85102_3_, double p_85102_5_, double p_85102_7_, float p_85102_9_, float p_85102_10_) { this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().sendToAllNearExcept(p_85102_1_, p_85102_3_, p_85102_5_, p_85102_7_, p_85102_9_ > 1.0F ? (double)(16.0F * p_85102_9_) : 16.0D, this.theWorldServer.provider.dimensionId, new S29PacketSoundEffect(p_85102_2_, p_85102_3_, p_85102_5_, p_85102_7_, p_85102_9_, p_85102_10_)); } /** * On the client, re-renders all blocks in this range, inclusive. On the server, does nothing. Args: min x, min y, * min z, max x, max y, max z */ public void markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(int p_147585_1_, int p_147585_2_, int p_147585_3_, int p_147585_4_, int p_147585_5_, int p_147585_6_) {} /** * On the client, re-renders the block. On the server, sends the block to the client (which will re-render it), * including the tile entity description packet if applicable. Args: x, y, z */ public void markBlockForUpdate(int p_147586_1_, int p_147586_2_, int p_147586_3_) { this.theWorldServer.getPlayerManager().markBlockForUpdate(p_147586_1_, p_147586_2_, p_147586_3_); } /** * On the client, re-renders this block. On the server, does nothing. Used for lighting updates. */ public void markBlockForRenderUpdate(int p_147588_1_, int p_147588_2_, int p_147588_3_) {} /** * Plays the specified record. Arg: recordName, x, y, z */ public void playRecord(String p_72702_1_, int p_72702_2_, int p_72702_3_, int p_72702_4_) {} /** * Plays a pre-canned sound effect along with potentially auxiliary data-driven one-shot behaviour (particles, etc). */ public void playAuxSFX(EntityPlayer p_72706_1_, int p_72706_2_, int p_72706_3_, int p_72706_4_, int p_72706_5_, int p_72706_6_) { this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().sendToAllNearExcept(p_72706_1_, (double)p_72706_3_, (double)p_72706_4_, (double)p_72706_5_, 64.0D, this.theWorldServer.provider.dimensionId, new S28PacketEffect(p_72706_2_, p_72706_3_, p_72706_4_, p_72706_5_, p_72706_6_, false)); } public void broadcastSound(int p_82746_1_, int p_82746_2_, int p_82746_3_, int p_82746_4_, int p_82746_5_) { this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().sendPacketToAllPlayers(new S28PacketEffect(p_82746_1_, p_82746_2_, p_82746_3_, p_82746_4_, p_82746_5_, true)); } /** * Starts (or continues) destroying a block with given ID at the given coordinates for the given partially destroyed * value */ public void destroyBlockPartially(int p_147587_1_, int p_147587_2_, int p_147587_3_, int p_147587_4_, int p_147587_5_) { Iterator iterator = this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().playerEntityList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = (EntityPlayerMP); if (entityplayermp != null && entityplayermp.worldObj == this.theWorldServer && entityplayermp.getEntityId() != p_147587_1_) { double d0 = (double)p_147587_2_ - entityplayermp.posX; double d1 = (double)p_147587_3_ - entityplayermp.posY; double d2 = (double)p_147587_4_ - entityplayermp.posZ; if (d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2 < 1024.0D) { entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(new S25PacketBlockBreakAnim(p_147587_1_, p_147587_2_, p_147587_3_, p_147587_4_, p_147587_5_)); } } } } public void onStaticEntitiesChanged() {} }