package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.LongHashMap; public class BiomeCache { /** Reference to the WorldChunkManager */ private final WorldChunkManager chunkManager; /** The last time this BiomeCache was cleaned, in milliseconds. */ private long lastCleanupTime; /** The map of keys to BiomeCacheBlocks. Keys are based on the chunk x, z coordinates as (x | z << 32). */ private LongHashMap cacheMap = new LongHashMap(); /** The list of cached BiomeCacheBlocks */ private List cache = new ArrayList(); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000162"; public BiomeCache(WorldChunkManager p_i1973_1_) { this.chunkManager = p_i1973_1_; } /** * Returns a biome cache block at location specified. */ public BiomeCache.Block getBiomeCacheBlock(int p_76840_1_, int p_76840_2_) { p_76840_1_ >>= 4; p_76840_2_ >>= 4; long k = (long)p_76840_1_ & 4294967295L | ((long)p_76840_2_ & 4294967295L) << 32; BiomeCache.Block block = (BiomeCache.Block)this.cacheMap.getValueByKey(k); if (block == null) { block = new BiomeCache.Block(p_76840_1_, p_76840_2_); this.cacheMap.add(k, block); this.cache.add(block); } block.lastAccessTime = MinecraftServer.getCurrentTimeMillis(); return block; } /** * Returns the BiomeGenBase related to the x, z position from the cache. */ public BiomeGenBase getBiomeGenAt(int p_76837_1_, int p_76837_2_) { return this.getBiomeCacheBlock(p_76837_1_, p_76837_2_).getBiomeGenAt(p_76837_1_, p_76837_2_); } /** * Removes BiomeCacheBlocks from this cache that haven't been accessed in at least 30 seconds. */ public void cleanupCache() { long i = MinecraftServer.getCurrentTimeMillis(); long j = i - this.lastCleanupTime; if (j > 7500L || j < 0L) { this.lastCleanupTime = i; for (int k = 0; k < this.cache.size(); ++k) { BiomeCache.Block block = (BiomeCache.Block)this.cache.get(k); long l = i - block.lastAccessTime; if (l > 30000L || l < 0L) { this.cache.remove(k--); long i1 = (long)block.xPosition & 4294967295L | ((long)block.zPosition & 4294967295L) << 32; this.cacheMap.remove(i1); } } } } /** * Returns the array of cached biome types in the BiomeCacheBlock at the given location. */ public BiomeGenBase[] getCachedBiomes(int p_76839_1_, int p_76839_2_) { return this.getBiomeCacheBlock(p_76839_1_, p_76839_2_).biomes; } public class Block { /** An array of chunk rainfall values saved by this cache. */ public float[] rainfallValues = new float[256]; /** The array of biome types stored in this BiomeCacheBlock. */ public BiomeGenBase[] biomes = new BiomeGenBase[256]; /** The x coordinate of the BiomeCacheBlock. */ public int xPosition; /** The z coordinate of the BiomeCacheBlock. */ public int zPosition; /** The last time this BiomeCacheBlock was accessed, in milliseconds. */ public long lastAccessTime; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000163"; public Block(int p_i1972_2_, int p_i1972_3_) { this.xPosition = p_i1972_2_; this.zPosition = p_i1972_3_; BiomeCache.this.chunkManager.getRainfall(this.rainfallValues, p_i1972_2_ << 4, p_i1972_3_ << 4, 16, 16); BiomeCache.this.chunkManager.getBiomeGenAt(this.biomes, p_i1972_2_ << 4, p_i1972_3_ << 4, 16, 16, false); } /** * Returns the BiomeGenBase related to the x, z position from the cache block. */ public BiomeGenBase getBiomeGenAt(int p_76885_1_, int p_76885_2_) { return this.biomes[p_76885_1_ & 15 | (p_76885_2_ & 15) << 4]; } } }