package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import; import; public class MapGenBase { /** The number of Chunks to gen-check in any given direction. */ protected int range = 8; /** The RNG used by the MapGen classes. */ protected Random rand = new Random(); /** This world object. */ protected World worldObj; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000394"; public void generate(IChunkProvider p_151539_1_, World p_151539_2_, int p_151539_3_, int p_151539_4_, Block[] p_151539_5_) { int k = this.range; this.worldObj = p_151539_2_; this.rand.setSeed(p_151539_2_.getSeed()); long l = this.rand.nextLong(); long i1 = this.rand.nextLong(); for (int j1 = p_151539_3_ - k; j1 <= p_151539_3_ + k; ++j1) { for (int k1 = p_151539_4_ - k; k1 <= p_151539_4_ + k; ++k1) { long l1 = (long)j1 * l; long i2 = (long)k1 * i1; this.rand.setSeed(l1 ^ i2 ^ p_151539_2_.getSeed()); this.func_151538_a(p_151539_2_, j1, k1, p_151539_3_, p_151539_4_, p_151539_5_); } } } protected void func_151538_a(World worldIn, int p_151538_2_, int p_151538_3_, int p_151538_4_, int p_151538_5_, Block[] p_151538_6_) {} }